GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5132: Without is so simple!

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Words then, we, even if has not cut the immortal the strength, can still consume the dead immortal?” Yang Ruoxue questioned. “这么说来的话,岂不是我们就算没有斩仙的实力,也能够耗死仙人了?”杨若雪质疑道。 Since the immortal cannot restore the strength of immortal spirit in the world of mortals, when they consumed the strength of immortal spirit, wasn't the disabled person? 既然仙人在下界不能恢复仙灵之力的话,那等到他们消耗完了仙灵之力,不就是废人了吗? Other how many women are also a curiosity and question of face, thought that the immortal is insufficient is so easy dead? 其他几个女人也是一脸的好奇和质疑,觉得仙人不至于这么容易死吧? Naturally without simplicity that you imagine, I said situation is roughly this, but wants to consume an immortal truly is also very difficult. “当然没有你们想象的那么简单,我只是说大体的情况是这样,但是真正想要耗死一个仙人也是很困难的。 Said simply, if our strength is not strong, the immortal can massacre us casually, you thought how long immortal the strength of immortal spirit can consume the energy consumption to end? 最简单的说,如果我们实力不强,仙人随便就能杀掉我们的话,你觉得一个仙人的仙灵之力要消耗多久才能耗完呢? Moreover is insufficient regarding these their lives to the person who pose the threat, will their immortals make a move? They will definitely make inner court make a move. 而且对于那些不足以对他们的生命造成威胁的人,他们仙人会出手吗?他们肯定会让内朝出手的。 Therefore their goals are to fighting our these are powerful, person who inner court is unable to resist. 所以他们的目标就是对战我们这些实力强大,内朝无法抵挡的人。 They who such talent can compel consume the strength of immortal spirit massively. 这样的人才能够逼的他们大量的消耗仙灵之力。 Moreover, the mortal body also basic Exalted Immortal body of immortal melted, in other words, without cutting the strength of immortal, even if the immortal makes you cut, you cannot hack to death him. 另外,仙人的肉身也基本上仙体化了,换句话说,若是没有斩仙的实力,就算仙人让你砍,你也砍不死他。 Therefore the average person wants to consume the dead immortal is absolutely impossible. ” Cheng Yu answered. 所以普通人想要耗死仙人是绝对不可能的。”程宇解释道。 So that's how it is, even if the world of mortals does not have the air/Qi of immortal spirit to restore immortal the strength of immortal spirit, they should still have Medicinal Pill(s) that can quickly restore the strength of immortal spirit? I heard that immortal Yuan pill can restore the strength of immortal spirit!” Xin Yao said. “原来如此,不过就算下界没有仙灵之气来恢复仙人的仙灵之力,他们应该也有可以迅速恢复仙灵之力的丹药吧?我听说仙元丹就可以恢复仙灵之力!”心瑶说道。 Right, immortal Yuan pill truly can restore the strength of immortal spirit, moreover they, since is the straddling of zones enters the war, that will definitely prepare many immortal Yuan pill. “没错,仙元丹确实可以恢复仙灵之力,而且他们既然是跨界参战,那肯定会准备不少的仙元丹。 To us, immortal Yuan pill is very precious. But to them, in spirit Yuan pill with our hand is similar. 对于我们来说,仙元丹很珍贵。可是对于他们来说,就跟我们手上的灵元丹差不多。 Therefore currently speaking, once makes war with the immortal, in any event is disadvantageous to us, this is I have also been worried. 所以从这一点来看,一旦与仙人开战,无论如何都对我们不利,这也一直都是我所担心的。 However I did not worry inner court will let the immortal first extinguishes our Cheng Family, then extinguishes inner court. 不过我之所以不担心内朝会让仙人先灭的了我们程家,再去灭内朝 In fact an important reason. ” Cheng Yu said. 实际上还有一个重要的原因。”程宇说道。 What important reason?” Several woman very curious say/way. “什么重要原因?”几个女人十分好奇道。 Immortal is limited by Heavenly Dao in the world of mortals, why this is also we, once after becoming the immortal, will fly upwards the Immortal World reason. “仙人在下界是会受到天道限制的,这也是为什么我们一旦成为仙人之后就会飞升仙界的原因。 If they want to anticipate long in the world of mortals, then they must suppress oneself cultivation base boundary, this is also our world of mortals cultivator can cut to kill their important reasons. 如果他们想要长期待在下界的话,那么他们就必须要压制自己的修为境界,这也是我们下界修士能够斩杀他们的一个重要原因。 Words that therefore does that to them very disadvantageous, because they are impossible to suppress the boundary to treat in the world of mortals. 因此这么做的话对他们非常的不利,因为他们不可能一直压制着境界待在下界。 But their inner court cannot affirm that our Cheng Family is in the Saint Court situation, their inner court sent out the immortal to extinguish our Cheng Family, that Saint Court you thought that they will also make an appearance? 可是他们内朝不能肯定我们程家就是圣朝的情况下,他们内朝派出仙人来灭了我们程家,那圣朝你觉得他们还会露面吗? In their opinion, Saint Court will definitely hide. 在他们看来,圣朝必然会躲起来。 They can several years dozens years not come out, moreover can in a hidden place development stronger strength slowly. 他们可以几年几十年都不出来,而且还能够在暗处慢慢的发展更加强大的实力。 But the immortal actually not possible to consume with them, they must complete the task to return to immortal Immortal World to go as soon as possible. 可是仙人却不可能与他们这么耗下去,他们必须尽快完成任务回到仙仙界去。 Because they and we suppress the boundary to be different, they were forced to suppress the boundary by the Heavenly Dao limit, time long words, even possibly to the source of their immortal spirit has the influence, affects the later immortal way. 因为他们与我们压制境界不同,他们是被天道限制被迫压制境界的,时间一长的话,甚至可能对他们的仙灵之源造成影响,影响以后的仙途。 Therefore they will not stay in the world of mortals too for a long time. ” Cheng Yu answered. 所以他们不会在下界停留太长时间的。”程宇解释道。 Words, the immortal one, we can also hide, hides ten years eight years, they have returned to Immortal World.” Han Xue said. “如此说来的话,那仙人一来,我们也可以躲起来,躲个十年八年的,他们早就回到仙界了。”韩雪说道。 Where is so simple, reason that they could not find Saint Court, that is because Saint Court is hiding from the beginning. “哪有这么简单,之所以他们找不到圣朝,那是因为圣朝从一开始就是隐藏着的。 To put it bluntly, they do not know the Saint Court status, even if the Saint Court person stands in their front, they do not know. 说白了,他们不知道圣朝的身份,就算圣朝的人站在他们的面前,他们也不知道。 But our Cheng Family is different, our Cheng Family on, you have felt outwardly after the immortal came, where can we hide go? 可是我们程家不同,我们程家一直在明面上,你觉得仙人来了之后我们能够藏到哪里去? If only we, really must hide but actually. 若只是我们这些人,真要藏起来倒也可以。 However our Cheng Family is raising so many people now, if we escaped, you felt inner court to compel us, will let off these people? 但是我们程家如今养着这么多人,我们若是逃了,你觉得内朝为了把我们逼出来,会放过这些人吗? You can look helplessly so many people do die because of us? ” Cheng Yu asked. 你们能够眼睁睁的看着这么多人因为我们而死吗?”程宇反问道。 Naturally is not good!” Han Xue said reluctantly. “当然不行!”韩雪无奈地说道。 This was right, Cheng Family and Saint Court are one light and one dark, plays this role. They cannot determine that Cheng Family is Saint Court, but Saint Court continuously in hidden place. “这就对了,程家圣朝之所以一明一暗,正是起到这个作用。他们又不能确定程家就是圣朝,而圣朝一直在暗处。 So long as their day does not have the evidence to prove that our Cheng Family is Saint Court, where their immortals do dare to move lightly? 只要他们一天没有证据证明我们程家就是圣朝的话,他们的仙人哪敢轻动? After all looks like in inner court, actually Saint Court is their inner court true archenemy. 毕竟在内朝看来,其实圣朝才是他们内朝真正的大敌。 Because inner court exalted lord definitely knows that initially intruded inner court that people who have nine Yuan gods are the lords of Saint Court. 因为内朝主上肯定知道当初闯入内朝的那个拥有九个元神的人就是圣朝之主。 Therefore their ultimate objectives aim at Saint Court eventually, rather than in view of our Cheng Family. 所以他们的最终目标终究还是针对圣朝的,而不是针对我们程家的。 At least before removing Saint Court this catastrophe, they are will not use the immortal for Cheng Family absolutely. ” Cheng Yu definitely said. 至少在没有除掉圣朝这个大祸之前,他们是绝对不会为了程家动用仙人的。”程宇肯定地说道。 Cheng Yu, you will not run from Immortal World? Why are you matter to the immortal and Immortal World so clear?” Lin Yuhan puzzled is staring at Cheng Yu. 程宇,你不会也是从仙界跑回来的吧?为什么你对仙人和仙界的事情都这么清楚?”林雨菡一脸疑惑地盯着程宇 Coughs! What said? If I the immortal, that also use is fearing them? I have killed inner court! “咳咳咳!说什么呢?我要是仙人的话,那还用的着怕他们?我早就杀到内朝去了! Let alone I treated many years here, which immortal can receive such long time! ” Cheng Yu said with a smile. 更何况我在这里都待了多少年了,哪个仙人能受的了这么久的时间!”程宇笑着说道。 But is Immortal World also not necessarily an immortal? Doesn't Immortal World have ordinary or immortal following cultivator of? Perhaps you average person who does come from Immortal World?” Lin Yuhan felt Cheng Yu this fellow strange, as if wants is the Immortal World matter, he can say 7788. “可是仙界也未必就都是仙人吧?难道仙界就没有普通或者仙人以下的修士吗?也许你就是从仙界来的普通人呢?”林雨菡却还是觉得程宇这个家伙诡异的很,似乎只要是仙界的事情,他都能够说出个七七八八来。 Hanhan, others do not know, you and Teacher Yao haven't known me? You know I turned into the present Immortal cultivation expert from a young average person, how can also run from Immortal World?” Cheng Yu said suffering. 菡菡,别人不知道,你和姚老师还不知道我吗?你们可是知道我从一个小小的普通人变成了如今的修仙高手的,又怎么会是从仙界跑来的呢?”程宇委屈地说道。 Giggle, you also know that Nana is your teacher? Your this student may not be really simple!” Lan Ya said with a smile, made Yao Na actually reddens all over the face. “咯咯,你还知道娜娜是你老师呢?你这个学生可真是不简单!”兰雅笑着说道,弄的姚娜却是满脸通红。 With Cheng Yu in so many years, she forgot together quickly this matter, is also mentioned now, can not be awkward? 程宇在一起这么多年,她都快忘记这件事情了,现在又被人提起,能不尴尬吗? I called two sentiments to like each other with Nana this, passing on the dao on the instructing road let alone, so long as can teach the knowledge can call it the teacher. “我跟娜娜这叫两情相悦,更何况传道授业路上,只要能够传授知识的都可以称之为老师。 Counter- said, the roads of your Immortal cultivation are I introduce the gate, I cannot say that is your teachers? 反起来说,你们的修仙之路都是我引进门的,我不也能说是你们的老师吗? So long as we treat sincerely, why to care about this, moreover Nana has not been a teacher! ” Cheng Yu actually embraces face red Yao Na to say with a smile. 只要我们真心相待,何必在意这个,而且娜娜早就已经不是老师了!”程宇却是揽着一脸通红的姚娜笑着说道。 You have a glib tongue actually! In the past you ran up to inner court to go, where will draw out such many matters to come, inner court does not know that your existence, does not know Saint Court was related with Holy City. “你倒是巧舌如簧!当年要不是你跑到内朝去,哪里会引出这么多事来,内朝根本就不知道你的存在,更不知道圣朝圣城有关。 Now was good, not only Saint Court becomes inner court eye-sore, our Cheng Family also started to be suspected! ” Xin Yao at the same time may not be in no mood to flirt with one another with him now, somewhat said depressed. 现在好了,不仅圣朝成为了内朝的眼中钉,就连我们程家也都开始被怀疑了!”一边的心瑶现在可没有心情跟他打情骂俏,有些郁闷地说道。 Actually in her opinion, Cheng Yu has hidden in develops own strength in secret unceasingly is a kingly way. 其实在她看来,程宇一直躲在暗中不断的发展自己的实力才是王道。 When Cheng Yu appears when inner court truly, is inner court was extinguished, that not compared with the present? 等到程宇真正出现在内朝之时,就是内朝被灭之时,那不比现在好吗? Moreover before Cheng Yu had also once revealed must go to inner court to search, but she had urged this fellow at that time, making him do not worry. 而且以前程宇也曾表露过要去内朝去探一探,但是那个时候她就劝过这家伙,让他不要着急。 Finally this fellow has not really listened to her words, insists to run up to inner court to do the matter. 结果这个家伙果然还是没有听她的话,硬要跑到内朝去搞事。 First did not say oneself almost die on that inner court exalted lord, own nine Yuan god also exposed, will otherwise the matter turn into now this? 先不说自己差点死在那内朝主上手上,就连自己的九个元神也暴露了,要不然事情又怎么会变成现在这样呢? Also hoodwinks inner court to the present in the bone, does not know where emits Saint Court to come out, but absolutely not Saint Court and Holy City will link. 内朝到现在还蒙在骨里,不知道从哪里冒出一个圣朝出来,但是绝对不会把圣朝圣城联系在一起。 Since inner court not Holy City and Saint Court links, it is estimated that will not attach great importance. 既然内朝不把圣城圣朝联系在一起,估计也不会这么重视。 Therefore Cheng Yu this is belongs to look for trouble purely, finally not only turned into inner court eye-sore Saint Court, even Cheng Family must be observed closely now, what this did not eat to the full the brace is anything. 所以程宇这纯粹是属于没事找事,结果不仅把圣朝变成了内朝的眼中钉,连程家现在都要被盯住了,这不是吃饱了撑的是什么。 As the saying goes, knows oneself and other side, can be undefeated in many battles, my does not want secretly how has a look at the inner court situation? “俗话说,知己知彼,才能百战不殆,我这不也是想偷偷的去看看内朝的情况到底如何么? At that time I just Crossing Tribulation succeeded, the strength increased. Did I think by some chance directly killing inner court exalted lord in? 那个时候我刚好渡劫成功,实力大增。我想着万一在里面直接就把内朝主上给干掉了呢? If our frank and upright fights him, he will definitely be ready ahead of time, called the immortal. 要知道,如果我们正大光明的跟他打,那他肯定会提前做好准备,将仙人叫过来。 But if I suddenly the homicide, the preparation where he did come? Did he die these immortals also to be able from Immortal World to come? 可若是我突然将他杀了,他哪里来的准备?他死了那些仙人还能从仙界过来吗? Is definitely impossible! 肯定不可能啊! If the immortal were impossible to appear again, this inner court was not our it'ses in the bag! ” Cheng Yu answered. 若是仙人不可能再出现了,这内朝不就是我们的囊中之物了!”程宇解释道。 That result?” Xin Yao said ill-humoredly. “那结果呢?”心瑶没好气地说道。 „ The strength of result that fellow is very strong, I after Crossing Tribulation unexpectedly am not an opponent, is truly not as I expected. “结果那个家伙的实力还真的挺强的,渡劫之后的我竟然不是对手,确实出乎我的预料。 However thinks is very normal, that old fogy does not know that lived many years. 不过想一想也很正常,那个老家伙不知道活了多少年了。 Moreover inner court has so many heavenly materials, earthly treasures, he can become exalted lord, definitely the talent does not lose anybody. 而且内朝拥有那么多的天材地宝,他能够成为主上,肯定天赋不输任何人。 After the accumulations of so many year of years, compared with me is also very normal. 经过这么多年岁月的积累,比我强也是很正常的。 Now but I have awakened, if fights again him, I definitely am capable of cutting to kill him. 可是现在我已经觉醒了,若是再跟他打一场,我绝对有能力斩杀他。 But I will estimate him now not to my opportunity, only if their inner court must fight a decisive battle with us. ” Cheng Yu is said reluctantly. Others are not silly, has the immortal to use obviously, why must independent combat with you! Also, you, if runs up to inner court to go again, you do have a look at coming out that you can also escape? ” Lan Ya said ill-humoredly. 只不过我估计他现在不会给我这个机会,除非他们内朝要跟我们决战。”程宇为无奈地说道。人家也不傻,明明有仙人可以用,为什么要跟你单打独斗!再说了,你要是再跑到内朝去,你看看你还能不能逃的出来?”兰雅没好气地说道。 „ Isn't he silly I to be silly? Some things have made one time enough, clear(ly) knows that others do have the trap to suspend me also to rush at home? “他不傻难道我傻吗?有些事情做过一次就够了,明知道人家有陷阱摆在家里我还要去闯? Is previous time to give them comes a sneak attack, who they believe that some people dare to sneak attack his inner court, therefore I can try one time. 上一次就是给他们来个偷袭,他们谁会相信有人敢偷袭他内朝,所以我可以试一次。 However now knows some true understanding people to dare to rush goes to inner court, naturally met under the arrange/cloth the unescapable net to wait for me to go again, will I give them this opportunity? ” Cheng Yu disdain said. 但是现在知道真有人敢闯到内朝去,当然会布下天罗地网等着我再去了,我会给他们这个机会吗?”程宇不屑地说道。 If he goes to inner court again, it is estimated that exalted lord that old fogy will suspend the immortals. 如果他再去内朝的话,估计主上那个老家伙会把仙人都摆出来。 After all he was the most important person, exalted lord said that must extinguish Holy City, but in fact extinguishes him. 毕竟他才是最重要的一个人,主上说起来是要灭圣城,但实际上又何尝不是灭他。 Has the people of nine Yuan gods is not Holy City the Lord words, but also who? 拥有九个元神的人都不是圣城之主的话,还有谁是呢? So long as killed him, Holy City nothing to be afraid, will he also run up to inner court to go impulsive? 所以只要杀了他一个人,圣城就不足为惧了,他还会那么冲动跑到内朝去吗?
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