GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4692: As if there is thing!

God level student entering in midterm()” searches the latest chapter! “神级插班生()”查找最新章节! It seems like the situation must be worse, in such big wilderness that we imagine, so many super storms, want to look for the going forth to battle eye institute in it place, is really not an easy matter.” Cheng Yu rushes from the storm, somewhat disappointed saying. “看来情况比我们想象的要更加糟糕,这么大的荒漠之中,这么多的超级风暴,想要找出阵眼所在之地,真不是一件容易的事情。”程宇从风暴之中闯出来,有些失望的说道。 Bad as if in behind!” Fills in the soul to say. “更糟糕似乎还是在后面!”填魂说道。 What do you mean?” Cheng Yu stares! “什么意思?”程宇一愣! You have a look at behind!” “你看看后面!” Behind?” Cheng Yu turns around, immediately the facial skin trembles, look one startled, oneself just the super storm that rushed to from inside moved toward him unexpectedly. “后面?”程宇一转身,顿时脸皮一颤,神色一惊,自己刚刚才从里面闯出来的超级风暴竟然又朝着他移动了过来。 What's all this about?” In the Cheng Yu heart shocks, but does not dare to stay, hurries to rush toward front. “这是怎么回事?”程宇心中震惊,但是不敢多停留,赶紧往前面奔去。 „Haven't you discovered? In this wilderness, you are the center. In this all as if aimed at you!” The Soul Suppression reminder said. “你没有发现吗?在这片荒漠之中,你就是中心。这里面所有的一切似乎都是以你为目标的!”镇魂提醒道。 Truly is this, these storms as if always gather round me to transfer!” Cheng Yu nods, thinks carefully, but also is really this truth. “确实是这样,这些风暴似乎总是围着我转!”程宇点点头,仔细一想,还真的是这个道理。 If in the middle of this illusion eye really in these storms, that means even if you do not look for it, these eyes still do meet to walk in?” Soul Suppression said. “如果说这个幻境当中的阵眼真的在这些风暴之中的话,那是不是意味着即便你不去找它,这些阵眼也会自己找上门来呢?”镇魂说道。 That said that but this super big storm I also do not have the means to ruin, if I must wait for these storms to look for me here, that here does not know that will have how much storms to gather. “话是这么说,可是这超级大风暴我又没有办法毁掉,如果我要在这里等着这些风暴来找我的话,那这里不知道会有多少风暴聚集在一起。 Moreover, these storms will have attacked me, my consumption may really somewhat be big. ” Cheng Yu thinks, this method definitely is incorrect. 而且,这些风暴一直会袭击我,那我的消耗可就真的有些大了。”程宇想了想,这个方法肯定是不行的。 Like the present , he if not run, that super storm has just been entangling him, in this case, he must unceasing resists this storm. 就像现在,他如果不跑的话,那刚刚那个超级风暴就会一直缠着他,这样的话,他就必须不断的去对抗这个风暴。 Then waits for more and more storms to gather here, if that these two super storms again the annexation is bigger super storm, he may really probably unable to endure. 然后等着越来越多的风暴汇聚到这里,那这两个超级风暴若是再吞并为一个更加大的超级风暴,那他可就真的要吃不消了。 Also yes, but looks like this, hopes somewhat uncertainly, it is estimated that fellow may want to consume you with this strategy!” Soul Suppression said. “也是,只是这样找下去,希望有些渺茫啊,估计那个家伙可能是想用这个阵法耗死你!”镇魂说道。 „To consume me? Where is so easy, even I cannot have this big for a short time, he still consumes does not die I!” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. “想要耗死我?哪里有这么容易,就算我一时半会出不了这个大阵,他也耗不死我!”程宇摇摇头说道。 Now he truly meets troublesome, temporarily was stranded in this big, but wants to consume him with such way, the old fogy may underestimate him. 现在他确实是遇到了麻烦,暂时被困在了这个大阵当中,但是想要用这样的方式来耗死他,那老家伙可就太小看他了。 Perhaps he does not believe, after all he does not understand your details!” “不过他或许不会这么认为,毕竟他并不了解你的底细!” Said is also, my does not go out, can he think oneself are of great success, has given to kill me?” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “说的也是,我这样迟迟不出去,他会不会以为自己大功告成,已经把我给杀了?”程宇笑道。 That may very be difficult saying that we do not know that he outside strategy whether can see strategy inside situation. Perhaps our present all were watched by him, therefore he does not think.” “那可就很难说了,我们并不知道他在阵法外面是否能够看到阵法里面的情况。也许我们现在的一切都被他看在眼里,所以他并不会这么认为。” This truly is a trouble, if he is unable to see all in strategy, I did not need is so passive.” Cheng Yu thinks now that old fogy possibly sits outside the strategy sees a play, his somewhat chokes with rage at heart. “这确实是一个麻烦,如果他无法看到阵法里的一切,我也不用这么被动了。”程宇一想到现在那个老家伙可能坐在阵法外面看戏,他的心里就有些窝火。 Has saying that he also was really the general idea/careless. 不得不说,他还真是大意了。 Initially when nosed to this back side of the mountain has too many places unable to verify, he should guard against this point. At least should think that these places are possibly threatening to him, when makes war with the old fogy, must prevent itself to be directed these unclear places. 当初在查探到这个后山有太多的地方无法探明的时候,他就应该提防这一点。至少应该想到这些地方可能对他有威胁,在与老家伙开战的时候,就要防止自己被引到这些不明的地方去。 Possibly is because the strength of opposite party is truly powerful, after fighting was so long, he has put behind this matter. 可能是因为对方的实力确实很强大,所以在斗了那么久以后,他就已经忘却这件事情了。 Therefore will step into others' trap all of a sudden, finally makes itself be stranded in this big. 所以才会一下子踏入了别人的陷阱中,结果让自己被困在这个大阵里面。 Pitifully here infertile, otherwise you so will not be passive!” Soul Suppression said. “可惜这里寸草不生,要不然你就不会这么被动了!”镇魂说道。 Yes, I do not know that I must try many time to be able happen to discover like this eye institute is at! What is more important, we do not determine that eye whether really in the middle of these storms!” Cheng Yu also is very at heart worried. “是啊,我也不知道我得这样试多少次才能够正好发现阵眼所在!更重要的是,我们也并不确定那阵眼是否真的就在那些风暴当中!”程宇心里也挺苦恼的。 The strategy truly is very mysterious existence, even if he knows the structure of strategy, moreover still knows that breaks open the strategy the method, 阵法确实是一个非常神秘的存在,即便他知道阵法的构造,而且也知道破开阵法的方法, However this actually does not represent you to break open this strategy. Therefore facing such a illusion, he can only choose the stupidest means that this does not have the means of means. 但是这却并不代表你就可以破开这个阵法。所以面对这样一个幻境,他只能选择最为愚笨的办法,这也是没有办法的办法。 It seems like your trouble came!” When but Cheng Yu is seeking in this wilderness possibly has the eye existing storm, in his front, unexpectedly from the yellow sand emits the beast that one crowd of yellow sand condensed become! “看来你的麻烦又来了!”可是当程宇正在这荒漠之中寻找可能有阵眼存在的风暴之时,在他的前方,竟然从黄沙之中冒出了一群黄沙凝聚而成的兽! So long as you are unable to leave here, this world prepares for you, possibly has the troublesome appearance anytime!” Soul Suppression then said. “只要你无法离开这里,这个世界就是为你而准备的,随时都可能有麻烦出现!”镇魂接着说道。 I who your saying said am also very honored to be the same probably!” A Cheng Yu face speechless looks at the front wave of yellow sand beast army to raiding. “你这话说的我好像还挺荣幸一样!”程宇一脸无语的看着前面一波黄沙兽大军冲袭过来。 To be honest, although in this yellow sand beast army imposing manner seems like the overwhelming power, but he really had not been worried. 说实话,虽然这黄沙兽大军气势上看起来很威猛,但是他还真是一点都不担心。 Compared with these super tornado storms, these yellow sand beasts obviously is at least lower to his threat. 至少比起那些超级龙卷风暴来说,这些黄沙兽显然对他的威胁更低一些。 Also or is because he is stranded in this illusion was very depressed, does not have the place to vent mood in the heart, now sees so many yellow sand beast, even if they do not have the life, merely is only a ghost, but Cheng Yu does not care. 又或者是因为他现在被困在这个幻境当中本来就挺郁闷的,正是没有地方发泄自己心中的情绪,现在看到有这么多的黄沙兽,哪怕它们并没有生命,仅仅只是一个幻像,但是程宇都已经不在乎了。 Whiz! 嗖! The Cheng Yu figure flashes through, is unexpectedly positive compared with these yellow sand beasts, sees only him to rush, the innumerable yellow sand fly, several yellow sand beasts have then changed into pile of loose sands. 程宇身形闪过,竟是比起那些黄沙兽还要积极,只见他冲上去,无数黄沙飞起,数只黄沙兽便已经化为一堆散沙。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! At this moment, a yellow sand beast becomes the object who he vented in the Cheng Yu's eye completely, these yellow sand beast armies were very many, possibly was really only 2-3 by Cheng Yu cleaning up was clean. 这一刻,一只一只的黄沙兽在程宇的眼里全部成为了他发泄的对象,要不是这些黄沙兽大军还挺多,可能真的只是2-3就被程宇清理的干干净净了。 Do not kill, you were swindled!” But when Cheng Yu continues crazy striking to kill these yellow sand beasts, loud reminder of Soul Suppression in the Cheng Yu's mind said. “别杀了,你上当了!”可就在程宇继续疯狂的击杀这些黄沙兽的时候,镇魂程宇的脑海当中大声提醒道。 What's wrong?” Cheng Yu stares, first drew back backward, withdrew from the war! “怎么了?”程宇一愣,第一时间向后一退,退出了战局! You have a look at around you!” “你看看你周围!” Un? Are these fellows deliberately delaying my time?” Cheng Yu saw that the distant place curls up the giant tornado violent completely toward here, oneself were surrounded unexpectedly! “嗯?这些家伙是故意在拖延我的时间?”程宇看到远处全部卷起巨大的龙卷风暴朝着这边袭来,自己竟然又被包围了! Right, therefore you fell in the pit!” Soul Suppression natural saying. “没错,所以你又掉坑里了!”镇魂理所当然的说道。 Comes! Makes me look with it, since they came, we also saved a lot of time, did not know the eye of this illusion in these super storms!” Although Cheng Yu knows perhaps oneself were really swindled, but he does not dread. “来就来吧!与其让我自己去找,既然它们自己来了,那我们也省下了不少时间,就是不知道这幻境的阵眼是不是在这几个超级风暴里面了!”程宇虽然知道自己或许真的是上当了,但是他并不畏惧。 He does not lose the time with these yellow sand beasts in any case here, he is also looks for these super storms. 反正他不与这些黄沙兽在这里耽误时间,他也是自己去找这些超级风暴。 Now was good, such that just like Soul Suppression proposed before, he himself does not need to look, these super storms also walked. 现在好了,正如之前镇魂所提议的那样,他自己不用去找,这些超级风暴也自己找上门来了。 Now he only hopes, is the eye of this illusion then in which one of the super storms. 现在他唯一所希望的,就是这个幻境的阵眼便在这些超级风暴的其中一个里面。 In that case, even oneself waste a time, consumes some spirit strength is still worth. 那样的话,即便自己浪费点时间,消耗些灵力也都是值得的。 Moreover he most is worried that old fogy beyond big, he was stranded in this big is very long, that also means that he restored such long time outside. 而且他最担心的还是大阵外的那个老家伙,他被困在这个大阵里已经很久了,那也意味着他在外面恢复了这么久的时间。 What is worse, perhaps that old fogy has thought how to cope with him. Also there is the possibility he to assemble inner court experts, he broke through the formation to come out to give him on to strike fatally. 更加糟糕的是,那个老家伙或许都已经想好了怎么对付他。也有可能他把内朝的高手都集结起来了,就等他破阵而出来给他致命一击了。 Therefore the time that he treats here is longer, to he himself is disadvantageous. However he now the law of better breaking through the formation, all do not seem to been only the divine intervention. 所以他在这里待的时间越长,对他自己便越是不利。但是他现在并没有更好的破阵之法,一切似乎都只是天意了。 I for your sensation, left that storm was most powerful a moment ago. However my actually sensation to this storm as if somewhat different things, you could first attempt to intrude that storm to have a look. “我刚才替你感知了一番,左边那个风暴最为强大。但是我却感知到这个风暴似乎有些不一样的东西,你或许可以首先尝试闯入那个风暴去看看。 Although this risk is bigger, perhaps but an eye is really one of them. ” Soul Suppression said. 虽然这个风险更大,但也许阵眼真的就在其中。”镇魂说道。 Right? Do you determine the sensation in that storm to some different things?” Cheng Yu heard Soul Suppression saying that immediately came some interest. “是吗?你确定在那个风暴当中感知到一些不一样的东西吗?”程宇听到镇魂这么说,顿时来了一些兴致。 Right, but I do not know that this is because of the reason of eye. However on these super storms, I suggested that you attempt to rush to this storm. “没错,但是我也不知道这是不是因为阵眼的原因。不过就这些超级风暴来说,我更建议你尝试去闯一闯这个风暴。 If really has an eye in inside, I think, even if takes a risk is still worth, you are at least impossible to be stranded here, this to you and disadvantageous. ” Soul Suppression answered. 如果真的有阵眼在里面,我想就算是冒点险也是值得的,至少你不可能一直被困在这里,这样对你来说并不利。”镇魂解释道。 Un, I believe you, I rush to try, hope really as you said that eye in this!” Cheng Yu nods. “嗯,我相信你,那我就闯进去试试,希望真的如你所说,阵眼就在这里面!”程宇点点头。 Although he himself does not have the sensation to have what unusual place to these storms, but he and Soul Suppression is acquainted so many years, has been regarded as the brothers Soul Suppression. 虽然他自己并没有感知到这些风暴有什么异常的地方,但是他与镇魂相识这么多年,早就把镇魂当作是兄弟了。 Moreover Soul Suppression has also saved his life more than once, he impossible to suspect Soul Suppression anything. 而且镇魂也不止一次救过他的性命,他不可能去怀疑镇魂什么。 Even if in any case does not have the discovery of Soul Suppression, he must rush to all super storms. With it so, believes Soul Suppression would rather, first starts from the left super storm. 反正就算没有镇魂的这个发现,他也要把所有的超级风暴都闯一遍。与其如此,倒不如相信镇魂,先从左边的这个超级风暴开始。 Whiz! 嗖! Does not wait for these super storms to raid the volume to come, Cheng Yu moves forward to meet somebody toward that super storm again on own initiative. 不等那些超级风暴袭卷而来,程宇再一次主动朝着那个超级风暴迎了上去。 Has saying that this illusion really fierce, cannot see the genuine and fake completely. 不得不说,这个幻境是真的厉害,完全看不出真假来。 When Cheng Yu close to this super storm, here yellow sand massive was curled up. Regardless of many yellow sand suction, he is unable to see this yellow sand the bottom, obviously the depth of this yellow sand is unable to estimate simply. 程宇靠近这个超级风暴时,这里的黄沙大量的被卷起。但是无论有多少黄沙被吸走,他都无法看到这黄沙的底,可见这黄沙的深度简直无法估量。 When Cheng Yu has not used nine Yuan gods protect the body, obviously felt oneself wants to approach this super storm is some difficulties. 程宇没有使用九个元神护体的时候,明显感觉到自己想要更加靠近这超级风暴都是有些困难的。 Until the Cheng Yu's body was wrapped by the golden light again, and presented an elementary force cover beside his body, this resists this strong wind power, then starts to rush toward the storm. 直到程宇的身体再次被金光所包裹,并且在他的身体之外出现了一个元力罩,这才抵挡住这强大的风力,然后开始往风暴里面闯去。 Such terrifying storm is not possible outside world, otherwise, even cultivator, the strength has not achieved above Crossing Tribulation Stage, it is estimated that mortal body in the middle of such storm by tearing slowly. 这么恐怖的风暴在外面的世界是不可能出现的,要不然,即便是修士,实力没有达到渡劫期以上的话,估计在这样的风暴当中肉身都会被慢慢的撕裂。 However the Cheng Yu nine Yuan gods protect the body, even without using Magical Treasure, he is still like be able to enter most to the storm in safely the fierce place. 不过程宇有九个元神护体,即便是没有使用法宝,他也一样能够安全的进入到风暴之中最可凶猛的地方去。 In this really has the different things to exist probably, possibly is really an eye!” In Cheng Yu slow , in the storm leads the way, Soul Suppression is reminding him again. “这里面确实好像有不一样的东西存在,可能真的是阵眼!”就在程宇缓慢的在风暴里面前行的时候,镇魂再一次提醒着他。 Moreover from this tone, Soul Suppression as if had confidence time.? 而且从这一次的语气来看,镇魂似乎更有把握了。?
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