GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5134: Personally instruction!

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Achoos! 阿嚏! Several women in various is scolding the Cheng Yu's loose past event the time, Cheng Yu went to the meeting hall in front courtyard to look for Han Yaowu at this time. 几个女人正在各是数落着程宇的风流旧事的时候,程宇此时已经来到前院的议事厅找来了韩曜武 Matter arranges how?” Cheng Yu asked. “事情安排的怎么样了?”程宇问道。 Previous he was time the news of Cheng Family archenemy told the opposite party inner court, making him look for the matter that various city lord arrangements well one defended. 上一次他把内朝程家大敌的消息告诉了对方,让其找各城主好好的安排一下防御的事情。 Therefore for several days Han Yaowu basically not in Cheng Family, just came back. 所以这些天韩曜武基本上都不在程家,也是刚刚回来而已。 Head of household, I have looked for all city lord to discuss, they will guard against inner court carefully. Moreover the status of person also strictly shutting in going out of town!” Han Yaowu said. “家主,我已经找各方城主商量过了,他们都会小心提防内朝的。而且也会严格把关进出城的人的身份!”韩曜武说道。 Un, but now the situation changes, you may look for them!” Cheng Yu nods to say. “嗯,不过现在情况有变,你可能还要去找找他们!”程宇点点头说道。 „Does situation change? Improves or goes bad?” In Han Yaowu heart one startled, hurries to ask. “情况有变?变好还是变坏?”韩曜武心中一惊,赶紧问道。 If improves, that naturally is the good deed. But if goes bad, that may not be wonderful. 若是变好,那自然是好事。可若是变坏,那可就不妙了。 Goes bad!” “变坏!” „Did head of household, arrive at Cheng Family to be concerned with some inner court people couple days ago?” Han Yaowu the complexion sinks immediately, but also really goes bad! “家主,是不是跟前几天内朝有人来到程家有关?”韩曜武顿时脸色一沉,还真是变坏呀! On that day he just left after head of household here, later inner court comes the person. 那天他刚刚从家主这里离开之后,随后内朝就来人了。 However this matter he has heard. 不过这件事情他早就已经听说了。 Right.” “没错。” Does not know that what they did arrive at Cheng Family to ask the head of household to say?” Han Yaowu careful asking. “不知道他们来到程家找家主说了些什么?”韩曜武小心的问道。 Before just like I said with you are same, they were truly suspecting that my Cheng Family is related with Saint Court. However this is unimportant, I must tell you am, these fellows leaves after Cheng Family, looks for Mount Shu School and other sovereign. “正如我之前与你说的一样,他们确实在怀疑我程家圣朝有关。不过这并不重要,我要告诉你的是,这些家伙从程家离开之后,又找上了蜀山派等几个宗主。 Therefore I want you to arrange some people to stare at all lower sect now sovereign. ” Cheng Yu answered. 所以我现在要你安排一些人去盯着所有的下宗宗主。”程宇解释道。 But I just noticed that Xuanzhen Daoist they descended the mountain!” The Han Yaowu doubts said. “可是我刚刚才看到玄真道人他们下山去了!”韩曜武疑惑道。 Because he comes back happen to bumped into their several sovereign, but he at that time also not detailed inquiry, even if he asked that these sovereign was still not necessarily able to say. 因为他回来的时候正好碰到他们几个宗主了,不过他当时也并没有详细询问,而且就算他问了,这些宗主也未必会说。 Right, they came Cheng Family to me to explain with the matter that inner court contacted!” “没错,他们来程家把与内朝接触的事情跟我交待了!” „Do they come Cheng Family to explain on own initiative?” “他们主动来程家交待的?” Yes!” “是的!” This Xuanzhen Daoist was so when obedient, actually will consider the head of household with the matter that inner court does contact on own initiative?” Han Yaowu had doubts. “这玄真道人什么时候这么听话了,竟然会主动把与内朝接触的事情告之家主?”韩曜武更加疑惑了。 When these fellows transferred the temper, actually will consider such important matter on own initiative. 这些家伙什么时候转了性子,竟然会把这么重要的事情主动相告。 Because they know that this matter cannot hide the truth from me, therefore might as well is more tactful, told me on own initiative.” “因为他们知道这件事情瞒不过我,所以还不如识趣一些,主动告诉我。” That but actually is also! Such being the case, I then find the person to stare now well these sovereign, measures them also to do not to play tricks!” Han Yaowu said that then must arrange the manpower. “那倒也是!既然如此,那我现在便去找人好好盯着这些宗主,量他们也搞不出什么花样来!”韩曜武说罢便要去安排人手了。 First does not worry, the matter makes you arrange!” Cheng Yu beckons with the hand to say. “先不着急,还有事情让你去安排!”程宇摆摆手说道。 Asked the head of household to tell!” “请家主吩咐!” Makes you monitor these sovereign duties, since inner court had suspected to our Cheng Family, we actually have to guard. “让你监视这些宗主只是其中一个任务而已,既然内朝对我们程家有所怀疑,我们却是不得不防。 Especially I cannot determine what Xuanzhen Daoist they and I said is the truth, perhaps he stated categorically that our Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, if inner court really believed that could not say that they must dispatch troops to our Cheng Family. 尤其我不敢确定玄真道人他们与我说的是不是实话,也许他一口咬定我们程家圣朝有关系,万一内朝真的相信了,说不得他们就要对我们程家出兵了。 Although this matter also guessed, is unable to determine, is forearmed. 虽然这件事情也只是猜测,无法确定,不过有备无患。 We naturally cannot really they project on Cheng Family to make the plan again. 我们自然不能真的等他们打到程家来再作打算。 Therefore you go to a court of law to choose the most outstanding set up formation disciple to come to me, the strength the higher the better, best is above Great Ascension Stage. ” Cheng Yu said. 所以你去阵法堂给我挑选最优秀的布阵弟子来,实力越高越好,最好都是大乘期以上的。”程宇说道。 „Can head of household make the disciples go to the set up formation to defend attacking of inner court?” Han Yaowu said. “家主是要让弟子们去布阵防御内朝的攻打?”韩曜武说道。 Right!” “没错!” Asked the head of household to feel relieved, I will certainly choose the most outstanding strategy disciple! Does not know whether the head of household also does have other instruction?” “请家主放心,我一定会挑选出最优秀的阵法弟子的!不知道家主是否还有别的吩咐?” Moreover, these city lord that sides you must remind their again, so as to avoid they were lax! “另外,那些城主那边你要再提醒他们一下,免得他们松懈了! Meanwhile, making their 12 double-hour arrange the manpower to stare to the city outside in turn, once discovered that the military situation must block the city immediately! ” Cheng Yu thinks to say. 与此同时,让他们十二个时辰安排人手轮流到城外盯着,一旦发现军情要立即封锁城池!”程宇想了想说道。 Understood, I manage now!” Han Yaowu said. “明白,那我现在就去办了!”韩曜武说道。 Goes! Earlier gives me to bring to come!” Cheng Yu nods to say. “去吧!早点把人给我带过来!”程宇点点头道。 Yes!” Han Yaowu said that then left. “是!”韩曜武说罢便离开了。 Next day! 第二天! Han Yaowu led one group of disciples to come, this management ability made Cheng Yu very satisfied. 韩曜武就带着一群弟子过来了,这办事能力还是让程宇非常满意的。 The present is very special period, may not have so many time to waste. 现在是非常时期,可没有那么多的时间浪费了。 Also does not know whether inner court has built up the military, only waited for these elders to send back the news. 也不知道内朝是否早就已经集结好了兵力,只等那些长老们把消息送回去了。 Therefore he does not dare to delay. 所以他是一刻也不敢耽误。 Has seen the head of household!” The people see Cheng Yu, then bows to salute upon meeting. “见过家主!”众人一见程宇,便躬身见礼。 Cheng Yu nods, is taking a look at these people, the strength of this strategy may be unable to look. 程宇点了点头,打量着这些人,这阵法的实力强不强可看不出来。 Head of household, these people were I the most outstanding strategy talent who picked up from the court of law, altogether was 300 people, didn't know enough?” Han Yaowu goes forward to say. “家主,这些人都是我从阵法堂挑出的最优秀的阵法人才了,一共是三百人,不知道够不够?”韩曜武上前说道。 Little was short, but is first using!” Cheng Yu said. “少是少了点,不过先用着吧!”程宇说道。 Cheng Family adds now scattered is also over a million people of disciples, however however the true strategy talent are not many. 程家现在零零散散加起来也是上百万人弟子,但是而真正的阵法人才却并不是很多。 Because many people felt the strategy, although is fierce, but is hard to cultivate. 因为很多人觉得阵法虽然厉害,但是难以修炼。 Moreover regarding most cultivator, their Immortal cultivation goal is quite simple, is flies upwards Immortal World, the achievement immortal's body. 而且对于大部分的修士来说,他们修仙的目的比较简单,就是飞升仙界,成就长生之体。 However the pure cultivation strategy cannot to fly upwards Immortal World. 但是单纯的修炼阵法并不能让人飞升仙界 Therefore they spend time on with it in the cultivation of strategy, might as well finds the way to promote own cultivation base boundary, will soon fly upwards Immortal World is the kingly way. 所以他们与其把时间花在阵法的修炼上,还不如多想办法提升自己的修为境界,早日飞升仙界才是王道。 The person who such a, is willing to cultivate the strategy were less. 这么一来,愿意修炼阵法的人就更少了。 Especially many it have the strategy talent very much, because their goals are simple, but missed the cultivation of strategy. 尤其很多本身是很有阵法天赋的,可是因为他们的目的简单,而错过了阵法的修炼。 Like Cheng Family initially in city public move of disciple competition, has white Yuanming of gourmet talent, as well as has good wine talent bent/tune Hong, is the special cultivation talents. 就像程家当初在城中公开招弟子大赛的时候,拥有美食天赋的白元明,以及拥有美酒天赋曲宏,都是特殊的修炼人才。 However such person absolutely continues their two, on this day under definitely has. 但是这样的人绝对不止他们一个两个,这天下肯定是有很多的。 However even if many people have this talent, will not develop in these directions. 不过很多人就算有这种天赋,也不会往这些方向而发展的。 The cultivator way under this day is extremely in the final analysis unitary now, actually Heavenly Dao 100.001 million, far more than such? 说到底还是如今这天下的修士方式太过单一的,其实天道万万千,何止这么一条? This point in coming out that Immortal World can look, any say/way comes to the end, can actually obtain enlightenment. 这一点在仙界就可以看的出来,任何一条道走到尽头,其实都可以得道。 But cultivation cultivation technique of the world of mortals is limited, so many that even if Holy City leaves behind to him cultivation cultivation technique, the few other say/way of cultivation. 只不过下界的修炼功法有限,就算是圣城给他遗留下来的那么多修炼功法,都很少有其他的修炼之道。 Therefore he does not know that cultivation cultivation technique of this world was so unitary, cannot inherit in the antiquity and high antiquity many laws of cultivation. 所以他也不知道这个世界的修炼功法本就如此单一,还是在上古和远古时代的许多修炼之法没有能够传承下来。 Then accomplishes the present cultivation to be unitary. 这才造就了现在的修炼单一。 Finally now he wants to look for several strategy everyone, unusual difficulty. 结果现在他想要找几个阵法大家,都非常的困难。 Initially to establish a court of law, he put out the great quantity resources, this attracted many disciples to enter a court of law. 当初为了成立阵法堂,他可是拿出了巨量的资源来,这才吸引了许多弟子想要进入阵法堂。 People who even do not have the talent wants to enter a court of law. 甚至很多没有天赋的人都想要进入阵法堂。 He has not rejected, because the resources of court of law, although are many, but also comes according to individual strategy strength. 他也并没有拒绝,因为阵法堂的资源虽多,但也是根据个人的阵法实力来的。 Not just entered a court of law to you greatly the resources spent freely. 并非只要进入了阵法堂就能给你大把的资源挥霍。 Moreover many people, although the talent is not very good, so long as is willing to study diligently, actually some achievements. 而且很多人虽然天赋不是很好,可是只要肯钻研,其实还是有些成就的。 Afterward various after Cheng Family Big City constructed, these disciples in court of law played the enormous role, the strategies of almost all cities were arranged by them. 后来程家各大城池修建好以后,阵法堂的这些弟子就发挥了极大的作用,几乎所有城池的阵法都是由他们布置出来的。 Naturally, these strategies are he teach personally, is not the ordinary strategy. 当然,这些阵法都是他亲自传授的,并非普通的阵法。 But the Cheng Family cultivating true virtue small city completed also has so many years, at that time their strengths of these disciples were not high, therefore that strategy, although was powerful, but the set up formation strength was limited, the effect on the strategy was very big. 只不过程家的修真小城建成也有这么多年了,那个时候这些弟子的自身的实力还不算高,所以那阵法虽然强大,但是毕竟布阵者实力有限,对阵法的影响还是挺大的。 But now, Han Yaowu selects may be above Great Ascension Stage, even there are more than ten Crossing Tribulation Stage. 而现在,韩曜武挑来的可都是大乘期以上,甚至有十几个还是渡劫期的。 By their present strengths, the antiquity strategy of arranging, how will that might be weak? 以他们现在的实力,布置出来的上古阵法,那威力岂会弱? Actually what Cheng Yu most hopes is the people of set up formation can achieve Crossing Tribulation Stage to be good, but he knows that some were too difficult. 其实程宇最希望的是布阵的人都能够达到渡劫期才好,可是他知道这有些太困难了。 Now Cheng Family Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator are actually many, but wants also to have the person of very high attainments in the strategy, actually selected. 现在程家渡劫期修士倒是不少,可是想要在阵法上又有很高的造诣的人,却是就这么点了。 Naturally, actually many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator have the ability of set up formation somewhat. 当然,其实很多的渡劫期修士多多少少也有布阵的能力。 But these people are not skilled in the strategy, therefore is not wise in the technique of set up formation, even if he gave these people to go to the arrange/cloth the antiquity strategy, the strategy that the arrange/cloth came out was extremely still rough, is hard to be satisfying. 可是这些人并不精通阵法,所以在布阵的手法上并不高明,就算他把上古阵法交给这些人去布,布出来的阵法也太过粗糙,难以让人满意。 But these people only have Great Ascension Stage, the strategy that the person but who they are actually skilled in the strategy truly, arranges actually also are more powerful than the strategy of these not fine Crossing Tribulation Stage arrangement. 而这些人虽然只有大乘期,可是他们却都是真正精通阵法的人,布置出来的阵法其实要比那些不精的渡劫期布置的阵法还要强大一些。 If nothing else, resisted Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator to have. 别的不说,抵挡渡劫期修士都有余了。 If inner court really set out the immortal, he did not have the means. Even if skilled in the strategy Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator to arrange, living that is still very difficult to keep off. 若是内朝真的出动了仙人,那他就没有办法了。就算是精通阵法的渡劫期修士布置出来的,也很难挡的住。 Let alone these people, actually his own set up formation, resisted the words of a small number of immortals even personally, perhaps had the possibility. 别说这些人了,其实就算是他自己亲自布阵,抵挡少数仙人的话,或许还是有可能的。 But to resist the immortal army, almost impossible! 但若是想要抵挡仙人大军,几乎不太可能! Therefore he does not need to pursue the pinnacle. 所以他也没有必要追求极致。 However when the time comes he can conduct to reinforce actually again to these strategies. 不过到时候他倒是可以对这些阵法再进行加固一下。 After all reinforces will not waste his too much time, wanted him to arrange antiquity big of 53 cities, this definitely was not realistic. 毕竟加固并不会浪费他太多时间,要他一个人去布置五十三座城池的上古大阵,这肯定是不现实的。 Han elder you first get down!” Cheng Yu said. “韩长老你先下去吧!”程宇说道。 Yes!” Han Yaowu were not many said, he knows the head of household received the matter to be concerned with the arrangement strategy, he cannot help me very important strategies need you to arrange now, I will instruct your three days of time personally, you confident? ” Cheng Yu looks that these disciples asked. “是!”韩曜武也不多说,他知道家主接下来说的事情跟布置阵法有关,他也帮不上忙我现在有一个非常重要的阵法需要你们去布置,我会亲自指导你们三天时间,你们有没有信心?”程宇看着这些弟子问道。 Has!” “有!” The people heard the family/home mainly teaches their strategy personally, on the face somewhat is excited. 众人一听说家主要亲自传授他们阵法,脸上都有几分激动。 Because they watched the head of household initially personally are the Cheng Family arrangement protect clan big. 因为他们当初可是亲自观看了家主为程家布置护族大阵的。 At that time they to the strategy attainments admiration of head of household, they have also hoped oneself can arrange that fierce strategy to come like the head of household. 当时他们就对家主的阵法造诣钦佩不已,他们也一直希望自己能够像家主一样布置出那么厉害的阵法来。 Now mainly teaches the strategy personally, that strategy is very definitely extraordinary, who doesn't want to study? 现在家主要亲自传授阵法,那阵法肯定很了不得,谁不想学呢? Let alone the head of household will also instruct personally, such opportunity may really be too rare. 更何况家主还会亲自指导,这样的机会可真的是太难得了。 Good! You come to the back side of the mountain with me!” Cheng Yu rubbish, led the person then toward the back side of the mountain directly. “好!你们跟我到后山来!”程宇也不废话,直接带着人便朝着后山去了。 This strategy can say that time is relating the Cheng Family life and death, he naturally cannot be careless, unusual attaching great importance to! 这一次的阵法可以说关系着程家的生死存亡,他自然是不能马虎,非常的重视!
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