GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4686: That is consuming!

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Beyond the vault of heaven peak, several chancellor elders stand in oneself institute look at the direction of vault of heaven peak back side of the mountain. 天穹峰之外,几个主事长老纷纷站在自己的院中看着天穹峰后山的方向。 How will the back side of the mountain make such big move?” Although several chancellor elders are staying in oneself mansion, is the doubts of innermost feelings is the same. “后山怎么会弄出这么大的动静?”几位主事长老虽然都在自己的府邸待着,可是内心的疑惑却是相同的。 Its vault of heaven peak is not the average person can come up, as their chancellor elder, although said that the space vault of heaven peak is not difficult, but wants to enter the back side of the mountain, without exalted lord is willing the head, that to be absolutely is impossible to go. 本身天穹峰就不是一般人能够上去的,以他们主事长老的身份,虽然说天上天穹峰并不算困难,但是想要进入后山,如果没有主上的肯首,那也是绝对不可能进去的。 Although does not know that the back side of the mountain exactly what happened, but it is estimated that is not the minor matter. 虽然不知道后山到底发生了什么事情,但是估计不会是小事。 Only watches these fierce combat that the back side of the mountain presents, coming out that can look, there situation compared with imagination wants serious many. 光是看后山出现的那些刀光剑影,就可以看的出来,那里的情况比想象的要严重的多。 It seems like must go to the vault of heaven peak one to be good!” Looks that the back side of the mountain loud sound is unceasing, sparring luminous unceasing flashes before, they were obviously impossible peaceful sitting to wait for the vault of heaven peak the news to pass on here. “看来必须前往天穹峰上一趟才行!”看着后山巨响不断,斗法的光亮不断的闪现出来,他们显然不可能再安静的坐在这里等待天穹峰的消息传过来了。 When Great Elder arrives in the vault of heaven peak the exalted lord mansion, several other chancellor elders also in arrived one after another. 大长老来到天穹峰上主上府的时候,其他几位主事长老也在前后陆续来到了。 However they stand outside the exalted lord mansion wait for the interview of exalted lord! 不过他们都站在主上府外等待主上的接见! Although the vault of heaven peak back side of the mountain obviously has the powerful fighting situation, but their these chancellor elders are also inquire the situation, gives support. 虽然天穹峰后山明显有强大的打斗情况,而他们这些主事长老也是来打探情况,同时也是前来支援的。 However the vault of heaven peak cannot lead troops to climb mountains, therefore arrives at the exalted lord mansion now is also only several chancellor elders. 但是天穹峰是不能带兵上山的,所以现在来到主上府的也都只是几位主事长老而已。 However, their several chancellor elders built up certain military under the vault of heaven peak. So long as there is a need, they can support the vault of heaven peak momentarily. 不过,他们几位主事长老都在天穹峰下集结了一定的兵力。只要有需要,他们随时都可以支援天穹峰。 How hasn't exalted lord come out to receive us?” Several chancellor elders had stood outside the exalted lord mansion some little time, but does not have, when interview of exalted lord. 主上怎么还不出来接见我们呢?”几个主事长老已经在主上府外站了好一会儿了,可是却迟迟没有等到主上的接见。 Meanwhile, exalted lord mansion fighting of back side of the mountain has not actually ceased as before, above they can still hear the loud sound that transmits, luminous that as well as spars. 与此同时,主上府的后山的打斗却依旧没有停息下来,他们仍然能够听到上面传来的巨响,以及斗法的光亮。 Isn't exalted lord that spars in the back side of the mountain?” Second Elder said. “在后山斗法的不会就是主上吧?”二长老说道。 Has this possibility very much, how otherwise we can wait is so long, hasn't seen him to come out to receive us?” Four elders said. “很有这个可能,要不然咱们怎么会等了这么久,也没有见他出来接见我们呢?”四长老说道。 That back side of the mountain as if except for exalted lord, won't have others by?” The Third Elder doubts said. “那后山似乎除了主上,也不会有别人吧以?”三长老疑惑道。 If exalted lord in the back side of the mountain, then spars with exalted lord who is?” Great Elder said. “如果主上在后山,那么跟主上斗法的又是谁呢?”大长老说道。 This truly is the present biggest doubts, exalted lord in the exalted lord mansion, even if some people intruded the vault of heaven peak, exalted lord will still discover, is impossible to make him rush in the back side of the mountain. “这确实是现在最大的疑惑,主上就在主上府内,就算是有人闯入了天穹峰,主上也应该早就发现了,不可能让他闯进后山。 However now exalted lord actually spars in the back side of the mountain, this really makes one not think clearly! ” Second Elder said. 但是现在主上却在后山与人斗法,这真是让人想不明白!”二长老说道。 In several chancellor elders completely when outside the exalted lord mansion waits, above a garret in exalted lord mansion, a person who wears the mask actually stands before the window, is looking at the direction of back side of the mountain. 就在几位主事长老全部在主上府外等待的时候,主上府内的一座阁楼之上,一个戴着面具的人却是站在窗前,望着后山的方向。 exalted lord, several elders have arrived at the vault of heaven peak, is waiting outside the mansion, whether exalted lord can see them?” A guard enters the garret, was saying to the mask person. 主上,几位长老都已经来到天穹峰,正在府外等候,主上是否要见他们?”一个护卫走进阁楼,对着面具人说道。 Makes them continue to wait outside, do not tell them this on also in the mansion. If they asked that said this coming up back side of the mountain!” The mask person is joining hands behind the back indifferently said. “让他们在外面继续等候,不要告诉他们本上还在府内。如果他们问起,就说本上去后山了!”面具人背着手淡淡的说道 Yes! exalted lord!” Although the guard does not understand why this is, but he does not need to understand too, only needed to transmit the exalted lord password on the line. “是!主上!”护卫虽然不明白这是为什么,但是他并不需要明白太多,只需要将主上的口令传达到了就行。 Comes the person!” After waiting for this guard to leave, exalted lord shouts one again. “来人!”等这个护卫离开之后,主上再次大喊一声。 exalted lord!” Another guard came. 主上!”另外一个护卫进来了。 Calls completely vault of heaven peak all guards, defends all the exits of descending the mountain as well as latter exits, even if a fly cannot make it fly!” The mask person said. “将天穹峰所有护卫全部召集起来,守住所有下山的出口以及后出口,就算是一只苍蝇都不能让它飞出去!”面具人说道。 Yes!” The guard meets to make the preparation leave. “是!”护卫接令准备离开。 Wait!” “等等!” What does exalted lord have to tell?” The guard stops. 主上还有什么吩咐?”护卫停下来。 You investigate again well, is who entered the back side of the mountain!” The mask person said. “你再好好的调查一下,到底是什么人进入了后山!”面具人说道。 Yes!” The guard left again. “是!”护卫再次离开了。 The mask person is looking at the back side of the mountain, although there sparring looks very intense, plan that but he has not actually gone to support. 面具人望着后山,虽然那里的斗法看起来很激烈,但是他却并没有前往支援的打算。 Who because he is very clear to assume personal command in the back side of the mountain, if he is not even able to beat the intruder, even if they go to support are not useful. 因为他心里很清楚谁在后山坐镇,如果连他都无法将闯入者击败的话,那他们就算前往支援也没有什么用。 Therefore he must do now, defends all exits. 所以他现在要做的,就是守住所有的出口。 He believes that if this intruder can also escape from that manpower, that definitely is also is seriously injured, the strength damages greatly. 他相信,这个闯入者若是还能从那人手上逃出来,那肯定也是身受重伤,实力大损。 Therefore so long as he defended the exit|to speak, that this intruder is impossible to escape vault of heaven peak. 因此他只要守住了出口,那这个闯入者就不可能逃的出天穹峰。 Vault of heaven peak back side of the mountain! 天穹峰后山! Sparring of Cheng Yu and old man is still continuing, since Cheng Yu to Great Ascension Stage, the strong jumping the ranks combat capability makes Cheng Yu almost not run into the opponent. 程宇与老者的斗法还在继续,自从程宇到了大乘期以后,强大的越级战斗能力让程宇几乎就没有遇到过对手。 But this time, although he is Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, the strength compared with beforehand Great Ascension Stage does not know that wanted powerful many times. 可是这一次,虽然他已经是渡劫期修士了,实力更是比起之前的大乘期不知道要强大了多少倍。 But now actually runs into a true opponent, magic arts or Magical Treasure aspect, or is the experience of method as well as fight of fight, the opposite party is not obviously worse than Cheng Yu. 但现在却是遇到了一个真正的对手,无论是道法还是法宝方面,又或者是战斗的手段以及战斗的经验,对方显然都不比程宇差。 Cheng Yu is also many years later, first time unretentive spars with the opposite party. 程宇也是多年之后,第一次毫无保留的与对方斗法。 Has saying that this regarding Cheng Yu, is really a full fight. 不得不说,这对于程宇来说,真是一场酣畅淋漓的战斗。 Just, Cheng Yu these arrives at inner court time, actually and not only to spar with the old man such simply. He hopes oneself can massacre the old man, especially must and relation between demon Royal Court and Immortal World must shut off. 只不过,程宇这一次来到内朝,却并不仅仅只是为了与老者斗法这么简单。他更希望自己能够杀掉老者,尤其要将王朝仙界和魔界之间的联系要切断。 However, Cheng Yu was somewhat self-confidently is eventually excessive. He thinks that can massacre exalted lord by own present strength. 然而,程宇终究还是有些自信过头了。他本以为以自己如今的实力是可以将主上杀掉的。 However now looks like, their strengths are very powerful . Moreover the disparity is not big, therefore wanted Cheng Yu to complete the task obviously becomes difficult. 不过现在看来,他们的实力都很强大,而且差距并不大,所以想要程宇想要完成任务明显变得困难了许多。 At least his some taking a rash step, he initially after entering the back side of the mountain conducted a search to the back side of the mountain. He obviously finds out by secret inquiry this back side of the mountain several places not to have the means to completely understand. 至少他这一次有些失策,他当初在进入后山之后对后山进行了一番搜索。他明显探知到这后山还有好几处地方是没有办法看透的。 Although does not know these place some anything things, but perhaps in which one of the places are Royal Court and Immortal World or is the demon relation communication places. 虽然不知道那些地方有些什么东西,但是或许那些地方的其中一个就是王朝仙界或者是魔界联系沟通的地方。 If Cheng Yu first goes to these places, even its destruction, then Cheng Yu in fact this time does kill exalted lord is actually unimportant. 如果程宇先去那些地方,甚至将其破坏的话,那么程宇实际上这一次杀不杀的了主上其实都并不重要了。 In any case at that time Royal Court, even if came across the enormous crisis, they were impossible again look for the reinforcement from Immortal World and demon. 反正那个时候王朝即便是遇到了重大危机,他们也不可能再从仙界和魔界找来救兵了。 However now, Cheng Yu obviously already not such good opportunity. The strength that let alone Cheng Yu displays lets old man deep dreading, therefore he readily will not make Cheng Yu leave inner court now. 但是现在,程宇显然已经没有这么好的机会了。更何况程宇所表现出来的力量更是让老者深深的忌惮,所以他现在也不会轻易的让程宇离开内朝的。 I have said that easy that this back side of the mountain you come, but wants to leave, is impossible, this is you young frivolous consequence!” The old men felt oneself faint have grasped the Cheng Yu's pulse, is also getting more and more familiar with his method, gradually did not have to be that worried at heart from the beginning. “我说过,这后山你来的容易,可是想要离开,却是不可能了,这就是你年少轻狂的后果!”老者感觉自己隐隐已经拿住了程宇的脉门,对他的手段也越来越熟悉,心里逐渐没有一开始那么担心了。 You want to retain me, must depend on the strength speech eventually. Although for these years, you are the first true opponent who I run into, but I do not think that you leave behind my strength. “你想要留住我,终究还是要靠实力说话的。虽然这么多年来,你是我遇到的第一个真正的对手,可是我并不认为你留下我的实力。 Let alone, if you really kept me, to Royal Court, may be a worse result! ” Cheng Yu sneers to say. 更何况,如果你真的把我留下来了,对王朝来说,或许会是一个更加糟糕的结果!”程宇冷笑道。 Although he fully realized that for a short time does not have the means to massacre at present this old fogy, but he regarding own present situation, and does not have any to be worried. 虽然他深知一时半会没有办法杀掉眼前这个老家伙,但是他对于自己现在的处境,也并没有什么好担心的。 Although the inner court expert are many, is with him not on level. 内朝的高手虽多,可是跟他根本就不在一个级别上。 Now the he and old man war, inner court these chancellor elders came even, they absolutely do not have the seat of honor that the means insert, therefore do not say inner court other experts. 现在他跟老者之间的大战,就算是内朝的那些主事长老来了,他们也根本就没有办法插的上手,所以更不要说内朝的其他高手。 Any level expert is doomed only to cope with what level expert, these experts deal with others to be good, want to cope with him, that is a joke. 什么级别的高手注定只能对付什么级别的高手,这些高手对付其他人还行,想要对付他,那就是一个笑话。 Therefore the time that even if he fight with this old fogy delays is long, he still does not have any to be worried. 所以他就算与这个老家伙的战斗拖的时间再久,他也没有什么好担心的。 However the old man as if also knows that for a short time massacres Cheng Yu is also very difficult, therefore he clearly slowed down the fight rhythm, and there is a suspicion of protracted time. 不过老者似乎也知道一时半会杀掉程宇也是很困难的,所以他明显放慢了战斗的节奏,并且有拖延时间的嫌疑。 However what's the big deal! 但是那又如何! The Cheng Yu's resilience far supernormal person, in addition in the mountains and rivers chart the assistance of so many resources as well as Spirit Water, who will be consumed is not uncertain finally! 程宇的恢复能力远超常人,再加上山河图内那么多资源以及神水的辅助,最终谁会被耗死也不一定呢! Right? Since you have to kill to incur, why not to cause now?” The old men said with a smile. “是吗?既然你还有杀招,何不现在就使出来?”老者笑道。 Regarding the Cheng Yu's words, he does not dare to say 100% trusts, but he is a little certain. Present Cheng Yu to his threat is very big, moreover now absolutely possibly is not his complete strength therefore, he truly hopes actually Cheng Yu can display some big moves again. After all the big move of consumption is also big, perhaps after several big moves, Cheng Yu not necessarily can also be so strong like the present. 对于程宇的话,他不敢说百分之百的相信,但是他有一点可以肯定。现在的程宇对他的威胁还是很大的,而且现在绝对不可能是他的全部实力所以,他倒是确实希望程宇能够再施展一些大招出来。毕竟大招的消耗也大,或许几次大招之后,程宇未必就还能够像现在这样如此坚挺了。 Why can I cause? Present you cannot threaten me. If you really want to kill me, I urged you to cause actually earlier the big move of making a move anything took, quite made me make a testimony for you. “我为什么要使出来?现在的你又威胁不到我。如果你真的想要杀我,我倒是劝你早点把什么拿的出手的大招都使出来,也好让我为你做个见证。 Otherwise, solemn Royal Court exalted lord died, when the time comes no one knows their exalted lord strength is disappointing! ” Cheng Yu said with a smile. 要不然,堂堂一个王朝主上就这么死掉了,到时候都没有人知道他们主上的实力有多么差劲!”程宇笑着说道。 Such being the case, we can only consume like this. However do not forget, here is the Royal Court domain, like this consumes to you are not meddlesome. “既然如此,那咱们就只能这样耗着了。不过你可不要忘了,这里是王朝的地盘,这样耗下去对你来说并不是什么好事。 If you do not act now, that may really not have this opportunity again! ” Regarding the Cheng Yu's taunt and prodding, the old man does not care. 如果你现在不出手的话,那可就真的再也没有这个机会了!”对于程宇的嘲讽和激将,老者根本就不在意。 Arrived them now this level, how also to be enraged by such inferior method. 到了他们如今这个层次,又岂会被这么低劣的手段所激怒。 Right? It seems like you are very self-confident about your background. Although here truly is your domain, but you believe firmly your energy consumption I?” Cheng Yu very self-confident saying. “是吗?看来你对自己的底蕴很自信。虽然这里确实是你的地盘,可是你就这么确信你能耗的过我?”程宇十分自信的说道。 Who consumes consumes anyone, we try apparent!” The old men did not plan that argued these with Cheng Yu. “到底谁耗不过耗谁,咱们试试便知!”老者也并不打算与程宇去争辩这些。 Now is placed in front of their two people a fact is, who first has the big move, means who first cannot support, must fall leeward. 现在摆在他们两人面前的一个事实就是,谁先出大招,意味着谁先撑不住,就要落入下风了。 Two people is very at heart clear, therefore both sides impossible by opposite party such simple prodding. 两个人的心里都很清楚,所以双方都不可能被对方这么简单的激将。 Only when now, two person this are first consuming either, burnt out until another side. Either looked who first thinks the law of collapsing, grasps the fight the initiative, snatches the potential of winning side! 唯今之际,两个人要么就这样先耗着,直到另外一方被拖垮。要么就看谁先想到破局之法,掌握战斗的主动权,抢回上风之势! Tries to try!” Cheng Yu indifferent saying.? “试试就试试!”程宇淡然的说道。?
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