GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#5123: Bait!

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These channel books are belong our, even if we must take carry back still indisputable.” Shen Xiulin said. “这些通道本就是属于我们的,就算我们要拿回来也无可厚非。”沈修林说道。 If before, we said that but actually does not have the problem. But now, we said, nothing but looks for trouble for oneself. “若是以前,我们这么说倒也没毛病。可是现在,我们这么说,无非是给自己找麻烦。 Those words, want to handle Cheng Family, that first handles Saint Court. 还是那句话,想要搞定程家,那就得先搞定圣朝 Naturally, killing two birds with one stone means that that is discovers Cheng Family is Saint Court, or Cheng Family and Saint Court have the evidence of period. 当然,还有一个一举两得的办法,那就是找出程家就是圣朝,或者程家圣朝有紧密联系的证据来。 So long as we can determine this point, we had enough energy and reason go back to look for exalted lord to dispatch troops to level Cheng Family. 只要我们能够确定这一点,那我们就有足够的底气和理由回去找主上出兵抹平了程家 Why that can this channel also snatch when the time comes? ” Great Elder answered. 那到时候这通道何必还要去抢呢?”大长老解释道。 Said is also! Like this we do not need to make war for these channels specially!” The people nod, truly is such a truth. “说的也是!这样的话我们就没有必要为了这些通道而专门开战了!”众人点点头,确实是这么一个道理。 „ One side these things we put for the time being, takes Cheng Family, that Cheng Family all naturally turn over to us, this is the successful matter. “这些事情我们暂且放到一边,拿下程家,那程家的一切自然都归我们,这是水到渠成的事情。 But must take Cheng Family, we must first inquire to be good to our useful news. 而要拿下程家,我们就必须先打探到对我们有用的消息才行。 For serveral days we also transferred many places, had certain understanding of Cheng Family these lower sect. 这些天我们也转了不少地方了,对程家的这些下宗也有了一定的了解。 I am thinking, if we look for first-level lower sect directly, is not quite whether appropriate? ” Great Elder said. 我在想,我们若是直接去找一级下宗,是否不太合适?”大长老说道。 What does this have is not inappropriate? The news that let alone first-level lower sect knows certainly compared with many that these second-level third-level lower sect know. “这有什么不合适的?更何况一级下宗所知道的消息肯定要比那些二级三级下宗知道的多。 If looks for other lower sect, it is estimated that looked is also white Zhao, instead also wasted we more time. 如果找其他下宗,估计找了也是白找,反而还浪费我们更多的时间。 Although we do not need to worry that inner court will be given to break through by Saint Court, but we are impossible to tow like this. 虽然我们不必担心内朝会被圣朝给攻破,可是咱们也不可能一直就这样拖下去。 Otherwise even if found evidence between Cheng Family and Saint Court, exalted lord still has lost the patience! ” The Third Elder rebuttal said. 要不然就算是找到了程家圣朝之间的证据,主上也早就失去耐心了!”三长老反驳道。 Does not return promptly not anxiously, but actually does not represent them really not to care anxiously to waste the time completely. 不急归不急,可是不急却也并不代表他们就真的可以完全不在乎浪费时间。 For serveral days although has roved in these cities, asked around these sect gate news, but his worried at heart. 这些天虽然一直在这些城池里转来转去,四处打听这些宗门的消息,可是他的心里却是着急的。 Earlier takes the evidence, earlier returns to inner court to ask exalted lord to lend a hand to solve Saint Court this trouble. 早点把证据弄到手,早点回到内朝主上出手解决圣朝这个麻烦。 Like this they also no longer use to appear in public, was upon the jump everywhere. 这样他们也不再用抛头露面,到处跑来跑去了。 Although these leaves the mountain also truly to make him experience time much, but he does not want such life, treats is at home easier more and comfortable, is safer. 虽然这一次出山也确实让他见识不少,可是他并不想要这样的生活,还是待在家里更加安逸,也更加安全。 I mean, first-level lower sect was extremely conspicuous. You think to look, Cheng Family first-level lower sect altogether four. “我的意思是,一级下宗太过显眼了。你们想想看,程家的一级下宗总共才四个。 You thought that Cheng Family can not stare at these four lower sect? If we look for these four lower sect directly, I think that today we make an appearance in first-level lower sect, after several double-hour, Cheng Family received the message! ” Great Elder said. 你觉得程家会不盯着这四个下宗吗?如果我们直接找上这四个下宗,我想今天我们在一级下宗一露面,几个时辰之后,程家就收到消息了!”大长老说道。 The situation of if from Cheng Family keeping abreast, that naturally is first-level lower sect understood the Cheng Family news that will be definitely more. 如果从对程家掌握的情况来说的话,那自然是一级下宗了解到的程家消息肯定会更多一些。 Normally, he also hopes that looks for these first-level lower sect to chat. 正常情况下,他也希望找这些一级下宗聊一聊。 Moreover their strengths are also stronger, if they want, even later can become them to break through the Cheng Family secret weapon. 而且他们的实力也更强,若是他们愿意的话,甚至以后可以成为他们攻破程家的秘密武器。 What if looks is only general lower sect, news that they know not only possibly few, even to come to collaborate from outside with the inside with them, by these lower sect strengths, it is estimated that cannot play any major role. 要是找的只是一般的下宗,他们知道的消息不仅可能少,就算想要与他们来个里应外合,以这些下宗的实力,估计也起不了什么大的作用。 However he thought that Cheng Family can develop today's this step, how can also this simple? 但是他觉得程家能够发展到今天这一步,又怎么会这简单呢? Especially after they went to Cheng Family one, thought that this Cheng Family is not simple. 尤其是他们前往了程家一趟之后,更是觉得这个程家不简单。 Perhaps they initially left after Cheng Family, Cheng Family has been staring at them. 说不定他们当初从程家离开之后,程家就一直盯着他们。 If the ordinary person wants to stare at them, they are very easy to discover. 要知道,若是一般的人想要盯着他们,那他们是很容易发现的。 But their feeling does not have, that explained that Cheng Yu might send is the Crossing Tribulation Stage expert is also staring at them. 可是他们一点感觉都没有,那说明程宇很有可能派了同样是渡劫期的高手盯着他们。 Only then, they could not discover the opposite party in such a case. 只有在这样的情况下,他们才发现不了对方。 Otherwise Cheng Family will really feel relieved that they do rove in Cheng Family each city everywhere? 否则程家真的会这么放心他们在程家的各个城池四处转来转去吗? „Do we choose second-level lower sect first to understand?” Third Elder thinks to try to ask. “那我们就选一个二级下宗先了解一下?”三长老想了想试问道。 But second-level lower sect also five, Cheng Family , if really staring at us, we elect everybody discover?” Five elders said. “可是二级下宗也才五个,程家若是真的盯着我们,那我们选谁都会被发现的吧?”五长老说道。 Well, we absolutely did not have the means to handle anything!” Shen Xiulin said. “那这样的话,我们根本就没有办法去做任何事情了!”沈修林说道。 Everyone's meaning?” Great Elder feels like also what is all about. “那大家的意思呢?”大长老觉得好像也是这么一回事。 If Cheng Family has really sent people to stare at them, they as if ask everybody to be discovered. 如果程家真的一直派人盯着他们,那他们似乎找谁都会被发现的。 „ Since any case we possibly by Cheng Family staring, why that does care about their Cheng Family? But so long as we also inquired about the relations between Cheng Family and Saint Court. “既然反正我们可能一直都被程家给盯着,那又何必去在乎他们程家呢?而我们也只要打听关于程家圣朝之间的关系。 When we inquired, that hurried to leave, how their can Cheng Family we? ” Shen Xiulin said directly. 等到我们打听到了,那就赶紧离开,他们程家又能奈我们如何?”沈修林直接说道。 I thought that cultivates not wrong, if Cheng Family that forest said that has been really staring at us, no matter we actually make anything, our every action and every movement under their noses. “我觉得修林说的也没有错,如果程家真的一直在盯着我们,我们其实不管做什么,我们的一举一动都在他们的眼皮底下。 Such being the case, we do not need to cover up, simply natural asks several reliable sect gate to inquire the situation. 既然如此,那我们也就没有必要遮遮掩掩了,干脆大大方方的找几个可靠的宗门打听一下情况。 So long as inquired the useful news, we then left Cheng Family directly are. 只要打探到了有用的消息,咱们便直接离开程家便是。 Perhaps when the Cheng Family station, we do not dare to act unreasonably, however in this Cheng Family, how they are not necessarily able to take us! ” Third Elder approves the person of same belief. 程家驻地的时候,我们或许不敢乱来,但是在这程家,他们未必能够拿我们怎么样!”三长老十分赞同道。 Words cannot say, do not forget, Cheng Family is guarding Secular World and Cultivation World channel. But these can lower sect now in Secular World? “话可不能这么说,你不要忘了,程家可是把守着世俗修真界的通道。而这些下宗现在可都在世俗呢? Once Cheng Family if has an action to perform, so long as closes the channels of these 53 cities completely, you thought how we can return to inner court to go? ” Five elders reminded. 一旦程家要是有所动作,只要将这五十三座城池的通道全部关闭,你觉得我们如何能够回到内朝去?”五长老提醒道。 If said that what we also do ask these sect gate to make? Now hurries to return to inner court is not safest!” Third Elder somewhat refuses to accept obviously. “那要是这么说的话,那咱们还找这些宗门做什么?现在赶紧逃回内朝不就是最安全的了!”三长老显然有些不服。 He thinks actually not the words of five elders have the mistake, but if is really as he said that they really do not have the means to look for any sect gate now. 他倒不是认为五长老的话有错,可如果真是如他所说的话,那他们现在真的没有办法去找任何一个宗门了。 So long as Cheng Family thinks that they have the issue, may close to go to the Cultivation World channel anytime, as the matter stands, that can't Cheng Family catch a turtle in a jar? 只要程家认为他们有问题,随时都有可能关闭前往修真界的通道,这样一来,那程家不就可以瓮中捉鳖了? If we can these sect gate sovereign or is some senior figures welcome to Cultivation World that side city, or are the places outside Cheng Family, wasn't that this issue very simple?” Five elders said. “若是我们能够把这些宗门的宗主或者是其中一些高层人物请到修真界那边的城池,或者是程家之外的地方,那这个问题不就很简单了吗?”五长老说道。 Un, this actually means! How can we invite these sovereign or the high level are willing to leave Cheng Family?” Third Elder nods, immediately at present one bright. “嗯,这倒是一个办法!只是我们如何能够邀请这些宗主或者高层愿意离开程家呢?”三长老点点头,顿时眼前一亮。 Although Cheng Family is grasping two channels of the world, but Cheng Family has not actually limited these gate anybody's behaviors, where they want to go to go to where. 程家虽然掌握着两个世界的通道,但是程家却并没有限制这些宗门任何人的行为,他们想去哪里就去哪里。 But wants these people to listen to their words to leave Cheng Family, this does not seem like them to control. 只不过想要这些人听他们的话离开程家,这似乎不是他们能够控制的。 Those words, sect gate and Cheng Family who so long as we choose are not a heart, then they may be persuaded by us. “还是那句话,只要我们挑选的宗门与程家并不是一条心,那么他们就有可能被我们说动。 But whether can persuade them, that must put out a bait to come to be good! ” Five elders said with a smile. 而是否能够说动他们,那就要拿出点诱饵来才行了!”五长老笑着说道。 What bait?” The people asked curiously. “什么诱饵?”众人好奇地问道。 That must look that we planned which sect Menlai elected to cooperate!” “那就得看我们打算选哪个宗门来合作了!” As far as I know, the relations of Heavenly Mountain School and Cheng Family are very intimate, therefore Heavenly Mountain School definitely cannot elect!” vermilion Yuheng said. “据我所知,天山派程家的关系特别亲近,所以天山派肯定是不能选的!”朱羽恒说道。 Un, relational also unusual being intimate with Blue Spirit School and Heavenly Mountain School, I thought that we cannot elect!” Shen Xiulin said. “嗯,苍灵派天山派的关系也非常的亲近,我觉得咱们也不能选!”沈修林说道。 „ The situation of these days inquiring, in the middle of four first-level lower sect I felt most appropriate should be Mount Shu School. “从这些天打听的情况来看,四个一级下宗当中我觉得最合适的应该是蜀山派了。 In the past Mount Shu School then with Kunlun Mountains was the pledge, but Kunlun Mountains were extinguished by Cheng Yu afterward, in Mount Shu School affirmation heart some barriers. 当年蜀山派便一直与昆仑为盟,可是后来昆仑被程宇所灭,想必蜀山派肯定心中还是有些隔阂的。 Therefore Mount Shu School absolutely is we rightest choice! ” Great Elder said. 所以蜀山派绝对是我们最合适的选择!”大长老说道。 Truly is this, for several days I also inquired situation about Mount Shu School, heard that the relations of Mount Shu School and Cheng Family truly are not very good, moreover Mount Shu School looks after several other large amount to be disgruntled regarding Cheng Family. “确实是这样,这些天我也打听了一些关于蜀山派的情况,听说蜀山派程家的关系确实不是很好,而且蜀山派对于程家更加关照其他几大宗门而一直心存不满。 If we can contact with Mount Shu School, can perhaps have harvest. ” Third Elder is enthusiastic right now. 若是我们能够跟蜀山派接触一下的话,或许是可以有所收获的。”三长老这下子来劲了。 Well, we must find the way to draw out Mount Shu School with what bait sovereign.” Five elders said. “那这样的话,那我们就得想想办法用什么诱饵来引出蜀山派的宗主了。”五长老说道。 Besides Mount Shu School, how many sect gate we must invite again sovereign? Only then such words, if they told the lie to us, we don't have the means to distinguish?” Shen Xiulin asked. “除了蜀山派之外,我们是否还要再邀请几个宗门的宗主呢?只有这么一家的话,万一他们跟我们说假话,我们是不是也没有办法分辨?”沈修林问道。 Un, without this possibility, we cannot place in a basket all eggs actually not. “嗯,倒不是没有这个可能,我们不能把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。 Even the relations of Mount Shu School with Cheng Family is not possibly good, but no matter what, their Mount Shu School these years received Cheng Family many kindness eventually, who knows whether they are really willing to speak the truth with us! ” Five elders approve the person of same belief. 就算蜀山派程家的关系可能没有那么好,但是不管怎么样,他们蜀山派这些年终究还是受了程家不少的恩惠,谁知道他们是否真的愿意跟我们说实话呢!”五长老赞同道。 Such being the case, we then well selects several sect gate to have a look, then tries to be able them to direct!” Great Elder nods, this idea Profitable passed initially. “既然如此,那咱们接下来就再好好的挑几家宗门看看,然后试试能不能把他们引出来!”大长老点点头,这个计划算是初步通过了。 Then should understand these sect gate characteristics, how to direct them with the bait. 接下来就该了解一下这些宗门的特点,如何用诱饵将他们引出来了。 Five days later. 五天之后。 Mount Shu School! 蜀山派 Since Cheng Family no longer reassigns the outstanding disciple after each lower sect, Mount Shu School these year of development speeds are very quick. 自从程家不再向各个下宗抽调优秀弟子之后,蜀山派的这些年发展速度还是非常快的。 Especially sect Mennei the outstanding disciple were also getting more and more, sect gate is also unceasing sending out the new vitality, making leader Xuanzhen Daoist be very joyful. 尤其是宗门内的优秀弟子也越来越多了,宗门也是不断的散发出新的生机,让掌门玄真道人还是十分欣喜的。 Believes when crossed again some years, Mount Shu School can definitely restore to be prosperous to the past years. 相信再过些年,蜀山派完全可以恢复到当年鼎盛之时了。 Looks at the gate these years changes, Xuanzhen Daoist does not have so many complaints to Cheng Family. 看着宗门这些年的变化,玄真道人程家倒也没有那么多怨言了。 Although the Cheng Family beforehand condition was harsh, but has saying that also truly is because had the asylum of Cheng Family, they can preserve present Mount Shu. However regarding Cheng Family beforehand so many years suppressions, his at heart somewhat some uncomfortable. 虽然程家之前的条件过于苛刻了一些,可是不得不说,也确实是因为有了程家的庇护,他们才能够保住如今的蜀山。不过对于程家以前那么多年的打压,他的心里多多少少还是有一些不爽的。 If not for because of the suppression of Cheng Family, his Mount Shu had recovered, restored the Mount Shu prosperous period. 若不是因为程家的打压,他蜀山早就已经恢复了元气,恢复到了蜀山的鼎盛时期了。 Especially he does not want to continue to keep Secular World now again. 尤其是他现在并不想再继续留在世俗了。 Although Secular World is safe, but actually received the enormous limit regarding the Mount Shu future development. 世俗虽然安全,可是对于蜀山未来的发展却是受到了极大的限制。 What is more important, Cheng Family each city becomes their Mount Shu to enter the Cultivation World checkpoint, making him feel that oneself was being limited by Cheng Family forever, does not have the freedom. 更重要的是,程家各个城池成为了他们蜀山进入修真界的关卡,让他感觉自己永远都被程家限制着,始终没有自由。 Leader! Some people delivered a gift and a letter/believes to you!” In the mark of Xuanzhen Daoist being in a daze, a disciple brings the thing to deliver to front of the leader. “掌门!有人送了一件礼物和一封信给您!”就在玄真道人发愣之迹,一个弟子带着东西送到掌门面前。 Who sends?” “谁送来的?” That person of thing delivered then left, he said that the leader looked at the letter/believes nature apparent!” “那人东西送到便离开了,他说掌门看了信自然便知!” Xuanzhen Daoist sees the opening envelope of this doubts, sees inside inscription, immediately has a big shock! 玄真道人见此疑惑的打开信封,看到里面的落款,顿时大惊失色!
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