GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4687: The profound and abstruse principles of back side of the mountain!

God level student entering in midterm()” searches the latest chapter! “神级插班生()”查找最新章节! On this day after arched peak, Yamomato is the Royal Court domain, but Cheng Yu has exposed now here, particularly the Royal Court strongest person had made war with him, therefore he has no worry. 这天穹峰后山本是王朝的地盘,可是程宇如今在这里已经暴露,尤其是王朝最强的人已经与他开战了,所以他更是没有什么好担心的了。 After all currently their war is no one has the qualifications to participate. 毕竟现在两人的大战可不是什么人都有资格参与进来的。 Naturally, although Cheng Yu is not afraid Royal Court these experts, but if their expert really massive arriving back side of the mountain, and participates in their war. 当然,程宇虽然并不害怕王朝的那些高手,可若是他们的高手真的大量的来到后山,并且参与到他们的大战当中。 Even if they are unable to massacre Cheng Yu, but also has Royal Court exalted lord after all. If these experts disturb him unceasingly, has certain threat to his situation. 即便他们无法杀掉程宇,可是毕竟还有一个王朝主上在。那些高手若是不断的干扰他,对他的处境还是有一定的威胁的。 However is good because of the war of him and this old fogy conducts now, has not actually seen that a bystander arrives at the back side of the mountain, this lets he strange at the same time actually, felt relieved. 不过好在他与这老家伙的大战进行到现在,却并没有看到一个外人来到后山,这倒是让他心里奇怪的同时,也放心了许多。 Without the disturbance of bystander, he can more relieved sparred with this old man. 没有外人的干扰,他就可以更加安心的与这老者斗法了。 Two people strengths are quite deep, therefore also was very at once difficult saying that whose who was weak, fought anyone unable to do to anyone such for a long time. 两人的实力都极为深厚,所以一时之间也很难说孰强孰弱,斗了这么久谁也奈何不了谁。 However Cheng Yu also knows, here after all is the Royal Court domain, if has towed like this, even if he is confident to oneself strength, but he also fully realized that like there is no too big advantage to him. 不过程宇也知道,这里毕竟是王朝的地盘,如果一直这样拖下去,哪怕他对自己的实力有信心,可是他也深知这样对他并没有什么太大的好处。 Therefore he decides to take the lead to undermine this balance by himself, takes the war the initiative, therefore the attack speed is getting more and more fast, the style is also getting more and more swift and fierce. 所以他决定还是由自己率先来打破这个平衡,拿下战局的主动权,于是攻击速度越来越快,招式也越来越凌厉。 You could not bear eventually!” The old men smile lightly, facing the Cheng Yu's domineering attack, actually can also guarantee that own rhythm had not been disrupted, this proves his strength sufficiently powerful truly also. “你终究还是忍不住了!”老者淡淡一笑,面对程宇的强势攻击,却还能够保证自己的节奏没有被打乱,这足以证明他的实力确实也是非常的强大的。 I do not want to waste the time here, earlier settled you, making Royal Court return to the history earlier, isn't that?” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “我只是不想在这里浪费时间罢了,早点了结了你,让王朝早点回归历史,那不是更好吗?”程宇笑着说道。 „To massacre me, destroys completely Royal Court, did not say by the mouth on line, you must show your strength to come to be good!” The old men are not angry, but very tranquil saying. “想要杀掉我,灭掉王朝,可不是靠嘴说说就行的,你得表现出你的实力来才行!”老者并不生气,而是十分平静的说道。 Obviously, he does not think that Cheng Yu has to massacre his strength, therefore not for the Cheng Yu's words. 显然,他并不认为程宇有杀掉他的实力,所以根本就不会为程宇的话所动。 You may probably support!” Cheng Yu sneers, then a fist rumbles. “那你可要撑住了!”程宇冷笑一声,便一拳轰出。 Roar! 吼! A great bear rushes, flushes away toward the old man. 一只巨熊奔出,朝着老者冲去。 Two people present books are near body ratio fight, in such short distance, this great bear overruns hits on the body of old man. 两人现在本就是近身比斗,在这么短的距离内,这只巨熊冲过去就撞在老者的身上。 Bang! 砰! Although the old man has the elementary force to protect the body, the great bear cannot injure to his mortal body directly, but the great bear hit then blasted out after his elementary force immediately, the strength of exploding unexpectedly old man directly shooting. 虽然老者有元力护体,巨熊并不能直接伤到他的肉身,可是巨熊撞击在他的元力之上以后便当即炸开了,爆炸开来的力量竟是将老者直接给弹了回去。 This unexpectedly is Mirage!” The old men are also the heart one startled, this great bear looks so lifelike, he even thinks that this is the Cheng Yu's beast favors. “这竟是幻影!”老者也是心头一惊,这巨熊看起来如此逼真,他甚至以为这是程宇的兽宠。 Those but who make him not think, this unexpectedly is only the Fist Arts that Cheng Yu transforms. 可是让他没有想到的是,这竟然只是程宇幻化出来的拳法。 However, all these had not finished. 然而,这一切并没有结束。 Now as Cheng Yu's Myriad Things Derivation Secret Art own Advancing Realms, the effect also obtained the enormous promotion. Therefore now Cheng Yu all with the material object has no difference through the myriad things that cultivation technique derived. 如今程宇的万物衍生诀随着自身的境界提升,效果也得到了极大的提升。所以现在程宇通过功法所衍生出来的万物皆与实物没有任何区别了。 So, old man a moment ago not his say/way. 要不是如此,老者刚才也不会着了他的道。 Roar roar roar! 吼吼吼! Sees only the Cheng Yu fist to incur unceasingly, unceasing has the different images to clash, the different images will present the different effects. 只见程宇拳招不断,不断的有不同的影像冲出来,不同的影像会出现不同的效果。 Under such close combat, the old man was repelled again and again, even started to have the internal injury. 在这样的近战之下,老者连连被击退,甚至开始出现内伤了。 Although he has the elementary force to protect the body, but these truly took a rash step time, was surrounded and attacked by Cheng Yu's continually went well, suddenly is completely in passive leeward unexpectedly, has no way effective counterattack. 虽然他有元力护体,但是这一次确实是失策了,被程宇的连环击得手了,一时间竟是完全处于被动的下风,没法有效的还击。 But since Cheng Yu plans first to act, that is definitely deliberate, has not ravelled while the old man his method, beats him quickly, even cuts to kill other. 程宇既然打算先出手,那肯定是有预谋的,趁老者还没有弄明白他的手段,以迅雷不及掩耳之势将他击败,甚至将其他斩杀。 A powerful person and a strength weak person, when facing in the reverse direction, the condition and response are different. 只是一个实力强大的人和一个实力弱的人,在面对逆势之时,状态和反应都是不一样的。 Even if the strength weak person can understand own situation, but still not necessarily is capable of changing this condition. Regarding the strength strong person, that possible result completely to be but different. 实力弱的人就算能够认清自己的形势,但是也未必有能力改变这种状态。可是对于实力强的人,那可能结果就完全不一样了。 Like this time old man, although Cheng Yu's was truly saying, his close combat strength is never so expected that powerful, in such short distance, his move also is really not the average person can withstand. 就像此时的老者,虽然确实着了程宇的道,没有想到他的近战实力如此强大,在这么短的距离内,他这招数还真不是一般人能够承受的起的。 After all Cheng Yu every fights with the fists, will present the different images, what some images pay great attention is the strength, what some attention is the speed, what some attention is the range, this even made him have an misconception, oneself seemed like making war with one group of people at this moment general. 毕竟程宇每一拳打出,都会出现不同的影像,有些的影像注重的是力量,有的注重的是速度,有的注重的是范围,这甚至让他产生了一种错觉,自己此时此刻似乎是在跟一群人开战一般。 However is good because of his is powerful, fight experience also very rich, even if the Cheng Yu's attack is fierce, the close combat strength is strong, is capable of spreading out fight by his strength sufficiently. 不过好在他的实力强大,战斗经验也非常的丰富,哪怕程宇的攻击再猛,近战实力再强,以他的实力都足以有能力拉开战斗的距离。 Actually Cheng Yu also knows, this way also can only be when the opposite party has not responded completely, comes a fast attack, once made the opposite party respond, he can definitely pull open the fight. 其实程宇也知道,这种方式也只能是在对方没有完全反应过来的时候,来一番快速的袭击,一旦让对方反应过来了,他完全可以拉开战斗。 However he is try not to make the opposite party spread out immediately, therefore has been pursuing to the end and hit hard to the old man. 但是他还是尽量的不要让对方马上就拉开了距离,所以一直对着老者穷追猛打。 Bang! 砰! But at this time, Cheng Yu fought with the fists, actually yes discovered oneself and in front of the old man presented a barrier. 可是就在这个时候,程宇一拳打出去,却是发现自己与老者面前出现了一道屏障。 Strategy?” After a Cheng Yu boxing barrier, because of its vigilant response, first drew back. “阵法?”程宇一拳击中屏障之后,因其警惕的反应,第一时间就退了回去。 Looks at front barrier, has a look at all around again, oneself were wrapped unexpectedly completely in a strategy barrier. 看着面前的屏障,再看看四周,自己竟然被完全包裹在一个阵法屏障当中了。 Haha! I a moment ago truly your say/way, but now, obsolete was also replies in kind.” Saw that Cheng Yu smoothly entered in the middle of the strategy, the old man laughed finally. “哈哈!我刚才确实着了你的道,不过现在,老朽也算是以其人之道,还治其人之身了。”看到程宇顺利的进入了阵法当中,老者终于开怀大笑起来了。 Then wants to surround me on a strategy?” Cheng Yu high and low about sizes up this huge barrier, saw the flowing light of above the barrier glittering, this seems like not an ordinary strategy. “就一个阵法便想困住我?”程宇上下左右的打量起这个巨大的屏障,看到屏障之上闪烁的流光,这看起来似乎并不是一个普通的阵法。 Moreover, this strategy is not the old man just arranges temporarily, obviously has existed in big of this place. 而且,这个阵法并不是老者刚刚临时布置的,显然是一直存在于这个地方的大阵。 Because of him, impossible to arrange a huge strategy in the fight even suddenly. 因为就算是他,也不可能在战斗的时候突然布置一个如此巨大的阵法。 Obviously this is one arranges early, is used to cope with the strategy of powerful enemy, because of this, this strategy estimate cannot be very simple. 可见这就是一个早早布置的,用来对付强大的敌人的阵法,也正是因为这样,这个阵法估计不会很简单。 youngster, this is not an ordinary strategy, this was an antiquity kills, you will soon realize pleasure!” The old men said with a smile. 年轻人,这可不是一个普通的阵法,这可是一个上古杀阵,你很快会就体会到其中的乐趣了!”老者笑着说道。 Has saying that the Cheng Yu's strength is truly powerful, compared with Royal Court that several chancellor elders, but also wants powerful many. 不得不说,程宇的实力确实很强大,比起王朝的那几个主事长老,还要强大的多。 He for a long time occupies the back side of the mountain, in fact several hundred years have not acted personally. However the strengths of these chancellor elders even without making a move, can look came out their strengths is too bad. 他久居后山,实际上已经数百年没有亲自出过手了。但是那些主事长老的实力即便不用出手,也能够看的出来他们的实力还是太差了些。 He once even thinks oneself were impossible to have the opponent in this world again, until today, he has not thought that will really have the Holy City's later generation to rush to here comes. 他曾经甚至以为自己在这个世界不可能再有对手了,直到今天,他没有想到竟然会有圣城的后人闯到这里来。 Moreover, Holy City's this later generation strength also is really strong. If not use some scheme, solely with the opposite party by own strength hard war, it is estimated that they gets for ten days is also not necessarily able to decide the victory and defeat here for half a month. 而且,圣城的这个后人实力还真的是强。如果不使用一些计谋的话,单单与对方以自身的实力硬战,估计他们在这里打上十天半个月也未必能够分出胜负来。 However good here is his domain, this back side of the mountain has many big, moreover is very powerful. 不过好在这里是他的地盘,这后山有不少的大阵,而且都很强大。 Initially such arrangement, actually also to assure the inner court security. 当初这么布置,其实也是为了保证内朝的安全。 Perhaps the inner court person only knows, the back side of the mountain of vault of heaven peak is the restricted area. But they do not know, the back side of the mountain of vault of heaven peak besides is the restricted area, is the entire inner court safest place. 内朝人或许只知道,天穹峰的后山是禁地。可是他们并不知道,天穹峰的后山除了是禁地之外,更是整个内朝最安全的地方。 Even if here no one guards, is safest , because here had too many antiquity big to protect. 哪怕这里没有人把守,也都是最安全的,就是因为这里有太多的上古大阵保护着。 If which day, inner court were broken through, then can guarantee only inner court security was this back side of the mountain. 如果哪一天,内朝被人攻破了,那么唯一可以保证内朝安全的就是这个后山了。 So long as inner court everyone hides in the back side of the mountain to come, then basically can assure everyone's safety. 只要内朝的所有人都躲到后山来,那么基本上是可以保证大家的安全的。 Naturally, everything does not have absolutely, even he is very confident to the back side of the mountain, but does not dare saying that guaranteed absolutely everyone's safety, can only say that is basically safe. 当然,凡事无绝对,即便他对后山很有信心,但是也不敢说绝对的保证所有人的安全,只能说是基本上是安全的。 Antiquity big?” Although Cheng Yu is self-confident, but not blind pride. “上古大阵么?”程宇虽然自信,但是并不会盲目的自傲。 Even if he really had the means to decode this antiquity big, but he is very vigilant, does not dare in this place general idea/careless. 哪怕他确实有办法破解这个上古大阵,但他还是会非常的警惕,可不敢在这种地方大意。 Here was the Royal Court supreme headquarters, Royal Court occupied so many years in this place. Moreover does this back side of the mountain as the Royal Court most mystical restricted area, how dare Cheng Yu underestimate? 这里是王朝的大本营,王朝在这个地方盘踞了这么多年。而且这个后山又作为王朝最神秘的禁地,程宇岂敢小看? Moreover before he used the ability of wooden spatial mirror to nose this back side of the mountain the time, the sensation to having many places did not have the means to completely understand. 而且之前他用木空镜的能力查探这座后山的时候,早就已经感知到有许多地方是没有办法看透的。 However now he as if somewhat understands, these places feared that arranged many such antiquity big. 不过现在他似乎有些明白了,这些地方怕是布置了许多这样的上古大阵。 Therefore, he was extremely eventually negligent, has not calculated even Royal Court exalted lord, without the means massacred itself by own strength, will definitely try to find another way. 所以,他终究还是太过大意了,没有算到即便是王朝主上,在没有办法凭借自身的实力杀掉自己的时候,肯定会另想办法的。 Actually, Cheng Yu to Immortals and Demons Pagoda is very confident. Because the Immortals and Demons Pagoda itself/Ben is the king of strategy, no strategy does not have the means to decode in its front. 其实,程宇仙魔塔是非常有信心的。因为仙魔塔本就是阵法之王,没有什么阵法是在它的面前没有办法破解的。 But his present was somewhat worried at heart, after this old fogy fights, he discovered that the strength of opposite party is truly strong, wants to massacre him is also very difficult matter. 可是他现在的心里有些担心,跟这个老家伙交手之后,他发现对方的实力确实很强,想要杀掉他也是非常困难的事情。 Therefore Cheng Yu from seeing the old man starts, although exposes the status of Holy City later generation intentionally, but has not actually exposed the Cheng Yu's status. 所以程宇从见到老者开始,虽然故意暴露自己圣城后人的身份,但是却从来没有暴露过自己程宇的身份。 Immortals and Demons Pagoda once was he in the Cultivation World most striking symbol, if he uses Immortals and Demons Pagoda now, his front leg left inner court, Royal Court feared that can investigate in the Cultivation World real status. 仙魔塔曾经是他在修真界最醒目的标志,如果他现在动用了仙魔塔,那他前脚离开了内朝,王朝怕是就可以调查出自己在修真界的真实身份了。 Now the old man only knows that he is the Holy City later generation, therefore he can expose the status of Holy City later generation unceasingly, but cannot expose the Cheng Yu's status in any event. 现在老者只知道他是圣城后人,所以他可以不断的暴露圣城后人的身份,但是无论如何都不能暴露程宇的身份。 Cheng Yu is not the person who does not understand , even if oneself are when confident, easily should not be cut off own escape route. 程宇不是什么都不懂的人,无论是什么时候,哪怕自己是在信心十足的时候,都不要轻易的断掉自己的退路。 Cheng Yu this status is his final escape route, if exposed this, he is actually indifferent, is what to do Cheng Family? 程宇这个身份就是他最后的退路,如果把这个暴露了,他倒是无所谓,可是程家怎么办? Royal Court from now on, knows that on this day under also has the later generation of sage to exist. But they know where the Holy City's later generation does move? 王朝从现在开始,知道这天下还有圣人的后人存在。可是他们知道圣城的后人在哪里活动呢? Even if he told Royal Court, present Holy City has reconstructed, moreover and continued his Holy City later generation, Royal Court was still not necessarily able to check the body of Cheng Family for a short time. 就算他告诉王朝,如今的圣城已经重建,而且并不止他一个圣城后人,王朝一时半会也未必能够查到程家的身上。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! In Cheng Yu was vigilant when this big has what fierce place, suddenly in the middle of this big presented several person's shadows! 就在程宇警惕这大阵有何厉害之处时,突然这个大阵当中出现了好几个人影! Antiquity ancient Hunzhen?” Cheng Yu saw after the person's shadow that these brave suddenly, immediately stares!? “上古古魂阵?”程宇看到这些突然冒出来的人影之后,顿时一愣!?
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