GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5124: Awkward Xuanzhen Daoist!

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inner court! Unexpectedly is the inner court person!” The Xuanzhen Daoist complexion changes back, does not know at heart is what taste. 内朝!竟然是内朝的人!”玄真道人的脸色变来变去,心里不知道是个什么滋味。 Although he has not dealt with the inner court person, but the inner court person mails to his Mount Shu School the letter/believes now unexpectedly, this is not the good deed. 虽然他从来没有跟内朝的人打过交道,可是现在内朝的人竟然把信寄到了他蜀山派,这可不是什么好事。 You first get down!” Xuanzhen Daoist beckons with the hand to that disciple. “你先下去吧!”玄真道人对那弟子摆摆手。 inner court looked for his goal to write in the letter/believes, does not need to ask the disciple again. 内朝找他的目的已经写在信上了,也没有必要再问弟子了。 Naturally, after the letter/believes also invited him three days, met to Changbai north city suburb, had not explained that inner court must see his true goal. 当然,信中也只是邀请他三日后到长白北城郊外相见,并没有说明内朝要见他的真正目的。 But Changbai north city refers to is some Cultivation World that cities of Changbai small town. 而长白北城指的就是长白小城的修真界那部分城池。 „The inner court person suddenly appears in Cheng Family unexpectedly, moreover invited me to go to north city, this matter feared that was big!” In the Xuanzhen Daoist heart somewhat whispered. 内朝人竟是突然出现在程家,而且还邀请我前往北城,这事怕是不小!”玄真道人心中有些嘀咕。 Since invites him, properly speaking should welcome be a guest to his city is more reasonable, reveals the sincerity. 既然是邀请他,按理来说应该请到他城里做客更为合理,也更显诚意。 But inner court is invites him to meet to the wilderness, this obviously is not ordinary meeting. 可是内朝却是邀请他到荒郊野外相见,这明显不是普通的见面。 But Cheng Family and inner court had the gratitude and grudges, now inner court does not dare to meet with him in the middle of the Cheng Family city, this matter is most likely related with Cheng Family. 程家内朝本就有恩怨,现在内朝不敢在程家的城池当中与他相见,这事十有八九与程家有关。 Therefore inner court therefore dreaded, does not dare in the Cheng Family sphere of influence, but outside north city, that was the domain outside Cheng Family. 所以内朝因此忌惮,不敢在程家的势力范围内,而是在北城外,那就是程家以外的地盘了。 Is it possible that is their inner court plans to cope with Cheng Family, wanting my Mount Shu to come to collaborate from outside with the inside?” Xuanzhen Daoist is not silly. “莫非是他们内朝打算对付程家,想要我蜀山来个里应外合?”玄真道人也不傻。 inner court is absolutely impossible to look for him with no reason at all, certainly has anything to with Mount Shu cooperate. 内朝绝对不可能无缘无故找他,一定是有什么事情要与蜀山合作。 But his Mount Shu now in Cultivation World already already no longer past strong wind, did not have the past prestige. 可是他蜀山如今在修真界早就已经不复当年的雄风,也没有了当年的威望。 What does inner court ask him to cooperate? 内朝找上他能够合作什么呢? Thinks it over, wanting their Mount Shu to make their inner court planted agent possibility to be highest. 思来想去,想要他们蜀山做他们内朝的内应可能性最高。 Cheng Family occupies Secular World and Cultivation World channel, moreover occupied so many years, in the Cultivation World prestige is also higher and higher, if inner court wants to destroy completely Cheng Family, this feared that is unlikely. 程家占据着世俗修真界的通道,而且盘踞了这么多年,在修真界的威望也是越来越高,若是内朝想要灭掉程家,这怕是不太可能。 Moreover I, if really accepted their invitation, feared that is Cheng Family knows quickly. 而且我若是真的接受了他们的邀请,怕是程家很快就会知道。 When the time comes Mount Shu dies does not know how dead! ” 到时候蜀山死都不知道怎么死的!” At this moment, in the heart of Xuanzhen Daoist flashes through many issues all of a sudden, various benefits from have fluttered at present. 此时此刻,玄真道人的心中一下子闪过许许多多的问题,各种利益从眼前飘过。 He knows, if removes Cheng Family with inner court, his Mount Shu School can certainly harvest greatly. 他知道,若是与内朝除掉程家,他蜀山派一定可以收获巨大。 However Cheng Family is so easy to destroy completely? 但是程家真的是那么容易灭掉的吗? His Mount Shu followed Cheng Family to mix so many years, but to Cheng Family still does not dare saying that some understood, he did not have the confidence in any case. 蜀山跟着程家混了这么多年,但是对程家仍然不敢说有多了解,反正他是没有信心的。 If inner court really asks him to cooperate to remove Cheng Family, he will be will not agree absolutely. 所以若是内朝真的是找他合作除掉程家,他是绝对不会同意的。 Without that courage. 没那个胆子。 Although the benefit is big, but must have that life to be good. 利益虽大,但是也要有那个命才行。 Wants Profound Heaven Sect to be powerful initially enough? 想当初玄天宗够不够强大? World all sect gate take Profound Heaven Sect not to have the means that but merely one Cheng Yu solved sects in the world not to have the trouble of means solution with ease. 天下所有宗门都拿玄天宗没有办法,可是仅仅一个程宇就轻轻松松的解决了天下宗门都没有办法解决的麻烦。 At the present in the past so many years, Cheng Family powerful past Cheng Family can compare can it be that. 而今过去这么多年,程家的强大又岂是当年的程家可以相比的。 Now the development of Mount Shu in unceasing getting better, he does not want to go to look for this trouble to oneself. 现在蜀山的发展也在不断的变好,他不想去给自己找这个麻烦。 Even if he truly is also unwilling to give Cheng Family to make lower sect, but at least now not better way. 哪怕他也确实不甘给程家下宗,但是至少现在并没有更好的办法。 At the worst when their agreement deadlines arrive, his Mount Shu returns to Cultivation World again is, does not need in this time and Cheng Family fight of fight ins which both sides perish. 大不了等到他们的协议期限一到,他蜀山再回到修真界便是,没必要在这个时候与程家斗个鱼死网破。 However he looks around gift jade box, in the heart is actually somewhat curious. 不过他看着旁边的礼物玉盒,心中却是有些好奇。 The gift that this inner court sends thinks that will not be ordinary, at least this jade box is not very simple! 内朝送来的礼物想必不会普通,起码这玉盒就很不简单! But once accepted this gift, feared that was is very difficult to pretend non-involvement the relations with inner court. 可是一旦收下了这礼物,怕是就很难跟内朝撇清关系了。 First opened has a look to say again!” Although Xuanzhen Daoist in the heart has to mediate to decide, but wants first to have a look at inner court to prepare what gift to him. “先打开看看再说!”玄真道人虽然心中有了断定,但是还是想先看看内朝到底给他准备了什么礼物。 Is it possible that this...... is this immortal Yuan pill in legend?” Turns on the jade box, immediately is dumbfounded. “这......这莫非就是传说中的仙元丹?”打开玉盒,顿时目瞪口呆。 Immortal Yuan pill, that increases air/Qi of immortal spirit Medicinal Pill(s), this regarding Crossing Tribulation Stage, that may really be most precious incomparable Medicinal Pill(s). 仙元丹,那是增加仙灵之气的丹药,这对于一个渡劫期来说,那可真的是最珍贵无比的丹药了。 Because Crossing Tribulation Stage scarcest was the air/Qi of immortal spirit. 因为渡劫期最为稀缺的就是仙灵之气了。 To be honest, he does not know immortal Yuan pill, but he has seen other pills of immortality. 说实话,他并不认识仙元丹,但是他见过一些别的仙丹。 So long as is the pill of immortality, contains the air/Qi of immortal spirit. However these pills of immortality have oneself use after all, in which the air/Qi of immortal spirit eventually is only the Medicinal Pill(s) supplementary, therefore the air/Qi of such immortal spirit was too few. 只要是仙丹,都会蕴含着仙灵之气。但是这些仙丹毕竟都有自己的用途,其中的仙灵之气终究只是丹药附带的,所以这样的仙灵之气还是太少了。 But this pill of immortality the air/Qi of immortal spirit is actually extremely rich, is inconceivable to him richly. 可是这颗仙丹的仙灵之气却是极为浓郁,浓郁到他难以想象。 After all here is a world of mortals, itself does not have the air/Qi of so-called immortal spirit. Only if were some places of antiquity carry-over, had to exist actually has the air/Qi of immortal spirit place. 毕竟这里是下界,本身不存在所谓的仙灵之气。除非是一些上古遗留之地,倒是有存在一些拥有仙灵之气的地方。 However such place is no one can bump into absolutely, not only needs the luck, needs the strength. 但是这样的地方绝对不是谁都能够碰到的,不仅需要运气,更需要实力。 Therefore their such world of mortals cultivator, the normal condition is not possible to obtain the air/Qi of immortal spirit. 所以他们这样的下界修士,正常情况是不可能得到仙灵之气的。 If they can absorb the air/Qi of immortal spirit at any time, that Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator already relaxed flying upwards Immortal World. 如果他们可以随时吸收仙灵之气,那渡劫期修士早就轻轻松松的飞升仙界了。 The world of mortals so many Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator card is unable to fly upwards Immortal World in this level, because they do not have the means to obtain the air/Qi of enough immortal spirit. 下界之所以有这么多的渡劫期修士卡在这个层次迟迟无法飞升仙界,正是因为他们没有办法得到足够的仙灵之气。 Like this world, if did not have Spiritual Qi, how these cultivator can practice? 就像这个世界若是没有了灵气,那些修士要如何修行? Therefore the air/Qi of this immortal spirit can say that is their Crossing Tribulation Stage enters the Immortal World basis, when they usually can only depend upon initially success Crossing Tribulation obtains the source of immortal spirit from the gate of Immortal World, slowly transforms the spirit of own source. 所以这仙灵之气可以说就是他们渡劫期进入仙界的根本,他们平时只能依靠当初成功渡劫时从仙界之门得到的仙灵之源,慢慢的去转化自己的本源之灵。 However this process was extremely slow, the spirit strength of many even transformed half to stop. 但是这个过程太过缓慢了,很多人的灵力甚至转化了一半就停下来了。 As for the reason, everyone basically thinks that is because the world of mortals does not have the reason of air/Qi of immortal spirit, therefore the strength of their immortal spirit transformed also lacked the power. 至于原因,大家基本上认为是因为下界没有仙灵之气的原因,因此他们的仙灵之力转化也就缺乏了动力。 If they can lots of immortal Yuan pill, that be equivalent progress that can speed up the source spirit strength to transfer the Yuan of immortal spirit for them. 若是他们能够得到大量的仙元丹,那就相当于可以为他们加快本源灵力转为化仙灵之元的进度。 Therefore this immortal Yuan pill said that is the Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator lifeblood is not overrated. 所以这仙元丹说是渡劫期修士的命根子都不为过。 But at present this pill of immortality, even if Xuanzhen Daoist has not seen immortal Yuan pill, he also believes that absolutely this is really immortal Yuan pill. 而眼前这颗仙丹,哪怕玄真道人并没有见过仙元丹,他也绝对相信这真的就是仙元丹。 This inner court big writing skill, actually even/including Xianyuan pill can take to see somebody off, does not know some of their also many like this good things!” Xuanzhen Daoist right now really some heart movements. “这内朝好大的手笔,竟然连仙元丹都能够拿出来送人,不知道他们还有多少这样的好东西呢!”玄真道人这下子是真的有些心动了。 If can have lots of immortal Yuan pill, how even if this world of mortals does not have the air/Qi of immortal spirit, he is still the same can speed up the transformation of source spirit strength rapidly, will soon fly upwards Immortal World. 若是能够拥有大量的仙元丹,就算这下界没有仙灵之气又如何,他也一样可以迅速的加快本源灵力的转化,早日飞升仙界 At this moment, he had to impulse to inner court unexpectedly snatches one wave. 这一刻,他竟是有冲动到内朝去抢一波了。 To be honest, although Cheng Family the good name to want anything to exchange, but this immortal Yuan pill has not really exchanged. 说实话,程家虽然好称想要什么都可以兑换,但是这仙元丹还真的没有兑换的。 Otherwise even he, must have the assignment to Cheng Family. 要不然就算是他,都要到程家去接任务了。 Although some Cheng Family also truly pills of immortality, but also is only some ordinary pills of immortality, to him not too big use. 尽管程家也确实有一些仙丹,但也不过只是一些普通的仙丹,对他来说并没有太大的用处。 But wants to exchange a pill of immortality, that price also absolutely is not general big. 可是想要兑换一颗仙丹,那代价也绝对不是一般的大。 Therefore by cultivator of his level, the Cheng Family duty has no attraction to him. 所以以他这个层次的修士来说,程家的任务对他并没有什么吸引力。 However regarding Crossing Tribulation Stage following cultivator, that has the enormous appeal absolutely. 不过对于渡劫期以下的修士来说,那绝对是有着巨大吸引力的。 If nothing else, at least existence of Cheng Family this duty pattern also truly gave him Mount Shu to provide many benefits. 别的不说,至少程家这个任务模式的存在也确实给他蜀山带来了不少的好处。 First, their Mount Shu not that tremendous resources pressure. 首先,他们蜀山没有那么大的资源压力了。 Because their Mount Shu takes the Cheng Family lower sect disciple, moreover first-level lower sect, compared with these second-level third-level lower sect, particularly compared with Cheng Family these bystanders, the advantage in duty is not general big. 因为他们蜀山作为程家下宗弟子,而且还是一级下宗,比起那些二级三级下宗,尤其是程家那些外人相比,在任务中的优势可不是一般的大。 Therefore their Mount Shu School disciple truly is profits from the duty system of Cheng Family. 所以他们蜀山派的弟子从程家的任务体系当中确实是受益非常多。 Now the cultivation resources of most disciples exchange from Cheng Family. 如今大部分宗门弟子的修炼资源都是从程家兑换来的。 Although this possibly makes their these sect gate dependence to the Cheng Family very big, but at least they have no loss now. 虽然这样可能让他们这些宗门对程家的依赖性很大,但是至少现在他们并没有什么损失。 Also because of so, their Mount Shu can in such a short time the rapid restoration, moreover when is flushing away to Peak Mount Shu. 也正是因为如此,他们蜀山才能够在这么短的时间内迅速的恢复过来,而且正在向巅峰时的蜀山冲去。 Therefore the development effect of Cheng Family on Mount Shu is truly big. 因此程家蜀山的发展影响确实挺大的。 This is also he, although is somewhat discontented with Cheng Family, but is not willing with the truth of Cheng Family fight in which both sides perish. 这也是他虽然对程家有些不满,但也不愿意与程家鱼死网破的道理。 Once Cheng Family poured, to be honest, the development of their Mount Shu will even present the shutdown, this absolutely was he undesired. 程家一旦倒下去了,说实话,他们蜀山的发展甚至都会出现停摆,这绝对是他不希望看到的。 But now inner court actually puts out immortal Yuan pill to seduce him, he may really be some heart movements. 而现在内朝却是拿出了仙元丹来诱惑他,他可真是有些心动了。 On the one hand is the Mount Shu School future, on the one hand is own future, this is really an embarrassing choice! 一方面是蜀山派的未来,一方面是自己的未来,这真的是一个让人为难的选择啊! Or first has a look? Moreover in this letter/believes also said that no matter I cannot go on invitation, this gift gives me. “要不还是先去看看?而且这信上也说了,不管我去不去应约,这礼物都是给我的。 But if I accepted this gift, but does not go, it is estimated that later inner court will not let off me! ” Xuanzhen Daoist cautious takes this immortal Yuan pill, in the heart awkward wants to say. 但我若是收下了这礼物而不去的话,估计以后内朝也不会放过我!”玄真道人小心翼翼的拿着这颗仙元丹,心中为难的想道。 Does not know that this inner court besides inviting me, whether also invited several other sovereign?” Xuanzhen Daoist at this moment thoughts specially complex. “不知道这内朝除了邀请我之外,是否还邀请了其他几位宗主呢?”玄真道人此时此刻心思特别的复杂。 In his opinion, since inner court must collaborate from outside with the inside invite their these sect Menlai, then four first-level lower sect absolutely are the first choice. 在他看来,既然内朝要邀请他们这些宗门来个里应外合的话,那么四个一级下宗绝对是首选。 However this matter he does not dare to send people to ask. 但是这种事情他不敢派人去问。 If another three lower sect also received the inner court gift but actually , but if inner court really only invited him, his asked that to expose itself? 若是另外三个下宗也收到了内朝的礼物倒也罢了,可若是内朝真的只邀请了他一个人,那他这一问岂不是就暴露了自己? This also is really a choice that made one have a headache about, if I went on invitation, feared that will be is certainly known by Cheng Yu, even if when the time comes I and inner court have not achieved any cooperation, I estimated that did not talk clearly. “这还真是一个令人头疼的选择,我若是应约前往的话,怕是一定会被程宇知晓,到时候就算我与内朝并没有达成任何的合作,我估计都是说不清了。 Moreover I, if really met with the inner court person, but rejects them, not only this immortal Yuan pill may not guarantee, feared that including own safety, feared that can also be an issue! ” A Xuanzhen Daoist person walks back and forth in the hall, actually cannot make up mind. 而且我若是真的与内朝的人碰面了,但是又拒绝他们的话,不仅这颗仙元丹有可能不保,怕是连自己的安危,怕也会是个问题!”玄真道人一个人在厅中走来走去,却是始终拿不定主意。 Immortal Yuan pill absolutely is the good thing, he naturally does not hate to send back. 仙元丹绝对是好东西,他自然是不舍得送回去的。 But if accepted did not go on invitation, can this matter really be easily friendly? 可若是收下了又不去应约,这件事情真的能够轻易善了? inner court feared person who is not so good to speak! 内朝怕也不是这么好说话的人! This may really be the matter that two do not flatter.” Xuanzhen Daoist was truly perplexed. “这可真是一件两头都不讨好的事情。”玄真道人确实是被难住了。 Although Cheng Family will not limit their behaviors, but he wants on invitation, must come and go out the Changbai city. 虽然程家并不会限制他们的行为,但是他想要去应约,就必须出入长白城。 So long as he as soon as appears in the Changbai city, Cheng Family also naturally can know that stares at him. 只要他一出现在长白城,程家也自然会知道盯上他。 Therefore if he wants to keep an appointment quietly radically is the not possible matter. 所以他若是想要悄悄地赴约根本就是不可能的事情。 However if this matter made Cheng Yu know, what difficult position his Mount Shu will face? 但是这件事情要是让程宇知道了,他蜀山会面临什么困境? He really does not dare to say! 他是真的不敢说!
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