GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5130: What a pity!

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Cheng Family! 程家 In front of Cheng Yu's is placing five jade boxes, but his front is standing five people. 程宇的面前摆放着五个玉盒,而他的面前则站着五个人。 „Are several sect gate this what intent?” Cheng Yu looks that five people asked. “几位宗门这是何意啊?”程宇看着五人问道。 Head of household, three days ago inner court comes the person, inviting us to go to outside the Changbai city to gather, just we came back from the city, this was inner court gives our gift!” Xuanzhen Daoist answered. “家主,三天前内朝来人,邀请我们前往长白城外一聚,刚刚我们从城外回来,这是内朝给我们的礼物!”玄真道人解释道。 Since is inner court gives your gift, you actually put my front, what is this?” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “既然是内朝给你们的礼物,你们却放到我的面前,这是什么意思呢?”程宇笑着说道。 Head of household, inner court may want to be disadvantageous to Cheng Family, how could did I and others accept this gift? Therefore then brings the gift to arrive at Cheng Family, gives to Cheng Family this gift, meanwhile invited family/home main careful inner court is!” Xuanzhen Daoist said. “家主,内朝可能想对程家不利,我等岂能收下这礼物?所以便带着礼物来到程家,将这礼物献给程家,同时还请家主要小心内朝才是!”玄真道人说道。 Several sovereign to Cheng Family are really an absolute sincerity, touching me. inner court I will naturally be careful that but these gifts are not only inner court deliver with your, that this is your things, if I took, that also does make sense?” Cheng Yu beckons with the hand to say. “几位宗主对程家果然是一片赤诚,让我十分感动。内朝这边我自然会小心的,不过这些礼物既是内朝送与你们的,那这就是你们的东西,若是我拿了,那还像话吗?”程宇摆摆手说道。 We know that the head of household is not willing to receive, but this is our intention!” The wind prosperous sovereign said. “我们知道家主不愿意收,但这是我们的一片心意!”风昌宗主说道。 Your intentions I led, my Cheng Family has your such loyal ministers, is more precious than any gift. Moreover, considering your merit to the Cheng Family, your five sect gate duty will enjoy for three years with the Cheng Family disciple same preferential benefit.” Cheng Yu says. “你们的心意我领了,我程家有你们这样的忠臣,比任何礼物都珍贵。另外,鉴于你们对程家的功劳,你们五个宗门的任务将享受三年与程家弟子同等优惠。”程宇开口说道。 Many thanks head of household!” Obtains head of household reward, immediately makes five people bright, excited thanks say at present. “多谢家主!”得到家主这个奖励,顿时让五人眼前一亮,激动不已的感谢道。 This may really be an unexpected harvest. 这可真的是一个意外的收获。 Originally Xuanzhen Daoist urged everyone to take to give the Cheng Yu's time immortal Yuan pill, everyone was not naturally glad. 本来玄真道人劝大家将仙元丹拿出来送给程宇的时候,大家心里自然是不乐意的。 After all they also take very big risk to obtain from inner court there, moreover accepted this gift is also equivalent owed a inner court sentiment, perhaps later inner court really must look for them. 毕竟他们也是冒着很大的风险从内朝那里得到的,而且接受了这份礼物还相当于欠了内朝一份情,说不定以后内朝真的要找他们还的。 Finally they actually must give to Cheng Yu this immortal Yuan pill, will everyone possibly accept? 结果他们却要把这仙元丹送给程宇,大家怎么可能会接受呢? However after a Xuanzhen Daoist excuse, they was also accepts reluctantly. 但是经过玄真道人的一番说辞,他们也算是勉强接受了。 Although Xuanzhen Daoist has guaranteed Cheng Yu is impossible to accept these immortal Yuan pill, but they put in front of Cheng Yu's immortal Yuan pill time, is worried at heart very much. 虽然玄真道人一直保证程宇不可能收下这些仙元丹,可是他们将仙元丹放程宇的面前的时候,心里还是很担心的。 This is immortal Yuan pill, so long as Cheng Yu opens stone He to look how five immortal Yuan pill do will not be excited? 这可是仙元丹,只要程宇打开石盒一看,五颗仙元丹怎会不心动呢? However what makes them not think, Cheng Yu has not opened that stone He to look at inside thing from beginning to end is anything, rejected directly. 不过让他们万万没有想到的是,程宇自始至终都没有打开那石盒看里面的东西是什么,直接就拒绝了。 This made them feel better, this also had the wind prosperous sovereign pleasantries, because he knows that Cheng Yu will not really accept these gifts. 这让他们心里好受了许多,这也才有了风昌宗主刚才的客套话,因为他知道程宇是真的不会收下这些礼物的。 Obviously what they have not thought that Cheng Yu has not only accepted their gifts, instead gave a big present to everyone, this may be too accidentally/surprisingly is too pleasantly surprised. 只是他们显然更加没有想到的是,程宇不仅没有收下他们的礼物,反而给大家送了一份大礼,这可真的是太意外太惊喜了。 If immortal Yuan pill is the resources that they most need now, because the normal resources too have not affected to them greatly. 如果说仙元丹是他们现在最为需要的资源,因为正常的资源已经对他们并没有太大的作用了。 The reward that then Cheng Yu gives may to the entire sect gate big ritual. 那么程宇给出的这个奖励可就是给整个宗门的大礼了。 As Cheng Family lower sect, they, although is like the Cheng Family disciple, what received is in the Cheng Family clan the duty, but has the difference in the duty reward. 作为程家下宗,他们虽然跟程家弟子一样,接取的是程家的族内任务,可是在任务奖励上却是有区别的。 The first-level lower sect preferential strength is biggest, the second-level lower sect next best, third-level lower sect gives preferential benefit lowly. 一级下宗的优惠力量最大,二级下宗次之,三级下宗优惠最低。 Naturally, although the preferential benefit of third-level lower sect is lowest, but these receives compared with the external mission person compared with the city, they have very big advantage. 当然,虽然三级下宗的优惠是最低的,但是比起城中那些接取族外任务的人相比,他们还是有很大的优势的。 The reward that therefore Cheng Yu gives, sends two third-level lower sect regarding the scud sect and silver moon, profits absolutely in a big way. 因此程宇给出的这个奖励,对于飞云宗和银月派两个三级下宗来说,绝对是受益最大的。 Actually Cheng Yu can not need to give such big reward, can definitely make five sect gates proceed to rise first-level to be OK respectively. 其实程宇本可以不用给这么大的奖励的,完全可以让五个宗门各往前升一级就可以了。 First-level lower sect Mount Shu School enjoys the Cheng Family disciple equality of treatment, the Feng Lei gate enjoys the first-level lower sect treatment with fierce Yangzong two second-level lower sect, two third-level lower sect enjoy the second-level lower sect treatment, they same profit are very big. 一级下宗蜀山派享受程家弟子同等待遇,风雷门和烈阳宗两个二级下宗享受一级下宗的待遇,两个三级下宗则享受二级下宗的待遇,他们一样受益很大。 However Cheng Yu has not done that because this not only does to these five sect gate looked, does to Cheng Family all lower sect looks. 但是程宇并没有这么做,因为这不仅仅是做给这五个宗门看,更是做给程家所有下宗看的。 Wants Cheng Family all lower sect to be loyal and devoted to Cheng Family, this is actually a very difficult matter. 想要程家所有下宗都对程家忠心耿耿,这其实是一件很困难的事情。 Cheng Yu also very clear this point, knows that these lower sect are really not loyal to Cheng Family, every so often is only because dreads the Cheng Family powerful strength, therefore has to compromise for the general interest. 程宇也很清楚这一点,知道这些下宗并非真的对程家忠心而已,很多时候只是因为忌惮程家的强大实力,所以不得不委曲求全。 Therefore really wants to enhance the loyalty of these lower sect, actually tempts with the benefit is good. 所以真的想要提高这些下宗的忠诚,其实还是得用利益来引诱才行。 So long as everyone has the common interest, such union is long-time. 只要大家都有共同的利益,那样的同盟才更长久。 Otherwise these lower sect sooner or later because the benefit different is separated from Cheng Family, even can with the Cheng Family enemy collude with each other copes with Cheng Family. 否则这些下宗早晚会因为利益不同而脱离程家,甚至会与程家的敌人勾结在一起来对付程家 Although like this seems like that is unfair to first-level lower sect Mount Shu School, but first-level lower sect altogether such several. 虽然这样看似对一级下宗蜀山派不公平,但是一级下宗一共就这么几个。 So long as these lower sect have enough resources development, actually these lower sect influences will become will be instead bigger. 只要这些下宗有足够的资源发展,其实这些下宗的影响力反而会变得更大一些。 At least now more than 100 third-level lower sect, if can unite in together, but also really not necessarily compares a first-level lower sect difference. 至少现在一百多三级下宗若是能够联合在一起,还真的未必就比一个一级下宗差。 Because the third-level lower sect disciple are more, under the long-time development, the third-level lower sect overall strength surpasses four first-level lower sect overall strengths is also not implausible. 但因为三级下宗的弟子更多,长久发展之下,三级下宗的整体实力超过四个一级下宗的整体实力也并不是没有可能。 Therefore he does that is the loyalty of stimulation many lower sect to Cheng Family. 所以他这么做,就是要刺激更多的下宗程家的忠诚。 Only is Cheng Family renders meritorious service, good that they can develop. 只有为程家立功,他们才能够发展的更好。 Let alone these altogether five sect gate, this to these several hundred lower sect standing erect models, making all lower sect be able to understand time, with Cheng Family is most promising. 更何况这一次总共才五个宗门,这就是给这几百下宗竖立典型,让所有下宗都能够明白,跟着程家才是最有前途的。 These lets time two second-level lower sect and two third-level lower sect tasted after the benefit of Cheng Family disciple equality of treatment, three years should let these four sect gate development fast. 这一次让两个二级下宗和两个三级下宗尝到了与程家弟子同等待遇的甜头之后,三年的时间应该会让这四个宗门飞快的发展。 Whom when the time comes other second-level lower sect and third-level did lower sect look at is not eyes red? 到时候其他二级下宗和三级下宗看了谁不眼红? It is estimated that these lower sect want performance well before him, to express to the loyalty of Cheng Family. 估计这些下宗都想在他面前好好的表现,以表示对程家的忠诚。 Although this treatment, only then three years, but regarding sect Mennei the disciple, these three years income will obtain the enormous change! 虽然这个待遇只有三年时间,但是对于宗门内的弟子来说,这三年的收益却会得到极大的改变! What is more important, once this reward news lets out, these five sect gate become Cheng Family most popular lower sect in these three years time. 更加重要的是,这个奖励消息一旦放出去,这五个宗门在这三年时间内成为程家最受欢迎的下宗 Thinks to look, but these five sect gate duty rewards and Cheng Family disciple same. 想想看,这五个宗门的任务奖励可是与程家弟子同等的。 Although may be unable to compare with Cheng Family in other aspects, but the duty involves is resources, regarding cultivator, the resources is most important. 虽然在其他方面可能无法与程家相比,但是任务涉及到的就是资源这一块,对于修士来说,资源就是最重要的。 So long as they entered these five lower sect, they will also enjoy with the Cheng Family disciple same duty resources, how to be appealing? 所以只要他们进入了这五个下宗,他们也将享受与程家弟子相同的任务资源,如何不吸引人呢? When the time comes greatly the talent will run up to their these sect Menlai, particularly four two third-level lower sect, cannot do well them to be promoted by oneself sect gate in these three years time sufficiently, becomes first-level and second-level lower sect. 到时候大把的人才都会跑到他们的这几个宗门来,尤其是四个二三级下宗,搞不好他们在这三年时间内就足以让自己的宗门晋级,成为一级和二级下宗 So many advantage put together, how to make these sovereign not be excited, is grateful? 这么多的好处放在一起,如何让这几位宗主不激动不已,感恩戴德呢? Head of household, although the head of household gave us such big advantage, but the subordinate thinks this matter not suitably temporarily public!” Xuanzhen Daoist thinks to say. “家主,虽然家主给了我们这么大的好处,但是属下认为此事暂时不宜公开!”玄真道人想了想说道。 Several other sovereign one hear of Xuanzhen Daoist this saying actually frown. 其他几个宗主一听玄真道人这话却是皱起了眉头。 This is they sovereign recruits the good time of talent. 这可是他们宗主招纳人才的好时机。 Three years said that are not short are not short, but said that long are not really long, regarding cultivator, three years really flash by. 三年时间说不短也不算短,但是说长真的不长,对于一个修士来说,三年时间真的是一晃而过。 If this matter cannot publicize, how they can attract the talent? 若是这件事情不能公开,那他们如何能够吸纳人才呢? Can it be that this Xuanzhen Daoist was worried after their these sect gate are promoted, snatched their interest? 玄真道人莫不是担心他们这些宗门晋级之后抢了他们的利益? In the however although four people of hearts has discontentedly, but has not actually opened the mouth, but looks at Cheng Yu. 不过四人心中虽然有所不满,但是却并没有开口,而是看着程宇 So long as Cheng Yu does not approve, that this proposition is not meaningful. 只要程宇不认同,那这提议就没有任何意义。 What Xuanzhen Headmaster is worried is inner court these people?” Cheng Yu actually thought of the key point all of a sudden. 玄真掌门担心的是内朝那些人吧?”程宇却是一下子就想到了关键点。 He is very clear, Xuanzhen Daoist has wanted Mount Shu School to press another three first-level lower sect heads. 他很清楚,玄真道人一直都想要蜀山派压另外三个一级下宗一头。 These is time Mount Shu School enhances the strength absolutely the good opportunity. 这一次绝对是蜀山派提升自身实力的好机会。 He will even propose that such request, obviously this person is also a smart person. 他竟然会主动提出这样的要求,可见此人也是一个聪明人。 However thinks is also, this fellow always to Cheng Family loyal illegibile, today will arrive at Cheng Family to clarify own attitude unexpectedly on own initiative, if not for the smart person may be unable to do. 不过想想也是,这个家伙一向对程家的忠诚不清不楚,今日竟然会主动来到程家摆明自己的态度,若不是聪明人可做不出来。 „, inner court these people as if suspected that Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, wants to obtain some precise information from here. However we are not clear to this matter, therefore has not given them any useful news. “正是,内朝这些人似乎怀疑程家圣朝有关系,想要从我们这里得到一些确切的消息。不过我们对此事并不清楚,所以并没有给他们任何有用的消息。 Therefore I guess that they temporarily will not have left Cheng Family, will continue to keep Cheng Family to inquire the news. 所以我猜他们暂时还不会离开程家,会继续留在程家打听消息。 At this time if the head of household announced that our five sect gate obtained such big reward, cannot do well the people of these inner court to think that we deceived them. 这个时候家主若是宣布我们五个宗门得到了这么大的奖励,搞不好这些内朝之人会以为我们欺骗了他们。 Not is only disadvantageous to our five sect gates, is also disadvantageous to Cheng Family, therefore also asked the head of household to consider prudently! ” Xuanzhen Daoist serious said. 不仅对我们五个宗门不利,对程家也同样不利,所以还请家主能够慎重的考虑一下!”玄真道人一脸严肃地说道。 Hears these words, four sovereign immediately the complexion also became dignified. 听到这番话,四位宗主顿时脸色也变得凝重起来了。 Obviously they wrongly accused Xuanzhen Daoist a moment ago. 显然他们刚才是错怪玄真道人了。 They almost inner court forgetting, this they useful news had not told the opposite party time, the opposite party will definitely continue to keep the Cheng Family collection news. 他们差点把内朝给忘记了,这一次他们一点有用的消息都没有告诉对方,对方肯定会继续留在程家收集消息的。 Therefore at this time they have not really been able is too high-profile, otherwise inner court definitely will suspect that they possibly deceived their inner court with the lie. 所以这个时候他们还真的不能太高调了,否则内朝必然会怀疑他们可能用谎言欺骗了他们内朝 When the time comes they recognized Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, if really made war, that may not serve their benefits. 到时候他们认定了程家圣朝有关系,万一真的开战了,那可就不符合他们的利益了。 Before everyone when under mountain discussed was very clear, what now they need is the stability of Cheng Family. 之前大家在山下的时候就已经商量的很清楚了,现在他们需要的是程家的稳定。 The fact also truly was such they also obtains three years of favorable treatment now. 事实也确实是这样现在他们也得到了三年的优惠待遇。 If inner court and Cheng Family really made war, their rewards also had no significance. 如果内朝程家真的开战了,那他们这个奖励也就没有什么意义了。 Made war, do they have the opportunity to go out of town to make the duty? 都开战了,他们还有机会出城去做任务吗? Even if can make the duty, the Cheng Family duty will also continue? 就算能去做任务,程家的任务还会继续吗? Therefore Cheng Family cannot be chaotic, this can bring their these lower sect to rise together. 所以程家不能乱,这样才能带着他们这些下宗一起崛起。 This is a good opportunity, if cannot announce, but was really a pity. 只是这是一个多好的机会啊,若是不能公布,可真的是太可惜了。 „Do several leaders think?” Cheng Yu looks that these four leaders asked with a smile. “几位掌门认为呢?”程宇看着这四位掌门笑着问道。 All decided depending on the head of household!” “全凭家主决定!” Such being the case, we should obey the advice of Xuanzhen Headmaster, takes the larger situation into account. After this news inner court these people leave, announced to Cheng Family all parties!” Cheng Yu said. “既然如此,我们还是应该听从玄真掌门的建议,以大局为重。这个消息就等到内朝的那些人离开之后再向程家各方公布吧!”程宇说道。 Yes!” Although several leaders feel somewhat regrettably, but also knows that this matter truly cannot act unreasonably, otherwise anything cannot obtain! “是!”几位掌门虽然觉得有些遗憾,但是也知道这件事情确实不能乱来,否则什么都得不到!
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