GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5126: Insincerely!

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Welcome sovereign arrival, I first give everyone to introduce. Our several are the inner court chancellor elders, I am Great Elder Gu Tianhua, this is Second Elder vermilion Yuheng, this is Third Elder Taining, this is four elder Shen Xiulin, this is five elder Hong Yuansong.” Great Elder sees several people puzzled to visit them, then on own initiative to five people of introduced. “欢迎诸位宗主的到来,我先给大家介绍一下。我们几位都是内朝的主事长老,我是大长老顾天华,这是二长老朱羽恒,这是三长老孟泰宁,这是四长老沈修林,这是五长老洪远松。”大长老见几人一脸疑惑地看着他们,便主动向五人介绍道。 „Are you really the inner court chancellor elders?” Here five people hear this introduced, is actually in the heart in great surprise. “你们真的是内朝的主事长老?”这边五人听到这番介绍,却已是心中大惊。 Their five people are not invite to come together, actually from the beginning is Mount Shu School sovereign Xuanzhen Daoist first arrives at the foot, but he somewhat hesitates, wants to have a look at others to come. 他们五人并非是邀好一起来的,其实一开始是蜀山派宗主玄真道人先到山脚的,但是他有些犹豫,也想看看有没有其他人会来。 Finally also really made him wait till second-level lower sect Feng Lei gate gate prevailing wind Chang. 结果还真的让他等到了二级下宗风雷门的门主风昌。 Two people probed mutually, knows that both sides received the invitation of inner court, immediately also relaxes. 两人互相试探了一番,知道双方都是接到了内朝的邀请,顿时也是松了一口气。 Moreover there is words of partner, two people also felt at ease much. 而且有伴的话,两人也是安心了不少。 However two people have not climbed mountains immediately, but continues to be inferior in the mountain, looked that also has had the person of other sect gate to arrive. 不过两人也并没有马上上山,而是继续在山下等,看还有没有别的宗门之人到来。 Finally waited till three people one after another, is the second-level lower sect fierce Yangzong sovereign Gaoyang and third-level lower sect scud sect sovereign yellow Yunfei and silver moon sends sovereign Li moon/month respectively. 结果陆陆续续又等到了三人,分别是二级下宗烈阳宗宗主高阳、三级下宗飞云宗宗主黄云飞和银月派宗主黎月。 Until this time, the weather was late gradually, they had not waited till the sixth person, does not know that some people had first climbed mountains, came was too late, or really not others. 直到这个时候,天色渐晚,他们仍是没有等到第六个人,也不知道是不是已经有人先上山了,还是来的太晚了,又或者真的没有别人了。 They have first to climb mountains. 他们也只好先上了山。 Climbing mountains time, five people have been suspecting, these found time their is the inner court anything person. 上山的时候,五个人一直都在猜想,这一次找到他们的都是内朝什么人。 However when conversation everyone also disclosed the gift that receive, thought immediately these people of status are not simpler. 不过交谈之际大家也都透露出自己收到的礼物,顿时觉得这几人的身份更加不简单了。 However how they guess in any event, has not thought, the come person unexpectedly is inner court several chancellor elders. 但是他们无论如何怎么猜,也没有想到,来的人竟然是内朝的几位主事长老。 Although they know existence of inner court, but actually did not know about inner court. 他们虽然知道内朝的存在,可是对内朝却并不了解。 Also does not know that inner court has several chancellor elders. 也不知道内朝到底有几位主事长老。 But introduction listened was clear, but these five elders top five chancellor elders, status what kind of? 可是刚才的介绍已经听的清楚了,这五位长老可是排在前五的主事长老,身份何等了得? It can be said that their these five people basically were next to exalted lord inner court to manage affairs the person. 可以说他们这五个人基本上就是仅次于主上内朝掌事人了。 Has not thought that such status honored five people will come here unexpectedly, moreover simultaneously appears in their front. 没想到这样身份尊贵的五个人竟然会来到这里,而且同时出现在他们的面前。 Although they are also a lord, is they is very clear , compared with these five people, their status also really have no way to compare. 虽然他们自己也是一宗之主,可是他们心里很清楚,与这五个人比起来,他们的身份还真的是没法比的。 After all these sect gate strengths add to be inferior to inner court, because of the Saint Court reason, has made the inner court strength reduce now greatly, however camel of skinny is big, this is the indisputable fact. 毕竟这些宗门的实力加起来都不如一个内朝,哪怕现在因为圣朝的原因,已经让内朝实力大减,但是瘦死的骆驼比马大,这是不争的事实。 „Does this have the false?” Great Elder said that Ba Jing threw to Xuanzhen Daoist own status token. “这还有假?”大长老说罢竟是将自己的身份令牌抛给了玄真道人 Several people collect to look, the material of this token seems like very unusual. 几人凑上来一看,这令牌的材料看起来很不寻常。 However they had not seen the inner court token before, naturally does not know that is really false, but merely from the material and sense of reality of this token, should not seem like counterfeit goods. 不过他们以前也并没有见过内朝的令牌,自然也不知道是真是假,但是仅仅从这令牌的材料和质感来看,应该不像是个假货。 Hurried to return the token to Great Elder. 赶紧将令牌退还给了大长老 We believe that the status of elder will not be false!” Xuanzhen Daoist said with a smile. “我们相信诸位长老的身份不会是假的!”玄真道人笑着说道。 These five person status most honored was his Xuanzhen Daoist, therefore other four people naturally followed the lead by him. 这五个人身份最为尊贵的就是他玄真道人了,所以其他四个人自然以他马首是瞻。 Such being the case, you also first said that after all everyone was also first meeting, although heard about given name, actually did not know the appearances of various name!” Great Elder did not beat around the bush, said directly. “既然如此,那你们也先介绍一下吧,毕竟大家也都是第一次相见,虽闻诸位大名,却不识诸名之貌!”大长老也不拐弯抹角,直接说道。 This is natural, obsolete is the Mount Shu School profound real child, these were...... Xuanzhen Daoist respectively is Great Elder several people introduced respectively, everyone also finally was an acquaintance. “这是自然,老朽是蜀山派玄真子,这几位分别是......”玄真道人分别为大长老几人介绍了一下,大家也总算是相识了。 Very happy sovereign can come to keep an appointment, reason that invited everyone to go to such a place to meet, mainly for safety, therefore also asked everyone sovereign to excuse me.” Great Elder said to these people politely. “非常高兴诸位宗主能够前来赴约,之所以邀请大家到这样一个地方来相见,主要还是为了安全起见,所以还请各位宗主见谅。”大长老对这些人客气地说道。 Attended to the elder speaking discreetly, I and others were not a worldling, how also to care about these superficial politenesses. Let alone I and others are actually returns the gift!” Xuanzhen Daoist was saying then that jade box that thinks of immortal Yuan pill took. “顾长老言重了,我等也并非俗人,又岂会在意那些虚礼。更何况我等其实是来退还礼物的!”玄真道人说着便将那个装着仙元丹的玉盒拿了出来。 Other four people also put out oneself jade box. 其他四人也纷纷拿出自己的玉盒。 „Is this what intent?” Great Elder several people of complexions change, these fellows to refuse a gift unexpectedly, but keeps an appointment, this was actually not as everyone expected. “诸位这是何意?”大长老几人脸色一变,这些家伙竟然是为了退礼而来赴约,这倒是出乎所有人的预料了。 Before they also think that these people were very greedy, not only did not keep an appointment, but also swallowed their gift. 之前他们还认为这些人挺贪心的,不仅不来赴约,而且还吞下了他们的礼物。 Now is booing, others refused a gift personally. 现在倒好,人家亲自来退礼了。 Also is they knows luckily, otherwise enough hits the face. 幸好也就是他们自己知道,要不然可是够打脸的。 „The good intention of elder we declined with thanks, but this big ritual was really precious, I and other idle work not by wealth, but also dares to accept the so expensive gift, but also looked at elder to take back the gift!” Great Elder takes the lead to place in front of above the people big stone the jade box. “诸位长老的好意我们大家心领了,可是这份大礼实在是太贵重了,我等无功不受禄,还敢收下如此贵重的礼物,还望诸位长老将礼物收回!”大长老率先将玉盒放在众人面前的大石之上。 To be honest, is he really willing to deliver this immortal Yuan pill? 说实话,他难道真的舍得将这仙元丹送回来吗? Naturally does not give up, since kept an appointment, that this must set the example. 当然舍不得,可是既然来赴约了,那这怎么也得做做样子。 Let alone they, if such silent accepting gift, will definitely make in inner court these will of the people discontented. 更何况他们若是就这么默然的收下礼物,肯定会让内朝这些人心里不满。 Moreover after accepting the gift, appears was passive, eating the person mouth is short, is short with the manpower. 而且收下了礼物之后就显得的被动了,吃人嘴短,拿人手短。 When the time comes these people proposed what excessive request, can they reject? 到时候这些人提出什么过分的要求来,他们能够拒绝吗? Therefore they climbed mountains before has reached an agreement, coming to retreat in order to advance! 于是他们之前上山的时候就已经商量好了,来个以退为进! Therefore five people very happy, places own jade box above that big stone completely, appearance that does not seem to abandoned completely. 所以五个人都非常的痛快,全部将自己的玉盒摆放在那大石之上,似乎完全没有不舍的样子。 This let some inner court five elder accidents/surprises actually. 这倒是让内朝五位长老有些意外了。 These fellows really to this immortal Yuan pill interest? Said they really so have the strength of spirit, or is so loyal to Cheng Family?” This is the five elder innermost feelings ideas at this moment. “这些家伙难道真的对这仙元丹一点兴趣都没有?还是说他们真的这般有骨气,或者说对程家那么忠诚?”这是五位长老此时此刻的内心想法。 However at this time they were not good to be in front of five sovereign to exchange. 不过这个时候他们又不好当着五个宗主的面互相交流。 Several sovereign also are really a character, but you possibly misunderstood, these gift books give sovereign gift on first meeting. “几位宗主还真是一身风骨,不过你们可能误会了,这些礼物本就是送给诸位宗主的见面礼。 Since is the thing that gives, where has the truth that receives. How many sovereign, if so, that is hitting our faces? 既然是送出去的东西,哪里有收回来的道理。几位宗主若是这般的话,那岂不是在打我们的脸吗? Or several do sovereign look down upon our several people? ” Great Elder says. 或者说几位宗主看不起我们几人?”大长老开口说道。 Hong Elder spoke discreetly, but several elders the inner court chancellor person, I and others are only one small sovereign, where dares to look down upon elder. “洪长老言重了,几位长老可是内朝的主事人,我等不过只是一个小小的宗主罢了,哪敢看不起诸位长老。 Was the gifts of several elders was extremely really precious, we with and does not have any friendship, how dare accepted the so precious gift, that was really excessive! ” Xuanzhen Daoist returns said. 实在是几位长老的礼物太过珍贵了,我们与诸位又没有什么交情,岂敢收下如此珍贵的礼物,那才是真的过分了!”玄真道人回道。 Yes! This gift regarding people like us, that is the divine object. The gift that if several elders give is only every thing, I and others accepted then also accepted. “是啊!这礼物对于我们这样的人来说,那就是神物。若是几位长老送的礼物只是凡物,那我等收下了便也就收下了。 But the so precious gift on first meeting, where we dare to accept, therefore please several elders take back! ” Wind Chang also echoed what others say. 可是如此珍贵的见面礼,我们哪敢收下,所以还是请几位长老收回吧!”风昌也随声附和道。 Then other three people also followed to echo! 接着其他三人也跟着附和了起来! However their naturally did not want these people really receiving at heart this immortal Yuan pill. 不过他们的心里自然是不希望这些人真的把这仙元丹给收回去了。 But they were worried after oneself accepted these gifts, proposed that anything from now on or makes them request awkwardly, that may really be passive. 可是他们更担心自己收下了这些礼物之后提出什么过后或者让他们为难的要求来,那可就真的被动了。 Moreover their several people have also speculated, this inner court invited them to come, was most likely related with Cheng Family. 而且他们几个人也早就推测过了,这一次内朝邀请他们来,十有八九是与程家有关。 With the Cheng Family related matter, that will have the minor matter? 既是与程家有关的事情,那怎会有小事? Although this immortal Yuan pill is precious, but they have not thought that for an immortal Yuan pill offends Cheng Family. 这仙元丹虽珍贵,可他们还不想为了一颗仙元丹得罪程家 If this immortal Yuan pill can make them fly upwards Immortal World, they are willing to wrestle actually. 要是这一颗仙元丹就能够让他们飞升仙界的话,那他们倒是愿意搏一搏。 They offended Cheng Family in any case not in this world, can own sect gate keep that to look at their good fortunes. 反正他们得罪了程家也不在这个世界了,自己的宗门能不能留下来那就看他们自己的造化了。 But this immortal Yuan pill not such effect, therefore offends Cheng Family definitely not Profitable like this. 可是这一颗仙元丹并没有这样的效果,所以这样得罪程家肯定是不划算的。 Let alone their sect gate in Secular World, they offends Cheng Yu to run falling that now is impossible to run. 更何况他们的宗门现在都在世俗,他们得罪了程宇连跑都不可能跑的掉。 Several elders look at each other one, looked that these people are so firm, this made them somewhat awkward actually. 几位长老对视一眼,看这些人如此坚定,这倒是让他们有些为难了。 If this gift received, that these people feared that must leave directly. 若是这礼物收回来了,那这些人怕是要直接离开了。 But if does not receive, how did they also discuss the matter? 可若是不收回来,他们又如何谈事呢? „, Great Elder had said a moment ago, truth that the ritual that this sends out has not received. However we also know several sovereign are not the misers, making you so accept the gift truly somewhat to feel embarrassed you. “诸位,大长老刚才已经说了,这送出的礼没有收回来的道理。不过我们也知道几位宗主并非贪婪之人,让你们如此收下礼物确实有些为难你们了。 My actually idea, does not know , said does not work as to say! ” Five elders see Great Elder they somewhat to be awkward, obviously did not plan that really makes these sovereign leave like this. 我倒是有一个想法,不知当讲不当讲!”五长老见大长老他们都有些为难,显然不打算真的让这几位宗主就这样离开。 This......” several people hesitated. “这个......”几人却是犹豫了。 These fellows are plan to say their goals obviously. 这些家伙显然是打算说出他们的目的。 But does not let the words that they spoke, they feared also not necessarily walks, moreover this immortal Yuan pill surely did not have the means to take carry back again. 可是不让他们说的话,他们怕是也未必走的了,而且这仙元丹也肯定是没有办法再拿回来了。 However this saying, was it is estimated that related with Cheng Family, making them in a dilemma. 不过这一说,估计就跟程家有关,让他们进退两难啊。 „, since came to come, why not to listen to us to say the words? Perhaps to us, is the good deed?” Five elders see these people somewhat weak, then says again. “诸位既然来都来了,何不听我们把话说完呢?或许对咱们大家来说,都是好事呢?”五长老见这些人有些犹豫不定,便再次开口说道。 This...... good, Hong Elder then mentioned listens!” They do not want to offend inner court, if leaves forcefully, perhaps these people will begin to listen also to might as well, at least has a look at their goals is anything. “这......好吧,那洪长老便说来听听吧!”他们也并不想得罪内朝,若是强行离开的话,这些人说不定会动手听听也无妨,至少看看他们的目的到底是什么。 Actually our these invited sovereign to come time, but wants sovereign to inquire a news with several, so long as you are willing to tell us, these immortal Yuan pill you can also take was satisfied.” Five elders said with a smile. “其实我们这一次邀请诸位宗主来,不过就是想跟几位宗主打听一点消息而已,只要你们愿意告诉我们的话,这几颗仙元丹你们也可以拿的心安理得了。”五长老笑着说道。 That does not know that what news elder does want to inquire?” yellow Yunfei curious asking. “那不知道诸位长老想要打听什么消息呢?”黄云飞好奇的问道。 Originally they think inner court looks for them is requests them and inner court cooperates to cope with Cheng Family. 本来他们还是以为内朝找他们是要求他们与内朝合作对付程家 Now but one hear, wants to inquire a news unexpectedly, this said. 可是现在一听,竟然只是想打听点消息,这就好说多了。 „ Very simple, now Cheng Family is very big in the Cultivation World fame, attracted many cultivator all over the country to arrive at Cheng Family. “很简单,如今程家修真界的名气挺大的,吸引了不少天南海北的修士来到程家 But what we want to know, whether you have to discover Saint Court does appear in the middle of Cheng Family these cities? ” Five elders asked. 而我们想知道的是,你们是否有发现圣朝出现在程家这些城池当中?”五长老问道。 „Does Saint Court arrive at Cheng Family? This we have not heard!” The people stare, this they said actually real, they had not truly heard Saint Court at the matter that Cheng Family presents! 圣朝来到程家?这我们可没有听说过!”众人一愣,这他们说的倒是真的,他们确实没有听说过圣朝程家出现的事情!
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