GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4688: In!

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Cheng Yu once to take white Yang outer court, has used antiquity ancient Hunzhen, moreover was antiquity Big Dipper ancient Hunzhen. 程宇曾经为了拿下白阳外朝,也使用过一个上古古魂阵,而且是一个上古七星古魂阵。 But these antiquity ancient soul quantities of present Cheng Yu seeing, may by far compared with his Big Dipper ancient Hunzhen many many. 可是从现在程宇所看到的这些上古古魂数量,可远远要比他那七星古魂阵多的多。 Moreover the strategy has the dense fog to cover up, Cheng Yu merely with naked eye obvious has dozens, if the sensation, his at least here sensation to over a hundred ancient soul in this. 而且阵法当中有迷雾遮掩,程宇仅仅只是用肉眼可见的就有数十个,如果是感知的话,他至少在这里感知到上百个古魂在这里面。 This back side of the mountain is really not simple, in the middle of this strategy the soul of unexpectedly so many antiquity!” Cheng Yu exclaims. “这后山还真是不简单呐,这个阵法当中竟然有这么多的上古之魂!”程宇惊叹道。 Compared with his antiquity Big Dipper ancient Hunzhen, this strategy truly was a great writer. 比起他的上古七星古魂阵,这个阵法确实是个大手笔了。 What's all this about? Did these ancient souls vanish unexpectedly?” But at this time, Cheng Yu gawked, these ancient souls that his sensation arrived at vanished all of a sudden unexpectedly completely. “这是怎么回事?那些古魂竟然消失了?”可是就在这个时候,程宇一愣,他感知到的那些古魂一下子竟然全部消失了。 This is not ordinary ancient Hunzhen, this is in one!” At this time, Soul Suppression said suddenly. “这不是一个普通的古魂阵,这是一个阵中阵!”就在这个时候,镇魂突然开口说道。 In? Were you say these ancient soul uses/gives array in this strategy?” Cheng Yu one startled, in the heart was more vigilant. “阵中阵?你是说这些古魂在这阵法当中施阵?”程宇一惊,心中更加警惕了。 Because he believes that Soul Suppression not rumor, that definitely was he discovered anything, will therefore make noise the reminder. 因为他相信镇魂不会空穴来风,那肯定是他发现了什么,所以才会出声提醒。 Right, first do not act rashly, I have not verified white/in vain this inside situation.” Soul Suppression said. “没错,你先别轻举妄动,我还没有探明白这里面的情况。”镇魂说道。 Has confidence?” Cheng Yu nods to ask. “有把握吗?”程宇点点头问道。 Although Cheng Yu learned/studied many strategies in the middle of Immortals and Demons Pagoda, was strategy thing was extremely abstruse, moreover countless changes, at all were not can grasp at once completely. 虽然程宇仙魔塔当中学习了很多的阵法,可是阵法这个东西太过深奥了,而且变化无穷,根本不是一时之间就能够全部掌握的。 Otherwise an initial day old person will not study the life. 要不然当初的天阵老人也不会研究一生了。 Therefore although present Cheng Yu had very deep attainments in the strategy, however on the path of strategy, the lots needs to study. 所以现在的程宇虽然在阵法上有了很深的造诣,但是在阵法的道路上,还有很多东西是需要学习的。 Like that in the present he faces, although he did not understand, but heard Soul Suppression saying that he understood the meaning of opposite party. 就像现在他所面对的阵中阵,虽然他并不了解,可是只是听到镇魂这么说,他就理解了对方的意思。 „ Very difficult saying that dual with combination strategy, although had very big difference, but met is the same unusual is troublesome. “很难说,双重阵与组合阵法虽然有很大的不同,但是遇到了却是一样的非常麻烦。 Moreover, I felt that in this strategy ancient soul strength quite powerful, you may really select carefully! ” The Soul Suppression reminder said. 而且,我感觉到这阵法里面的古魂实力相当的强大,你可真得小心点了!”镇魂提醒道。 I will!” Cheng Yu nods, had the reminder of Soul Suppression, he will be very naturally careful. 我会的!”程宇点点头,有了镇魂的提醒,他自然会很小心。 In this is completely ancient soul, moreover these ancient soul also arranged the strategy unexpectedly, he is not how dare more careful. 这里面全部都是古魂,而且这些古魂竟然还布置了阵法,他岂敢不小心谨慎一些。 Without clarifying this strategy, Cheng Yu does not dare to act rashly, even he after entering to this strategy, has not moved again one step. 在没有弄清楚这个阵法的时候,程宇是不敢轻举妄动的,甚至他在进入到这个阵法之后,就再也没有动过一步。 However, he had felt that own present is crisis-ridden, possibly some people will come out to attack him momentarily. 不过,他已经感觉到自己现在是危机四伏,可能随时都会有人出来攻击他。 Whiz! 嗖! Really, simultaneously five person's shadows fluttered toward him, the speed is quick. 果然,同时有五个人影朝着他飘了过来,速度很快。 ! 唰唰唰! Seeing only the Cheng Yu's reaction speed is also extremely quick, cut toward a person's shadow sword that flutters fast. 只见程宇的反应速度也是极快,朝着那快速飘过来的人影一剑斩了过去。 However, these person's shadows were actually all of a sudden on such as windblown dust generally direct dispersing. 然而,这些人影却是一下子就如尘烟一般直接散开了。 Mirage?” Cheng Yu stares! 幻影?”程宇一愣! However, when Cheng Yu doubts, one crowd of person's shadows flashed toward him. 不过,就在程宇疑惑的时候,又有一群人影朝着他闪了过来。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Although before what is Mirage, but Cheng Yu actually cannot affirm that these people are the ancient soul or ancient soul Mirage, therefore does not dare to treat it lightly absolutely, still killed toward this crowd of person's shadows. 虽然之前的是幻影,可是程宇却不敢肯定这些人到底是古魂还是古魂幻影,所以绝对不敢掉以轻心,仍是朝着这群人影杀去。 Clang clang clang! 锵锵锵! In result crowd of person's shadows truly mixes some ancient soul, is good has been very vigilant because of Cheng Yu, when these ancient soul make a move to him, was given the discovery by him. 结果这群人影里面确实混有一些古魂,好在程宇一直很警惕,就在这些古魂对他出手的时候,还是被他给发现了。 However what makes Cheng Yu accidental/surprised is, these people fought merely several rounds after him fluttered to vanish. 然而让程宇意外的是,这些人仅仅只是与他交手了几个回合之后就飘走消失了。 Facing this kind of time, the eye does not have the means to help him distinguish the danger accurately, but he does not dare to close one's eyes directly, but is needs own sensation and eye judged simultaneously. 面对这种时候,眼睛已经没有办法帮他准确的辨别危险了,但是他也不敢直接闭起眼睛,而是需要自己的感知与眼睛同时来判断。 Sees only Cheng Yu to go forward several steps, saw again has time that the person's shadow flutters, he first goes to the differences of sensation these person's shadows. 只见程宇上前几步,再看到有人影飘过来的时候,他第一时间去感知这些人影的区别。 Cheng Yu first is a sword cuts on a person's shadow, then saw that person's shadow dissipated all of a sudden. 程宇先是一剑斩在其中一个人影上,便看到那人影一下子就消散了。 When a Cheng Yu sword cuts again to another person's shadow, that person's shadow actually revealed the weapon, fights with him. Really so!” The Cheng Yu corners of the mouth smile, he had understood the secrets between these person's shadows. 而当程宇再一剑斩向另外一个人影的时候,那人影却是亮出了武器,与他交手起来。“果然如此!”程宇嘴角一笑,他已经明白了这些人影之间的秘密了。 The ancient soul does not have the entity, is unable sensation his aura. However he eventually is also the soul body, but the soul body has the Spiritual Force quantity, Cheng Yu explores with the similar Spiritual Force quantity, is quick can distinguish him ancient soul. 古魂没有实体,也就无法感知他的气息。但是他终究是还有一个魂体,而魂体是有精神力量的,程宇用同样的精神力量去探索,很快就能够辨别他是不是古魂。 If only Mirage, that is the nihility, merely is only an image. Therefore he is unable to go to the sensation with the Spiritual Force quantity. 因为如果只是幻影的话,那是虚无的,仅仅只是一个影像罢了。所以他是无法用精神力量去感知的。 Some this discovery, then wanted to pick up these ancient Hunlai is very easy. 有了这个发现,那么想要挑出那些古魂来就很容易了。 So long as Cheng Yu the Spiritual Force unceasing sensation, can know each ancient soul position. 程宇只要精神力不断的感知,就可以知道每一个古魂的位置。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Cheng Yu has stood is freezing, but his goal at heart is actually unusual being clear. The sensation has ancient soul to approach to oneself, Cheng Yu is basic, no matter there many Mirage, he only knows that there only has Spiritual Force to feed back. 程宇一直站在原地不动,可是他的心里的目标却是非常的明确。感知有一个古魂在向自己靠近,程宇根本不管那里到底有多少个幻影,他只知道那里只有一个精神力反馈的。 Therefore, other Mirage thorough was disregarded by Cheng Yu, kills toward that ancient soul. 所以,其他的幻影彻底的被程宇无视了,直朝那个古魂杀去。 ancient soul has not thought obviously Cheng Yu will initiated an attack, moreover starts to be ruthless, goal unusual being clear, has not cared with these Mirage Cheng Yu one that he mixes up, even if these Mirage were launching the attack to Cheng Yu, has not affected his attack slightly. 那古魂显然没有想到程宇会主动出击,而且下手非常狠,目的也非常的明确,跟他混在一起的那些幻影程宇一个都没有在意,哪怕这些幻影对着程宇发起了攻击,也丝毫没有影响到他的攻击。 However, although Cheng Yu has discovered in this ancient Hunzhen secret, but these ancient soul are not simple ancient soul. 不过,程宇虽然已经发现了这个古魂阵中的秘密,但是这些古魂也并不是简单的古魂。 Royal Court arranges such ancient soul big here, if only some ordinary ancient soul, that this ancient Hunzhen obviously is nothing significance. 王朝在这里布置这样的古魂大阵,若只是一些普通的古魂,那这个古魂阵显然是没有什么意义的。 Before these ancient Hunmei after Cheng Yu fought several rounds will run away, was not because they could not be victorious Cheng Yu, but for it, the goal was to confuse Cheng Yu intentionally, simultaneously made Cheng Yu not have the means protracted battle with them, cannot search the details depth. 之前那些古魂每跟程宇交手几个回合之后就会逃走,不是因为他们打不过程宇,而是故意为之,目的就是为了迷惑程宇,同时又让程宇没有办法与他们久战,探不出底细深浅来。 Now is but different, Cheng Yu initiates an attack, moreover his Spiritual Force had locked this ancient soul on own initiative, although ancient soul is not willing obviously with the Cheng Yu dogfight, but Cheng Yu, since locked him, how could to make him run away like this? 可是现在不同了,程宇主动出击,而且他的精神力已经主动锁定了这个古魂,虽然那古魂显然不愿意跟程宇缠斗,但是程宇既然锁定了他,岂能让他这样逃走? Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! However, when Cheng Yu to that ancient soul compels step by step, he immediately the sensation to two ancient soul is approaching him. 不过,就在程宇对那个古魂步步相逼的时候,他顿时感知到又有两个古魂在靠近他。 It seems like these ancient soul are not in a state of disunity, moreover unites very much, even knows the coordination with each other. 看来这些古魂并非是一盘散沙,而且还很团结,甚至知道互相配合。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Three ancient souls attack simultaneously toward Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu has not struck to kill the beforehand ancient soul opportunity again. 三个古魂同时朝着程宇攻来,程宇再也没有击杀之前的古魂的机会了。 When Cheng Yu avoids three ancient soul attack, that three ancient soul has disappeared without a trace. 程宇避开三个古魂的攻击时,那三个古魂已经消失的无影无踪了。 In this strategy also is really somewhat strange, surpassed two zhang (3.33 m) distance again also having no way sensation to their existences!” In the Cheng Yu heart has doubts to say. “这阵法之中还真是有些古怪,超出两丈的距离就再也没法感知到它们的存在了!”程宇心中疑惑道。 This should be the entire big effect, helping these ancient soul hide! But these ancient soul display imaginary in again!” Soul Suppression answered. “这应该就是整个大阵的效果,帮助这些古魂隐藏!而这些古魂就在阵中再施展幻阵!”镇魂解释道。 This big seems to be bigger, this inside that I imagine feared that is not only only has one imaginary is so simple!” Cheng Yu said. “不过这个大阵似乎比我想象的还要大,这里面怕是不仅仅只是有一个幻阵那么简单!”程宇说道。 Position that you are at now in big edge, therefore I suggested that you should better not to enter to big, that inside might make you lose!” “你现在所在的位置就在大阵的边缘,所以我建议你最好不要进入到大阵中间去,那里面有可能会让你迷失!” „But if I do not pass, how can I go out from this big?” Cheng Yu said. “可是如果我不过去的话,我要怎么从这个大阵当中出去呢?”程宇说道。 At least must wait for you first to clarify this big structure to say again . Moreover, I thought that best probably first massacre ancient Huncai a line. “至少也要等你先弄清楚这个大阵的结构再说,而且,我觉得最好还是要先杀掉一个古魂才行。 Because this imaginary integrity that may with these ancient soul are related, if massacres one, may break this imaginary! ” Soul Suppression proposed. 因为这个幻阵有可能跟这些古魂的完整性有关,如果杀掉一个的话,有可能破掉这个幻阵!”镇魂提议道。 You said is reasonable, I truly must first catch ancient soul to say again!” Cheng Yu nods, approves this point at heart very much. “你说的有道理,我确实要先抓到一个古魂再说!”程宇点点头,心里也很认同这一点。 Now he stands in the big edge, does not dare to approach the big center, truly should first catch ancient soul to probe one to be good. 现在他站在大阵的边缘,又不敢太靠近大阵的中心,确实应该先抓到一个古魂试探一番才行。 However, these fellows are truly sly, he had locked one a moment ago, but actually by another two ancient soul rescuing. 不过,这些家伙确实狡猾,他刚才本来就已经锁定了一个,但是却被另外两个古魂给救走了。 Now they surpassed the place two zhang (3.33 m) away, he did not have the means sensation in this inside to these ancient soul existences. 现在他们超出了两丈之外的地方,他在这里面没有办法感知到这些古魂的存在了。 The edge of strategy does not have the means to see that with the naked eye, if not because was under the impact of strength, will glitter the flowing light. 阵法的边缘是没有办法用肉眼看到的,如果不是因为受到了力量的冲击,会闪烁出流光。 However he was separated by the strategy in this place a moment ago, therefore before he does not have ravelling strategy inside situation, now only dares to probe unceasingly. 不过刚才他就是在这个地方被阵法隔开的,所以他现在没有弄明白阵法里面的情况之前只敢不断的试探。 Those but who make Cheng Yu have doubts, before so many ancient souls provoked him on own initiative, but he discovers now the after secret of strategy, they actually did not have to act again on own initiative. 可是让程宇疑惑的是,之前都有那么多的古魂主动挑衅他,但是现在他发现了阵法的秘密之后,他们竟然没有再主动出手了。 Is it possible that are these fellows want to make me take the hook?” The Cheng Yu doubts said. “这些家伙莫非是想要引我上勾?”程宇疑惑道。 It is estimated that is they have known that you saw through their secret, will therefore not initiated an attack now again.” “估计是他们已经知道你识破了他们的秘密,所以现在不会再主动出击了。” It is estimated that is this!” Cheng Yu nods, starts step by step to the central probe of strategy. “估计是这样!”程宇点点头,开始一步一步的向阵法的中心试探。 Although knows that this is very dangerous, but those words , he to break open this strategy, he must understand this strategy. 虽然知道这样很危险,但还是那句话,他如果想要破开这个阵法的话,他就必须了解这个阵法。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Really, Cheng Yu after the central direction of strategy led the way several feet, really the sensation to several dangers raided. 果然,程宇往阵法的中心方向前行了几丈之后,果然感知到了几股危险袭来。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The Cheng Yu first response toward retroversion, what lets in his heart one startled is, his behind also several dangers raid unexpectedly. 程宇第一反应就是往回退,可是让他心中一惊的是,他的后面竟然也有好几股危险袭来。 Fell into a trap! Was surrounded!” This is the idea in the Cheng Yu heart raising. “中计了!被包围了!”这是程宇心中升起的一个想法。 From this situation, Cheng Yu, although is unable the sensation to these ancient soul existences, to be these ancient souls can actually now the sensation to his existence. 从这个情况来看,程宇虽然无法感知到这些古魂的存在,可是现在这些古魂却能够感知到他的存在。 Obviously these fellows truly imagine him is more intelligent, unexpectedly also with counting. 可见这些家伙确实要比他想象的还要聪明,竟然还会用计。 At once, Cheng Yu unexpectedly by souls of one pile of antiquity sphering, what is more important, the souls of these antiquities really did not have one are a vegetarian, the strength was equivalent unexpectedly. 一时之间,程宇竟然被一堆上古之魂给围住了,更加重要的是,这些上古之魂还真没有一个是吃素的,实力竟然相当了得。 Did not say that each ancient soul strength has Cheng Yu is so strong, but actually was also very extraordinary. Moreover so many ancient soul encircle together, but also is really makes Cheng Yu be somewhat caught off guard. 不说每一个古魂的实力都有程宇这么强,但是却也是非常了不得了。而且这么多的古魂一起围上来,还真的是让程宇有些措手不及。 Moreover present situation the Cheng Yu estimate is worse, because in this several hundred ancient souls are besieging to come toward Cheng Yu unexpectedly completely, making Cheng Yu somewhat find it hard to cope with unexpectedly! 而且现在的情况比程宇预想的还要糟糕,因为这里面有数百个古魂竟然全部都在朝着程宇围攻而来,让程宇竟然有些应接不暇!
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