GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5128: Is inferior to 1 tactful points!

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After Xuanzhen Daoist and the others descended the mountain, relaxes at heart. 玄真道人等人下山之后,心里才松了一口气。 To be honest, they also are really afraid these people to come hardly, compels them and inner court directly cooperates, that may really trouble. 说实话,他们还真的害怕这些人来硬的,直接逼他们与内朝合作,那可就真的麻烦了。 However fortunately, these people really put them to descend the mountain unexpectedly. 不过还好,这些人竟然真的放他们下山了。 What is more important, they also immortal Yuan pill taking carry back. 更重要的是,他们还把仙元丹给拿回来了。 Although they truly also want this thing very much, but the Great Elder words obviously are hope they and inner court maintain the close relation, this makes them somewhat worry. 虽然他们确实也很想要这东西,可是大长老的话明显是希望他们与内朝保持密切关系,这不禁让他们有些顾虑。 Because they do not want to walk with inner court is too near. 因为他们并不想与内朝走的太近。 You said that inner court these people why so easy to put us to get down? Moreover really gave us immortal Yuan pill.” Although had descended the mountain safely, but in the wind prosperous heart still felt somewhat inconceivable. “你说内朝这些人为什么这么容易就放我们下来了?而且还真的把仙元丹送给了我们。”虽然已经安全下山了,但是风昌心中仍然觉得有些不可思议。 However is thinking obtained this immortal Yuan pill eventually, pours at heart is very happy. 不过想着自己终究还是得到了这颗仙元丹,心里倒还是挺开心的。 Because killed us to them and is no good, might as well sells our good.” Gao Yang sovereign said. “因为杀了我们对他们来说并没有什么好处,还不如卖我们个好。”高阳宗主说道。 This does not sell is so simple well, did that attend to the elder not saying? Currently does not cooperate, perhaps later also has the opportunity of cooperation. “这可不是卖个好那么简单,那顾长老不是已经说了吗?现在不合作,或许以后还有合作的机会。 Obviously they want to buy over us with such a immortal Yuan pill. 显然他们是想用这么一颗仙元丹来收买我们。 Since they invited the goal that we came to see, inner court seemed like wants to act to Cheng Family. ” yellow Yunfei sovereign said. 从他们邀请我们来的目的就可以看出,内朝似乎是想要对程家出手了。”黄云飞宗主说道。 But I do not think clearly, since inner court must make a move to Cheng Family, always asks that what our Saint Court matter does make?” Lebanese moon/month sovereign doubts puzzled asking. “可是我还是想不明白,既然内朝要对程家出手,却总是问我们圣朝的事情做什么?”黎月宗主疑惑不解的问道。 inner court has been harmed by Saint Court now, but inner court has no alternative to Saint Court, the most essential reason lies in this Saint Court has been wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 内朝如今一直被圣朝所害,但是内朝却对圣朝无可奈何,其中最关键的原因就在于这圣朝一直神秘莫测。 Where also no one knows the Saint Court den by the present. 到现在都还没有人知道圣朝的老巢到底在什么地方。 If I guess that right, they estimated that regarded the Saint Court den Cheng Family. 若是我猜没错的话,他们估计是把程家当成圣朝的老巢了。 Reason that invited us to come, possibly was wants to find Cheng Family is the Saint Court den, evidence that or Cheng Family and Saint Court cooperated. ” Xuanzhen Daoist has been silent was pondering each few words that inner court several elders spoke, say suddenly. 之所以邀请我们过来,可能是想要找到程家就是圣朝的老巢,或者说程家圣朝合作的证据。”玄真道人一直沉默着思考着内朝几位长老所说的每一句话,突然开口说道。 If their inner court really wants to intend to cope with Cheng Family, that can definitely send the army to kill directly, why can also look for the evidence? “如果他们内朝真的想出手对付程家,那完全可以直接派大军杀过来,为什么还要找证据呢? Done seems their inner court to speak truth very much. ” The Lebanese moon/month sovereign then said. 搞的好像他们内朝很讲道理似的。”黎月宗主接着说道。 inner court is not the good person, which influence if they do want to destroy completely also to speak what custom? 内朝可不是什么好人,他们若想要灭掉哪个势力还要讲什么规矩? Like supported Profound Heaven Sect initially, which sect gate Profound Heaven Sect must extinguish is not arrives at an entrance the army directly. 就像当初支持玄天宗一样,玄天宗要灭哪个宗门不是直接将大军开到宗门口。 This does not say, these people as the inner court chancellor elder, ran up to Cheng Family to come unexpectedly, this explained that the inner court situation is very critical. “这就不好说了,这些人作为内朝的主事长老,竟然跑到程家来了,这说明内朝的形势已经很危急了。 Perhaps they were somewhat worried oneself made a mistake, if Cheng Family is not Saint Court, they when attack Cheng Family, Saint Court will definitely profit from another's strife, cannot do well Saint Court to brave to attack inner court suddenly. 也许他们还是有些担心自己搞错了,万一程家不是圣朝,那他们在攻打程家的时候,圣朝肯定会坐收渔利,搞不好圣朝突然冒出来攻打内朝 inner court must face Cheng Family and in the Saint Court situation simultaneously, definitely has enough to do. 内朝要同时面对程家圣朝的情况下,肯定还是很吃力的。 Therefore they will have this relatively modest method to inquire to us. 所以他们才会有这种相对温和的手段向我们打听。 If they determined from our mouth Cheng Family is Saint Court, or Cheng Family and Saint Court have the cooperation, perhaps really acted. ” Xuanzhen Daoist answered. 如果他们从我们口中确定了程家就是圣朝,或者程家圣朝有合作的话,说不定就真的出手了。”玄真道人解释道。 Since profound really sovereign has guessed correctly, why that did not tell them a moment ago directly, does Cheng Family really have the relations with Saint Court? “既然玄真宗主早已经猜到了,那为何刚才不直接告诉他们,程家真的与圣朝有关系呢? In that case, inner court attacks Cheng Family inevitably, when the time comes Saint Court comes out again, inner court must perish! 那样的话,内朝必然攻打程家,到时候圣朝再出来,内朝必亡啊! Moreover in that case, the Cheng Family strength significantly will also weaken, perhaps we are not forced to keep Secular World that used to live under subjugation again. ” yellow Yunfei said. 而且那样的话,程家的实力也会大大削弱,我们或许就不用再寄人篱下的被迫留在世俗了。”黄云飞说道。 Initially chose to arrive at Secular World, that is because Profound Heaven Sect was too fierce, Cultivation World already not their these sect gate the institutes of taking shelter. 当初之所以选择来到世俗,那是因为玄天宗太猛了,修真界已经没有他们这些宗门的容身之所了。 But now Profound Heaven Sect also, but has gone down in the world. 而如今玄天宗虽然还在,但是早已经落魄。 They naturally want to retrieval the freedom, returning to Cultivation World. 他们自然是想重获自由,回到修真界去了。 Hears yellow Yunfei these words, several people are the complexion change are all uncertain, in the eye has to anticipate and have the excitement, but also somewhat was confused and worried. 听到黄云飞这番话,几人皆是脸色变化不定,眼中有期待、有激动,但是却又有些迷茫和担忧。 That by some chance Cheng Family really and does Saint Court have the relations? Or Cheng Family is the Saint Court den.” Xuanzhen Daoist asked. “那万一程家真的和圣朝有关系呢?或者说程家就是圣朝的老巢。”玄真道人问道。 That might also as well, inner court and Cheng Family hit, this is not just we need?” yellow Yunfei said with something else in mind. “那也无妨啊,内朝程家打起来,这不正是我们需要的吗?”黄云飞却不以为然地说道。 If Cheng Family really and Saint Court is the same place, that Saint Court will definitely resist the inner court army in Cheng Family, but also who attacked inner court.” “如果程家真的和圣朝是一起的,那圣朝肯定会在程家抵挡内朝的大军,还有谁去攻打内朝了。” Even, inner court is still so not necessarily able is Cheng Family and Saint Court opponent, you look at these years, inner court are suppressed by Saint Court. “就算如此,内朝也未必会是程家圣朝的对手,你看这些年,内朝一直都被圣朝压制着。 Even if Saint Court does not have the means to attack inner court, Royal Court these outer court weren't majority is separated from inner court? 而且就算圣朝没有办法攻打内朝,王朝的那些外朝不是大部分都脱离内朝了吗? If inner court makes war to Cheng Family and Saint Court, perhaps these Outer King will not miss this opportunity to capture inner court to go. ” yellow Yunfei thought that oneself idea has the possibility. 若是内朝程家圣朝开战的话,或许那些外王也不会错过这个机会攻入内朝去的。”黄云飞觉得自己的想法是非常有可能的。 You underestimated inner court, inner court can control world so many years, did you think really by these outer court? “你太小看内朝了,内朝能够掌控天下这么多年,难道你以为真的只是靠那些外朝 Actually the relations of these outer court and inner court the relations with us and Cheng Family are the same. 其实那些外朝内朝的关系就跟我们与程家的关系一样。 You thought that our these lower sect do join up to topple Cheng Family completely? 你觉得我们这些下宗全部联合起来能够扳倒程家吗? Reason that inner court these years did not have the means solution Saint Court, the biggest reason lies in Saint Court is extremely mysterious, where no one knows their dens. 内朝这些年之所以一直没有办法解决掉圣朝,最大的原因就在于圣朝太过神秘,没人知道他们的老巢在哪里。 If inner court knows that Cheng Family is the Saint Court den, you thought that Saint Court or Cheng Family can be the inner court opponents? 如果内朝知道程家就是圣朝的老巢,那你觉得圣朝或者程家会是内朝的对手吗? Cheng Family and Saint Court are not the inner court opponents, these outer court are not the inner court opponents. 程家圣朝不是内朝的对手,那些外朝也不是内朝的对手。 If we really told inner court Cheng Family are Saint Court, under that this day may return to the hand of inner court finally. ” The Xuanzhen Daoist analysis said. 我们要是真的告诉内朝程家就是圣朝,那这天下最终可能又会回到内朝的手上。”玄真道人分析道。 Even if the world returned to inner court, to us as if still has no loss? Moreover Cheng Family did not have, we were also the retrieval freedoms. “就算天下回到了内朝手上,对于我们来说似乎也没有什么损失吧?而且程家没了,我们也算是重获自由了。 Moreover inner court removed Saint Court and Cheng Family as well as these outer court, we are also have the graciousness to inner court. 而且内朝除掉了圣朝程家以及那些外朝,那我们也算是对内朝有恩啊。 Perhaps when the time comes inner court will also slice this day under to us, this is hundred advantages does not have an evil, why not? ” yellow Yunfei persists in saying. 说不定到时候内朝还会把这天下分一杯羹给我们,这可是百利而无一害啊,何乐而不为呢?”黄云飞坚持道。 Yellow sovereign may really be naive, do not forget, how initially we were compelled Secular World to come. “黄宗主可真是天真啊,你们不要忘了,当初我们是怎么被逼到世俗来的。 Because if not for has the support of inner court, Profound Heaven Sect so will be strong? 若不是因为有内朝的支持,玄天宗会那么强吗? Now Profound Heaven Sect may not perish, if inner court obtains the world again, perhaps they will support Profound Heaven Sect to swallow our these sect gate again. 现在玄天宗可还没有灭亡,若是内朝再次取得天下,说不定他们会再次支持玄天宗吞掉我们这些宗门。 yellow Zongzhu will also think that hundred advantages don't have an evil? ” Xuanzhen Daoist refutes to say. 黄宗主还会觉得百利而无一害吗?”玄真道人驳斥道。 This......” incessantly yellow Yunfei, several other people originally also somewhat by moving that yellow Yunfei said sovereign also followed to be shocked. “这......”不止黄云飞,其他几人原本也有些被黄云飞说的动心的宗主也跟着愣住了。 Yes, initially Cheng Yu, although defeated Profound Heaven Sect, but has not been ruthless, moreover reached the peace agreement with Profound Heaven Sect. 是啊,当初程宇虽然击败了玄天宗,但是并没有赶尽杀绝,而且还与玄天宗达成了和平协议。 Now although Profound Heaven Sect declines, but this bases on Cheng Family also in situation. 如今玄天宗虽然衰落,但这是基于程家还在的情况下。 If Cheng Family by inner court extinguishing, Profound Heaven Sect so will also deteriorate? 若是程家内朝给灭了,玄天宗还会这般衰败下去吗? Perhaps backhands inner court to support Profound Heaven Sect again, they eventually are when the time comes difficult to escape the hand of Profound Heaven Sect. 说不定反手内朝就会再次支持玄天宗,到时候他们终究还是难逃玄天宗之手。 In this case, this matter could really not be done casually. 这样的话,这种事情还真不能随便做。 Moreover, we and Cheng Family, although has the enmity, but this cannot say that is the life and death big enmity. Moreover we and Cheng Family also signed the agreement, although was unable to leave Cheng Family now, but the agreement time arrives, we then can depart freely. “另外,我们与程家虽然有嫌隙,但这远称不上是生死大仇。而且我们与程家也签订了协议,虽然现在还不能离开程家,可是协议时间一到,我们便可以自由离去。 Naturally , we now could not the most important thing is have left Cheng Family. Since Cheng Family no longer requests us to provide the outstanding disciple, I think that sovereign development also did enter the high-speed rising period? ” Xuanzhen Daoist continues to say. 当然,最重要的是,我们现在还离不开程家。自从程家不再要求我们提供优秀弟子之后,我想各位宗主的发展也进入了高速上升时期吧?”玄真道人继续说道。 Right, these years our sect gate truly development wanted compared with the old times quickly!” The people think, the fact truly is so. “没错,这些年我们宗门确实发展的比往年要快了许多!”众人想了想,事实确实是如此。 This was right, we and Cheng Family are only the contradictions in position, but we and inner court and Profound Heaven Sect are actually the life and death big enmity. “这就对了,我们与程家只是地位上的矛盾,可是我们与内朝玄天宗却是生死大仇。 Matter that if not for they did in the past, will we become Cheng Family lower sect? 若不是他们当年搞出来的事,我们又怎么会成为程家下宗 Then, Cheng Family really has the graciousness to us. In addition our sect gate the development must depend upon the Cheng Family resources now. 说起来,程家对我们确实有恩。再加上现在我们宗门的发展也都必须依靠程家的资源。 Depending on this point, we cannot make Cheng Family get down but actually. 就凭这一点,我们都不能让程家倒下去。 Now has not at least been able to make Cheng Family pour. 至少现在还不能让程家倒下来。 If Cheng Family and Saint Court have no relations but actually, at the worst weakens the Cheng Family strength, but, the Cheng Family strength was so weakened even, we resources that obtained from Cheng Family are possibly few. 如果程家圣朝没有任何关系倒也罢了,大不了削弱一下程家的实力,可即便如此,程家的实力被削弱,我们可能从程家得到的资源就少了。 Therefore this also not Profitable matter. 所以这也是不划算的事情。 But if Cheng Family really with Saint Court is together, we bring in inner court, that consequence was not the resources reduces absolutely is so simple. 程家若是真的与圣朝是一起的,那我们把内朝引来,那后果就绝对不是资源减少这么简单了。 Now we most need is the stability of Cheng Family, increases sect gate the strength using the Cheng Family resources. 现在我们最需要的就是程家的稳定,利用程家的资源来增加宗门的实力。 Looks at their inner court and Saint Court as well as these outer court in the outside fight not well? 看着他们内朝圣朝以及那些外朝在外面斗不好吗? Why we stir this turbid water, everyone thought that is this truth? ” Xuanzhen Daoist sovereign asked to four. 我们何必去搅这趟浑水,大家觉得是不是这个道理?”玄真道人向四位宗主问道。 Truly is such truth!” Four people nod, obviously Xuanzhen Daoist idea closer reality. “确实是这么个道理!”四人点点头,显然玄真道人的想法更贴近现实。 Said again, we take Cheng Family lower sect now. inner court killed, will Cheng Family keep off inner court alone? “再说了,我们现在作为程家下宗内朝杀过来了,程家会独挡内朝吗? Initially we and in the middle of Cheng Family agreement is also the clarity that wrote. If there is a foreign invasion, we must dispatch troops to resist together. 当初我们与程家的协议当中也是写的清清楚楚。若有外敌入侵,我们必须一起出兵抵挡。 If we are not willing to dispatch troops, you thought that is Cheng Family is first destroyed completely by inner court, we first by Cheng Family destroying completely? ” Xuanzhen Daoist continues to say. 我们若是不愿意出兵的话,你觉得是程家先被内朝灭掉,还是我们先被程家给灭掉?”玄真道人继续说道。 This......” four people of complexions all of a sudden became ugly. I believe that words at this point, how everyone should know the choices. Moreover, the matter that we go out of town, Cheng Yu currently estimates that has known. “这......”四人脸色一下子变得难看起来了。我相信话说到这里,大家应该知道如何取舍了。另外,我们出城的事情,程宇现在估计已经知道了。 Even we see the inner court person they also to know, you may think how can explain to Cheng Yu? ” Xuanzhen Daoist looks that four people asked. 甚至我们见过内朝的人他们也都已经知道,你们可有想过要如何跟程宇解释?”玄真道人看着四人问道。 What good way this...... can Xuanzhen Headmaster have?” A people again complexion pain, this is the reason that they are not willing to live under subjugation again. “这个......玄真掌门可有什么好办法?”众人再次脸色一苦,这就是他们不愿意再寄人篱下的原因。 As Cheng Family lower sect, they are really not free. 作为程家下宗,他们是真的不自由。 However Xuanzhen Daoist these words also truly are heart-to-heart talk, keeping everyone from disputing. 但是玄真道人的这番话也确实是肺腑之言,让大家也无法辩驳。 Although lower sect has the contradiction with Cheng Family, but this contradiction is far less than with inner court and Profound Heaven Sect life and death big enmity. 下宗虽与程家有矛盾,但这矛盾远不如和内朝以及玄天宗的生死大仇。 I can tell you am, do not look that Cheng Yu as if is usually very good to speak, but really must suppress, the average person may really ruthless he. “我可以告诉你们的是,别看程宇平时似乎很好说话,但真要狠起来,一般人可真的狠不过他。 Therefore I suggested that everyone is inferior tactful! ” Xuanzhen Daoist said with a smile. 所以我建议大家不如识趣一点!”玄真道人笑着说道。
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