GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5135: Arrangement!

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In these three days of time, the Cheng Yu moment has not left, at present has not compared this more important matter. 在这三天时间里,就连程宇都一刻没有离开,眼下没有比这更重要的事情了。 Let him go big of 53 cities to arrange, that obviously is the unlikely matter. 让他一个人去把五十三座城池的大阵重新布置一下,那显然是不太可能的事情。 Moreover when a long and well-maintained army is for a decisive strik, Cheng Family needs to resort to arms at this time obviously. 而且养兵千日,用兵一时,此时显然正是程家需要用兵之时了。 If not use at this time, what needs he himself to act personally, where does he raise the significances of these disciples? 若是此时不用,什么都需要他自己亲自出手,那他养这些弟子的意义又在哪里? In order to let these disciples can arrange the most satisfactory strategy, his these three days of also doing one's best the main points of going professor strategy. 为了让这些弟子能够布置最满意的阵法来,他这三天也是尽心尽力的去教授这阵法的要点。 But the chosen these disciples are the court of law strength are also strongest, the strategy is most outstanding to be skilled in disciple, therefore they study also specially earnest. 而被挑选的这些弟子又都是阵法堂实力最强,阵法最优秀为精通的弟子,所以他们学的也是特别的认真。 They fully realized that such opportunity is rare, if these three days do not hold well, feared after are, will not have the like this good opportunity again for the second time. 他们更是深知这样的机会难得,若是这三天不好好抓住的话,怕是以后也不会再有第二次这样的好机会了。 Three days of time makes them benefit greatly sufficiently, was profounder to the say/way of strategy. 三天时间足以让他们受益匪浅,对阵法之道更加精深了。 Three days later! 三天之后! Three days of time has arrived, does this strategy everyone have the place that does not understand? Currently also has hurrying of issue to raise, is needs you to practice the time. “三天时间已到,这个阵法大家是否还有不理解的地方?现在还有问题的赶紧提,接下来就是需要你们自己去实践的时候了。 When the time comes I possibly did not have the time to go with you to explain again in detail. ” Cheng Yu looks at these 300 disciples, said. 到时候我可能就没有时间再跟你们去详细的解释了。”程宇看着这三百个弟子,说道。 Head of household, you taught to our strategies we have memorized in heart, asking the head of household to feel relieved, we met the arrange/cloth to sell the head of household satisfactory strategy to come!” The disciples said loudly. “家主,你传授给我们的这个阵法我们都已经熟记于心了,请家主放心,我们一定会布出让家主满意的阵法来的!”众弟子大声地说道。 Since you are so self-confident, I then believe your one time. However if you then the arrangement do not sell my satisfactory strategy, but must subject to a penalty!” Cheng Yu said. “既然你们都这么自信,那我便相信你们一次。不过你们接下来要是布置不出让我满意的阵法来,可是要受罚的!”程宇说道。 Head of household, we, if arranged to let your satisfactory strategy, you should also have the reward? Does not satisfy must punish, satisfying naturally can have the reward to be fair?” One of them said. “家主,那我们若是布置出了让你满意的阵法,你是不是也应该有奖励呢?不满意要罚,满意了自然要有奖励才公平吧?”其中一人说道。 Yes! The head of household, having the prize has to punish is fair!” The people also follow to say. “是啊!家主,有奖有罚才公平啊!”众人也跟着说道。 It seems like you really have much self-confidently!” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “看来你们确实很有自信啊!”程宇笑着说道。 That is natural, the head of household taught our three days of time personally, if we did not have the confidence, that also does match for the court of law most outstanding disciple?” A disciple arrogance said. “那是自然,家主亲自教授了我们三天时间,我们若是还没有信心的话,那还配成为阵法堂最优秀的弟子吗?”一个弟子傲气地说道。 Very good, the Cheng Family disciple should have self-confidently like this. My Cheng Family attaches great importance is fair, since there is punishing, that naturally should also have the reward. “很好,程家弟子就应该有这样的自信。我程家最重视的就是公平,既然有了罚,那自然也就应该有奖励。 The strategy that so long as you arrange made me satisfy, I will not disappoint you absolutely, will definitely give you a satisfactory reward! ” Cheng Yu said with a smile. 只要你们布置的阵法让我满意了,我也绝对不会让你们失望,肯定会给你们一份满意的奖励!”程宇笑道。 What rewards? Whether the head of household disclosed ahead of time, making us more dynamic?” Has the disciple unable to bear ask. “什么奖励?家主可否提前透露一下,让我们更有动力呢?”有弟子忍不住问道。 Cheng Family all disciples know head of household special has the affinity, only if really made what huge mistake, or did was unfair to Cheng Family, even betrayed Cheng Family, otherwise the head of household was always a face temperate smile. 程家所有弟子都知道家主特别的有亲和力,除非真的是犯了什么大错,或者做了对不起程家,甚至是背叛了程家,否则家主从来都是一脸温和的笑容。 Also this, everyone usually like not seeing chancellor person hiding distant. 也正是这样,大家平时都不会像看到主事人那样躲的远远的。 But sees head of household's words, moving forward to meet somebody that everyone will be glad very much greeted. 可是看到家主的话,大家都会很乐意的迎上去打招呼。 Naturally, everyone quite intimate head of household, but does not represent does not respect the head of household. 当然,大家比较亲近家主,但是并不代表不尊重家主。 In this Cheng Family, believes in each individual heart most respectable was a head of household, because he conquered everyone by oneself strength and charisma. 在这程家,相信每个人心中最为尊敬的就是家主了,因为他以自己的实力和人格魅力征服了所有人。 Therefore spoke with the head of household, everyone will not be cautious, so long as were not oversteps the limit, everyone dares to say. 所以与家主说话,大家也不会那么拘谨,只要不是出格的话,大家都敢说出来。 This may be unable to tell you temporarily, maintaining mystically obviously telling you are more dynamic, not?” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say with a smile. “这个可暂时不能告诉你们,保持神秘显然要比告诉你们更加有动力,不是吗?”程宇摇摇头笑道。 He is not always a serious person, manages the proper business time he always not at will, therefore these three days of time everyone no one will also be careless. 他从来都不是一个严肃的人,办正事的时候他从来都不会随意,所以这三天时间大家也没有谁会吊儿郎当。 However now studies had finished, naturally does not need so to be again serious. 但是现在学习已经结束了,自然也就没有必要再那么严肃了。 Has saying that Cheng Yu these words are to let everyone refute speechless. 不得不说,程宇这句话却是让大家无言反驳。 That's true, if really said that if rewards unsatisfactory, that didn't play the reaction? 确实如此,如果真的说出来了,万一奖励让人不满意,那不就起了反作用了吗? Even if not everyone is unsatisfied, is only part is unsatisfied, that will still have affected on the following duty. 就算不是所有人都不满意,只是一部分不满意,那也会对接下来的任务有所影响。 Therefore is hanging their appetite, knows that has an award to wait for them in behind, for they this award is careless? 因此吊着他们的胃口,知道有一份大奖在后面等着他们,他们为了这份大奖还敢马虎吗? They feared that compared with wants careful many at any time. 他们怕是比任何时候都要仔细的多。 „Can't head of household disclose?” Asking that but some people do not lose heart. “家主就不能透露一点吗?”可是有些人还是不死心的问道。 I can disclose that only to you are, this reward has very big advantage regarding your anybody, did this always make you satisfy?” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “我唯一能够透露给你们的是,这份奖励对于你们任何人都有很大的好处,这样总让你们满意了吧?”程宇笑道。 That penalty?” Some people asked. “那惩罚呢?”有人问道。 Since rewards very in a big way, that penalty will not be naturally light, therefore you may probably be careful. When the time comes others win the award, you are actually leading the penalty, you also had a face to dare to say were one court of law most outstanding disciple?” The Cheng Yu reminder said. “既然奖励很大,那惩罚自然也不会轻,所以你们可要当心了。到时候别人拿着大奖,你们却领着惩罚,你们还有脸敢说自己是阵法堂最优秀的弟子吗?”程宇提醒道。 Head of household waited to favor, I am will not make a mistake in any case absolutely, certainly arranged one to make the head of household most satisfactory strategy come!” A young disciple is striking one's chest to say. “家主就等着看好了,反正我是绝对不会失误的,一定布置出一个让家主最满意的阵法来!”一个年轻弟子拍着胸脯说道。 Un, this saying I, moreover your words also reminded me. Although you are court of law most outstanding a group of disciples, but the set up formation technique and strength have a disparity. “嗯,这话我记着了,而且你的话也提醒我了。虽然你们都是阵法堂最为优秀的一批弟子,但是布阵手法和实力还是有所差距的。 Therefore the strategy that everyone arranges also has the weakness, to encourage you arranges a better strategy, making me satisfy gives your foundation to reward. 因此大家布置出来的阵法也是有强有弱,为了更加鼓励你们布置出更好的阵法来,让我满意只是给你们的基础奖励。 The strategy that who arranges is better, the reward that then your obtains is higher. ” The Cheng Yu sudden miraculous glow flashes, said with a smile. 谁布置出来的阵法越好,那么你们的得到的奖励就越高。”程宇突然灵光一闪,笑着说道。 „That this highest reward definitely is my!” That person that spoke a moment ago immediately excited saying. “那这最高的奖励肯定是我的!”刚才说话的那人顿时激动不已的说道。 Your beautiful, this time strategy, but the combination strategy, this highest reward naturally is our group!” Some people were discontented, immediately loud declaring war said. “把你美的,这次的阵法可是组合阵法,这最高奖励当然是我们这一组的!”有人不满了,顿时大声的宣战道。 Combination strategy how? Whom did our groups fear?” Often everyone argued. “组合阵法又如何?我们这组怕了谁?”不时大家纷纷争论了起来。 Although these three days of time seem like not long, but also understanding of enough Cheng Yu these disciple set up formation strengths. 这三天时间虽然看似不长,但是也足够程宇对这些弟子布阵实力的了解。 Even these people are the court of law most outstanding set up formation disciples, but the strength is also definitely different. 就算这些人是阵法堂最优秀的布阵弟子,但实力肯定还有所不同的。 Moreover this time is to combine the strategy, if composes one group the set up formation strength strongest person, not only to other inequality of combination, will also bring the enormous harm to Cheng Family. 而且这一次是组合阵法,若是把布阵实力最强的人组成一组,不仅是对其他组合的不公平,同时也会给程家带来极大的害处。 What he needs is each city of Cheng Family 53 cities has the strong strategy to resist the inner court attack, rather than some city. 要知道,他需要的是程家五十三座城池的每一座城池都有较强的阵法抵挡内朝进攻,而不是某座城池。 Do not look that these 53 cities have to inner court have near, but inner court is not necessarily able to run up to the recent city to attack a city. 别看这五十三座城池离内朝有远有近,但是内朝未必就会跑到最近的城池来攻城。 Because inner court also thinks that Cheng Family to firmest, therefore they who their recent cities build instead may run up to a farther city to attack a city very much. 因为内朝也认为程家会把离他们最近的城池打造的最为坚固,所以他们反而很有可能跑到更远一些的城池进行攻城。 Any city was broken through them to kill Joined the world in any case to be vulgar, projects on Cheng Family. 反正任何一座城池被攻破他们都可以杀入世俗,打到程家来。 Compares in Cheng Family, inner court is actually layer upon layer thorough, wants to kill inner court to go, must a city hits, projecting on most deep place was inner court. 相比于程家,内朝却是层层深入,想要杀到内朝去,就得将一城一城的打下去,打到最深处就是内朝了。 But Cheng Family is different, these 53 cities are equivalent to a circle, but in this circle is Cheng Family. 可是程家却不同,这五十三座城池就相当于一个圈,而这个圈中就是程家 Therefore Cheng Family said that only has a protection, these 53 cities are actually the barriers of same level. 所以程家说起来只有一层防备,这五十三城其实都是同一个层次的壁垒。 So long as a city broke, inner court projected on Cheng Family to come directly. 只要其中一城破了,内朝就直接打到程家来了。 This also means that any cities of these 53 cities to Cheng Family are equally important. 这也更加意味着这五十三城的任何一城对程家来说都是同等重要的。 Therefore Cheng Family is naturally impossible to favor one and discriminate against the other, divides the same place fiercest set up formation, finally actually the worst minute/share to one group, what resistance that such strategy arrange/cloth comes out to have? 因此程家自然不可能厚此薄彼,把最厉害的布阵者都分到一起,最后却把最差的分到一组,那这样的阵法布出来有什么抵抗能力? If by some chance inner court really chose this city, that was relaxed is broken through by inner court. 万一内朝真就选到这一城了,那岂不是轻轻松松就被内朝攻破了。 Therefore Cheng Yu when the instruction strategy understood their set up formation ability with the practice specially, therefore grouped these people evenly. 所以程宇在传授阵法的时候就特意用实践来了解了他们的布阵能力,于是就把这些人均匀的分组了。 Naturally, wants absolute even this is also not possible. 当然,想要绝对的均匀这也是不可能的。 Especially among more than 300 people only then more than ten Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, compare in others, they definitely are the comparison have the advantage. 尤其三百多人当中只有十几个渡劫期修士,相比于其他人,他们肯定是比较有优势的。 However this grouping was basically separated, each group can divide to Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator arranges the words of base, the strength will greatly promote. 不过这一次分组基本上都被分开了,每一组都能够分到一个渡劫期修士来布置阵基的话,实力会大大提升。 Therefore with the Cheng Yu's set up formation experience, the strategy that these people arrange will not miss. 因此以程宇的布阵经验来看,这些人布置出来的阵法都不会差。 However whose strategy is better, that can only look when they when the time comes set up formation displayed. 但是到底谁的阵法更好一些,那就只能看他们到时候布阵时的发挥了。 Ok, you did not need to struggle. You must rush to various city lineups immediately, therefore anyone of you meets the arrange/cloth to have the best strategy, when the time comes nature meeting result. “行了,你们也不用争了。你们马上就要奔赴各城池布阵了,所以你们谁会布出最好的阵法,到时候自然会见分晓。 However I must remind your am, this time set up formation duty not only time somewhat is tight, you, must achieve as far as possible covertly. 不过我要提醒你们的是,这一次的布阵任务不仅时间有些紧迫,就连你们自身,也都要做到尽量隐蔽。 This point I will also make various city city lord coordinate your, but you need to pay attention, clear? ” The Cheng Yu very serious reminder said. 这一点我也会让各城城主配合你们的,但是你们自己还是需要注意,明白吗?”程宇非常严肃的提醒道。 „Is head of household, difficult to be inadequate you to be worried about in this city to have the scout of enemy?” Some people asked. “家主,难不成你担心这城中有敌人的探子吗?”有人问道。 „ It is not the worry, but absolutely! Our Cheng Family passes in and out too many cultivator every day, but this matter cannot alert the enemy, therefore our at all not possible to seal/confer city. “不是担心,而是绝对!咱们程家每天进进出出太多的修士,但是这件事情又不能打草惊蛇,所以我们根本不可能封城。 Therefore in the middle of these cities definitely has the scout of enemy, therefore I want you to be certainly careful, in any event cannot make others know you in the arrangement strategy! ” Cheng Yu said. 因此这些城池当中肯定是有敌人的探子的,所以我才要你们一定要小心,无论如何都不能让别人知道你们在布置阵法!”程宇说道。 But we want the set up formation the words, must make an appearance absolutely, if really has the scout to inquire, this estimate is very difficult to discover?” Some people questioned. “可是我们要布阵的话,就绝对要露面,若真的有探子想要打听的话,这估计很难不让人发现吧?”有人质疑道。 Therefore I will make various city city lord coordinate you, this period of time various cities will enter a city to maintain to the city, when the time comes you mix in the middle of the maintenance team, set up formation quietly!” Cheng Yu said. “所以我会让各城城主配合你们,这段时间各城都会对城池进城维护,到时候你们就混在维护队伍当中,悄悄的布阵!”程宇说道。 In this case, we as far as possible will be careful, will not make others look absolutely!” The people nod, this was actually easier. “若是这样的话,我们会尽量小心的,绝对不会让别人看出来!”众人点点头,这样倒是容易许多了。 Ok, you arrange me, goes to the duty before now to the city that you assign! However you should better not to go together, but separates into the city, in order to avoid paid attention by the person with high aspirations! “好了,现在你们就安排我之前给你们分配的城池前往任务吧!不过你们最好不要一起去,而是分开入城,以免被有心人注意到! After entering a city, goes to the business mansion, some that side people will arrange! ” Cheng Yu said. 进城之后都前往事务府,那边会有人安排的!”程宇说道。 Got it! The head of household, we walks now!” The people nod, start to leave the back side of the mountain. “明白了!那家主,我们现在就走了!”众人点点头,开始离开后山。
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