GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5133: Cannot be used to him!

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Said over and over again, these were only your guess. If Mount Shu School they really told inner court our Cheng Family are Saint Court, or had the relations with Saint Court, what to do if their inner court really did hit one for?” Han Xue asked. “可是说来说去,这些都只是你个人的猜测罢了。若是蜀山派他们真的告诉内朝我们程家就是圣朝,或者是与圣朝有关系,万一他们内朝真的打壹为了怎么办?”韩雪问道。 First does not need to worry, I also send people to stare at inner court these people now. If they really left Cheng Family, some people will naturally pass on the news to come back. “先不用着急,我现在还派人盯着内朝那些人。如果他们真的离开了程家,自然会有人传消息回来。 However now I have not received the news that they leave, this explained that they also keep Cheng Family. 但是现在我还没有收到他们离开的消息,这说明他们还留在程家 Since keeps Cheng Family, that explained that Mount Shu School they have not betrayed us, we naturally did not need to be worried. ” Cheng Yu said. 既然留在程家的话,那就说明蜀山派他们并没有出卖我们,那我们自然也就不用担心了。”程宇说道。 Even if they keep Cheng Family temporarily, may still be to confuse you, or to let you they had not suspected to Xuanzhen Daoist!” Yang Ruoxue said. “就算他们暂时留在程家,也有可能是为了迷惑你,或者说是为了让你不对玄真道人他们有所怀疑!”杨若雪说道。 That can only wait to look, after all our Cheng Family now big enterprise has lots of assets, even if we know that they attack Cheng Family, we still can only wait here, before most deploys ahead of time is militant prepares, running cannot be inescapable!” Cheng Yu by no means that several woman ask. “那就只能等等看了,毕竟咱们程家现在家大业大,就算我们知道他们来攻打程家,我们也只能在这里等着,最多提前部署好战前准备,跑是跑不了的!”程宇被几个女人一人一问问的毫无办法了。 Naturally, the issue that they say does not pester endlessly, because in the face of the life and death, is really any situation may appear. 当然,她们提出来的问题倒也并非是胡搅蛮缠,因为在生与死面前,真的是任何情况都是有可能出现的。 Also because of these issues, poured also reminds him. 也正是因为这些问题,倒也提醒他了。 No matter inner court can have the army to hit, he should make various Cheng Family cities guard. 不管内朝会不会有大军打来,他都应该让程家各城池防备起来了。 But inner court person , if no, we promote various cities to the pre-war condition suddenly, will definitely make these people have suspect. “可是内朝的人若是没走的话,我们突然之间将各城池提升到战前状态,肯定会让这些人有所怀疑的。 Originally also indefinite Xuanzhen Daoist their words, are our such a, feared that is instead really must by them be thought was related with Saint Court. ” Xin Yao said. 本来还不确定玄真道人他们的话,可是我们这么一来,怕是反而真的要被他们认为与圣朝有关了。”心瑶说道。 Then they left after prepares!” “那就等他们离开之后再做准备!” But these people are to hit before by some chance, fights, has approached the inner court signalling. But have they kept Cheng Family to aid?” Han Xue asked. “可万一这些人是打前战的,已经向内朝传信了。而他们会一直留在程家接应呢?”韩雪问道。 „...... Your issues are really many!” Cheng Yu is really right now speechless. “呃......你们的问题还真多啊!”程宇这下子是真的无语了。 Must say the words that they spoke are not right, as if also some truth. 要说她们说的话不对吧,似乎也有些道理。 But must say right, what to do should he? 可要说对吧,那他该怎么办? He by these women asking ignorant! 他都被这几个女人给问懵了! But these truly are the problems, no one dares saying that these matter will not happen! If you goes to inner court, definitely can also be various types plans? “但这些确实都是存在的问题,谁也不敢说这些事情就不会发生!如果是你去内朝,肯定也会是各种算计吧? How otherwise initially can you escape from inner court? ” Xin Yao thinks otherwise, thought that everyone also considers for the Cheng Family security. 要不然当初你又怎么能够逃出内朝?”心瑶不以为然,觉得大家也都是为了程家的安全着想。 If by some chance others really plan, because they these tiny issues have not considered to arrive, finally caused the enormous losses to Cheng Family, that is most serious. 万一人家真的都是算计好的,他们就因为这些细小的问题没有考虑到位,最后给程家造成了极大的损失,那才是最严重的。 Now everyone considers all issues, then inner court has the move no matter how, they had the countermeasure early. 现在大家把所有的问题都考虑到了,那么内朝不管怎么出招,他们都早有对策了。 Only then Cheng Family can be undefeated in many battles! 只有程家才能够百战不殆! These issues that „ you said really have certain truth, but your two issues obviously are the conflicts. If they do not leave Cheng Family, we are impossible to enter the pre-war condition ahead of time. “你们说的这些问题确实是有一定的道理的,只不过你们这两个问题明显是冲突的。如果他们不离开程家,那我们就不可能提前进入战前状态。 We are unable to deploy the Cheng Family words, that inner court has the possibility to hit directly. 那我们无法部署程家的话,那内朝就有可能直接打过来。 Therefore deploys is not, does not deploy is not! 所以说部署也不是,不部署也不是! If so, we can only deploy in secret, do not alarm more people. ” Cheng Yu thinks to say. 若是如此的话,那我们就只能在暗中部署了,不要惊动更多的人。”程宇想了想说道。 Also can only, unable inner court to know like this particularly!” Xin Yao nods. “也只能这样了,尤其是不能让内朝的人知道!”心瑶点点头。 Mount Shu School, no, best is all lower sect cannot make them know. Who knows that these lower sect are the person is the ghosts!” The Lan Ya reminder said. “还有蜀山派,不,最好是所有下宗都不能让他们知道。谁知道这些下宗是人是鬼!”兰雅提醒道。 Un, this matter in Cheng Family, still can only have a small number to know even. If the inner court attack, the ordinary disciple cannot help. “嗯,这件事情就算是在程家内部,也只能有少部分人知道。若是内朝来袭,普通弟子也帮不上什么忙。 Since inner court is the siege warfare, our goals are primarily eventually defending. 既然内朝是攻城战,那我们的目标终究还是以守为主。 However our Cheng Family occupies Cultivation World and Secular World channel, this is to our advantageous places. Really the incorrect words, that seals up the channel, everyone returns to Secular World comes! ” Cheng Yu nods to say. 不过我们程家占据着修真界世俗的通道,这是对我们有利的地方。实在不行的话,那就将通道封住,所有人退回到世俗来!”程宇点点头说道。 „Can this direct Secular World the war? If inner court enters Joined the world to be vulgar, the Secular World common people may probably meet with a disaster!” Yang Ruoxue is worried to say. “这样会不会把大战引到世俗来?若是内朝入世俗,世俗的百姓可就都要遭殃了!”杨若雪担心道。 After all Secular World basically is an average person, if the inner court person projected on Secular World to come, unavoidably will not kill the metropolis to go. 毕竟世俗基本上都是普通人,若是内朝的人打到世俗来了,难免不会杀到都市去。 Regarding these average people, inner court comes out casually a Crossing Tribulation Stage expert, can kill off the Secular World average person. 对于这些普通人而言,内朝随便出来一个渡劫期的高手,都能够将世俗的普通人杀光了。 What is more important, their family members may in Secular World. 更重要的是,他们所有人的亲人可都在世俗 Therefore now most important strategy reinforcement between channels, and ahead of time under arrange/cloth seal. “所以现在最重要的就是将通道间的阵法加固,并且提前布下封印。 Once that side Cultivation World cannot block, that can only discard that side city, gets up the channel seal. 一旦修真界那边挡不住的话,那就只能舍弃那边的城池,将通道封印起来。 If by some chance really to drew back does not have situation that may draw back, even may probably the channel block thoroughly! ” The Cheng Yu calm sound said. 万一真的到了退无可退的地步,甚至有可能要将通道彻底封死!”程宇沉着声说道。 Blocks thoroughly? Were that we not possible to go to Cultivation World?” Xin Yao was worried that said. “彻底封死?那岂不是我们就再也不可能前往修真界了?”心瑶担心地说道。 She is Cultivation World grows up, although has kept the Secular World life also to have nothing. 她是修真界长大的,虽然一直留在世俗生活倒也没有什么。 But if thinks, was impossible the place that returned to itself to grow, in the heart naturally was some does not abandon. 可是若想到以后再也不可能回到自己成长的地方了,心中自然是有些不舍的。 Moreover they are cultivator, Cheng Family 53 cities, make war now when the time comes, is not only the Cheng Family person cannot go out, all cultivator of other influences are impossible to leave Cheng Family, can only return to Secular World completely. 而且他们都是修士,程家现在五十三座城池,到时候开战的时候,不仅是程家人出不去,就连其他势力的所有修士都不可能离开程家,只能全部退回到世俗这边来。 This how many cultivator? 这得多少修士 Now each city little says also several ten million people, even if cultivator calculates half, still has several million. 如今每座城池少说也有好几千万人,即便修士算一半,也有几千万。 How many cultivator are 53 city that? 五十三座城池那是多少修士 Secular World where so many resources provide for so many cultivator? 世俗这边哪里有这么多的资源来供养这么多的修士 Therefore if Cheng Yu wants to block these channels, feared that is here all cultivator is unacceptable, when the time comes Cheng Family as well as Cheng Yu become all cultivator enemies altogether inevitably. 所以程宇若是想要封死这些通道,怕是这边所有的修士都是不能接受的,到时候程家以及程宇必然成为所有修士的共敌。 After all these people may be because the benefit talent and Cheng Family have such close relation. 毕竟这些人可都是因为利益才与程家有这么紧密的联系。 Now they are unable to return to Cultivation World, then the Cheng Family task system naturally does not exist. 现在他们无法回到修真界了,那么程家的任务系统自然也就不存在了。 Without binding of benefit, what appearance that will Secular World turn into? No one a lecture of clarity, definitely meets the chaos in any case. 没有了利益的绑定,那世俗会变成什么样子?没有人讲的清楚,反正肯定是会大乱的。 Cheng Yu, you, if does that really will be chaotic. When the time comes the person of any side, will not let off your!” Yang Ruoxue also considered obviously this issue, a face said seriously. 程宇,你要是这么做的话,那可能真的会乱的。到时候无论是哪一方的人,都不会放过你的!”杨若雪显然也考虑到了这个问题,一脸郑重地说道。 To be honest, if this channel blocked, she instead is very happy. 说实话,如果这通道封死了,她心里反而挺开心的。 inner court was impossible to arrive at Secular World, among them was impossible to make war. 内朝再也不可能来到世俗了,那他们之间也就不可能开战了。 But they cannot go to Cultivation World to seek for the resources, can only treat in Secular World is a ordinary person. 而他们也不能前往修真界寻找资源,只能待在世俗做一个平凡人。 Can the beloved person entire life support each other in the same place is not a happy matter? 能够自己心爱的人一生一世相守在一起不也是一件幸福的事情吗? How many women however this merely is only the ideas of their, in Secular World so many cultivator, they are also willing to be an ordinary person in Secular World? 但是这仅仅只是她们几个女人的想法,在世俗还有这么多的修士,他们甘愿在世俗做个平凡的人吗? When the time comes even if inner court cannot come, these cultivator will still find the way to massacre Cheng Yu, finding the way to open the channel. 到时候就算内朝过不来,这些修士也会想办法杀掉程宇,想办法重新打开通道的。 „Does this have the means of means? If there are if possible, naturally cannot arrive this step!” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. “这不是没有办法的办法么?若是有可能的话,自然不会走到这一步!”程宇摇摇头说道。 Can he not know to block the stake after channel? 难道他会不知道封死通道之后的利害关系吗? However between life and death how will he choose? 但是生与死之间他会如何选择? Naturally is the choice saves the life, no matter their, is others. 当然是选择保全性命,不管是他们自己的,还是其他人的。 Because Cheng Family city, if broken, inner court kills to enter a city, only kills the Cheng Family disciple? 因为程家城池若破,内朝杀进城中,难道只杀程家弟子? That is not possible, at that time who also managed you are the Cheng Family disciple, he does not kill you, he himself may be killed anytime. 那是不可能的,那个时候谁还管你是不是程家弟子,他不杀你,他自己随时都有可能被人杀。 Therefore at that time inner court, once kills to enter a city, that inevitably is the human life such as worthless, has not seen the person to kill. 所以那个时候内朝一旦杀进城来,那必然就是人命如草芥,还不是见人就杀。 However now says these obviously too early, if not for really did not have the escape route, he will not definitely do that. 不过现在说这些显然还是太早了,若不是真的没有退路了,他肯定是不会这么做的。 At the worst he escapes from other city. 大不了他从别的城池逃出去。 He has really not believed that inner court can sphere his Cheng Family 53 cities? 他还真不相信了,内朝能够围住他程家五十三座城池? But thinks them, if sent the immortal, but also really had this possibility. 可是想一想他们若是把仙人派过来了,还真有这个可能。 However all have not said. 但是一切都还不好说。 The ship arrives at the bridgehead nature to be straight, perhaps really must to that time, the association/will think of other means. 正所谓,船到桥头自然直,真要到了那个时候,或许总会想到别的办法的。 Do not think, I naturally have my means. Even if inner court really must send the army to attack my Cheng Family, where can be such simple matter. “你们就不要多想了,我自然有我的办法。就算内朝真的要派大军来攻打我程家,哪里会是这么简单的事情。 I will not at least let they such smooth arrival Cheng Family! 至少我不会让他们这么顺利的到达程家 Even if they really arrived at Cheng Family, who wins who lost/carrying is uncertain, I first go out. ” Cheng Yu said that then left the backyard. 即便他们真的来到了程家,谁胜谁负还不一定呢,我先出去一趟。”程宇说完便离开了后院。 You said that he will really have the means?” Looks at the Cheng Yu's back, Lin Yuhan is actually worry. “你说他真的会有办法吗?”看着程宇的背影,林雨菡却是十分的担心。 She felt that the Cheng Yu's pressure was really big. 她感觉程宇的压力实在是太大了。 The lives of so many people all on his shoulder. 这么多人的性命全在他的肩膀上。 If the decision error, Cheng Family so many common people, will be hit by the total destruction. 若是决策失误,程家这么多的百姓,都将遭受灭顶之灾。 Relax, he will definitely have the means. Moreover inner court, if really killed, we could not help. “放心吧,他肯定会有办法的。而且内朝若是真的杀来了,我们也并不是帮不上忙。 Even the immortal came, the strength of several of us still war, even massacres them. ” Xin Yao said. 就算是仙人来了,我们几个也有一战之力,甚至杀掉他们。”心瑶说道。 Now they were Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, moreover awakened «Saint Sovereign God Secret art», cut to kill several immortals surely not to have the issue. 现在她们都是渡劫期修士了,而且又觉醒了《圣皇神诀》,斩杀几个仙人肯定是没有问题的。 Her even also somewhat anticipated at heart. 她的心里甚至还有几分期待。 To try to cut to kill the immortal. 很想尝试一下自己到底能不能斩杀仙人。 If our seven immortal mirrors can collect on well if can compose Heaven-Opening Mirror, we cut to kill the immortal to be definitely easier.” Yao Na said. “要是我们的七仙镜能够凑齐就好了若能够组成开天镜,我们斩杀仙人肯定更加容易了。”姚娜说道。 „Didn't the Cheng Yu previous time say? Yin spatial mirror in the hand of Ye Qian, so long as looks for her, can synthesize Heaven-Opening Mirror momentarily!” Lan Ya said. 程宇上次不是说了吗?阴空镜就在叶倩的手上,只要把她找来,随时都可以合成开天镜!”兰雅说道。 But the issue lies here, is Ye Qian also possible? But she now the Flower Fairy Valley saintess, later is to take over Flower Fairy Valley!” Yang Ruoxue said. “可问题就在于这里,叶倩又怎么可能来呢?她现在可是花仙谷的圣女,以后是要接任花仙谷的!”杨若雪说道。 If she really came, you did not worry that we were also many sisters?” Han Xue said with a smile. “要是她真的来了,你们不担心咱们又多了一个姐妹吗?”韩雪笑着说道。 You think Ye Qian runs? Since she obtained the Yin spatial mirror, this explained that is sooner or later matter!” Yang Ruoxue said lightly. “你以为叶倩跑的了?既然她得到了阴空镜,这说明是早晚的事情!”杨若雪淡淡地说道。 Such being the case, why you do not make Cheng Yu bring to come back her!” Han Xue asked. “既然如此,那你们为什么不让程宇把她带回来!”韩雪问道。 He brings that is his own matter, otherwise also wants several of us to give him to bring to come back? Some things cannot change, we do not have the means that but we cannot be used to him absolutely. “他自己带回来那是他自己的事情,要不然难道还要我们几个去给他带回来?有些事情改变不了,我们也没有办法,但是我们绝对不能惯着他。 Do not forget, only has Ye Qian? Two are also illegibile! ” Yang Ruoxue cold -ly snorted and said! 你们可不要忘了,难道只有一个叶倩吗?还有两个也是不清不楚!”杨若雪冷哼道!
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