GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5131: Has no alternative but to guard!

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Regarding these sovereign, the reward that although Cheng Yu gives cannot foreign public, but the good and evil they do not owe. 对于这几位宗主来说,虽然程宇给出的奖励不能对外公开,可是好歹他们自己并不亏。 Moreover, Cheng Yu had not said that did not plan publicly, but before the inner court person has not left, they will not be fair. 而且,程宇也并没说一直不打算公开,只是在内朝的人还没有离开之前,他们不会公平。 Even if inner court these people will continue to keep the Cheng Family investigation, should be still insufficient to treat for three years in Cheng Family? 内朝那些人就算会继续留在程家调查,应该也不至于在程家待上三年时间吧? Therefore later they can also be public, although wasted some time, but the good and evil has the leeway, losing is not too big. 所以以后他们也还可以再公开,虽然浪费了一些时间,但好歹还是有余地,损失也不算太大。 Let alone cannot publicize this news even directly, but they, when move these outstanding disciples, actually can still say this matter on the quiet. 更何况就算不能直接公开这个消息,但是他们在招那些优秀弟子的时候,其实也可以悄悄地将这件事情说出来。 Moreover, this news, no matter can publicize, at least in the following three years, their these sect gates will certainly obtain the rapid development. 另外,这个消息不管能不能公开,至少在接下来的三年时间内,他们这几个宗门肯定会得到迅速的发展。 So long as sect gate strength were increased, even three years later everyone proceeds to be promoted level, can't they incur more outstanding disciples? 只要自身宗门的实力提升了,甚至三年之后大家都往前晋级一个级别,那他们不也可以招更多优秀的弟子吗? As the saying goes, the hammering also needs itself hardly. 俗话说,打铁还需自身硬。 The reward actually also three years that Cheng Yu gives, if everyone to rewarding, them many also can only attract everyone three years. 程宇给出的这个奖励其实也就三年时间,若大家都是冲着奖励来的,他们最多也就只能吸引大家三年的时间。 Moreover these disciples, if were really recruited into sect gate because of the reward of Cheng Family, three years later, sect gate did not have such high reward, these disciples could not say that will also be disgruntled and hate with sect gate. 而且那些弟子若真的是因为程家的奖励而被招进宗门的,三年之后,宗门没有了这么高额的奖励,那些弟子说不得还会对宗门心生不满和怨恨。 Thinks that the gate strength was too weak, did not have the support of Cheng Family, cannot satisfy them. 认为宗门实力太弱了,没有了程家的扶持,根本就不能满足于他们了。 But if their sect gate powerful, is promoted to become rank higher sect gate, their attractions may incessantly three years. 可若是他们自己宗门的实力强大了,晋级成为了等级更高的宗门,他们的吸引力可就不止三年时间了。 Words that therefore such a thinks, everyone thought that this news can publicize is not that important. 所以这么一想的话,大家觉得这个消息能不能公开也不是那么重要了。 To sect gate, while these three years reward time, as far as possible gains more resources from Cheng Family , to promote sect gate the strength is the kingly way. 对宗门来说,趁着这三年的奖励时间,尽可能的从程家获取更多的资源,来提升宗门的实力才是王道。 This can let the sect gate prosperous truth! 这才是能够让宗门长盛不衰的道理! Therefore finally everyone was also leaves well satisfied. 所以最后大家也算是心满意足的离开了。 After five sovereign leave, Cheng Yu returned to the backyard. 等到五位宗主离开之后,程宇回到了后院。 What's wrong? What trick does Mount Shu School want to do?” Saw a Cheng Yu face silent came back, asked. “怎么了?蜀山派又想搞什么幺蛾子?”看到程宇一脸沉默的回来了,不由问道。 Everyone knows that Mount Shu has had discontentedly to Cheng Family, is not glad to make Cheng Family lower sect. 大家都知道蜀山一直对程家有所不满,不甘于做程家下宗的。 This Xuanzhen Daoist has four sovereign to arrive at Cheng Family, definitely will not have what good deed. 这一次玄真道人带着四位宗主来到程家,肯定也不会有什么好事。 This returned really must disappoint you, this old fogy not only has not done the trick, but also renders meritorious service!” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “这回还真要让你们失望了,这老家伙不仅没有搞出幺蛾子,而且还立了功!”程宇笑着说道。 Renders meritorious service? Renders meritorious service?” Several woman some do not believe obviously. “立功?立了什么功?”几个女人显然有些不太相信。 What morality Mount Shu School is, haven't they known? 蜀山派是个什么德性,他们还不知道吗? Initially Kunlun Mountains have not extinguished, Mount Shu School is follows Kunlun Mountains to be in cahoots radically. 当初昆仑没灭的时候,蜀山派根本就是跟着昆仑狼狈为奸。 Because if not for Kunlun Mountains were extinguished by Cheng Family, time Mount Shu of Cultivation World chaos did not have according to the institute of body, do they possibly arrive at Cheng Family? Definitely was turns to Kunlun Mountains. 若不是因为昆仑被程家灭了,修真界大乱的时候蜀山没有了依身之所,他们怎么可能来到程家?肯定是投靠昆仑去了。 Therefore Mount Shu School with Cheng Family is not always. 所以蜀山派程家从来都不是一路的。 Now Cheng Yu says unexpectedly this Mount Shu School was Cheng Family rendered meritorious service unexpectedly, this also was really makes person some not believe. 现在程宇竟说这蜀山派竟然为程家立功了,这还真的是让人有些不太相信。 However Cheng Yu said, definitely will not have the false, but made them curious. 不过程宇这么说,肯定不会有假,只是更加让她们好奇了。 Also is not the inner court matter, previous inner court runs up to Cheng Family to come does not have any harvest, therefore wants to pick up a thing from these sovereign mouths.” Cheng Yu said. “还不是内朝的事情,上一次内朝跑到程家来没有什么收获,于是想要从这些宗主的嘴里撬出点东西来。”程宇说道。 Therefore inner court did look for Mount Shu School?” “所以内朝又找上了蜀山派?” Right!” “没错!” How that does Mount Shu School render meritorious service? Didn't they seize the chance to sell us?” Lan Ya said. “那蜀山派是如何立功的?他们难道不趁机把我们卖了?”兰雅说道。 She thought that this as if conforms to the Mount Shu behavior. 她觉得这样似乎更符合蜀山的行为。 „ After actually inner court these fellows leave Cheng Family, their every action and every movement under my surveillance. Three days ago they sent people to invite Mount Shu and other sovereign actually I to know. “其实内朝那些家伙离开程家之后,他们的一举一动都在我的监视之下。三天前他们派人去邀请了蜀山等五位宗主其实我早就知道了。 But I am step by step motionless, taking advantage of opportunity, but is, wants to have a look at them to do what ghost. 只不过我按步不动,顺势而为,想看看他们到底搞出什么鬼来。 Also thinks has a look at these invite sovereign is somewhat loyal to Cheng Family! 同时也想想看看这几个被邀请的宗主对程家有几分忠诚! However what makes me not think, this Xuanzhen Daoist truly is a smart person. Although has disagreed with Cheng Family, however he actually chose at this time with Cheng Family stood. 不过让我没有想到的是,这玄真道人确实是个聪明人。虽然跟程家一直有所不和,但是在这个时候他却是选择了与程家站在一起。 He actually has four sovereign to arrive at Cheng Family, to me explained with the matter that inner court contacted on own initiative, you said that this was renders meritorious service? ” Cheng Yu answered with a smile to everyone. 他竟然带着四个宗主来到程家,主动把跟内朝接触的事情跟我交待了,你们说这算不算是立功了呢?”程宇笑着向大家解释道。 You determined what they explain to you are the fact? If by some chance this eliminates your pretence to their anxiety?” Yang Ruoxue somewhat questioned. “你确定他们跟你交待的是事实吗?万一这不过只是打消你对他们疑虑的幌子呢?”杨若雪却是有些质疑。 Ruoxue said right, these sovereign is not silly, is very at heart clear. Contacts with inner court in the Cheng Family sphere of influence, even if they did not say on own initiative, clarity that you can still know. 若雪说的没错,这些宗主又不傻,心里很清楚。在程家的势力范围内与内朝接触,就算他们不主动说,你也会知道的清清楚楚。 After its was seen through by you, might as well explains now on own initiative, this is instead easier to make you lax, will not investigate to this matter. ” Xin Yao also thought that this does not seem like the Mount Shu School behavior, therefore unavoidably for this, some suspicions. 与其之后被你识破,还不如现在主动说明,这样反而更容易让你松懈,不会对此事调查到底。”心瑶也觉得这不像是蜀山派的所为,所以不免对此有些怀疑。 A good person did good they to believe very much easily, but an unprincipled person must do good, although did not say not possibly, but must make clear the matter is good. 一个好人做好事她们很容易就相信了,可一个坏人要做好事,虽然不是说不可能,但是总得把事情搞清楚才行。 If Cheng Yu easily believed that must be cheated badly. 要是程宇这么轻易相信了,说不定就要上大当了。 inner court these fellows obviously are come Cheng Family to look for a job, who knows that in this has what idea! 内朝那些家伙明显就是来程家找事的,谁知道这里面是不是有什么计! Un, you said also has the truth, I will send people to stare at them!” By two woman reminders, he was also thought this matter cannot be negligent. “嗯,你们说的也不是没有道理,我会派人盯着他们的!”被两个女人一提醒,他也觉得这事不能大意了。 The will of the people are difficult to predict, although these fellows seem like that is to the loyalty of Cheng Family, who knows that in the back isn't another set? 人心难测,虽然这些家伙看似是对程家的忠诚,可是谁又知道背地里不是另外一套呢? Let alone these fellows with Cheng Family of one mind, did not change the temper suddenly before, makes so the matter of loyalty to come, but also really has to make him unexpected! 更何况这些家伙本来就跟程家不齐心,突然之前改了性子,做出如此忠义之事来,还真不得不让他不防啊! However inner court these person of he has sent people to stare, as for these sovereign, he will also send people to observe closely. 不过内朝的那些人他一直都派人盯着,至于这几位宗主,他也会派人盯住。 In this case, even if they really have what movement, will not make him unprepared. 这样的话,他们就算真的有什么动作,也不会让他毫无准备。 inner court these fellows, since has started to suspect that Cheng Family and Saint Court were related, I estimated that inner court might make war to our Cheng Family anytime!” Yao Na was worried that said. 内朝这些家伙既然已经开始怀疑程家圣朝有关了,我估计内朝随时都有可能向我们程家开战了!”姚娜担心地说道。 Relax, without is so quick! If they really want to attack Cheng Family, I let that side Bai Li and outer court unceasing exerts pressure on inner court. “放心,没这么快!他们若是真的想攻打程家,那我就让白离外朝那边不断的给内朝施压。 When the time comes I thought that they also do dare to come. 到时候我看他们还敢不敢来。 Let alone wants the immortal, I had really not feared that they come. ” Cheng Yu self-confident saying. 更何况只要仙人不出,我还真不怕他们来。”程宇自信的说道。 Dreads their inner court immortals, how even if inner court does hit now? 要不是忌惮他们的内朝的仙人,就算内朝现在打来了又如何? Therefore before the Cheng Family disciple did not have the sufficient strength, he does not dare to hold this war. 所以程家弟子还没有足够的实力之前,他不敢开这个大战。 Because even if now the inner court army destroying completely, then inner court compelled can only set out the immortal, that Cheng Family where anti- living? 因为现在就算把内朝大军给灭掉了,那么内朝就被逼的只能出动仙人了,那程家哪里抗的住? Therefore he has to delay some time of war as far as possible in the future. 所以他不得不尽量把大战的时间往后拖一些了。 After because had «Saint Sovereign God Secret art», he has seen the hope. 好歹因为有了《圣皇神诀》之后,他已经看到希望了。 Especially now the Cheng Family disciple awakens so many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, the part has to cut to kill the strength of immortal. 尤其是现在程家弟子觉醒了这么多的渡劫期修士,已经有一部分拥有斩杀仙人的实力了。 Therefore he must calm down, waits for some time again. 所以他一定要沉住气,再等待一段时间。 When the time comes Cheng Family will definitely also present the expert who more can cut the immortal. 到时候程家肯定还会出现更多能够斩仙的高手。 So long as manpower enough, even if inner court does not make war on own initiative, he will still make war on own initiative. 只要人手够了,就算内朝不主动开战,他也会主动开战的。 That may be difficult saying that if they really determined that our Cheng Family has the relations with Saint Court, they will not necessarily set out the immortal. “那可难说,如果他们真的确定咱们程家圣朝有关系的话,他们未必就不会出动仙人了。 Reason that they do not look for now the immortal, possibly is wish makes these people first arrive at Cheng Family to inquire! 之所以他们现在不把仙人找来,可能就是想要让这些人先到程家来打探一下! Now if they determined, inner court possibly can lead the immortal to come momentarily is not uncertain! ” Xin Yao said. 现在他们若是确定了,内朝可能随时都会带着仙人来也不一定!”心瑶说道。 Should not be quick, moreover Mount Shu School they do not know that we and Saint Court have the relations.” “应该没那么快,而且蜀山派他们也并不知道我们与圣朝有关系。” Who knows that Mount Shu School they can talk nonsense? Perhaps inner court is also a result, so long as Mount Shu School stated categorically that our Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, that inner court also does not have any well hesitant!” Xin Yao continues to say. “谁知道蜀山派他们会不会胡说呢?或许内朝也就是要个结果,只要蜀山派一口咬定我们程家圣朝有关系,那内朝也就没有什么好犹豫的了!”心瑶继续说道。 Un, you said is also reasonable, inner court really may want to determine that very much our Cheng Family and Saint Court do have the relations. “嗯,你说的也有道理,内朝确实很有可能只是想确定一下我们程家圣朝到底有没有关系。 However even if Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, they cannot show that our Cheng Family is Saint Court. 不过就算程家圣朝有关系,他们也并不能证明我们程家就是圣朝 The Immortal World immortal is not easily can arrive at the world of mortals, it is estimated that is also such a opportunity. 要知道,仙界的仙人可不是轻易就能够来到下界的,估计也就是那么一次机会。 I can affirm, this opportunity inner court does not dare to abuse casually. 我敢肯定,这种机会内朝也不敢随便乱用。 Therefore if they are unable to determine that our Cheng Family is Saint Court, but only knows our Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relation, do they dare to use such precious opportunity on our Cheng Family? 所以他们若是无法确定我们程家就是圣朝的话,而是只知道我们程家圣朝有联系,那他们敢把这么宝贵的机会用在我们程家身上吗? They must certainly keep the immortal to cope with Saint Court! ” Listened to the Xin Yao words, Cheng Yu to frown to walk back and forth, suddenly as if thought through, said with a smile. 他们肯定是要留着仙人对付圣朝的!”听了心瑶的话,程宇皱着眉头走来走去,突然似乎想通了,笑着说道。 „But if Mount Shu have they told inner court our Cheng Family are Saint Court?” Yang Ruoxue asked. “可要是蜀山他们已经告诉内朝我们程家就是圣朝了呢?”杨若雪问道。 This is impossible, said like me a moment ago. If Mount Shu really stated categorically that our Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, perhaps inner court also believes. “这不可能,就像我刚才说的。如果蜀山真的一口咬定我们程家圣朝有关系的话,内朝或许还会相信。 But if Mount Shu they stated categorically that our Cheng Family is Saint Court, you thought that inner court can easily believe? 但是如果蜀山他们一口咬定我们程家就是圣朝,你觉得内朝敢轻易相信吗? Do they dare to bet these immortals on our Cheng Family? 他们敢把这些仙人赌在我们程家身上吗? When the time comes even if they extinguished our Cheng Family, Saint Court braves again, their inner court who can also anti- living? ” Cheng Yu said. 到时候就算他们把我们程家灭了,圣朝再冒出来,他们内朝还有谁能够抗的住?”程宇说道。 But they, if really extinguished our Cheng Family, where also has Saint Court to brave?” Han Xue said that their inner court does not know Cheng Family is Saint Court, therefore we can only bet him not to dare to do that! ” “可他们若是真的灭了我们程家,哪里还有圣朝冒出来?”韩雪说道他们内朝又不知道程家就是圣朝,所以我们只能赌他不敢这么做!” This is not right, even if they really think that this is two influences. But if their immortals really came from Immortal World, after they can also our Cheng Family extinguished, extinguish Saint Court!” Xin Yao said. “这不对吧,就算他们真的以为这是两个势力。但如果他们的仙人真的从仙界过来了,他们也可以把我们程家灭了之后再灭圣朝啊!”心瑶说道。 This also has the possibility, but inner court is so discrete, I thought that the matter is not so simple. “这个也是有可能的,不过内朝这么谨慎,我觉得事情没有这么简单。 The immortals in this world of mortals, in the strength have the absolute advantage, but this did not represent them really to be invincible, they also had oneself disadvantage! ” Cheng Yu thinks to say. 仙人在这下界,实力上有着绝对的优势,但这并不代表他们就真的无敌了,他们也有自己的劣势!”程宇想了想说道。 What disadvantage?” “什么劣势?” Immortal is powerful , because they have the strength of immortal spirit. Although our Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator also has, but is unable to compare with the immortal absolutely. “仙人之所以强大,就是因为他们拥有着仙灵之力。虽然我们渡劫期修士也有,但是绝对无法与仙人相比。 However in this world of mortals, means that the strength of their immortal spirit is limited, after using, does not have the means to restore! 不过在这下界,也意味着他们的仙灵之力是有限的,使用完以后是没有办法恢复的! If their immortals are used to cope with our Cheng Family, how when the time comes they do cope with Saint Court? ” Cheng Yu said. 如果他们的仙人用来对付我们程家,到时候他们如何对付圣朝呢?”程宇说道。
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