GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4694: Great idea of Soul Suppression!

God level student entering in midterm()” searches the latest chapter! “神级插班生()”查找最新章节! Facing the so huge illusion, Cheng Yu actually does not dare to use Dragon Flame. Although his speculation is not necessarily correct, but he actually does not dare to have any careless. 面对如此巨大的幻象,程宇却并不敢使用龙焱。虽然他的推测未必是正确的,但是他却不敢有任何的马虎。 If by some chance the eye were really hidden in this illusion, that this hot matter is small, if did not have the eye fever, that may be the important matter. 万一阵眼真的被隐藏在这个幻象之中,那这一把火事小,万一把阵眼也烧没了,那可就是大事了。 Although cannot use Dragon Flame, but Cheng Yu still had enough confidence to own strength. 虽然不能使用龙焱,但是程宇对自己的实力仍然有足够的信心。 Isn't a powerful illusion? Even cannot expose too many cards in a hand, he still believes oneself are capable of sufficient massacring this fellow, found an eye. 不就是一个强大的幻象吗?即便不能暴露太多的底牌,他也相信自己有足够的能力杀掉这个家伙,找到阵眼。 Like the present, the Cheng Yu's build possibly seems somewhat tiny in the face of this huge illusion. 就像现在,程宇的体型在这个巨大幻象面前可能显得有些渺小。 However sees only a Cheng Yu fist to rumble, same huge fist shadow departs. 但是只见程宇一拳轰出,同样一个巨大的拳影飞出。 Although this huge fist shadow still cannot compare with this illusion size, but this illusion fights with the fists, the size is only also equivalent to Cheng Yu's this fist shadow size merely. 虽然这个巨大的拳影仍然不能与这个幻象大小相比,可是这个幻象一拳打出,大小也仅仅只与程宇的这个拳影大小相当。 Bang! 轰! Two fist shades bump into the same place, immediately erupts the tremendous strength. 两个拳影相撞在一起,顿时爆发出巨大的力量。 Cheng Yu is good, the strength at least when exploding surges, he had not been repelled by this impulsive strength. 程宇还好,至少在爆炸的力量涌动出来的时候,他并没有被这冲动力量击退。 Although his opposite great shadow the build is huge, is obviously might as well Cheng Yu in the strength, was repelled by this strength instantaneously. 可是他对面的巨影虽然体型巨大,可是在力量上明显还不如程宇,瞬间就被这力量击退了。 Regarding a illusion, it does not have the life, moreover does not have the entity. 对于一个幻象来说,它本身是并没有生命的,而且也没有实体。 Therefore if Cheng Yu attacks it or injures with the ordinary weapon it is unlikely. 所以程宇若是用普通的武器来攻击它或者伤害它是不太可能的。 Actually copes with the soul body is also good, such illusion, Immortals and Demons Pagoda is very good restraint Magical Treasure. He worries that now that old fogy can see his situation beyond the strategy, such will expose his Cheng Yu's status. 其实对付魂体也好,这样的幻象也罢,仙魔塔是非常好的克制法宝。只是他现在担心那个老家伙在阵法外能够看到他的情况,那样就会暴露他程宇的身份。 Therefore Cheng Yu has been restraining, does not dare to come out Immortals and Demons Pagoda brightly. 所以程宇一直克制着,不敢把仙魔塔亮出来。 Spatial has easiest-to-use Magical Treasure to be unusable, regarding Cheng Yu, naturally very uncomfortable, but he is always insisting, can only try to find other solution. 空有最好用的法宝不能用,对于程宇来说,自然是非常的难受的,但他始终都坚持着,只能想另外的办法。 At this time saw with own eyes that the illusion was repelled, Cheng Yu changes into a hot sword Dragon Flame suddenly, a sword cut the right hand arm of illusion quickly. 此时眼见幻象被击退,程宇突然将龙焱化为一把火剑,以迅雷不及掩耳之势一剑斩下了幻象的右手臂。 Then rapid received Dragon Flame, feared that Dragon Flame has not controlled, does not have the dregs that even the entire illusion cremated all of a sudden. 然后又迅速的将龙焱收了起来,就怕龙焱没控制住,一下子把整个幻象都焚化的连渣都没有了。 If trades to do is awakens of god, Cheng Yu knows that this sword cuts is nothing effect, cuts like a blade on the running water. 如果换作是神之苏醒,程宇知道这一剑斩下去是没有任何效果的,就像一刀斩在流水上一样。 This Dragon Flame was but different, a sword cuts, the effect stands sees. Sees only the right hand arm of illusion light fell, quick by the gale that the storm blew blowing off. 可是这龙焱就不一样了,一剑斩出,效果立见。只见幻象的右手臂轻飘飘的落了下来,很快就被风暴刮进来的大风给吹散了。 However, Cheng Yu has not come and joyful, that actually saw that illusion to grow a right arm. 不过,程宇还没来的及欣喜,那却见那幻象又长出了一只右臂。 Hateful, this fellow also is really hard to deal with!” Cheng Yu startled and anger. “可恶,这家伙还真是难缠!”程宇又惊又怒。 Originally he thinks that cannot cremate it with Dragon Flame directly, can actually use Dragon Flame is the sword its division. 本来他想自己不能直接用龙焱将它焚化,却可以利用龙焱为剑将其分割。 Finally he also truly successful first divided the hand of illusion. However he has not thought, this fellow really also has the skill of regeneration. 结果他也确实成功的先将幻象之手分割下来了。但是他万万没想到,这家伙竟然还有再生的本事。 Some of my actually propositions, you these Magical Treasure obtained from the Holy City vestige have much can restrain this kind of thing. “我倒是有个提议,你从圣城遗迹得到的那些法宝当中有不少是可以克制这类东西的。 Moreover these Magical Treasure books are the thing of without owner, you can sign Blood Contract with these Magical Treasure easily, and completely controls them, is used to cope with this illusion is very practical. ” Soul Suppression said. 而且那些法宝本就是无主之物,你很容易就可以与这些法宝签订血契,并且完全控制它们,想必用来对付这幻象是非常实用的。”镇魂说道。 Great idea! Allows me to look well!” Cheng Yu at present one bright, he unexpectedly this matter forgetting. “好主意!容我好好找一找!”程宇眼前一亮,他竟然把这事给忘了。 He commonly used these Magical Treasure were not truly suitable to take before, is easy to expose itself. 他以前常用的那些法宝确实不宜拿出来,容易暴露自己。 But he obtained so many Magical Treasure from the Holy City vestige, what is more important is these Magical Treasure he has not used, even if will be exposed to light will not expose the Cheng Yu's status. 可是他从圣城遗迹里面得到了那么多的法宝,更重要的是这些法宝他从来都没有使用过,就算是见光了也不会暴露自己程宇的身份。 Countless Magical Treasure always have some are with the Magical Treasure functional equivalent that Cheng Yu currently uses. 数不尽的法宝总有一些是与程宇现在使用的法宝功能相同的。 Thinks of here, he has not initiatedded an attack to the illusion again, but chose drew back the war. 想到这里,他并没有再对幻象主动出击,而是选择了退战。 However this illusion apparently does not have the wisdom, saw that Cheng Yu drew back fought, he chose unexpectedly initiate an attack. 不过这幻象显然并不是没有智慧的,看到程宇退战了,他竟是选择了主动出击。 At this time Cheng Yu is uninterested, he must first look for appropriate Magical Treasure to come out to cope with him to be good, 只是此时程宇无心恋战,他要先找一件合适的法宝出来对付他才行, Therefore he keeps one eye on, avoids the initiative attack of illusion, while hurries to search for Magical Treasure in own treasure house. Antiquity gluttony streamer, Immortal Tool, good, this!” Innumerable Magical Treasure flash through in the middle of the Cheng Yu's consciousness sea, finally a comparison conforms to his situation Magical Treasure to appear in his consciousness currently, immediately took it. 所以他一心二用,一边躲避幻象的主动攻击,一边赶紧在自己的宝库里面搜寻法宝。“上古饕餮幡,仙器,不错,就这件了!”无数的法宝程宇的意识海当中闪过,终于一件比较符合当下他的处境的法宝出现在他的意识里,顿时将它取了出来。 Whish! 哗! Sees only Cheng Yu without delay, squeezes out a drop of blood to integrate in Magical Treasure in the hand immediately, directly formed Blood Contract. 只见程宇二话不说,当即在手上挤出一滴血融入法宝之中,直接就形成了血契 Very good, makes you try my new Magical Treasure!” When Cheng Yu all prepared, first then offered a sacrifice to own new Magical Treasure. “很好,就让你来试试我这新法宝吧!”当程宇一切都准备好了,第一时间便祭出自己的新法宝 Whiz! 嗖! Sees only the gluttony streamer front surface to fly toward the huge illusion that to/clashes. 只见饕餮幡迎面朝着正冲过来的巨大幻象飞去。 The one but who makes Cheng Yu surprised is, that illusion sees this streamer to fly, opened mouth it unexpectedly swallows. 可是让程宇惊讶的是,那幻象见此幡飞来,竟然张嘴将其吞噬了。 However contact of Cheng Yu with this streamer also, and during his control, had not made him be that worried actually. 不过程宇与此幡的联系还在,并且仍在他的控制之中,倒是没有让他那么担心。 After this illusion swallowed the gluttony streamer, wants to act to Cheng Yu unexpectedly again, but Cheng Yu obviously saw in this giant illusion bodies is collapsing rapidly. 就在这幻象吞噬了饕餮幡之后,竟还想再对程宇出手,可是程宇明显看到这个巨大的幻象身体中间正在迅速的坍塌。 This gluttony streamer is really useful!” Sees this situation, Cheng Yu is joyful immediately, this gluttony streamer is not bad, is very fierce. “这饕餮幡果然有用!”看到这种情况,程宇顿时欣喜不已,这饕餮幡并没有那么不济,还是非常厉害的。 Saw that the gluttony streamer played the role, Cheng Yu will not fight with him, directly on make way. 看到饕餮幡发挥了作用,程宇就更不会与他交手了,直接就闪开了。 Meanwhile, Cheng Yu clear saw that this huge illusion is withering unceasingly, massive Mirage were drawn in the body. 与此同时,程宇清晰的看到这个巨大的幻象正在不断的萎缩,大量的幻影被吸进了身体之中。 Cheng Yu delayed several time of breath merely, this illusion had basically been absorbed half, hardly had what aggressivity. 程宇仅仅只是拖延了几个呼吸的时间,这个幻象基本上就已经被吸收了一半,几乎不存在什么攻击性了。 And at this time Cheng Yu has even been able to see inside that gluttony streamer indistinctly, then witnessed the remaining illusions to be inhaled in the gluttony streamer. 并且此时程宇甚至隐隐约约已经能够看到里面的那个饕餮幡了,接下来亲眼目睹了剩下的幻象被吸入到饕餮幡之中。 Eye!” In that illusion was drawn that moment in gluttony streamer completely, a white crystal hangs in side of gluttony streamer, illusion eye that immediately the Cheng Yu great happiness, that he must look for laboriously. “阵眼!”就在那幻象完全被吸进饕餮幡之中的那一刻,一颗白色的晶体悬在饕餮幡的旁边,顿时程宇大喜,那正是他辛辛苦苦要找的幻境阵眼。 Whiz! 嗖! But this eye obviously is intelligent, it in appearing that flash flushes away toward the storm outside. 可是这个阵眼显然是有灵性的,它在出现的那一瞬间就朝着风暴外面冲去。 Where runs!” Cheng Yu waiting is at this moment, now an eye really comes, how will he make such important thing run away? “哪里跑!”程宇等待的就是这一刻,如今阵眼真的现身了,他岂会让这么重要的东西逃走呢? Whiz! 嗖! In that flash of eye movement, Cheng Yu also moved, sees only his hand to have the sword to fall, the sword shadow chops above that crystal eye. 就在阵眼移动的那一瞬间,程宇也动了,只见他手起剑落,剑影直劈在那晶体阵眼之上。 Bam! 啪! That eye is accordingly broken, immediately the Cheng Yu present picture had the huge change. 那阵眼应声而碎,顿时程宇眼前的画面发生了巨大的变化。 Finally came out!” When Cheng Yu sees the present picture inner court back side of the mountain, immediately relaxes, finally that illusion breaking open. “终于出来了!”当程宇看到眼前的画面正是内朝后山的时候,顿时松了一口气,总算是把那幻境给破开了。 The eye crushing illusion naturally vanished, but Cheng Yu cannot determine an eye, if were cremated by Dragon Flame, whether can also break open the illusion. 阵眼击碎幻境自然就消失了,可是程宇不敢确定阵眼若是被龙焱焚化的话,是否也能破开幻境。 Because by all of Dragon Flame cremation is nothing dregs, was this destroys the strategy he himself is not indefinite. 因为被龙焱焚化的一切是没有任何渣的,这样到底算不算是破坏了阵法他自己也不确定。 Because of this, Cheng Yu does not dare to use Dragon Flame to destroy completely the illusion directly, feared that this will have the accident/surprise. 正是因为这样,程宇才一直不敢使用龙焱直接灭掉幻象,就怕这样会出现意外。 Although this truly quite goes through the complications, but well in the result is smooth, finally at least he succeeds was separated from the illusion. 虽然这样确实颇费周折,但好在结果还是顺利的,至少他终于成功的脱离了幻境。 However Cheng Yu knows, enough he had had the illusion, but he was stranded in one big. 不过程宇知道,足够他已经出了幻境,但是他还是被困在一个大阵当中。 At this moment, imaginary in had been broken open, these ancient souls in big are unable to hide itself again, exposes in front of Cheng Yu's completely. 此时此刻,阵中的幻阵已经被破开了,大阵内的那些古魂再也无法隐藏自己,全部暴露在程宇的面前。 Moreover they noticed that Cheng Yu comes out after the illusion, again closes, prepares to take advantage that Cheng Yu had not responded falls the homicide. 而且他们看到程宇从幻境出来之后,再次一拥而上,准备趁程宇还没有反应过来就将他杀掉。 However this time Cheng Yu was actually not worried, without existence of illusion, he wanted to kill these ancient soul is very simple. 不过此时的程宇却一点也不担心,没有了幻境的存在,他想要弄死这些古魂就很简单了。 At least Dragon Flame can easily cremates them, but Cheng Yu does not prepare to do now, because now he is also many new Magical Treasure. 至少龙焱就可以轻易的将他们焚化,不过程宇现在并不准备那么做,因为现在他又多了一件新的法宝 Magical Treasure needs to nourish . Moreover the nourishing way of gluttony streamer needs to swallow. 法宝是需要润养的,而且饕餮幡的润养方式正是需要吞噬。 Like just in illusion, that huge illusion its forcefully swallowing. 就像刚刚在幻境之中,那巨大的幻象就是被它硬生生的给吞噬掉了。 Regarding the gluttony streamer, this is its thing of big making up. Moreover compares that illusion, the energies of soul of these antiquities were purer. 对于饕餮幡来说,这就是它的大补之物。而且相比那幻象,这些上古之魂的能量更加精纯。 Therefore cremated with Dragon Flame the souls of these antiquities directly, left the gluttony streamer would rather well enjoyed this good food. 所以将这些上古之魂直接用龙焱焚化,倒不如留给饕餮幡好好的享用这顿美食。 Whiz! 嗖! The gluttony streamer launches in front of Cheng Yu's, started its swallowing feast again. 饕餮幡在程宇的面前展开,再次开始了它的吞噬大餐。 ! 啊! The forefront that gluttony streamer, these ancient soul the panic-stricken incomparable, especially those flushed immediately, wants ancient soul who Cheng Yu strikes to kill, at this time bears the brunt, first was inhaled in that black vortex. 饕餮幡一出,那些古魂顿时惊恐无比,尤其是那些原本冲的最前面,想要将程宇一击必杀的古魂,此时更是首当其冲,第一个被吸入那黑色的漩涡中。 The black vortex is getting bigger and bigger, the swallowed range is also more and more wide, although this strategy is big, but does not have in the situation of illusion, inside of this strategy again mostly was the limited place. 黑色漩涡越来越大,吞噬的范围也是越来越宽,这个阵法虽大,但已经没有了幻境的情况下,这个阵法的里面再大都是有限之地了。 These ancient Huntao do not have to escape, was drawn in this gluttony streamer in panic-stricken unexpectedly completely. 这些古魂逃无可逃,竟然全部在惊恐之中被吸进了这饕餮幡之中。 Bam! 啪! Cheng Yu takes back the gluttony streamer, in the heart is also the great happiness. Luckily obtains the reminder of Soul Suppression, almost forgot own body also thinks of a treasure house, so many Magical Treasure are casual he to select, then why is passive? 程宇将饕餮幡收回,心中也是大喜。幸亏得到镇魂的提醒,差点忘记了自己的身上还装着一个宝库,那么多的法宝随便他挑,何必那么被动? This gluttony streamer is Immortal Tool level, although cannot swallow the myriad things, is actually used to swallow this soul body really is very actually strong. 这饕餮幡是仙器级别,虽不能吞噬万物,却是用来吞噬这魂体倒是真的很强。 From this point, its function really has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with Immortals and Demons Pagoda. However Immortals and Demons Pagoda , is not only restricted in the soul body, even the entity, the strategy wait/etc, is still its strong point. 从这一点来说,它的功用真的与仙魔塔有异曲同工之妙。不过仙魔塔并不仅限于魂体,就算是实体,阵法等等,也都是它的强项。 But the gluttony streamer actually can only swallow soul and empty thing, the range is smaller. 可是饕餮幡却只能吞噬魂物和虚物,范围更小一些。 However at crucial moments is used emergency is very good, particularly it swallows the strength of soul to be even quicker than Immortals and Demons Pagoda, this perhaps is because Immortals and Demons Pagoda now is not the Immortal Tool reason. 但是在关键时刻用来应急还是非常不错的,尤其是它吞噬魂物的力量甚至比仙魔塔还要快,这或许是因为仙魔塔现在并不是仙器的原因。 After all Immortals and Demons Pagoda has the wound, is not complete, but Mortal Realm has not patched its material. When later returned to Immortal World, it completely has the ability to restore Immortals and Demons Pagoda to the most powerful appearance. 毕竟仙魔塔是有伤的,并不算完整,只是人界没有修补它的材料。等到以后回到了仙界,它完全有能力将仙魔塔恢复到最强大的样子。 Now handled ancient soul in big, then this big did not have in what, was only one hinders his big merely. 现在搞定了大阵之中的古魂,那么这个大阵也就不存在什么阵中阵了,仅仅只是一个阻碍他的大阵而已了。 In a fierce place is inside and outside two strategy in addition holds mutually, the strength increases. Especially before inside strategy broken, outside big is breaks open very much difficultly forcefully. 阵中阵厉害的地方就是里外两个阵法互相加持,力量大增。尤其是在里面的阵法没破之前,外面的大阵是很难强行破开的。 But now, this big is not fierce. 可是现在,这个大阵就没有那么厉害了。 Drink! 喝! Cheng Yu drinks one lowly, both hands pats directly in the random direction!? 程宇低喝一声,双手直接朝着任意一个方向拍去!?
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