GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4693: Cannot act unreasonably!

God level student entering in midterm()” searches the latest chapter! “神级插班生()”查找最新章节! Soul Suppression more affirmed, Cheng Yu was at heart happier. 镇魂越肯定,程宇心里就越高兴。 If the eye really here, he did not need to waste so many time again in this illusion. 如果阵眼真的在这里,他就不用再浪费那么多的时间在这个幻境里面了。 Wū wū! 呜呜呜! In the middle of this storm wind power blows very terrifying, although Cheng Yu can lead the way in the storm, but actually leads the way is not easy. 这风暴当中的风力刮的十分恐怖,程宇虽然能够在风暴之中前行,但是却前行的也并不容易。 Has the person?” But when Cheng Yu soon is close to the eye of storm, everywhere yellow sand that although blows at present, even is affecting his line of sight, is he is indistinct, as if from the yellow sand saw the yellow sand the deep place as if has a person's shadow, in the heart very surprised. “有人?”可是就在程宇快要接近风暴之眼的时候,尽管眼前刮的漫天的黄沙,甚至影响着他的视线,可是他隐隐约约,似乎还是从黄沙之间看到黄沙的深处仿佛有一个人影,心中十分的惊讶。 Does not seem like human!” Those who made Soul Suppression strange was, although he had some different things to exist the sensation to this storm, but did not have the sensation to existence of human aura. “不像是人类!”令镇魂奇怪的是,他虽然感知到这风暴里面有一些不同的东西存在,但是却并没有感知到人类气息的存在。 Even now he still discovers that in saw the person's shadow probably, but he still did not have the sensation to the aura of human. 即便是现在他也发现里面好像看到了人影,但是他仍然没有感知到人类的气息。 Is the ghost?” Cheng Yu said. “难道又是幻像?”程宇说道。 Has the possibility very much! However you best are more careful, in seems like as if incessantly a person's shadow!” The Soul Suppression reminder said. “很有可能!不过你最好要小心一些,看起来里面似乎并不止一个人影!”镇魂提醒道。 Understood!” Cheng Yu diligently flushes away to the eye of storm, he does not know in that is the person's shadow. “明白!”程宇努力的向风暴之眼当中冲去,他不知道那里面的到底是不是人影。 However, no matter their human is also good, the ghost is also good, at least in this wilderness, he saw finally different the things besides the yellow sand and storm exists. 不过,不管他们人类也好,幻像也好,至少在这片荒漠之中,他终于看到了一些除了黄沙和风暴之外不一样的东西存在。 Perhaps, they are the eye of entire illusion! 也许,他们就是整个幻境的阵眼! After a difficulty, Cheng Yu felt finally prevents own strength is changing is small, this explained oneself left the eye of storm to be getting more and more near. 历经一番艰辛,程宇终于感觉到阻挡自己的力量正在变小,这说明自己离风暴之眼越来越近了。 Because close to the place wind speed of eye of storm not biggest, but is weakening slowly. 因为靠近风暴之眼的地方风速并不是最大的,而是在慢慢减弱。 The wind power changes is small, the speed that Cheng Yu leads the way naturally also became quicker and quicker. 风力变小,程宇前行的速度自然也就变得越来越快了。 Whiz! 嗖! Cheng Yu suddenly accelerates, ran out of the range of storm threat all of a sudden, entered in the eye of storm. 程宇突然加速,一下子就冲出了风暴威胁的范围,进入了风暴之眼里面。 ! 唰唰唰! But in Cheng Yu crashes in inside, instantaneously consecutively several attacks toward attacking. 可是就在程宇冲进里面之时,瞬间连续好几道攻击朝着袭击过来。 Although attacks violently, moreover rapid that comes, but has the reminder of Soul Suppression before Cheng Yu well, knows that in this possibly has the danger to exist. 虽然攻击猛烈,而且来的迅速,但是好在程宇之前就已经有了镇魂的提醒,知道这里面可能有危险存在。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Cheng Yu is crashing in the flash of eye of storm, although was attacked, but also has enough protection, attacked to resist these completely. 程宇在冲进风暴之眼的一瞬间,虽然遭到了攻击,但却也有着足够的防备,将这些攻击全部抵挡了下来。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! However the opposite party did not plan obviously to the opportunity that Cheng Yu pants for breath, and sees clearly the appearance of opposite party Cheng Yu has not come, these fellows already fast flushed toward him, making him find it hard to cope with. 不过对方显然也并不打算给程宇喘息的机会,程宇还没来的及看清对方的模样,这些家伙就已经飞快的朝着他冲了过来,让他应接不暇。 Bang! 轰! No matter Cheng Yu also so many, facing the present person's shadow, who managing him are, counts the boxing to leave continuously, phantom departs, drives back these person's shadows instantaneously! 程宇也不管那么多,面对眼前的人影,管他是谁,连续数拳击出,虚影飞出,将这些人影瞬间逼退! At this time, Cheng Yu saw clearly these person's shadows true appearances finally. 这时,程宇才终于看清了这些人影的真正模样。 These fellows as if are not ancient soul!” Cheng Yu looks at these person's shadows, looks before he these ancient soul beyond the illusion has no difference. “这些家伙似乎并不是古魂!”程宇看着这些人影,看起来与之前他在幻境之外遇到的那些古魂并没有什么区别。 But Cheng Yu actually obviously sensation from these person's shadows to with ancient soul completely different aura. 可是程宇却明明从这些人影之中感知到了与古魂完全不同的气息。 Truly is not ancient soul, should be the ghost and so on.” Soul Suppression also said. “确实不是古魂,应该是幻像之类的。”镇魂也说道。 If they are only a ghost, they can be an eye?” Some Cheng Yu doubts said. “如果他们只是一个幻像,那他们会是阵眼吗?”程宇有些疑惑道。 In illusion, no matter the entity empty body, may be an eye, therefore you cannot let off these fellows absolutely.” Soul Suppression said. “在幻境当中,不管是实体还是虚体,都有可能是阵眼,所以你绝对不能放过这些家伙。”镇魂说道。 Looks at this situation, even if I must put them, they are still not necessarily able to let off me!” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “看这情况,即便我要放了他们,他们也未必会放过我!”程宇笑着说道。 Compared with human, these fellows fierce do not fear obviously. Just after Cheng Yu repelled, without hesitation, unexpectedly is toward him flushed. 跟人类相比,这些家伙显然悍不畏死。刚刚被程宇击退之后,不假思索,竟是再次朝着他冲了过来。 I must have a look at you really not to fear death but actually!” Facing these person's shadows, Cheng Yu does not dread similarly, moreover fights intent to be thick. “我倒要看看你们是不是真的不怕死!”面对这些人影,程宇也同样是丝毫不畏惧,而且战意浓浓。 After all existences of these fellows somewhat are truly special, therefore is very likely existence of eye. 毕竟这些家伙的存在确实有些特殊,所以很有可能是阵眼的存在。 If their guesses are true, that massacres these fellows, he can leave this illusion. 如果他们的猜测属实的话,那杀掉这些家伙,他就可以离开这个幻境了。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Cheng Yu is sincere, fist shadow numerous, since faces besieging of these person's shadows simultaneously, he does not drop the wind, obviously the strengths of these person's shadows are not so fearful. 程宇拳拳凶猛,拳影重重,既然是同时面对这些人影的围攻,他都一点不落下风,可见这些人影的实力也并不是那么可怕。 It looks like in Cheng Yu, compared with the super storm outside eye of storm, the strength of this storm by far be more fearful than these person's shadows. 程宇看来,与风暴之眼外的超级风暴相比,这风暴的力量远远要比这些人影更加可怕。 At least changed others, has the possibility not to enter in the eye of this storm. 至少换了其他人,有可能根本就进不到这风暴之眼中来。 But regarding Cheng Yu, although this storm somewhat is truly terrifying, but at least enters in the storm is not the too difficult matter. 而对于程宇来说,虽然这风暴确实有些恐怖,但至少进入风暴之中并不是什么太困难的事情。 After entering the eye of this storm, facing these person's shadows time, instead must more relaxed many. 进到了这风暴之眼以后,面对这些人影的时候,反而要更加轻松的多。 Therefore, every so often, some people usually need merely is only an opportunity. So long as can enter to the eye of this storm, can hit the people of these person's shadows have been not infrequent. 所以,很多时候,有些人往往需要的仅仅只是一个机会而已。只要能够进入到这风暴之眼中来,想必能够打的过这些人影的人就不在少数了。 It is for this reason that Cheng Yu does not have the dogfight too long time facing these person's shadows, these fellows are defeated. 正是因为如此,程宇面对这些人影并没有缠斗太久的时间,这些家伙就一个个败下阵来了。 Massacres them, do not make them escape!” Soul Suppression sees these person's shadows the strengths to be well below Cheng Yu, was very worried that these fellows escape. “杀掉他们,不要让他们逃了!”镇魂见这些人影的实力远远不如程宇,十分担心这些家伙逃掉。 Although said that these fellows are only a ghost, possibly does not know the ache, did not dread the death, but fear these fellows had the instinct of risk aversion. 虽然说这些家伙只是一个幻像,可能并不知道疼痛,也并不畏惧死亡,但是却害怕这些家伙有避险的本能。 Some things it possibly did not fear the death, however in knowing oneself did not beat, or was under the threat time, it will have the escape behavior of instinct. 有些东西它可能不怕死亡,但是在知道自己不敌,或者面临威胁的时候,它会有本能的逃避行为。 Therefore, Soul Suppression is worried is this point, if really made them escape from this storm, he and Cheng Yu does not know that must be able to find them to where. 所以,镇魂担心的就是这一点,要是真的让他们逃出了这个风暴,他和程宇又不知道要到哪里才能够找到他们了。 However, those who stem from Soul Suppression and Cheng Yu expectation is, although these fellows cannot be victorious obviously Cheng Yu, but they have not been worried about like them runs away directly, but gathers completely together. 然而,出乎镇魂程宇预料的是,这些家伙虽然明明打不过程宇,但是他们并没有像他们担心的那样直接逃走,而是全部汇聚在一起。 Fusion?” Cheng Yu stares, sees only a person's shadow unceasing person's shadow swallowing that will close up fall, then obviously feels his build increasing, moreover strength as if also in unceasing promotion. “融合?”程宇一愣,只见其中一个人影正在不断的将靠拢过来的人影一个一个的吞噬掉,然后明显感觉他的体型的变大,而且力量似乎也在不断的提升。 Falls the homicide quickly!” Soul Suppression sees this situation, reminded again. “快将他杀掉!”镇魂看到这种情况,再次提醒道。 Useless, quick that this fellow fuses, already without enough time!” Cheng Yu in discovering them has started in the fusion. “没用的,这个家伙融合的很快,已经来不及了!”程宇本是在发现他们在融合的时候就已经开始动了。 However this, the fusion speeds of these fellows are fast late, perhaps is because they are the common origin ghosts, therefore this fusion by far want quick many compared with other fusions. 但是这已经晚了,这些家伙的融合速度非常快,或许是因为他们本就都是同源的幻像,所以这种融合远远要比其他的融合要快的多。 However the Cheng Yu's speed has not stopped, when the opposite party happen to fuses to complete, Cheng Yu has also dodged to his front. 不过程宇的速度并没有停下来,当对方正好融合完成,程宇也已经闪到他的面前了。 ! 唰! A Cheng Yu fist rumbles, however the strength obvious promotion of opposite party were too many, is the same fist bang comes out unexpectedly, hit one to put in an appearance with Cheng Yu, both sides drew back simultaneously. 程宇一拳轰出,但是对方的实力明显提升太多了,竟是同样一拳轰出来,与程宇打了一个照面,双方同时退了回去。 Promotes so many?” With fusing the later huge person's shadow fights one round, the Cheng Yu obvious feeling very surprised. “提升这么多?”与融合之后的巨大人影交手一个回合,程宇明显感觉十分的惊讶。 This huge person's shadow dozens meters high, Cheng Yu floats at this time in the midair also only arrives at his chest position merely, its size is only even ordinary with the finger of opposite party, was really extremely tiny. 这个巨大的人影此时有数十米之高,程宇漂浮在半空之中也仅仅只到他的胸口位置,其大小甚至只与对方的手指一般,实在是太过渺小了。 More so more represents him is the opportunity of eye is bigger!” Soul Suppression said. “越是如此越代表他是阵眼的机会就更大!”镇魂说道。 „This fellow present strength of is truly strong, even he is really an eye, wants to massacre him to fear that wanted to spend chose/point the hands and feet!” Cheng Yu is frowning to say. “不过这个家伙现在的实力确实很强,就算他真的是阵眼,想要杀掉他怕是要费点手脚了!”程宇皱着眉头说道。 After all he has too many things unable to expose, therefore the method of use is also very limited. 毕竟他有太多的东西是不能暴露的,所以使用的手段也很有限。 Although he does not dread this big fellow, there is a confidence to massacre him, but the time of consumption actually wants certainly are much. 虽然他并不畏惧这个大家伙,也有信心杀掉他,但是肯定耗费的时间却是要的更多一些。 So long as can leave here, to spend chose/point the hands and feet is anything! Moreover, if with your ceremonial fire, this fellow estimated that quick will be killed by you.” Soul Suppression said. “只要能够离开这里,费点手脚又算什么!而且,如果用你那圣火的话,这家伙估计很快就会被你干掉了。”镇魂说道。 That is not good!” Cheng Yu actually shakes the head. “那可不行!”程宇却是摇摇头。 Why!” “为什么!” Ceremonial fire extremely ruled by force, if really must use the ceremonial fire him as soon as fever, that may not remain the dregs. We cannot determine whether now he is an eye, but what I most am worried, he is only the illusion of eye. “圣火太过霸道了,如果真要用圣火把他一烧,那可就是连渣都不剩了。我们现在并不能确定他是否是阵眼,而我最担心的是,他只是阵眼的幻象。 If by some chance I burn him did not have the dregs, was that eye also burnt does not have? How do I also go out? ” Cheng Yu answered. 万一我把他烧的没渣了,那阵眼岂不是也被烧没了?那我还怎么出去?”程宇解释道。 You meant, he is not an eye, is the genuine eye very likely on him?” Soul Suppression tasted the Cheng Yu's words, said. “你的意思是说,他本身并不是阵眼,真正的阵眼很有可能是在他身上?”镇魂程宇的话回味了一下,说道。 Right, because I had encountered this situation. He not necessarily is an eye, but if I fell the homicide, the true eye talent will appear. “没错,因为我曾经就遇到过这种情况。他未必是阵眼,但是如果我把他杀掉了,真正的阵眼才会出现。 If so, my ceremonial fire fever, that may also cremate the eye together, that may play in a big way, we must be stranded forever here! ” Cheng Yu earnest saying. 如果真是这样,那我的圣火一烧,那可就会把阵眼也一起焚化,那可就玩大了,咱们要永远困在这里了!”程宇认真的说道。 The strategy is very mysterious, is countless changes. 阵法是很神奇的,也是变化无穷的。 World all strategies are not the same eyes, just the opposite, the eyes of the world all strategies have the possibility to be different. 天下所有的阵法并不都是一样的阵眼,恰恰相反,天下所有阵法的阵眼都有可能不一样。 Because of eye the wisdom of establishment set up formation, so long as they want, he can establish an eye in strategy any all. 因为阵眼的设置正是布阵者的智慧,只要他们愿意,他可以将阵法里面的任何一切设置成阵眼。 Therefore, even two same strategies, because of set up formation for it, their strategies are intentionally different. 所以,即便是两个相同的阵法,但是因为布阵者的故意为之,它们的阵法都是不一样的。 Is the different people arranges the similar strategy on the contrary, but may also bump into the choice of eye. 反倒是不同的人布置同样的阵法,还有可能在阵眼的选择上相撞。 The strategy that however the words of same arrangement, generally, he himself every arranges one time will choose the different eyes. 但是同一个布置的话,一般情况下,他自己每一次布置的阵法都会选择不同的阵眼。 Only by doing so, can guarantee own strategy forever the might. 只有这样,才能够永远的保证自己的阵法的威力。 Must otherwise, the same strategy use on the same person, basically did not have the too big might. Even if these terrifying kills, if the person in strategy has known the flaw of strategy, kills a might considerably is also weaken, even easily can eradicate the strategy, that this killed unable to have an effect. 要不然的话,同一个阵法用在同一个人身上,基本上就没有太大的威力了。哪怕是那些恐怖的杀阵,若是阵法中的人已经知道了阵法的破绽,杀阵的威力也是大大减弱,甚至轻易就可以破除阵法,那这杀阵也起不了什么作用了。 Cheng Yu does not certainly know whether now this huge person's shadow is an eye, but he had truly experienced similar situation, what oneself sees is not eye it, if massacres this person's shadow, perhaps he can see an eye truly. 程宇现在当然不知道这个巨大的人影是否就是阵眼,但是他曾经确实经历过类似的情况,自己见到的并不是阵眼本身,如果杀掉这个人影,他或许才能够真正的看到阵眼。 Dragon Flame was too overbearing, most materials basically can cremate instantaneously. If the eye were cremated, he did not determine whether this strategy will vanish directly. 龙焱太霸道了,大部分的物质基本上都可以瞬间焚化。如果阵眼被焚化了,他不确定这个阵法是否就会直接消失。 But if cremated an eye unable to make this strategy like this vanish, he was only left over breaks through the formation forcefully! 但如果这样焚化了阵眼并不能让这个阵法消失的话,那他就只剩下强行破阵了! If he can break through the formation directly forcefully, why also to wait till the present?? 如果他可以直接强行破阵的话,又何必等到现在??
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