GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5125: Didn't speak Wu De?

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After three days ! 三日之后! In summit outside somewhere northern Changbai Northwest thousand li (500 km). 长白城北门外西北方千里之外的某处山顶之中。 „Will these people really come? We will not go for wool and come back shorn, built several immortal Yuan pill in vain?” Shen Xiulin walks back and forth on the summit, at heart unavoidably some worries. “这些人真的会来吗?咱们不会偷鸡不成蚀把米,白白搭了几颗仙元丹吧?”沈修林在山顶上走来走去,心里不免有些担心。 Five immortal Yuan pill five people, would a person coming.” Five elders said. “五颗仙元丹五个人,总会有一个人来的。”五长老说道。 But this price was also too big, immortal Yuan pill to us, is the extremely precious luxurious thing, now delivers five. “可是这代价也太大了,仙元丹对于我们自己来说,也是极为珍贵奢侈的东西,现在就这么送出去五颗。 If the person has not come, that was really loses in a big way! ” Shen Xiulin said. 要是人还没来,那真的是损失大了!”沈修林说道。 Like this good thing even they, still and few, moreover is exalted lord gives to them. 这样的好东西就算是他们,也并没有几颗,而且也都是主上送给他们的。 This they altogether chose five people time. 这一次他们一共挑选了五个人。 In fact they are want to select more people to come, in this case, would several brave people, for more benefits can come. 实际上他们是想要挑更多的人过来的,这样的话,总会有几个胆大的人为了更多的利益会过来。 But why only chose five people finally? 可是为什么最后只挑选了五个人? Because they are not willing to put out many immortal Yuan pill to come, therefore decides one person finally. 因为他们谁都不愿意拿出更多的仙元丹来,因此最终决定一人出一颗。 In this case, they can only choose five seem like most have the person who the possibility keeps an appointment. 这样的话,他们就只能挑选五个看起来似乎最有可能来赴约的人。 However now is agrees on the date afternoon, but still no one kept an appointment, this makes one have agitated. 但是现在已经是约定日期的下午了,可是仍然没有一个人来赴约,这不禁让人心生烦躁。 „Do these fellows really dare to receive our gift not to keep an appointment?” The Great Elder calm sound said. “这些家伙难道真的敢收了咱们的礼物不来赴约?”大长老沉着声说道。 This is immortal Yuan pill, is not ordinary Medicinal Pill(s). 这可是仙元丹啊,不是普通的丹药 These fellows dare to receive their things, actually does not keep an appointment, this may really let some people angers. 这些家伙敢收他们的东西,却不来赴约,这可就真的让人有些愤怒了。 I have said that we do not need first to deliver immortal Yuan pill, gave a thing casually on the line. Now was good, others thing was actually Xinran accepted, but person actually did not come, then our owing in a big way!” Third Elder also feels the special anger. “我早就说过了,咱们没有必要先送仙元丹,随便送点东西就行了。现在好了,人家东西却是欣然收下了,可是人却一个都不来,这下咱们的亏大了!”三长老对此也觉得特别的愤怒。 Because this proposed that he too does not approve from the beginning. 因为这个提议他一开始就不太认同。 The immortal Yuan pill such precious thing, they do not hate to use, will therefore be saving, otherwise they have used. 仙元丹这么珍贵的东西,他们自己都舍不得用,所以才会存着,要不然他们早就使用了。 Finally now do not need actually to give to others, how does he give up? 结果现在自己不用却要送给别人,他如何舍得? However thinks exalted lord to their opportunity, in the heart does not abandon even, but agreed eventually. 但是一想到主上给他们的机会,就算心中不舍,但终究还是同意了。 However now immortal Yuan pill was delivers, but the person has not actually come, this kept him from accepting. 然而现在仙元丹是送出去了,可是人却没来,这就让他无法接受了。 Actually I also thought that our some were too perhaps natural, even if we first replace with other thing, if they are really willing to come, should still definitely come. “其实我也觉得咱们或许有些太大方了,就算我们先用别的东西代替,他们若是真的愿意来,也肯定会来的。 After all so long as our sincerity arrived, they come with not to come us not to have the too big loss. 毕竟只要咱们的诚意到了,他们来与不来咱们也没有太大的损失。 This immortal Yuan pill is so but precious, they felt, even if not come now, can obtain an immortal Yuan pill still value in vain. 可是这仙元丹如此珍贵,他们觉得就算现在不来,能够白白得到一颗仙元丹也值了。 However they do not come, our losses were actually too big. ” Shen Xiulin also said very much uncomfortably. 但是他们不来,我们的损失却是太大了。”沈修林也很是难受地说道。 If we had known this, he first immortal Yuan pill with, that did not need to give others such precious thing. 早知道这样,他就先把仙元丹给用了,那也就不用把这么珍贵的东西送给别人了。 You say that now these are useful? Initially made this decision is we have also discussed. “你们现在说这些还有什么用?当初做出这个决定也是我们大家商讨过的。 Reason that must deliver such precious immortal Yuan pill, nothing but is greatly may want makes them keep an appointment. 之所以要把这么珍贵的仙元丹送出去,无非就是想要更大可能的让他们赴约。 After all they as a lord, ordinary thing wish make them keep an appointment, are not necessarily able. 毕竟他们身为一宗之主,普通的东西想要让他们来赴约,未必可能。 But we invited them to send out an immortal Yuan pill merely, if they can keep an appointment, what good thing will also obtain? ” Great Elder also somewhat said reluctantly. 而我们仅仅只是邀请他们就送出了一颗仙元丹,他们若是能够赴约,又会得到什么好东西呢?”大长老也有些无奈地说道。 Is he willing to give to others oneself immortal Yuan pill? 难道他就舍得把自己的仙元丹送给别人吗? Naturally does not give up. 当然舍不得。 But the situation compels. 可是形势所迫。 What is more important, he thinks, so long as they can hold this matter, having the exalted lord satisfactory news to go back, when the time comes have't exalted lord can enjoy they many immortal Yuan pill again? 更重要的是,他认为只要他们能够把这件事情办好了,带着主上满意的消息回去,到时候主上还不得再赏他们更多的仙元丹? Has not thought that these fellows are really the heart are black enough. 只是没有想到这些家伙还真是够心黑的。 Also really accepted the gift actually not to keep an appointment unexpectedly! 竟然还真的收下了礼物却不来赴约! Perhaps others have to imagine to draw back, opportunity that but we have not refused a gift to him. The person who we send delivered to the gift came back, even if they wanted to return, could not find our people.” vermilion Yuheng said. “人家或许有意想退,可是我们也没有给他退礼的机会。我们派出去的人把礼物送到就回来了,他们就算是想要退回,都找不到我们人。”朱羽恒说道。 We did not plan that to the opportunity that they do reject? Who knows that these people is a face have not really wanted, naturalness that this gift receives unexpectedly.” Great Elder is both angry and helpless. “我们不也是打算不给他们拒绝的机会吗?谁会知道这些人还真的是一点脸都不要了,这礼物竟然收的理所当然。”大长老是既愤怒又无奈。 If the general gift, many people received perhaps how even if not draw back will not feel. 若是一般的礼物,很多人收到了就算不退或许也不会觉得如何。 But such precious gift, after many people receive, will definitely feel embarrassed, will definitely return this gift. 可是这么珍贵的礼物,很多人收到之后肯定会觉得不好意思,肯定会将这礼物退回。 However he actually does not give these people to return the opportunity of gift intentionally. 但是他却故意不给这些人退回礼物的机会。 Thought that these people received such precious gift, but also does not have the opportunity to return, no matter they accepted the invitation, wants to return this gift, must keep an appointment personally is good. 觉得这些人收到了这么珍贵的礼物,但是又没有机会退回,那他们不管是接受了邀请,还是想要退回这礼物,都得亲自来赴约才行吧。 So long as they kept an appointment, no matter they are draw back the gift, finally is unimportant. 只要他们来赴约了,不管他们是不是来退礼物的,结果都不重要了。 At least they meet the opportunity that always some communications discussed. 至少他们见了面总有沟通商量的机会。 But who thinks that these fellows also are really enough simple, even if the so precious gift, accepted did not plan to keep an appointment, was really exasperating. 可是谁会想到这些家伙还真是够干脆的,就算是如此珍贵的礼物,收下了也不打算赴约,着实气人。 Perhaps they followed the Cheng Family time is too long, what thing experience crossed, therefore they did not think that this immortal Yuan pill was very precious? “或许他们跟着程家的时间太久了,什么东西都见识过了,所以他们也并不觉得这仙元丹很珍贵? Also they did not know or this immortal Yuan pill, only did consider the ordinary pill of immortality? ” Shen Xiulin thinks to say. 又或者说,他们根本就不认识这仙元丹,只当是普通的仙丹了?”沈修林想了想说道。 This is how possible! Even if they did not know that immortal Yuan pill, really thinks that is only the ordinary pill of immortality, however the ordinary pill of immortality is still very precious. “这怎么可能!就算他们不认识仙元丹,真的以为只是普通的仙丹,但是普通的仙丹也很珍贵啊。 As for you said that they followed the Cheng Family anything thing experience to cross, this was impossible. 至于你说他们跟着程家什么东西都见识过了,这也不可能。 Although his Cheng Family has the pill of immortality to receive in exchange, even Cheng Family even/including Xianyuan pill also has, but you have also looked. 虽然他程家有仙丹可以换取,甚至程家连仙元丹也有,可是你们也看过了。 How many in Cheng Family wants to receive in exchange for a pill of immortality needing to contribute the overall? That average man can exchange can it be that? 程家想要换取一颗仙丹需要多少贡献积分?那岂是常人可以兑换的了的? Do not say that immortal Yuan pill such precious pill of immortality, that is not possible to be received in exchange. 更不要说仙元丹这样珍贵的仙丹了,那更是不可能被人换取的。 This is Cheng Family is used for scary joke, showed that their Cheng Family really anything can trade, but at all is no one can trade. 这不过就是程家用来唬人的噱头罢了,证明他们程家真的什么都可以换,但根本不是什么人都能够换的到的。 Therefore even if they have seen Cheng Family immortal Yuan pill, but absolutely is impossible to obtain Cheng Family immortal Yuan pill. ” Five elders shake the head, basically denied this idea. 所以他们就算见过程家的仙元丹,但也绝对不可能得到程家的仙元丹。”五长老摇摇头,基本上否定了这种想法。 Immortal Yuan pill this type of thing is not everyone can have. 仙元丹这种东西可不是人人都能够拥有的。 Although he does not know pill of immortality where Cheng Family makes, what he is certain, even if such precious thing Cheng Family has, absolutely will not be many. 虽然他并不知道程家是从哪里弄来的仙丹,但是他可以肯定的是,这么珍贵的东西就算是程家有,也绝对不会多。 Moreover Cheng Family so many senior statesmen and experts, why Cheng Family do not give Cheng Family these senior statesmen and experts such precious Medicinal Pill(s), can actually give these lower sect? 而且程家这么多的元老和高手,程家为什么不把这么珍贵的丹药送给程家这些元老和高手,却要送给这些下宗呢? Therefore thinks to think that this matter radically is not possible. 所以想一想都觉得这种事情根本就是不可能的。 Right, even if Cheng Family really has immortal Yuan pill to them, they are impossible to think that this is very ordinary thing.” Great Elder said. “没错,就算程家真的有仙元丹给他们,他们也不可能认为这是很普通的东西。”大长老说道。 Snort! They think that misappropriates our immortal Yuan pill to be able a matter not to have? “哼!他们难道以为私吞我们的仙元丹会一点事情都没有吗? Even if we do not have the means with them now, when we solved Saint Court this trouble, they can also run? 就算我们现在拿他们没有办法,可是等到我们把圣朝这个麻烦解决了,他们还能够跑的了吗? When the time comes Cheng Family are unable to defend oneself, but can also guarantee lives in their these lower sect? ” Third Elder resented that said. 到时候就连程家自己都是自身难保,还能保的住他们这些下宗?”三长老愤恨地说道。 Now their person has not come, perhaps other possibility!” Great Elder said. “现在他们人没有来,或许还有别的可能!”大长老说道。 What possibility?” “什么可能?” At least two situations, are they do not want to go to our making either, actually wants to misappropriate our immortal Yuan pill. “至少有两种情况,要么就是他们不想赴我们的约,却想私吞我们的仙元丹。 Another possibility, that by Cheng Family observing closely, them does not dare to keep an appointment! ” Great Elder pondered the moment, says. 另外一种可能,那就是被程家给盯住了,他们不敢来赴约!”大长老沉思了片刻,开口说道。 I felt the second possibility that Great Elder said is bigger. Cheng Family occupies Secular World and Cultivation World channel, can say that anybody wants to arrive at Cultivation World from Secular World, must come from the eyelid of Cheng Family. “我觉得大长老说的第二点可能性更大一些。程家占据着世俗修真界的通道,可以说任何人想要从世俗来到修真界,都必须从程家的眼皮之下过来。 We initially also because considers this point, will therefore choose beyond the Cheng Family sphere of influence met with them. 我们当初也正是因为考虑到这一点,所以才会选择在程家势力范围之外与他们见面。 Now we are at the safe place actually, is Cheng Family these lower sect, they actually in Secular World. 现在我们倒是处在安全的地方了,可是程家的这些下宗,他们却在世俗 As a lord, they, if appears in the Changbai city, perhaps the Cheng Family person will stare at them. 作为一宗之主,他们若是出现在长白城,程家人或许就会盯上他们。 But if they had/left the Changbai city, Cheng Family possibly can stare is tighter! ” Five elders said. 而他们若是出了长白城,程家可能会盯的更紧!”五长老说道。 If that is right, why didn't you say early? Now we deliver immortal Yuan pill, you said that they do not dare to go out of town, what our attempts?” Third Elder was actually discontented. “若是如此,那你们为何不早说呢?现在我们把仙元丹都送出去了,你们却说他们不敢出城,那咱们这是图什么?”三长老却是更加不满了。 They said is actually very reasonable, but why says now? 他们说的倒是很有道理,可是为什么现在才说? Now says is useful? Hadn't the thing in others hand, this looked to oneself happily? 现在说有什么用?东西都已经在别人手上了,这不是给自己找不痛快吗? „Hadn't I thought so many before? Now they have not appeared, I then think!” The Great Elder complexion is also very ugly/difficult to look at. “我之前不也没有想这么多吗?现在他们一直没有出现,我这才想起来!”大长老的脸色也很难看。 Some everyone complaints he can understand regarding this, let alone was others, he himself now some regrets. 大家对此有怨言他可以理解,别说是其他人了,就连他自己现在都有些后悔了。 Perhaps he thinks the matter was too simple. 或许他把事情想的太简单了。 These sect gates that although they choose seem like with the possibility that they cooperate are highest, is no matter how, they now eventually Cheng Family lower sect. 虽然他们选的这几个宗门看起来似乎与他们合作的可能性是最高的,可是不管如何,他们现在终究还是程家下宗 Followed Cheng Family so many years, perhaps they understand the Cheng Family method. 追随了程家这么多年,他们或许更加了解程家的手段。 Even if these sect gate want to cooperate with their inner court, but they do not have the courage to dare to take now this step. 所以就算这些宗门想要与他们内朝合作,可是现在他们却没有胆子敢迈出这一步。 Slow, some probably people came!” But at this time, alerting of five elder sudden faces, said in a low voice. “慢着,好像有人来了!”可是就在这个时候,五长老突然一脸的警醒,低声说道。 Really has the person! Did some people keep an appointment?” Hears nearby has the sound, several people immediately in heart one happy. “确实有人!难道是有人来赴约了?”一听到附近有动静,几人顿时心中一喜。 Although did not know several people, so long as some people came, they also recalled some losses. 虽然不知道来了几个人,但是只要有人来,他们也算是挽回了一些损失。 If can serve their purposes, even only came a person, that does not owe. 若是能够达到他们此次目的,就算只来了一个人,那也不亏了。 I and others came to keep an appointment, but also asked everyone to come sees!” At this moment, Northeast has the sounds of people to transmit. “我等前来赴约,还请各位现身一见!”就在这时,东北方向有人声传来。 Really is keeps an appointment, moreover it seems like also incessantly!” Several people hear this sound, is joyful extremely, hurries to walk toward the sounds of people place. “果然是来赴约的,而且看来还不止一个!”几人听到这声音,更是欣喜万分,赶紧朝着人声处走去。 „Is everyone the inner court person?” Saw that several people appear, Xuanzhen Daoist looks at these people. “各位就是内朝的人?”看到几人出现,玄真道人看着这几个人。 This is the first time that he had to do with the inner court person, does not know that these people in inner court are what status. 这是他第一次与内朝的人打交道,也不知道这些人在内朝是个什么身份。 However can put out immortal Yuan pill as the person who the gift sees off, feared that will be the status will not lower. 不过能够拿出仙元丹作为礼物相送的人,怕是身份也不会低。
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