GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5129: Could not eat the hot tofu impatiently!

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On mountain! 山上! The people were again depressed. 众人再次郁闷了。 Great Elder, since their what does not know why you just did insist on giving to them this immortal Yuan pill again?” Third Elder said very depressed. 大长老,既然他们什么都不知道,你刚刚又何必再执意将这仙元丹送给他们呢?”三长老十分郁闷地说道。 The thing in others hands, they truly must come back embarrassed again. 东西在人家手上,他们确实不好意思再要回来。 But others drew back on own initiative, moreover everyone also openly expressed the words. 可是人家自己都主动退回来了,而且大家也把话说开了。 If the opposite party truly provided the useful message for them, said the water that sprinkles, they also naturally also said anything embarrassed again. 如果对方确实为他们提供了有用的消息,说出去的话泼出去的水,那他们也自然也就不好意思再说什么。 But the issue is these people does not know at all radically, they used such big effort, any useful news has not obtained. 可问题是这些人根本就是一问三不知,他们费了这么大的劲,什么有用的消息都没有得到。 Then, Great Elder also the thing delivering, understanding where he did think? 就这样,大长老还把东西给送出去了,他哪里想的明白呢? That is immortal Yuan pill, is not ordinary Medicinal Pill(s). 那可是仙元丹啊,不是什么普通的丹药 Yes, Great Elder, I also thought that you were too a moment ago impulsive. Their anything does not know, has not provided any help to us, even if anything does not give them, still!” Shen Xiulin also said. “是啊,大长老,我也觉得你刚才太冲动了。他们什么都不知道,并没有给我们提供任何的帮助,就算什么都不给他们,也没有什么关系!”沈修林也说道。 I understand that your meanings, this immortal Yuan pill truly can not need to give them. However perhaps considering later, they can also use for us. “我明白你们的意思,本来这仙元丹确实可以不用给他们。但是考虑到以后,他们或许还能够为我们所用。 Although this immortal Yuan pill is important, but I think that makes good friends with these people not necessarily is what misdemeanor. 这仙元丹虽然重要,但是我认为与这些人结个善缘未必是什么坏事。 Let alone we, if really took carry back this immortal Yuan pill, not only appears our inner court extremely is also mean-spirited. 更何况我们若是真的把这仙元丹拿回来了,不仅显得我们内朝也太过小气。 Moreover if later wants to ask them to cooperate again, it is estimated that was also difficult. 而且以后若想再找他们合作,估计也困难了。 You are clear, even if cannot use now, with us and Cheng Family contradictions, will still use eventually! ” Great Elder answered. 你们要明白,就算现在用不上,以我们与程家的矛盾,也终究会用上的!”大长老解释道。 Actually does he want to take carry back this immortal Yuan pill? 其实他又何尝不想将这仙元丹拿回来呢? But since they adopt the stance that inner court kept aloof from the beginning, that naturally must suspend. 可是他们既然一开始就摆出了内朝高高在上的姿态,那当然要一直摆下去。 If they must take again Medicinal Pill(s), that may really be enough disgraced. 若是他们还要把丹药再拿回去,那可真的是够丢人的。 After all they had revealed that oneself status, in the front of these people, they naturally also called on is a great person. 毕竟他们都已经表露自己的身份了,在这些人的面前,他们自然也称的上是大人物。 The gift that one group of great people, actually win continually can also receive unexpectedly. 一群大人物,竟然连拿出来的礼物竟然还能收回去。 To be honest, even this immortal Yuan pill to them very precious, but his eventually humiliation scope. 说实话,就算这仙元丹对他们来说都非常的珍贵,可是他终究还是丢不起这个脸面。 Naturally, pours also not completely for the face. 当然,倒也并非全部都是为了脸面。 He also truly planned that makes good friends with these people, if later they really attack Cheng Family time, to/clashes these immortal Yuan pill, they always must show due respect for the feelings! 他也确实是打算跟这些人结个善缘,以后他们若是真的来攻打程家的时候,就冲这几颗仙元丹,他们总也得给面子吧! But they after all are Cheng Family lower sect, feared that really has such a day, they are also not necessarily able to cooperate with us!” Third Elder thinks to say. “可是他们毕竟是程家下宗,就怕真有那么一天,他们也未必会与我们合作!”三长老想了想说道。 That, we will also not necessarily choose their five people to come, because we investigate them to have discontentedly to Cheng Family. “那倒也未必,我们之所以会选择他们五个人来,正是因为我们调查到他们对程家是有所不满的。 Since they have discontented to Cheng Family, we have the common interest with them. Had the common interests, but also feared that they won't cooperate with us when the time comes? 既然他们对程家有不满,那咱们就与他们有共同的利益。有了共同利益,还怕他们到时候不会与我们合作吗? Therefore everyone does not need extremely to care about the present success and failure. ” Great Elder comforts to say to everyone. 所以大家也不用太过在意眼前的得失。”大长老向大家安慰道。 Issue was our present duties should be found between Cheng Family and Saint Court has the evidence of involvement, now we built five immortal Yuan pill to go, but still had achieved nothing. “问题是我们现在的任务应该是找到程家圣朝之间有勾连的证据,如今我们搭了五颗仙元丹进去,但是仍然一无所获。 If checks again, we feared that must build body few immortal Yuan pill. ” Third Elder said. 要是再查下去,咱们怕是要把身上为数不多的仙元丹都要搭进去了。”三长老说道。 If currently has the harvest, even if he loves dearly again, still thought that has the valve. 若是现在有了收获,他就算再心疼,也觉得是有所值得的。 But the issue is their anything harvests now does not have, but also everyone built an immortal Yuan pill in vain, this made certainly him be somewhat hard to accept. 可问题是现在他们什么收获都没有,还每人白白搭进去了一颗仙元丹,这当然让他有些难以接受了。 Moreover how then they should, they be a clue do not have now. 而且接下来他们该如何,他们现在可是一点头绪都没有了。 according to these sovereign said that no matter this Cheng Family were Saint Court, Cheng Family with Saint Court was only the cooperation, this matter was only possibly related with Cheng Family, moreover extreme hidden that they made, at least these lower sect were knows nothing.” Five elders said. “依这几位宗主所言来看,不管这程家就是圣朝,还是程家圣朝只是合作,这件事情可能都只跟程家有关,而且他们做的极为隐藏,至少这些下宗是毫不知情的。”五长老说道。 If by some chance these sovereign not agrees did tell us radically?” The Third Elder rebuttal said. “万一这些宗主根本就是不肯告诉我们呢?”三长老反驳道。 From the looks of these people, I thought that they are quite low to the possibility that we lie.” Five elders persist in saying. “从这些人的眼神当中,我觉得他们对我们说谎的可能性比较低。”五长老坚持道。 Why did five elders so affirm?” “五长老为何如此肯定?” Intuition!” “直觉!” „......” Third Elder was speechless immediately. “......”三长老顿时无语了。 Intuition? 直觉? The intuition means that this is purely the speculation. 直觉就意味着这纯属猜测。 Important can such matter with guessing? 这么重要的事情能用猜的? Wanted me saying that since they are not willing to speak the truth, we came hardly. We must take their lives, do they also dare to speak irresponsibly?” Third Elder said discontentedly. “要我说,既然他们不肯说实话,那咱们就来硬的。咱们要取他们的命,他们还敢乱说吗?”三长老不满地说道。 Accidentally that they said real?” Five elders said. “那万一他们说的都是真的呢?”五长老说道。 If, we put at the worst again them. But if they really know about the truth, we may gain in a big way, at this time returns to inner court immediately, requested that exalted lord kills their dark day to be secret.” Third Elder said dynamic. “若是真的,咱们大不了再把他们放回去。但他们若是真的知道实情,那咱们可就赚大了,此时立马回到内朝,请求主上杀他们个昏天暗地。”三长老激情四射地说道。 Simplicity that „ you think actually, if is really so simple, what evidence we also do look for? Requested directly exalted lord brought the army to extinguish Cheng Family was not good. “你倒是想的简单,若真是如此简单的话,那咱们还来找什么证据?直接请求主上带着大军把程家灭了不就好了。 This Cheng Family are not related with Saint Court in any case even, but is still our personal enemies, killed also killed. ” Five elders taunted. 反正这程家就算跟圣朝没有关系,但也是我们的仇人,杀了也就杀了。”五长老嘲讽道。 Snort! exalted lord does not want, I also really want to do.” Third Elder disdain said. “哼!要不是主上不愿意,我还真想这么干。”三长老不屑地说道。 Why can you know exalted lord not to want?” “那你可知主上为何不愿意?” How the idea of exalted lord I know, wants me in any case is the exalted lord words, since is the personal enemies, kills early kills late must kill. 主上的想法我怎么知道,反正要我是主上的话,既然都是仇人,早杀晚杀都要杀的。 Rather kills wrong is steadfast, let alone Cheng Family with our itself/Ben is a personal enemy, does not have anything to kill the wrong truth. 宁可杀错不可放过,更何况程家与我们本就是仇人,也不存在什么杀错的道理。 If Cheng Family really has the relations with Saint Court, that this matter didn't solve like this easily? ” Third Elder to own plan obviously is very satisfied. 要是程家真的与圣朝有关系,那这事不就这样轻而易举的解决了吗?”三长老对自己的计划显然是非常满意的。 In his opinion, exalted lord requests them to do that itself moves unnecessarily, is wasting the time purely. 在他看来,主上要求他们这么做,本身就是多此一举,纯粹是在浪费时间。 Pitifully exalted lord did not only agree, otherwise they why so troublesome? 只可惜主上不同意,要不然他们何必这么麻烦? You think us, if dispatches troops to Cheng Family, really can destroy completely Cheng Family easily?” Great Elder asked. “你以为我们若是出兵程家,真的这么容易就可以将程家灭掉?”大长老反问道。 At least Cheng Family does not have inner court is so strong!” Third Elder said. “至少程家没有内朝那么强!”三长老说道。 That is you thinks!” “那是你认为!” Is it possible that Great Elder thinks that this Cheng Family is powerful compared with Saint Court?” Third Elder disdain said. “莫非大长老认为这程家比起圣朝还要强大?”三长老不屑地说道。 Cheng Family is fiercer than I not to know Saint Court, but I must remind your am, do not look down on Cheng Family.” The Great Elder reminder said. 程家是不是比圣朝更厉害我不知道,但是我要提醒你的是,你千万不要小瞧了程家。”大长老提醒道。 How did this words say?” “此话怎讲?” Before we had said that Cheng Family any pattern not only regarding Cheng Family, regarding entire Cultivation World, has a great influence. “之前我们就说过了,程家的任何模式不仅是对于程家自身,对于整个修真界来说,都是影响巨大。 Cheng Family not only obtained the large amounts of resources in this way, particularly tied up the innumerable cultivator destinies on Cheng Family this ship! 程家不仅通过这种方式获得了大量的资源,尤其是将无数修士的命运都绑在了程家这条船上! If we dispatch troops to attack Cheng Family, that was no different than the world cultivator rice bowl overturns. 若是我们出兵攻打程家,那无异于将天下修士的饭碗都打翻了。 You smashed the world cultivator rice bowl, on that day under cultivator with us for enemy. 你砸了天下修士的饭碗,那天下修士都将跟我们为敌。 How first did not say Cheng Family own strength, but is under this day cultivator must attack inner court, this to inner court also absolutely is not a good deed. 先不说程家自身的实力到底如何,可就是这天下修士都要攻打内朝,这对内朝来说也绝对不是一件好事。 Moreover we also saw in the middle of Cheng Family these cities, makes the duty Great Ascension Stage cultivator to be countless in Cheng Family, even few Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator. 而且我们在程家的这些城池当中也看到了,在程家做任务的大乘期修士数之不尽,甚至还有少量的渡劫期修士 In addition we also saw some Cheng Family also many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, you thought that such Cheng Family will be weak? 再加上我们也看到了程家自身也有不少渡劫期修士,你觉得这样的程家会弱吗? Now we have Saint Court this archenemy before, moreover these outer court mostly have also been separated from us, moreover gangs up with Saint Court, covets about our inner court domain. 如今我们已经有圣朝这个大敌在前,另外那些外朝大多也都已经脱离了我们,而且还与圣朝勾勾搭搭,对我们内朝的地盘觊觎不已。 exalted lord does not dare easily to dispatch troops to attack Cheng Family, obviously is not willing to involve Cheng Family to come at this time again. ” Great Elder answered. 主上之所以不敢轻易出兵攻打程家,显然是不愿意在这个时候再多牵扯一个程家进来。”大长老解释道。 Right, moreover Cheng Family several hundred lower sect, although is not every lower sect is loyal and devoted, however so many lower sect add, that is also a very powerful strength. “没错,而且程家有几百下宗,虽然不是每个下宗都忠心耿耿,但是这么多的下宗加起来,那也是一股非常强大的力量。 Moreover, the Cheng Family geographical position is special, wants to attack Cheng Family, they can definitely draw back Joined the world to be vulgar. 另外,程家的地理位置非常特殊,想要攻打程家,他们完全可以退入世俗。 However the Cheng Family more than 50 cities, you thought that we can die of suffocation more than 50 cities completely? 但是程家有五十多座城池,你觉得咱们能够将这五十多座城池全部堵死吗? Could not do well us to stop up a city, when the time comes they entered Cultivation World from other city, instead our army, coming inside and outside to encircle, who was a knife and chopping block, who was the fish meat has really not said! ” Five elders also say. 搞不好我们堵住了一座城池,到时候他们从别的城池进入修真界,反将我们一军,来个里外合围,那谁是刀俎,谁是鱼肉还真不好说!”五长老也开口说道。 Three Martial Uncle, I felt big senior martial uncle and five Martial Uncle said right, I inquired so many years in Cheng Family, simplicity that this Cheng Family we have not really imagined. “三师叔,我觉得大师伯和五师叔说的没错,我在程家打探了这么多年,这程家真的没有我们想象的那么简单。 Since we these days, although has not strolled the Cheng Family 53 cities. However on us the situation of the city knowing, this Cheng Family expert also is really many. 我们这些日子以来,虽然没有将程家五十三座城池都逛一遍。但是就我们在城中所了解的情况来说,这程家的高手还真是不少。 That Cheng Yu we have also seen, his strength is to link several Martial Uncle senior martial uncle had not completely understood. 程宇我们也见过了,他的实力更是连几位师叔师伯都没有看透。 First did not say that exalted lord is willing to intend to attack Cheng Family personally, even if he wants, wants to capture Cheng Family, the paid price definitely are still many. 先不说主上愿不愿意亲自出手攻打程家,就算他愿意,想要攻下程家,付出的代价也肯定不少。 Moreover you were also popular the happy city experts to fight with the Saint Court expert before, that person of strength powerful? 而且您之前也跟圣朝高手在兴乐城高手交过手,那人的实力有多强大? Even if this Cheng Family is really the Saint Court den, our inner court can easily capture this Cheng Family? 哪怕这程家真的就是圣朝老巢,那我们内朝能够轻易的攻下这程家吗? When we and Cheng Family refuse to budge, these will revolt toward will perhaps also seize the chance to assist Cheng Family, this regarding our inner court, absolutely will not be the good deed. 在我们与程家僵持不下的时候,那些叛朝说不定还会趁机相助程家,这对于我们内朝来说,绝对不是什么好事。 A slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, if Cheng Family is the Saint Court den, even if exalted lord leads troops to act personally, the loss of our inner court will be huge. 正所谓牵一发而动全身,如果程家圣朝的老巢,哪怕是主上亲自带兵出手,咱们内朝的损失都会非常巨大。 Do not say that by some chance Cheng Family and Saint Court have not really related that inner court to face so many archenemies simultaneously, feared that is living that exalted lord came also not necessarily to keep off. 更不要说万一程家圣朝真的没有关系那内朝同时面对这么多大敌,怕是主上来了也未必挡的住。 exalted lord definitely realizes this point obviously, therefore does not dare to act rashly. ” vermilion Yuheng also said extremely prudently. 主上显然是肯定是意识到这一点,所以才不敢轻举妄动。”朱羽恒也极为慎重地说道。 Therefore, we even if found Cheng Family is the Saint Court evidence is still useless?” Third Elder is somewhat unbearably angry obviously. “既是如此,那我们岂不是就算找到了程家就是圣朝的证据也没用了?”三长老显然有些气不过。 Two peers refuted him also even, now the later generation must refute him, his naturally is at heart unhappy. 两个同辈反驳他也就算了,现在就连后辈都要反驳他,他的心里自然不开心了。 Permanently actually the feather said is very reasonable, by situation that present inner court faces, even if we attained the evidence to return to inner court. “其实羽恒说的很有道理,以如今内朝所面临的形势来说,就算我们拿到了证据回到内朝 exalted lord will not dispatch troops absolutely immediately. 主上也绝对不会立即出兵的。 To destroy completely Saint Court or Cheng Family, this matter can only attempt it slowly. 无论是想要灭掉圣朝还是程家,这件事情都只能徐徐图之。 If really attacks Cheng Family now, inner court will certainly bear the consequences of evil acts, instead the achievement these wanted to hide in secret the person of profit. 若是现在真的攻打程家,内朝必将自食恶果,反而成就了那些想要躲在暗中获利的人。 May be Saint Court, may be revolts toward. ” Great Elder said. 有可能是圣朝,有可能是叛朝。”大长老说道。
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