GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5127: Advantage and shortcoming!

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„Can you know Saint Court?” Third Elder sees doubts of these person of faces, opens the mouth to ask. “你们可知道圣朝?”三长老见这些人一脸的疑惑,开口问道。 Although we have treated in Secular World, is cultivator of Cheng Family each city from Cultivation World, our matter to the Cultivation World naturally also has find, how can also not know Saint Court?” The Lebanese moon/month sovereign said. “虽然我们一直都待在世俗,可是程家各个城池的修士都是来自修真界,我们对修真界的事情自然也是有所了解的,又怎会不知道圣朝呢?”黎月宗主说道。 How you analyzed that the Saint Court person hasn't appeared in Cheng Family?” Third Elder continues to ask. “那你们又是如何判断圣朝的人没有出现在程家呢?”三长老继续问道。 This...... we, although does not know the Saint Court person, but in Saint Court person, if really arrived at Cheng Family, that Cheng Family various cities already chaos. “这个......我们虽不认识圣朝的人,可是圣朝中人若是真的来到了程家,那程家各城池早已大乱。 But these year of Cheng Family have been very stable, has not had any problem, this cannot show that Saint Court hasn't appeared in Cheng Family? ” The wind prosperous sovereign thinks to say. 而这些年程家一直都很安定,并没有出现任何问题,这不也可以证明圣朝并没有出现在程家吗?”风昌宗主想了想说道。 If Saint Court and Cheng Family did have the relations? Their Saint Court arrives Cheng Family may not be looks for trouble, naturally cannot cause moving restlessly of various Cheng Family cities!” “那要是圣朝程家本就有关系呢?他们圣朝来到程家可就不是来找麻烦的了,自然不会引起程家各城池的躁动了!” Cheng Family and do Saint Court have the relations? This...... several elders, do not know how you do learn of this news?” This people were really given the shock by the Third Elder words. 程家圣朝有关系?这......几位长老,不知道你们是如何得知这个消息的?”这一次众人是真的被三长老的话给震惊了。 Saint Court may be larger now compared with Cheng Family in the Cultivation World fame. 圣朝如今在修真界的名气可比程家要大的多了。 After all with Cheng Family compares temperately, Saint Court feels may be overbearing, domineering and fearful. 毕竟与程家的温和比起来,圣朝给人的感觉可就是霸道、强势、可怕。 According to the truth, these two sides should be eight bamboo poles cannot hit, but inner court these people actually said that Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, how this listens to make people think that is unlikely. 按道理来说,这两方应该是八竿子都打不着的,但是内朝这些人竟然说程家圣朝有关系,这怎么听都让人觉得不太可能。 We naturally have our informed sources, but we also went to various Cheng Family cities to search few days ago, what a pity had not found in Saint Court the person. “我们自然是有自己的消息来源,但是我们前些日子也到程家各城中查找了一番,可惜并没有找到圣朝中人。 Therefore will invite you to come to know the situation! ” Five elders said. 所以才会邀请你们前来了解一下情况!”五长老说道。 But we do not know this matter, how also to tell you?” Xuanzhen Daoist is frowning to say. “可是我们根本就不知道这回事,又如何告诉你们呢?”玄真道人皱着眉头说道。 „Don't you really know?” Great Elder looks that five sovereign asked. “你们真的不知道?”大长老看着五位宗主问道。 We truly do not know this matter, moreover now Cheng Family occupies Secular World and Cultivation World channel, so many years are calm and steady, why can Cheng Family cooperate to cope with inner court with Saint Court? “我们确实是不知道这件事情,而且如今程家占据着世俗修真界的通道,这么多年都安安稳稳,程家为什么要与圣朝合作对付内朝呢? Such adventurous matter, will Cheng Family really do? ” Xuanzhen Daoist said. 这么冒险的事情,程家真的会做吗?”玄真道人说道。 However although on the mouth said that but actually also somewhat suspected at heart. 不过虽然嘴上这么说,但是心里却也有几分怀疑了。 Smooth that very although present Cheng Family develops, the place that but occupies after all was too small. 现在的程家虽然发展的很顺利,可是毕竟占据的地方还是太小了。 If held the present domain insufficient Cheng Family to continue to grow strong merely obviously. 若仅仅只是占据着现在的地盘显然已经不够程家继续发展壮大了。 If Cheng Family really cooperated with Saint Court, that is to overthrow the rule of inner court obviously, when the time comes Cheng Family could half of the world, that this Cheng Family may too be powerful. 如果程家真的与圣朝合作了,那显然是想要推翻内朝的统治,到时候程家或许能得一半天下,那这程家可就真的太强大了。 Moreover, in the past Profound Heaven Sect disaster sects in the world had the inner court shadow, but Cheng Yu was cuts to kill inner court several experts. 另外,当年玄天宗祸乱天下宗门就有内朝的影子,而程宇更是斩杀了内朝好几个高手。 Said that Cheng Family and inner court contradiction has appeared. 说起来程家内朝的矛盾早就已经出现了。 Cheng Yu estimated that also knows inner court definitely not letting off Cheng Family easily, therefore wants who strikes the first blow has the advantage, cooperates to cope with inner court with Saint Court together, seems also not implausible. 程宇估计也知道内朝肯定不会轻易的放过程家,所以想要先下手为强,与圣朝一起合作对付内朝,似乎也并不是没有可能。 However even if this matter he had suspected, but he does not have the evidence. 不过这件事情就算他有所怀疑,但是他也并没有证据。 Naturally, this matter also had no relations with his Mount Shu. 当然,这事跟他蜀山本来也没有什么关系。 This inner court is not the good thing, if not for they supported Profound Heaven Sect in the past, they will discard themselves in the Cultivation World sect gate foundation? 内朝也不是什么好东西,若不是当年他们支持玄天宗,他们会舍弃自己在修真界的宗门根基吗? Such the words, this inner court is not only the Cheng Family enemy, actually is also their these sect gate enemies. 这么算起来的话,这内朝不仅是程家的敌人,其实也是他们这些宗门的敌人。 Otherwise they will not run away to Secular World look for the Cheng Family asylum, the done present they are passive, can only become Cheng Family lower sect. 要不然他们也不会逃到世俗来找程家庇护,搞的现在他们多被动,只能成为程家下宗 Thinks that here is really a lot of fires. 想到这里真的是一肚子火。 However at this time obviously not with inner court solves the gratitude and grudges the time. 不过此时显然不是跟内朝解决恩怨的时候。 This was very difficult saying that you thought Cheng Family will content with the status quo, has rolled up here the Cultivation World peripheral zone?” Third Elder said. “这可是很难说的,你觉得程家会安于现状,一直蜷缩在这里修真界的边缘地带吗?”三长老说道。 Even if so, but we do not know this matter, therefore we do not have the means to help you!” Xuanzhen Daoist shakes the head to say. “就算如此,但是我们并不知道这件事情,所以我们也没有办法帮你们!”玄真道人摇摇头说道。 „Do you have in Cheng Family discover some suspicious things or the person?” Five elders asked. “那你们有没有在程家发现一些可疑的事情或者人?”五长老问道。 This we may be difficult saying that Cheng Family dozens cities, have massive cultivator to pass in and out every day, we do not know the Saint Court person. “这个我们可就难说了,程家数十座城池,每天都有大量的修士进进出出,我们也不知道有没有圣朝的人。 After all the Cheng Family city may not be one's turn us to meddle, therefore several elders if really wants to know, feared that was can only ask the Cheng Family person! ” Xuanzhen Daoist helpless shakes the head to say. 毕竟程家的城池可轮不到我们来插手,所以几位长老真要想知道的话,怕是只能去问程家的人了!”玄真道人无奈的摇头说道。 You thought that we do ask the Cheng Family person, the Cheng Family person will tell us?” Third Elder said ill-humoredly. “你觉得我们问程家人,程家人会告诉我们吗?”三长老没好气地说道。 If this matter can look for Cheng Family, that also does look to do them? 这事要是能找程家,那还把他们找过来干什么? Let alone they have to look for Cheng Family, finally the useful news has not obtained. 更何况他们也并不是没有找过程家,结果一点有用的消息都没有得到。 Has the suspect to enter various Cheng Family cities, or is the Cheng Family station, you truly are not quite also easy to understand. “有没有可疑的人进入程家各城池,或者是程家驻地,你们也确实不太容易了解。 However you discovered that Cheng Family did have lots of experts to leave Cheng Family? I think that this matter should not be difficult to you? ” Five elders asked. 不过你们有没有发现程家有大量的高手离开了程家?我想这件事情对你们来说应该不会那么困难吧?”五长老问道。 Is it possible that five elders think that the Saint Court expert does come from Cheng Family?” Xuanzhen Daoist said. “五长老莫非认为圣朝的高手来自程家?”玄真道人说道。 Does not rule out this possibility, naturally, may be the Saint Court person hide in Cheng Family, us told that a moment ago, they possibly are the cooperation. “不排除这种可能,当然,也有可能是圣朝的人一直藏在程家,就跟我们刚才说的,他们可能是合作关系。 Usually they can hide in Cheng Family, but there is an action time, they will naturally leave from Cheng Family. ” Five elders said. 平时他们会藏在程家,但是有行动的时候,他们自然会从程家离开。”五长老说道。 Words then, I really do not know this matter. Because of some Cheng Family many experts, we were not quite clear. “这么说来的话,那我是真的不知道这回事。因为程家到底有多少高手,我们本就不太清楚。 Even if Cheng Family really cooperated with Saint Court, the Saint Court person left Cheng Family quietly, we are impossible to know! 就算程家真的与圣朝合作了,圣朝的人悄悄地离开了程家,我们也不可能知道! Does not know that several other sovereign whether has to notice such matter! ” Xuanzhen Daoist said. 不知道另外几位宗主是否有注意到这么一回事!”玄真道人说道。 We have not paid attention to Cheng Family whether has lots of experts to leave Cheng Family.” Other result four sovereign also shake the head in abundance. “我们也没有注意过程家是否有大量的高手离开程家。”结果其他四位宗主也纷纷摇头。 If so, I thought that we really did not have the means to help several elders, I and others said goodbye!” Xuanzhen Daoist said that then must leave. “若是如此的话,我看我们是真的没有办法帮到几位长老了,我等还是告辞吧!”玄真道人说罢便要离开。 Several sovereign wait a bit, do not worry! Several could careful thinking, after all such big Cheng Family, so long as there is a matter, is not necessarily able to achieve a wind sound/rumor not to leak. “几位宗主稍等,别这么着急嘛!几位或许可以再仔细的想一想,毕竟这么大的程家,只要有事,也未必就能做到一点风声都不漏出来。 So long as several can provide some useful messages for us, these gifts, we can provide the duplicate! ” Great Elder stopped by calling out several people suddenly, increased the chip again. 只要几位能够为我们提供一些有用的消息,这些礼物,我们可以提供双份!”大长老突然叫住几人,再一次增加了筹码。 Attends to the elder, this is not the matter of gift, this matter we really cannot help, has no useful news to tell you, therefore we really wanted to help but unable!” Xuanzhen Daoist also said reluctantly. “顾长老,这不是礼物的事,这事我们是真的帮不上忙,也没有什么有用的消息告诉你们的,所以我们真的是爱莫能助了!”玄真道人也是无奈地说道。 Originally also thinks that can take away immortal Yuan pill, but now looks like, they did not have the opportunity. 本来还以为可以拿走仙元丹的,可是现在看来,他们是没有机会了。 Actually if these people want to know that Cheng Family does have with Saint Court cooperates, they also can definitely be fabricated. 其实这些人若只是想知道程家有没有与圣朝合作,他们也完全可以无中生有。 However he thinks it over, does not dare to do that. 但是他想来想去,还是不敢这么做。 Because he also has oneself worry. 因为他也有自己的顾虑。 First, this inner court is not the good thing, said that the strength also wants strong many compared with Cheng Family, at least in his opinion is this. 首先,这内朝也不是什么好东西,说起来实力比起程家还要强的多,至少在他看来是这样的。 If he really lies, stated categorically Cheng Family and Saint Court have the relations, that result is self-evident, inner court could resort to arms to Cheng Family. 若是他真的说了谎,一口咬定了程家圣朝有关系,那结果不言而喻,内朝可能要对程家用兵了。 As the matter stands, Cheng Family may lose to inner court. 这样一来,程家有可能败给内朝 Now but Mount Shu and Cheng Family benefit is to bind together, Cheng Family, although has suppressed to his Mount Shu, actually also gave him Mount Shu to bring the new opportunity. 可是现在蜀山程家的利益是绑在一起的,程家虽然对他蜀山有所压制,却也给他蜀山带来了新的机会。 If nothing else, Mount Shu is at least depending upon Cheng Family now, but the rapid development even rises. 别的不说,至少现在蜀山正在依靠程家而飞速的发展甚至崛起。 If Cheng Family did not have suddenly, that Mount Shu will start to decline. 如果程家突然没了,那蜀山又将开始没落。 Next, after Cheng Family losses, Cheng Family all will fall into the hand of inner court. 其次,程家了之后,程家的一切都将落入内朝的手中。 Now Cheng Family resources at least one belongs to Mount Shu, but after changing into inner court, will inner court also come out to give him the resources minute/share the Mount Shu development? 如今程家的资源至少有一份是属于蜀山的,可是换成内朝之后,内朝还会将资源分出来给他蜀山发展吗? At least inner court so many outer court, these resources basically belonged to outer court all, even if really had his Mount Shu one, still absolutely not possible like Cheng Family, can with many resources look completely their Mount Shu disciple had the big ability. 起码内朝有这么多的外朝,这些资源基本上都归外朝所有了,即便真的有他蜀山一份,也绝对不可能像程家这样,能拿多少资源完全看他们蜀山弟子有多大能耐。 So long as the disciple has the sufficient strength, they can continuous gains the resources from Cheng Family. 只要弟子有足够的实力,他们就可以源源不断的从程家获取资源。 This is inner court is unable to compare absolutely. 这绝对是内朝无法比拟的。 Third, is those words, this immortal Yuan pill is very to them precious. 第三,还是那句话,这仙元丹对他们来说或许很珍贵。 Even if gives them again one, still being insufficient makes them fly upwards immediately Immortal World. 但是就算再多给他们一颗,也不足以让他们立即飞升仙界 Therefore, they do not need to kill sect gate the future for such two immortal Yuan pill. 既是如此,那他们就没有必要为了这么两颗仙元丹而断送自己宗门的未来。 At least by the current situation, compared with be much better with inner court with Cheng Family. 至少以目前的情况来说,跟着程家远要比跟着内朝要好的多。 After all their Mount Shu with Cheng Family so many years, Cheng Family no longer has also needed lower sect especially now is it provides the talent disciple, the development of Mount Shu was more rapid. 毕竟他们蜀山也跟了程家这么多年了,尤其现在程家已经不再需要下宗为其提供天才弟子了,蜀山的发展更快了。 Therefore the stability of Cheng Family is the cornerstone of Mount Shu development. 因此程家的稳定是蜀山发展的基石。 But Cheng Family one chaotic, words that inner court comes out to be in power, that variable were too many. 程家一乱,内朝出来掌权的话,那变数太多了。 Good whether Mount Shu can develop, moves toward the decline deterioration, this may be an unknown. 蜀山是否能够发展的更好,还是走向没落衰败,这可都是一个未知数。 Believes that under such situation, anybody not that stupid chooses the adventure and Cheng Family quarrel helps one another inner court. 相信在这样的情况之下,任何人都不会那么愚蠢的去选择冒险与程家反目而相助内朝 As for fourth, to be honest, Cheng Yu many have the graciousness to Mount Shu, but they do not want to live under subjugation, can therefore with some Cheng Yu contradictions and enmities. But inner court them, even is the enemy. Also because of support of inner court to Profound Heaven Sect, makes them ask Cheng Yu to shelter, has the day that this lived under subjugation. 至于第四,说实话,程宇多少对蜀山有恩,只是他们不想寄人篱下而已,所以才会与程宇有些矛盾和嫌隙。可是内朝于他们而言,甚至是敌人。也正是因为内朝玄天宗的支持,才让他们求程宇庇护,才有了这寄人篱下的日子。 How therefore to see that they should not unite inner court to remove Cheng Family. 所以怎么看他们都不应该联合内朝除掉程家 No matter stemming from the public spirit or the selfishness, to their sect gate is not the good deed. 不管是出于公心还是私心,对他们自己的宗门都不是好事。 Since several sovereign so firm, we also no longer reluctantly. However this gift asked everyone sovereign to carry off, not for other, when we were acquainted. “既然几位宗主如此坚定,我们也不再勉强。不过这礼物还是请各位宗主带走,不为别的,就当我们大家相识一场。 Even if this we do not have the means to cooperate time, but was still difficult to say the machine that later has not cooperated was? ” Great Elder is pointing at the jade box on big stone, said with a smile. 而且就算这一次咱们没有办法合作,但是也难说以后没有合作的机是不是?”大长老指着大石上的玉盒,笑着说道。 „Is this...... inappropriate?” This let several people of some heart movements actually. “这......不合适吧?”这倒是让几人有些心动了。 However Great Elder this saying does not give for nothing obviously, if this accepted, if later really has what awkward matter to look for them, but also really does not know that can reject. 但是大长老这话明显不是白给,这要是收下了,以后要是真的有什么为难的事情找上他们,还真不知道能不能拒绝。 This time, if sovereign must reject, that may really looks down upon us!” Great Elder said. “这一次若是各位宗主还要拒绝的话,那可就真的是看不起我们了!”大长老说道。
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