Underexplaining of Cheng Family, these300disciplesalsofrom the 36peakone after anotherdescended the mountain, in this case, as far as possibledid not bring toothers'attention.
在程家的交待下,这三百弟子也是从三十六峰陆陆续续的下山去了,这样的话,尽可能的不引起别人的注意。Sincehas taught the strategytothesedisciples, thatCheng Yucomparesto believetothem.
既然已经把阵法传授给了这些弟子,那程宇对他们还是比较相信的。Moreovertheirset up formationstrengthstrulyare also good, thisalsoexplained that training of theseyear of confrontationcourts of laware also worth.
而且他们的布阵实力也确实不错,这也说明这些年对阵法堂的培养也是值得的。Even iftrulyconsumedsomeresources, for exampleSpirit Stone(s)crystal stoneand so onmassiveconsumptions, butthat are not related.
哪怕确实多耗费了一些资源,比如灵石晶石之类的都在大量的消耗,但那也没有关系。At leastnowwhenCheng Familyneedsthem, theycanendureeventuallyusegreatly.
起码现在在程家需要他们的时候,他们终究还是能堪大用的。Infollowingtime, Cheng Yu, althoughhas keptCheng Family, buthas actually been watching the situations of thesedisciples.
接下来的时间里,程宇虽然一直都留在程家,但是却一直关注着这些弟子的情况。Henot onlyhopesthese people ableto complete the set up formationtaskearlier, but fearstheirarrange/clothtoowill be discoveredquickly.
他既希望这些人能够早点完成布阵任务,但是又怕他们布的太快会被发现。Becauseamong more than 300people, only then18Crossing Tribulation Stagecultivator, therefore his more than 300individualat mostcanbe divided into18teams.
由于这三百多人当中只有十八个渡劫期的修士,所以他这三百多个人最多也只能分成十八个队伍。Ifin the middle of a teamdoes not haveCrossing Tribulation Stageto arrange a base, the strength of thatthisstrategywill considerably be weaken.
因为如果一个队伍当中没有渡劫期来布置阵基的话,那这个阵法的实力就会大大减弱。Let aloneCheng Yutolet the strategystrength of eachcitybeing uniform, thereforethisstrategycompares the strategies of 18Crossing Tribulation Stagecultivatorarrangement, certainlywantsto be weaker.
更何况程宇本身就是为了让每座城池的阵法力量得到平均化,所以这阵法相比于十八个渡劫期修士布置的阵法来说,肯定是要弱一些的。ThereforemakesCrossing Tribulation Stagecultivatorarrange a base, thiswashisfinalbottom line.
因此让一个渡劫期修士来布置阵基,这是他最后的底线了。Ifthisis unwarrantable, thatinner courtarmycatches up, even withoutimmortalarmy, canveryeasilybreaks openbig.
若是连这个都不能保证的话,那内朝大军赶来,就算不用仙人大军,也能够很轻易的破开大阵的。HoweverhadCrossing Tribulation Stagecultivator to be different, although the otherparts of strategywere slightly weak, but the foundation of thisstrategywas stable.
不过有渡劫期修士可就不一样了,虽然阵法的其他部分稍微弱了一些,但是这个阵法的根基稳固。Likehouseandground, even if the housedid not consolidateis destroyed, at leastgroundalso.
就像房子与地基一样,就算房子不稳固被摧毁了,至少地基还在。So long as the groundstill, wantsto break openbigis not that simplematter.
只要地基还在,想要破开大阵就不是那么简单的事情。ButwhatnowmadeCheng Yustillcompare the headachewas, inner courtthesepeoplestillrovedinvariouscitiesunexpectedly, does not knowwhatthesefellowshitwaswhatabacus.
而现在让程宇仍然比较头痛的是,内朝的那些人竟然还在各城池转来转去,也不知道这些家伙到底打的是什么算盘。Naturally, ifthesefellowsreallydo not needto return toinner courtagain, butisdirectlyto the inner courtsignalling, makingthemlead the armyto come, theywantto cometo collaborate from outside with the insideinCheng Family, hewill not definitely be used.
当然,如果这些家伙真的是不用再回内朝,而是直接向内朝传信,让他们带大军前来,他们则是想在程家来个里应外合,那他肯定也不会惯着。Thereforehewill makeHan Yaowuinformvariouscity lord, takes24hoursto arrange the manpowerto stareoutside the city.
所以他才会让韩曜武通知各城主,要二十四小时安排人手在城外盯着。Thismaynot onlybe onlyoutside the city the distance within severalli (0.5 km), thatat leastisseveral thousandli (0.5 km)distance, eventhere is a possibilityto be farther.
这可不仅仅只是城外几里之内的距离,那至少都是好几千里的距离,甚至有可能更远。In additionhehas adjustedthatsecret agentteam, nowarrangesin the middle ofperipheral the cityto53citydirections.
再加上他已经将那支密探队伍调回来了,现在就安排在离五十三城方向的周边的城池当中。Thereforeso long ashas the armyto appearintheseplaces, hewill definitely knowahead of time.
因此只要有大军出现在这些地方,他肯定会提前知晓的。So long ashadsuchsituation, even ifheactspersonally, stillcertainlyfirsttheseinner courtpeoplegrasping.
而只要出现了这样的情况,他就算是亲自出手,也一定会先把这些内朝的人给抓起来。Yunshou Peakhead of householdmansionbackyard!云首峰家主府后院!„In a daze?”SeveralwomenseeCheng Yuoneto sitin the alcoveall dayare in a daze, curiousgoes forwardto ask.
“又在发什么呆呢?”几个女人见程宇一整天都坐在亭子里发呆,不由好奇的上前问道。„Alsonotfor the inner courtmatter!”Cheng Yushakes the headto say.
“还不是为了内朝的事!”程宇摇摇头说道。„Haven't youarranged?”Lin Yuhansaid.
“你不是都已经安排好了吗?”林雨菡说道。„Althougharranged, who knows that cango wrong? inner courtthesefellowshave not leftCheng Familyto the present!”Cheng Yusaid.
„ Sincewere worriedso much, thatsimplythesepeoplegrasping. Youdid not say that theyare the inner courtchancellorelders?
“既然这么担心,那就干脆将那些人给抓起来。你不是说他们都是内朝的主事长老吗?Theyran up toourCheng Familyto comeunexpectedlypersonally, thiswas the raregood opportunity.
他们竟然都亲自跑到了咱们程家来了,这可是难得的好机会。We for a penny and for a pound, gaveto imprisonsimplydirectlythem.
咱们干脆一不做二不休,直接将他们给囚禁起来了。When the time comesifinner courtreallyhas the armyto attack, wetaketo work as the hostagethem! ” Han Xuesaid.
„ Ithought that Han Xuethismethodis good, thisistheirchancellorelders, doesn't the life of theychancelloreldermanage?
“我觉得韩雪这个方法好,这可是他们的主事长老,难道他们连自己主事长老的死活都不管了吗?Ifthesepeopleare the hostage, thathascertainweight/quantity. ” Lan Yasaid.
Can the words that „does that exposeus? If by some chanceamongthemhas the relation, finallydid not have the relation, thatwill definitely suspect that waswebegan, didn't thatconfess without being pressed?”Yao Nasaid.
„ Alsohasthispossibility, Ithought that temporarilydo not alert the enemy. Sincetheyhave not leftnow, there is a possibilitytheyto have the idea of collaborating from outside with the inside.
“也不是没有这种可能,我觉得暂时还是不要打草惊蛇了。既然他们现在还不离开的话,也有可能他们就是打着里应外合的主意。In this case, whenwewantto catchthemyes.
这样的话,我们想什么时候抓他们都是可以的。Moreover hasn't Cheng Yusent peopleto stare atthem? So long asusorders, wantsto catchthem is also not the easy as piematter. ” Xin Yaosaid.
而且程宇不是已经派人盯着他们吗?只要我们这边一声令下,想要抓他们还不是易如反掌的事情。”心瑶说道。„Right, Ialsothink. Nowgraspsnot necessarily is also usefulthem, insteadmayexpose itself!”Cheng Yunodsto say.
“没错,我也是这么想的。现在把他们抓起来也未必有什么用,反而有可能暴露自己!”程宇点点头说道。„Howcannot use? Wetorture, directlyasked that theirplanswas not good. No mattertheyhaveanythingto plan, we can also dealahead of time!”Han Xueis not convincedvery muchsaid.
„ Whereis so simple, are not only thesepeople the inner courtchancellorelder, the strengthare not definitely weak, wherewantto grasptheir is so easy?
“哪有这么简单,这些人既是内朝的主事长老,实力肯定不弱,想要抓他们哪有这么容易?Moreover, evencaughtthem, iftheydidn't fear death? Finallyanythingcannot ask, but alsoexposedus. ” The Xin Yaorebuttalsaid.
„ IfeltXin YaoSenior Sistersaidright, thesepeople, sincedaresto comeCheng Family, explained that theyhave the preparation, perhapstheyhave not really feared death!
“我觉得心瑶师姐说的没错,这些人既然敢来程家,说明他们早就有了心理准备,或许他们还真的不怕死!MoreoverIthought that intendedto stresstheirwordsatthis time, was very easyto causein the city the panic of common people.
而且我觉得在这个时候出手抓他们的话,也很容易引起城中百姓的恐慌。Sincewehave not obtainedinner court to attackournewsnow, Ithought that we are as far as possible lower-key. ” Yang Ruoxuesaid.
既然现在我们并没有得到内朝要攻打我们的消息,我觉得咱们还是尽量低调一些。”杨若雪说道。„Theydid not suspect that ourCheng FamilyandSaint Courtare related? SincetheycomeforSaint Court, weshiftedtheirattentionare not good!”At this time the Lin Yuhanpropositionsaid.
“他们不是怀疑我们程家与圣朝有关吗?既然他们是为了圣朝而来,那咱们把他们的注意力转移不就好了!”这个时候林雨菡提议道。„Howto shift?” The peoplevisither.
„ Ihaveonemoveto attack the enemy's rear in order to compel him to give up his own attack, aren't theyafraidSaint Courtvery much? ThatmakesSaint Courtfightthemdirectly.
“我有一招围魏救赵,他们不是很害怕圣朝吗?那就直接让圣朝跟他们打。When the time comestheyare been badly battered, where that Saint Courtdidalsohad the moodto dispatch troopstoCheng Family? ” Lin Yuhansaid.
到时候他们都被圣朝搞的焦头烂额了,哪里还有心情向程家出兵?”林雨菡说道。„Thisfearspassing of notTaihang!”Xin Yaoshakes the headto sayagain.
“这怕是不太行的通!”心瑶再次摇摇头说道。„Why? Cheng Yu, youthought that thismeanscanbe good?”Lin Yuhansomewhataskedpuzzled.
„ Actuallyyoualsoknow,Saint Courtisthesewhite bonesarmies, the militaryaltogetheralso20,000. Thereforefor these years, Imakethemfight the dozen of guerrilla warfares, herespear/guntherespear/gun.
“其实你们也知道,圣朝就是那些白骨大军,兵力一共也才两万而已。所以这么多年以来,我都只是让他们打打游击战,这里一枪那里一枪的。Ifmakesthese20,000white bonesarmiesattackinner courttogether, thistook risk.
若是让这两万白骨大军一起攻打内朝的话,这就非常的冒险了。Althoughyouhave not had been toinner court, butyou should also be clear,inner courtisRoyal Court the place of core, therenot onlyhas the hugeforces, but also the expertare also many.
虽然你们没有到过内朝,可是你们也应该清楚,内朝是王朝的核心之地,那里不仅有着大量的兵力,而且高手也多。Mustmake the white bonesarmykillinner courtto go, when the time comes the loss of white bonesarmymayverybe big! ” Cheng Yusomewhatsaidawkwardly.
要让白骨大军杀到内朝去,到时候白骨大军的损失可就很大了!”程宇有些为难地说道。Butwhite bonesarmytreasure, becausetheybefore deathare the immortals, thereforeeven ifnowchanges into the white bones, actually is still a grace.
白骨大军可是宝啊,因为他们生前是仙人,所以现在即便化为白骨,却也是一副仙骨。Thisthingcompared withmany that ordinaryCrossing Tribulation Stagecultivatormaystronger.
这玩意比起普通的渡劫期修士可要强的多。Alsobecause ofthis, thereforehedoes not dareto makethesewhite boneshandle the extremelyadventurousmatter.
也正是因为这样,所以他都不敢让这些白骨做太过冒险的事情。Likecapturinginner courtthisimportant matter, really was extremely adventurous.
„ So long ascanshift the inner courtattentionon the line, wealsonot necessarilymustmake the white bonesarmykillinner courtto go! Isn't inner courtalsoso manyouter court? Canmake the white bonesarmycontinueto attack and occupytheseouter court, givesthem a constriction.
“只要能够转移内朝的注意力就行,咱们也未必就要让白骨大军杀到内朝去!内朝不是还有那么多的外朝吗?可以让白骨大军继续攻占那些外朝,给他们一点压迫感。Moreoverinner courtthesecities, ifwere seizedbyus, even ifthatinner courtdispatches troopstous, whatsecrettheyalsodo have? ” Lin Yuhansaid.
而且内朝的这些城池若是都被我们占领了,那内朝就算对我们出兵,他们还有什么秘密可言?”林雨菡说道。„Un, your ideabeforemethinkssomewhatis actually similar, butIdid not have the planto use. Moreoverthissign, if the long time ago, will be disadvantageoustous.”Cheng Yuwas ponderingsaid.
“嗯,你这个想法与我之前想的倒是有些差不多,不过我没打算这么早就用。而且这张牌若是打早了,可能会对我们不利。”程宇思考着说道。Actually before thissignhim, has thought that butin his opinion, playsthissignnowalsotooearly.
其实这张牌他之前也想过,不过在他看来,现在打这张牌还太早了。Hethinks, wheninner courtreallymakes warafterCheng Family, hewiththisdraws onto shift the inner courtideastrengthagain.
“有什么不利的?”„Becausethisis I am usedto cope withinner courttrump card, if using nowahead of time, iflaterinner courthitsourtimesagain, wewhat to do?”Cheng Yuasked.
“因为这本是我用来对付内朝的杀手锏,若是现在就提前用了,万一以后内朝再来打我们的时候,我们怎么办?”程宇问道。„Thishasanything, when the time comeswe can also use. Let alonewe, ifgaveto hitinner courtallouter court, thateverywherewasourpeople, wantsto usethismoveto be simpler?”Saying that Lin Yuhanthinks little.
„ Hascertaintruth, even ifhowevermanycitieswere seizedbyus, is still not necessarily ableto useforus. Opensto fight, manycities are actually the people with no mind of his own, where the strengthsides withanyone.
“有一定的道理,但是很多的城池就算被我们占领了,也未必能够为我们所用。开起战来,很多的城池其实都是墙头草,哪边实力强就倒向谁。Weseizetheirtimesis very simple, time when inner courthits, theymustreturn toinner courtto be simpler.
我们占领他们的时候很简单,可是等到内朝打过来的时候,他们要回到内朝更简单。When the time comesthesecitiesnot onlycannotuseforus, instead behind maybecomesholds the person of ourknife. ” Cheng Yuanswered.
到时候这些城池不仅不能为我们所用,反而有可能成为背后捅我们刀子的人。”程宇解释道。„Thishas the possibilityactuallyvery much! Butthis not goodthatis not good, can weonlywait forthemto attackCheng Family?”Lin Yuhansomewhatsaiddisappointedly.
“这倒是很有可能!可是这也不行那也不行,那咱们就只能等着他们来攻打程家了?”林雨菡有些失望地说道。Shethought that shegaveCheng Yuto think a verygoodidea, cannotusefinally.
„ Cheng Yu, the rainHan'smeansnot necessarilydo not work. The person who as for the issue of city, seizes, changesa group to trust after at the worst.
“程宇,雨菡的办法也未必就行不通。至于城池的问题,大不了占领之后换一批自己信任的人。Thinksto look, betweenourCheng Familyandinner courtso manyouter court, theseouter courthavemajorityto be loyal toinner court.
想想看,我们程家与内朝之间有这么多的外朝,这些外朝有大部分是忠于内朝的。Thisinquires the inner courtnewsregardingusisverydisadvantageous.
这对于我们打探内朝的消息是非常不利的。Moreoverthisdoes not helpourfights, thinksto look,theycanproject onCheng Familyeasily.
而且这也不利于我们的战斗,想想看,他们轻而易举就能够打到程家来。Ifweappropriate to oneself the peripheralallcities, changes intoperson who wetrust, when the time comeswewere equivalenttoCheng Familybuilt the defensewallslayer by layer.
Can theyalsodispatch troopsto directly soarourCheng Family? ” Xin Yaosaid.
„ Thisis a goodway, dispatches troops todozen of inner court to depending onushit, but do theyhitusto directly soarCheng Family?
“这是个好办法,凭我们出兵打内朝就要一路打过去,而他们打我们就可以直奔程家?Nowwehitthesecities, turns intoourdomains, ourCheng Familymaynot be they want to hitcanhit! ” Womenimmediatelyat presentonebright, expressed the support.
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