GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5137: Who strikes the first blow has the advantage!

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But our Cheng Family is always low-key, now suddenly must contend for the domain with inner court, can this expose us?” Yao Na said. “可是我们程家一向低调,现在突然要跟内朝抢地盘,这样会不会暴露我们自己呢?”姚娜说道。 As before, let the white bones army or is these belongs to Cheng Family outer court to attack and occupy is good!” Xin Yao said. “像以前一样,让白骨大军或者是那些归入程家外朝去攻占就好了!”心瑶说道。 But Cheng Yu also said a moment ago, these outer court not necessarily are the sincerity follows Saint Court, moreover outer court that they hit is not definitely willing to give to us. “可是程宇刚才也说了,那些外朝未必是真心追随圣朝,而且他们打下来的外朝肯定也不愿意送给我们。 Moreover, even if they gave to us, we must send out the person who oneself believe that it is estimated that must send for from Cheng Family. 另外,即便他们送给了我们,我们要派出自己相信的人的话,估计得从程家自己派人过去。 Wasn't such is equal to exposing us? Can't make the white bones soldier assume personal command? ” Yao Na thinks, as if feels strange! 那样不就是等于暴露了我们自己吗?总不能让白骨战士坐镇吧?”姚娜想了想,似乎还是觉得不妥! This...... Cheng Yu, you thought that what has better way?” Right now Xin Yao does not have the means to refute. “这个......程宇,你觉得有什么更好的办法吗?”这下子心瑶也没有办法反驳了。 This truly is an issue. 这确实是一个问题。 Wants the person who sends itself to believe controls the words of these cities, best is Cheng Family own person. 想要派自己信的过的人来掌控这些城池的话,最好是程家自己的人。 Although there is existence of Saint Court, but Saint Court to put it bluntly is not a person. 虽然有个圣朝的存在,可是圣朝说白了根本就不是人。 However if the Cheng Family person becomes city lord of these cities, that will make inner court find the problem unavoidably. 但是程家的人若是成为这些城池的城主,那难免会让内朝会发现问题。 Thinks to look, these cities are Saint Court and these outer court hit together. But why is to make the Cheng Family person act to become city lord of these cities? 想想看,这些城池都是圣朝和那些外朝一起打下来的。可是为什么却是让程家的人出面成为这些城池的城主呢? That does not clarify Cheng Family and Saint Court as well as these outer court is one group? 那不摆明了程家圣朝以及那些外朝是一伙的了吗? This matter not necessarily is also inoperable, our Cheng Family so many disciples, they are naturally impossible to know completely!” Cheng Yu said. “这件事情也未必不能操作,我们程家这么多弟子,他们自然也不可能全部都认识!”程宇说道。 Cheng Family so many disciple inner court truly coming out that is not necessarily able to check, wall that but the world has not ventilated, so long as there is this loophole, someday will have by the possibility of inner court discovery.” Yao Na said. 程家这么多弟子内朝确实未必都能够查的出来,可是天下没有不透风的墙,只要有这个漏洞,或许有一天就会有被内朝发现的可能。”姚娜说道。 Right, so long as has such loophole, sooner or later will be exposed!” Xin Yao approves the person of same belief. “没错,只要存在这样的漏洞,早晚有一天都会东窗事发的!”心瑶赞同道。 This has anything to be good to fear that perhaps, waits for them to know all these times, inner court had been given to extinguish by us!” Saying that Han Xue thinks little of actually. “这有什么好怕的,或许等他们知道这一切的时候,内朝都已经被我们给灭了!”韩雪倒是不以为意的说道。 Now Cheng Family has this about 1 million disciples, how inner court possibly everyone checks. 现在程家有这近百万的弟子,内朝怎么可能人人都查的到。 Pitifully Saint Court, only then the white bones army, without the means uses, otherwise actually!” Yang Ruoxue said. “可惜圣朝只有白骨大军,没有办法用,要不然倒是可以!”杨若雪说道。 Actually some people elect!” Cheng Yu said. “其实还是有人选的!”程宇说道。 What person?” Numerous woman curious say/way. “什么人?”众女人好奇道。 We have Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator of more than 200,000 people, these people are I select from each outer court. However inner court does not know that these outer court people ran up to our Cheng Family to come. “我们有二十万多人的渡劫期修士,这些人都是我从各个外朝挑来的。但是内朝并不知道那些外朝的人都跑到我们程家来了。 If we use these people to control these cities, that issue was simpler. 若是我们用这些人来掌控这些城池的话,那问题就简单多了。 Even if some day they checked, they also can only check these people to come from these outer court. 哪怕有一天他们查出来了,他们也只能查到这些人来自那些外朝 But these outer court have been separated from Royal Court, is the Royal Court traitor. These outer court overcame these cities, then makes their people run these cities is not the fair matter? ” Cheng Yu said with a smile. 而那些外朝本身就已经脱离了王朝,算是王朝的背叛者。这些外朝打下了这些城池,然后让他们的人掌管这些城池不是合情合理的事情吗?”程宇笑着说道。 Un, this idea is good, but really doesn't have the issue? After all these people also treated so many years in our Cheng Family, who knows that the person will recognize them?” Yao Na nods, but somewhat was worried. “嗯,这个主意不错,只是真的没有问题吗?毕竟这些人也在我们程家待了这么多年了,谁知道有没有人会认出他们呢?”姚娜点点头,但还是有几分担心。 „ Doesn't the back side of the mountain have few people not to descend the mountain to carry out the task? Chooses some loyalty to be high from these people, enough arranged to these cities! “后山不是还有一部分人并没有下山执行任务吗?从这些人当中挑选一些忠诚度高的,足够安排到这些城池当中了! Moreover, I also more than ten quite right candidates, can make them make city lord! ” Cheng Yu said. 另外,我还有十几个比较合适的人选,可以让他们去做城主!”程宇说道。 Which more than ten people?” Several people have doubts to say. “哪十几个人?”几人疑惑道。 Goes out previous time several subordinates who receive, moreover I lead them and inner court am being popular Le city to make war. “上一次出去的时候收的几个手下,而且我带着他们与内朝在兴乐城开战了。 Compares in keeping family's these people, these more than ten people are actually more appropriate. 相比于留在家族的这些人,这十几个人其实更合适。 Because they accompanied me to go to battle as Saint Court expert initially, therefore they, if becomes city lord of these cities, happen to makes inner court understand, this matter is only related with Saint Court and these outer court, has no relations with our Cheng Family! ” Cheng Yu answered. 因为当初他们可是陪着我以圣朝高手的身份出战的,所以他们若是成为了那些城池的城主,正好让内朝明白,这件事情只与圣朝和那些外朝有关,跟我们程家却没有任何关系!”程宇解释道。 This actually great idea, but that more than ten people now where?” They remember that Cheng Yu has not led the person to come back. “这倒是个好主意,不过那十几个人现在在哪里?”她们记得程宇并没有带人回来。 I have made them carry out the task, if really needs them to make these city lord, can look for momentarily them!” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “我早就让他们去执行任务了,不过若是真的需要他们来做这些城主的话,随时可以把他们找回来!”程宇笑着说道。 Because these people have pass on message jade Jane/simple, must find them not to take time. 因为这些人身上都有传讯玉简,要找到他们根本就不费事。 This thing may be much better compared with the cell phone, although the cell phone is seemingly convenient, however may not have the signal in Cultivation World. 这东西可比手机要好的多,虽然手机看似方便,但是在修真界可没有信号。 Especially the cell phone must charge, entire Cultivation World also does not have the power station, where charges! 尤其手机还得充电,整个修真界又没有发电站,哪里去充电! Therefore must this transmission jade Jane/simple be credible, when wants to use good, although is more complex, but regarding cultivator, this is in fact more appropriate, and is more covert. 所以还得这传送玉简靠谱,什么时候想用都行,虽然复杂一些,但实际上对于修士来说,这更加合适,而且更加隐蔽。 That this idea was made a final decision, but also the issue, you plan that now made these outer court participate to attack and occupy inner court these outer court together? “那这个主意算是敲定了,可现在还有一个问题,你打算让这些外朝一起参与攻占内朝的那些外朝吗? If makes these outer court make a move, when the time comes gives us or to give Saint Court these outer court, they are not necessarily resigned. 若是让这些外朝出手的话,到时候将这些外朝交给我们或者说交给圣朝,他们未必甘心。 When the time comes they thought that oneself are giving Saint Court to make the bridal clothes, instead may have other thoughts! ” Xin Yao said. 到时候他们觉得自己是在给圣朝做嫁衣,反而可能会有别的心思!”心瑶说道。 This does not need to be worried, we do not want all cities. Has many outer court between our Cheng Family and inner court. “这个不用担心,我们并不要所有的城池。在咱们程家内朝之间可是有好些个外朝的。 But these outer court cities not in a straight line, and peripheral these cities were OK. ” Cheng Yu said. 而这些外朝的城池又不是在一条直线上,以及周边的这些城池就可以了。”程宇说道。 Wish makes Cheng Family with huge crowds of people are wrapping city one after another, is not quite currently speaking appropriate. 想要让程家里三层外三层的包裹着一圈又一圈的城池,目前来说还不太合适。 Therefore he also can only back off, did not say that builds the impregnable bastion Cheng Family, but at least needs to control the initiative of war. 所以他也只能退而求其次,不说把程家打造成铜墙铁壁,但是至少要掌控大战的主动权。 So long as this online city during their controls, then the inner court path was controlled by them completely. 只要这条线上的城池都在他们自己的掌控之中,那么内朝的轨迹算是完全被他们掌控了。 Moreover, although other outer court not possible to be loyal and devoted to Cheng Family, however appears without a bigger benefit, they will not betray eventually. 而且,其他外朝虽然不可能对程家忠心耿耿,但是在没有更大的利益出现的时候,他们终究是不会背叛的。 When the time comes if inner court appears from other directions, these outer court should be able to help on busy. 到时候若是内朝从其他的方向出现的话,这些外朝应该还是能够帮的上忙的。 Let alone Cheng Family is different from other influence stations, 53 cities Cultivation World was really extremely in leisurely/scatter. 更何况程家与其他的势力驻地有所不同,在修真界这边的五十三座城池实在是太过于散了。 Span such big, wish lets Cheng Family gathering round with huge crowds of people, how many cities can they seize? 跨度如此之大,想要让程家里三层外三层的围着,那他们得占领多少城池? If he really occupied these cities in the name of Saint Court, when the time comes these outer court feared was also the meeting must be discontented. 若他真的以圣朝的名义将这些城池都占了,到时候这些外朝怕是也会要有所不满了。 Therefore he will not plan temporarily does is so extreme. 所以他暂时不会打算做的这么极端。 After really removes inner court, he will arrange the world city again. 等到真的将内朝除掉之后,他会重新再对天下城池进行安排。 At that time did not have the disturbance of inner court, even if these outer court had discontentedly, but the Cheng Family strength was most powerful, they did not have the means. 那个时候没有了内朝的干扰,这些外朝就算有所不满,但是程家实力最为强大,他们也没有办法。 Naturally, the method is extremely strong definitely is also incorrect, but so long as when the time comes makes up to them with other cities, coming to use both persuasion and threats, they will not naturally repel. 当然,手段太过强硬肯定也是不行的,不过到时候只要用其他的城池给他们补上,来个软硬兼施,他们自然也就不会那么排斥了。 This truly does not have the issue, did not have the means to make our Cheng Family so safe. If there is words that outer court must rebel against again, that Cheng Family will probably bring the enormous loss to us!” Xin Yao thinks to say. “这样的话倒确实没有问题,就是没有办法让我们程家那么安全了。万一这其中有外朝要再反叛的话,那可能会给我们程家带来极大的损失!”心瑶想了想说道。 This does not have the matter of means that if really wants such that achieves you to plan, the city that we need to seize were too many. “这也是没有办法的事情,若真想要做到你们计划的那样,我们需要占领的城池太多了。 Actually defense also of these cities, most also provide some information for us. 其实这些城池的防御也就那样,最多也就是为我们提供一些情报罢了。 If really wants to establish beside Cheng Family the firm city to defend one after another, that price is not general big. 若是真想要在程家之外建立起一圈又一圈坚固的城池来防御,那代价可不是一般的大。 You should know, to control these channels, we have paid a big price. 你们应该知道,就为了控制这些通道,我们就已经付出不小的代价了。 If must also so build peripheral so many cities, even if our Cheng Family present family property, feared that is somewhat is still unbearable. 而若是要将外围那么多的城池也如此打造的话,即便是我们程家现在的家底,怕是也有些够呛的。 Also, our resources cannot be used to make these completely, otherwise, we later were very difficult the normal operation! ” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. 再说了,我们的资源也不能全部都用来弄这些,否则的话,我们以后就很难正常运行下去了!”程宇摇摇头说道。 The fish and bear's paws cannot have both. 鱼与熊掌不能兼得。 Their propositions are truly good, if from the safe perspective, this will be definitely safer. 她们的提议确实不错,若是从安全的角度来说的话,这样肯定会更加保险一些。 However wants to realize this plan, this was really difficult. 但是想要将这个计划实现,这真的是太困难了。 At least by the present condition, unusual difficulty. 至少以现在的条件来说,就非常的困难。 Said is also, since, we main channel will control in this case temporarily. At least needs to make us achieve inner court to dispatch troops, we can quickest knowing!” Xin Yao is also helpless saying. “说的也是,既然这样的话,那咱们就暂时将主要的通道控制起来。至少要让我们做到内朝一出兵,我们就能够最快的知晓!”心瑶也是无奈的说道。 Right, now that is it, we can achieve is also these. As for must build the iron bucket the Cheng Family surrounding, after that can only wait till inner court destroys completely, on this day under completely turns over to the hand of our Cheng Family. “没错,就是这个意思,我们现在能够做到的也就是这些。至于要将程家外围打造着铁桶,那只能等到将内朝灭掉之后,这天下尽归我们程家之手。 By that time, we came to arrange all again. 到了那个时候,我们再来重新安排一切。 But now, actually our true cores are 53 cities. Especially Cultivation World that some cities, must the enhancement defense as far as possible. 而现在,其实我们真正的核心还是五十三城。尤其是修真界的那部分城池,要尽量的加强防御。 Because these cities of surrounding are most are also the protracted next time, makes some hindrance to them. 因为外围的那些城池最多也就是拖延下时间,给他们制造一些阻碍罢了。 However these hindrance are many, if inner court attacks us, must project on our city eventually external. 但是这些阻碍再多,内朝若要攻打我们,终究还是要打到我们城外来的。 So long as the defenses these 53 cities achieves the pinnacle, they do not have the means with us. 所以只要将这五十三城的防御达到极致,他们也同样拿我们没有办法。 Since which day of these cities were really broken through by them, I also arranged such protecting clan big in Cheng Family, inner court wanted to break through the formation, where can be that simple matter! ” Cheng Yu self-confident saying. 既然哪一天这些城池真的被他们攻破了,我在程家也布置了这样的护族大阵,内朝想要破阵,哪会是那么简单的事情!”程宇自信的说道。 After all the range is bigger is more difficult to control, wants to build the impregnable bastion naturally is also more difficult. 毕竟范围越大就越难掌控,想要打造成铜墙铁壁自然也是更加困难。 Compared with these, builds Cheng Family to be possible obviously compared with building 53 city simple many. 与这些相比,显然打造一个程家可要比打造五十三座城池简单的多。 But builds 53 cities to be possible compared with building several hundred several thousand cities wants simple many. 而打造五十三座城池可比打造几百几千座城池要简单的多。 What is more important, compares arranges the disciple to build 53 cities in him, but Cheng Family protecting clan big he himself builds personally. 更重要的是,相比于他安排弟子去打造五十三座城池,而程家的护族大阵可是他自己亲手打造的。 These Spiritual Vein and spirit crystal lineage/vein that he himself collects took, this was 53 cities does not have compared with the means. 就连他自己珍藏的那些灵脉和灵晶脉都拿出来了,这可是五十三城没有办法相比的。 Therefore in his opinion, even if inner court really projected on Secular World to come, if he is not really willing to block the channel, made inner court attack Cheng Family is still not necessarily able to be broken through. 所以在他看来,就算内朝真的打到世俗来了,若是他真的不愿意将通道封死的话,就让内朝来攻打程家也未必就会被攻破。 That this, you may want the quick point to act, others inner court armies do not arrive at outside our city when the time comes, that this plan had no significance!” The Yang Ruoxue reminder said. “那就这样吧,你可要快一点出手,别到时候人家内朝大军都来到我们城外了,那这计划就没有任何意义了!”杨若雪提醒道。
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