GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4568: Also is a channel?

God level student entering in midterm novel very writes down()” searches the latest chapter! “神级插班生小说酷笔记()”查找最新章节! Cheng Yu their four people entered the channel to return to the entrance of other that main hall again. 程宇他们四个人再次进入通道回到了另外那个大殿的入口处。 At this time they somewhat were ignorant. 只是这个时候他们却有些懵了。 This......” four people stand in the entrance, looks in main hall all, could not speak. “这……”四个人站在入口处,看着大殿里面的一切,却是都说不出话来了。 Young Master, our going astray road?” Elder Feng asked. 少爷,我们是不是走错路了?”冯长老问道。 „Is this possible? A here altogether such channel, do we have other outlet?” Cheng Yu shakes the head, the view of Elder Feng obviously is incorrect. “这怎么可能呢?这里总共就这么一条通道,难道我们还有别的出路吗?”程宇摇摇头,冯长老的这个说法显然是不对的。 However at this time appears before them the main hall before that them sees actually different. 但是此时出现在他们面前的这个大殿与他们之前看到的那个却不一样。 Before that main hall the most noticeable characteristics had many statues, but this main hall actually statue did not have, wasn't this very strange? 之前那个大殿里面最引人注目的特点就是有很多的石像,可是这个大殿竟然一个石像都没有,这不是很奇怪吗? This also really damn, before this place, obviously is not this appearance, how now to change the appearance all of a sudden?” Elder Feng very strange saying. “这还真是见鬼了,这个地方之前明明不是这个样子的,现在怎么会一下子变了模样呢?”冯长老十分奇怪的说道。 Before he also almost entered the main hall, but Young Master has not made him go, at that time in the main hall layout is completely not this appearance. 之前他还差点进入大殿了,但是少爷没让他进去,那个时候大殿里面的布局完全都不是这个样子的。 Now but in this main hall does not have the statue, all are very clean, is very empty, except for setting up several great stone columns in main hall, as if anything does not have. 可是现在这个大殿里面并没有石像,一切都很干净,也很空荡,除了立在大殿中的几根巨石柱,似乎什么都没有。 Young Master, in this channel has what mechanism/organization, we go back here opened the mechanism/organization automatically. When we come back again, we in fact entered another channel.” The Elder Yang analysis said. 少爷,这通道里是不是有什么机关,我们回去的时候这里就自动开启了机关。等我们再回来的时候,我们实际上是走进了另外一条通道。”杨长老分析道。 This should not be possible, we left such a while, how possibly such all of a sudden changed?” The Elder Feng doubts said. “这应该不可能吧,我们就离开了这么一会儿,怎么可能这么一下子就变了呢?”冯长老疑惑道。 This place somewhat was mystical, moreover here master had to open the energy of space, perhaps we truly entered other space in situation, not necessarily not possibly.” Cheng Yu is frowning to say. “这个地方本来就有些神秘,而且这里的主人本就有开辟空间之能,也许我们确实是在神不知鬼不觉的情况下进入了别的空间,也未必就没有可能。”程宇皱着眉头说道。 If we really went astray, what to do that can?” Saying of some Elder Fan also worries. “如果我们真的走错了,那可怎么办?”范长老也有些担心的说道。 Words cannot say, we had not entered in that main hall before, how you know that main hall is the correct place? “话也不能这么说,我们之前也没有进入过那个大殿之中,你们又怎么知道那个大殿就是正确的地方呢? We actually also can definitely change an angle to think, perhaps most starts the main hall that makes us enter is a bureau, if we went were instead bad. 我们其实也完全可以换个角度想一想,或许最开始引我们进入的大殿本来就是一个局,如果我们进去了反而糟糕了。 But we for exactly these souls cultivate/repair have not actually entered this bureau, but returned. 可是我们恰好为了那些魂修却并没有进入这个局,而是返回去了。 Finally now appears before us is the correct and safe place? ” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. 结果现在出现在我们面前的才是正确又安全的地方呢?”程宇摇摇头说道。 Sometimes the world all things the unceasing change, a decision will be changing a life of person. 天下万事万物都在不断的变化,有时候一个决定就会改变一个人的一生。 A mistake then step by step wrong. 一步错便步步错。 Before true meeting, no one dares saying that at that time stepped into that main hall is to or wrong. 在没有真正的遇到之前,谁也不敢说当时踏入那个大殿到底是对还是错。 Now they simply know this main hall before them that sees is different, but which main hall is safer? 现在他们仅仅知道这个大殿跟他们之前所看到的那个是不一样的,但哪个大殿更安全呢? Perhaps only then the destiny knew. 或许只有命运才知道了。 So won't be skillful? Moreover, if this saying in turn as if also yes, if the first time is the opportunity, now is the trap?” Elder Feng thinks to say. “不会这么巧吧?而且,如果这话反过来似乎也是可以的,万一第一次就是机会,现在才是陷阱呢?”冯长老想了想说道。 Therefore I said anything is possible, but is to is wrong, wanted us to experience personally knew the genuine and fake. “所以我说万事皆有可能,但是到底是对是错,还是要我们自己亲自经历了才知道真假。 Since has missed, even if we want to recover the original that main hall, is still not necessarily able to look. Perhaps this is the divine intervention, makes the best of a bad situation! ” Cheng Yu said. 既然已经错过了,我们就算想找回原来那个大殿,也未必能够找的到。或许这就是天意,将错就错吧!”程宇说道。 This matter does not have the means to judge at this moment wrong to with, they can only comply with the nature. 这件事情此时此刻是没有办法去评判对与错的,他们只能顺应自然。 Since, that has accepted this fact now like this simply, perhaps this is right, clear that who also said? 既然现在已经这样了,那就干脆接受这个事实吧,或许这就是对的,谁又说的清呢? Young Master, can we go in now? Perhaps we go back again one time, will here turn into the original appearance?” Elder Fan said. 少爷,那我们现在要进去吗?或许我们再回去一次,这里又会变成原来的样子呢?”范长老说道。 I thought that best do not do that.” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say again. “我觉得最好还是不要这么做。”程宇再次摇头道。 Why?” Three people look at Cheng Yu. “为什么?”三人都看着程宇 Before we said that this channel possibly has the mechanism/organization, but we had not found. “之前我们就说这条通道可能存在机关,但是我们自己并没有找到。 Now we twice different process here, actually really occurrence the change, shows that in this mechanism/organization is very ingenious, moreover is also very mysterious. 现在我们两次不同的经过这里,竟然真的发生了变化,说明这里面机关很巧妙,而且也很神秘。 Next, we do not understand this mechanism/organization what's the matter. 其次,我们并不了解这机关到底是怎么回事。 Perhaps right that you said that if we round trip walk now again, when we stand again this place, perhaps we will also be like before, what seen is that main hall. 也许你们说的对,如果我们现在再往回走一遍,当我们再次站到这个地方的时候,也许我们又会跟之前一样,看到的是那个大殿。 However I also said that how you can determine that main hall is safe? 但是我也说了,你们又怎么能确定那个大殿就是安全的呢? Moreover, if after we try again one time, we do go to the place that here sees is also different? Is the place that if the next time sees more dangerous? These are very likely to happen. 7 asked the novel 而且,万一我们再试一次之后,我们来到这里看到的地方又不一样呢?万一下一次所看到的地方更加危险呢?这些都是极有可能发生的。七问小说 But I think that the most important point is, I worried that perhaps this mechanism/organization has the number of times. If we go back again, has the possibility to be stranded us in this mysterious channel very much directly. 而我认为最最重要的一点是,我担心这个机关也许是有次数的。我们若是再回去,很有可能直接把我们困在这条神秘的通道里。 Compares in these two different main halls, I worried that was stranded the situation in channel, therefore we can only make the best of a bad situation now, directly enters the main hall, you come with me now. ” Cheng Yu analyzed to explain with three people well, a words saying ended entered the main hall directly. 相比于这两个不同的大殿,我更担心被困在通道里的情况,所以我们现在只能将错就错,直接进入大殿,你们现在跟我来。”程宇跟三人好好的分析解释了一番,话一说完更是直接走进了大殿。 I felt right that Young Master said that missing was not necessarily wrong, perhaps really looked like Young Master saying that our bumped into, this was leads to the place of our world is not uncertain.” Elder Fan was saying also entered in the main hall. “我觉得少爷说的对,错过了未必就是错的,也许真像少爷所说,我们这就是误打误撞,这才是通往我们人类世界的地方也不一定。”范长老说着也进入了大殿之中。 Elder Feng, do not want is too many, improvises on the cameo surprise, we also go. Young Master has said that entered the main hall, this channel may trigger the mechanism/organization to be closed, I do not want to be closed in this channel.” Elder Yang is saying also with. 冯长老,不要想太多了,既来之,则安之,我们也进去吧。少爷可是说过了,进入了大殿,这条通道有可能会触发机关关闭的,我可不想被关在这条通道里。”杨长老说着也跟了进去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! But after Elder Yang enters the main hall, on the channel and main hall connected place really have very big sound to spread. 可就在杨长老进入大殿之后,通道与大殿相连的地方上面竟然有很大的声音传出。 I go! Really real!” Elder Feng saw that stone door falls together downward, quickly grasping the meaning of something that immediately frightens, the whole body cold sweat, hurries to flash, the whole person sneaked into the main hall. “我去!果然是真的!”冯长老见到一块石门往下落来,顿时吓的一激灵,浑身冷汗,赶紧一闪,整个人就溜进了大殿。 Bang! 轰! Meanwhile, that stone door falls to the ground directly, seals the channel stubbornly. 与此同时,那石门直接落地,将通道封的死死的。 The people turn head look again, saw only them unable to find that channel, moreover from stone wall of this side, could not see here to have a gate, like an entire rubble stone wall. 众人再回头看去,只见他们已经找不到那条通道了,而且从这一面的石壁上,根本就看不出这里有一个门,就像一整块石壁一样。 Elder Yang, but also really made you say right, closure that this passed true understanding.” Elder Feng touched in stone wall, completely does not have any trace. 杨长老,还真让你说对了,这条通道真的关闭了。”冯长老在石壁上摸了摸,完全没有任何痕迹。 Was not I says right, but was Young Master says right. Now knew the lingering fear, if you 1 : 00 pm, you must be stranded in that channel again.” Elder Yang said with a smile. “不是我说对了,而是少爷说对了。现在知道后怕了吧,你要是再晚 1 点,你就要被困在那通道里面了。”杨长老笑着说道。 You said right, is Young Master is far-seeing, I have really not known how otherwise must come out.” Elder Feng at this time also truly is that frightens. “你说的没错,还是少爷有远见,要不然我还真不知道要怎么出来。”冯长老此时也确实是吓的一身冷汗。 Never expected that this Young Master seemingly is young, but the story and experience are actually so rich, although speculated, near perfect that but the lots were actually also guessed by him, this point is truly fierce. 没有想到这个少爷看起来年纪轻轻,但是阅历和经验却是如此丰富,虽然只是推测,但是很多东西却也被他猜的八九不离十,这一点确实厉害。 Sometimes he will even have an misconception, compared with them, this Young Master is larger compared with their age, if did not see that he is so truly young. 有时候他甚至会出现一种错觉,比起他们,这个少爷比他们的年岁要大的多,如果不是看到他确实这么年轻的话。 Stands in this more spacious main hall, their these first first response looks at time the lamp in this main hall. 站在这更加空旷的大殿中,他们这一次首先第一反应就是看这大殿之中的灯。 However here spirit lamp is not obviously complex, is an ordinary spirit lamp, right now may give to perplex everyone. 不过这里的灵灯显然并没有那么复杂,就是一盏普通的灵灯,这下子可把大家给难住了。 Young Master, it seems like here mechanism/organization should not send on the lamp.” Elder Yang said. 少爷,看来这里的机关应该不在灯上发。”杨长老说道。 Same mechanism/organization he is impossible to use twice, that had no significance. This main hall is quite spatial, in the entire main hall is quite obvious on these murals, perhaps therefore I feel in these murals to hide the mechanism/organization is not uncertain.” Cheng Yu said. “同样的机关他不可能用两次,那就没有任何意义了。这个大殿比较空,整个大殿里面就这些壁画比较明显,所以我觉得这些壁画里面或许藏着机关也不一定。”程宇说道。 Since can come here, that had shown obviously they eradicated the secret of spirit lamp, a here master possibly again repeatedly such process? 既然能够来到这里,那显然已经证明他们破除了灵灯的秘密,这里的主人又怎么可能再重复这样一个过程呢? Even they, it is estimated that will not arrange the mechanism/organization with such design again. 就算是他们自己,估计也不会再用这样的设计来布置机关了。 Young Master, or you ask that these souls cultivate/repair, having a look at them to know here matter.” Elder Fan proposed. 少爷,要不你问问那些魂修,看看他们知不知道这里的事情。”范长老提议道。 I have asked that before they not, has not come to here, after becoming the soul cultivates, is even that main hall has no way to leave, therefore the situation besides that main hall, they knows nothing.” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. “我已经问过了,他们并没有之前并没有来过这里,成为魂修以后更是连那大殿都没法离开,所以除了那个大殿以外的情况,他们都一无所知。”程宇摇摇头说道。 He also regrets regarding this point is also very helpless, after all treated with these here does not know that compared with many years the souls cultivated/repaired, they to here were really strange. 对于这一点他也十分遗憾又无奈,毕竟与这些在这里待了不知道多少年的魂修相比,他们对这里实在是太陌生了。 If they can help everyone direct to lead the way anything, that all these on simple many. 如果他们能够帮大家引引路什么的,那这一切就简单的多了。 Obviously but these souls cultivate/repair unable to help their anything, therefore all can only look at them. 可是显然这些魂修并不能帮到他们什么,所以一切还是只能看他们自己了。 They touched for quite a while in stone wall of this main hall, response that also has no. 只是他们在这大殿的石壁上又摸了半天,也没有任何的反应。 ! 咔嚓! But when everyone was considering that here mechanism/organization where, Elder Feng sits on the throne of main hall, suddenly sees that throne below resounding, later in the throne following stone wall rotated unexpectedly directly. 可是就在大家都在考虑这里的机关到底在哪的时候,冯长老坐在大殿的王座上,突然见到那王座下方一声脆响,随后王座后面的石壁上竟是直接转动了起来。 However Elder Feng also had a scare by the sudden response, first leaps to under the main hall Cheng Yu three people in front. 不过冯长老也被突如其来的反应吓了一跳,第一时间跃到大殿下方的程宇三人面前。 Haha, Elder Feng, this time you contributed to the great merit, unexpectedly found the mechanism/organization quickly.” Elder Yang said with a smile. “哈哈,冯长老,这次你立大功了,竟然这么快就找到了机关。”杨长老笑道。 Frightened me to jump, but also thinks that triggers the trap, but I do not know that what's the matter triggered the mechanism/organization a moment ago!” Elder Feng is also resigned-looking saying with a smile. “吓了我一跳,还以为是触发陷阱了,不过我都不知道刚才是怎么回事就触发了机关!”冯长老也是一脸无奈的笑道。 This inside mechanism/organization also is really many, but these mechanisms/organizations as if lead to another place, has not left this space the channel, this made one somewhat worry.” Elder Fan said. “这里面的机关还真是多,只是这些机关似乎都只是通往另外一个地方的,并没有离开这个空间的通道,这就让人有些着急了。”范长老说道。 Regarding the buried treasure, actually he does not care, he hopes eventually can leave here a bit faster. 对于宝藏不宝藏,其实他并不那么在意,他终究还是希望能够快点离开这里。 This thinks that here will have the exit|to speak to world, but sees the throne following channel now, wants not to need to know that was goes to another place or is the place of such main hall, how can not be disappointed? 本以为在这里会有通往人类世界的出口,可是现在看到王座后面的通道,想都不用想都知道那又是前往另外一个地方或者是这样的大殿的地方了,怎会不失望呢? First should not be discouraged, after perhaps we walk one all main halls, will appear leaves here exit|to speak. Let alone we here buried treasure had not seen, if he makes an exit|to speak directly to us, that no one can find his buried treasure forever?” Cheng Yu has not worried actually, as if had had not found the feeling that the buried treasure does not want to go back. In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( is Chapter 4568 a channel?) The reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! “先不要气馁,也许当我们把所有的大殿都走一遍之后,就会出现离开这里的出口了。更何况我们连这里的宝藏都没有看到,他若是直接就弄个出口给我们,那岂不是永远都没人能找到他的宝藏了吗?”程宇倒是没有那么着急,似乎有没找到宝藏就不想回去的感觉。为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第4568章又是通道?)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! Likes «God Level Student entering in midterm» please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book to your friend, support thank you!!() 喜欢《神级插班生》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!()
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