GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4567: Handle!

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You come with me together!” Cheng Yu makes the Elder Fan three people follow finally after behind, one line of four people had in the middle of Immortals and Demons Pagoda several souls to cultivate/repair to enter in the channel. “你们跟我一起来吧!”程宇最终还是让范长老三人跟在身后,一行四人带着仙魔塔当中的几个魂修进入了通道之中。 Although makes these souls cultivate/repair to try the effect now, having a look at his Immortals and Demons Pagoda to make them avoid the seal to their limits. 虽然现在只是让这些魂修试试效果,看看他的仙魔塔到底能不能让他们避开封印对他们的限制。 However Elder Fan they do not have the means to restrain these souls to cultivate/repair, if after he leaves, these souls cultivate/repair they launch the attack to Elder Fan again, that is very dangerous. 但是范长老他们没有办法克制这些魂修,万一他离开以后,这些魂修再次对范长老他们发起攻击,那可是很危险的。 After the throne sinks, what remains is an entrance, Cheng Yu arrives at the entrance, inside has a long stone steps channel. 王座沉下去之后,留下来的是一个入口,程宇来到入口处,里面有一条长长的石阶通道。 Young Master carefully!” Three people follow on the heels to the Young Master reminder that guides in front were saying. 少爷小心点!”三人跟在后面对着在前面带路的少爷提醒道。 Cheng Yu nods has not turned head, bringing a spirit lamp toward continue walk along the stone steps. 程宇点点头没有回头,带着一盏灵灯往继续沿着石阶走去。 The channel is somewhat narrow, at most can two people also pass through. In stone wall is hanging the spirit lamp, even if actually Cheng Yu do not need the spirit lamp still to see clearly this channel. 通道有些窄,最多也只能两个人同时通行。石壁上挂着灵灯,其实就算程宇自己不用灵灯也是可以看清这条通道的。 Above stone wall of channel is also carving many chart marks, the style is consistent with the main hall. 通道的石壁之上同样刻着许多的图纹,风格与大殿中是一致的。 In this does not know that also has any fearful mechanism/organization.” Elder Feng looks that this long channel said. “这里面不知道还有没有什么可怕的机关。”冯长老看着这条长长的通道说道。 Everyone carefully, do not touch stone wall, to avoid error to touch the mechanism/organization trap, otherwise we might be stranded in this.” After Cheng Yu sizes up, is reminding to several people behind. “大家小心点,千万不要碰触石壁,以免误触机关陷阱,否则我们有可能会被困在这里面的。”程宇四下打量之后,对着身后几人提醒道。 Understood.” “明白。” Although Cheng Yu they first come to try, but they are quite careful. After all this is a completely strange place, no one dares to say trap mechanism/organization that in this whether has no. 虽然程宇他们只是先进来试一下,但是他们还是比较小心的。毕竟这是一个完全陌生的地方,谁也不敢说这里面是否就没有任何的陷阱机关。 Eye unceasing in sizing up the situation in channel, has the place of calibration line particularly, is careful. 眼睛不断的在打量着通道内的情况,尤其是有刻纹的地方,更是小心谨慎。 Is good is quite smooth because of all, after Cheng Yu they pass through the channel, appears before them unexpectedly is another main hall. 好在一切都比较顺利,当程宇他们穿过通道之后,出现在他们面前的竟然是另外一个大殿。 Cheng Yu sharply has not been entering the main hall, but cautious standing looked toward inside in the entrance. 程宇并没有急着进入大殿,只是小心翼翼的站在入口处往里面看了看。 Although the main hall is very big, is very spacious, however here layout style obviously was different from former that main hall. 虽然大殿很大,也很空旷,但是这里的布局风格却跟之前那个大殿明显不一样。 Other first did not say, at least this main hall no longer has the railing to appear, this also basically can judge that this main hall that mysterious space has not appeared. 别的先不说,至少这大殿不再有围栏出现,这也就基本上可以判断出这个大殿并没有那种神秘的空间出现了。 However in this main hall has many giant statues, Cheng Yu, although has not entered the main hall, but by his story, these statues is not definitely simple. 不过这大殿之中却有很多的巨大石像,程宇虽然没有进入大殿,但是以他的阅历来看,这些石像肯定没有那么简单。 First do not go in!” Saw that behind Elder Feng wants to enter the main hall, Cheng Yu actually blocked him with the hand directly. “先不要进去!”看到身后的冯长老想要进入大殿,程宇却是直接用手拦住了他。 Why?” The Elder Feng doubts said. “为什么?”冯长老疑惑道。 If we entered this main hall, may make this channel close. Therefore we can only first look here probably went back, one will enter the main hall again.” Cheng Yu said. “如果我们进入了这个大殿,很有可能让这条通道关闭。所以我们只能先在这里大概看一看就回去了,一会再进入大殿。”程宇说道。 Although does not have the evidence to prove this point now, but Cheng Yu thought is more careful does not make a mistake easily. 虽然现在没有证据证明这一点,但是程宇还是觉得小心谨慎一些不容易出错。 After all before such matter him, has experienced, generally in the mechanism/organization that this place sets up is the linkages. 毕竟这样的事情他以前可是经历过很多的,一般在这种地方设立的机关都是联动的。 Enters from a region to another region will block the old route. 从一个区域进入到另外一个区域就会将原路封死。 Cheng Yu cultivates or compares to these souls to regard as important, therefore does not want to miss. 程宇对那些魂修还是比较看重的,所以不想就这么错过了。 Moreover convinced them to follow itself with great difficulty, if here mechanism/organization were irreversible, that was a pity. 而且好不容易才说服了他们来追随自己,万一这里的机关是不可逆的,那就太可惜了。 Therefore at this moment, even if he thought that these statues are not very simple, does not plan to go in now finds out. 所以此时此刻,就算他觉得那些石像很不简单,也不打算现在进去一探究竟。 Later they cultivated/repaired these souls receive in Immortals and Demons Pagoda to go, came back to study one is not late again well. 待会他们把那些魂修都接到仙魔塔里面去了,再回来好好研究一番也不迟。 Young Master, how did these souls cultivate/repair?” Elder Yang asked. 少爷,那些魂修怎么样了?”杨长老问道。 They are all right.” Cheng Yu said. “他们没事。”程宇说道。 He knew about Immortals and Demons Pagoda inside situation very much that several souls cultivate/repair and does not have any issue, still in live well. 他对仙魔塔里面的情况很了解,那几个魂修并没有任何的问题,依然在里面活的好好的。 Young Master, but here and that main hall is connected in the same place, can this be too short? Perhaps waits for us to enter this main hall later these souls to practice moral culture on seal to have an effect?” Elder Feng said. 少爷,可是这里与那个大殿相连在一起,这会不会太短了?也许等我们进入这个大殿之后这些魂修身上的封印才会起作用呢?”冯长老说道。 This should not, although here and that main hall is not very far, but does not belong to that main hall, therefore my idea should be successful.” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. “这应该不会,虽然这里与那个大殿并不是很远,但是已经不属于那个大殿了,所以我的想法应该是成功的。”程宇摇摇头说道。 Now you should believe that I haven't deceived you?” At this time the Cheng Yu's sound also spread to Immortals and Demons Pagoda. “现在你们应该相信我没有骗你们了吧?”此时程宇的声音也传入了仙魔塔之中。 Right that you said that your Magical Treasure truly can avoid that seal to our injuries.” Cheng Yu intends to make them see outside situation through Magical Treasure, knows that they have truly left have limited their main halls, arrived at another main hall, they are actually also living, all excited saying. “你说的对,你这法宝确实可以避开那封印对我们的伤害。”程宇有意让他们通过法宝看到外面的情况,知道他们确实已经离开了限制他们的大殿,来到了另外一个大殿,他们却还活着,无不激动的说道。 Follows the Cheng Yu's angle of view to walk, to be honest, they scared seriously, thinks oneself these was time dead most likely. 跟着程宇的视角一路走过来,说实话,他们当真是吓坏了,以为自己这一次十有八九是死定了。 But now, they have entirely believed Cheng Yu's words, because of them now truly also live well, and does not have any feeling was under the threat of seal. 可是现在,他们已经完全相信了程宇的话,因为他们现在确实还活的好好的,并没有任何感觉受到了封印的威胁。 In fact, when Cheng Yu before entering channel they have known oneself were all right, because some people have also opened this channel, they also want to enter this channel. Good mood literature network 实际上,当程宇在进入通道的时候他们就已经知道自己没事了因为以前也有人打开过这条通道,他们也想要进入过这条通道。好心情文学网 However these souls cultivate/repair clash the inlet passage on at the scene soul flies away and scatters , radical disappearance. 但是那些魂修一冲进通道就当场魂飞魄散,彻底的消失了。 Also was at that time, everyone knows that they actually had no way to leave that main hall. Afterward even if some people opened this channel again, still had no soul to cultivate/repair to clash again. 也就是那个时候,大家才知道他们其实是没法离开那个大殿的。后来就算再有人打开这条通道,也再没有哪个魂修再冲进来。 But this time, they with the Cheng Yu's help, with the aid of his Magical Treasure, really passed through the channel unexpectedly, this showed sufficiently Cheng Yu's Magical Treasure truly can save them to leave the main hall. 可是这一次,他们在程宇的帮助下,借助他的法宝,竟然真的穿过了通道,这足以证明程宇的法宝确实可以救他们离开大殿。 „Can you determine like this safely?” Cheng Yu asked. “你们可以确定这样安全了吗?”程宇问道。 Security security, enough security. If we have the matter, stepped into that moment of channel we to have an accident in you. “安全安全,已经足够安全了。如果我们有事的话,在你踏入通道的那一刻我们就出事了。 Before some people had also opened this channel, these souls cultivated/repaired want to enter this channel, but they vanished into thin air instantaneously. 以前有人也打开过这条通道,那些魂修就想进入这条通道,但是他们瞬间就烟消云散了。 Now we have gone to this place, therefore our plans should succeed, we now are absolutely safe. ” That several souls cultivate/repair obviously very excited saying. 现在我们都已经来到这个地方了,所以我们的计划应该是成功了,我们现在绝对是安全的。”那几个魂修明显很是激动的说道。 Such being the case, we go back now.” Cheng Yu nods, hears them to explain, in the heart had the confidence. “既然如此,那我们现在就回去了。”程宇点点头,听到他们这么解释,心中就更有信心了。 Come time is very slow, after all did not understand to this. However goes back actually quick, they returned to the original main hall quickly. 来的时候很慢,毕竟对这里面不了解。不过回去的时候却很快,他们很快就回到了原来的大殿之中。 Fellow Daoist, they...... how?” These souls cultivate/repair very anxiously already is waiting in the main hall, saw that Cheng Yu they came back finally, immediately worries collects to ask. “道友,他们……怎么样了?”这些魂修都已经很焦急的在大殿里面等着,看到程宇他们终于回来了,顿时着急的凑上来问道。 Congratulates you, you must regain the freedom quickly.” Cheng Yu was saying then cultivated/repaired putting that several souls. “恭喜你们,你们很快就要恢复自由了。”程宇说着便把那几个魂修给放了出来。 „Are you really all right unexpectedly?” Saw these souls cultivate/repair one much is living, all souls cultivated/repaired are excited. “你们竟然真的没事?”看到这几个魂修一个不少的活着回来了,所有的魂修都激动了。 They look with own eyes Cheng Yu they entered in the channel, even vanished in the channel, this was enough they to leave this main hall to have enough distance. 他们可是亲眼看着程宇他们进入了通道之中,甚至在通道之中消失了,这足以他们离开了这个大殿有足够的距离了。 Originally everyone noticed that Cheng Yu they have not come back for a long time, but also thinks that these souls cultivated/repaired to have an accident, Cheng Yu they do not need to come back again. 本来大家看到程宇他们好久都没有回来,还以为那些魂修出事了,程宇他们也就没有必要再回来了。 But now, these souls cultivate/repair well fortunately, this explained before Cheng Yu, to words that they spoke truly real. 可是现在,这些魂修都还好好的,这说明程宇之前跟他们说的话确实都是真的。 We are really all right, moreover I also saw another main hall, we really can go out.” That several souls cultivate/repair also exciting saying. “我们真的没事,而且我还看到了另外一个大殿,我们真的可以出去了。”那几个魂修也兴奋不已的说道。 Good, we can return to the world finally.” These souls cultivate/repair are also excited saying. “太好了,我们终于可以回到人类世界了。”这些魂修一个个也是激动不已的说道。 They said before can wait to live is very good on last legs here, that is because they do not have other road to elect. 他们之前说能够苟延残喘的待在这里活下来也很好,那是因为他们没有别的路可选。 However currently clearly also has another better road to choose, they still wanted to flee this type not to have the daylight day forever. 但是现在显然还有另外一条更好的路可以选择,他们仍然还是想要逃离这种永无天日的日子。 Now you ought to believe me!” Cheng Yu said. “现在你们总该相信我了吧!”程宇说道。 Believes!” These souls cultivate/repair in abundance the exciting nod, at this time looks again to the Cheng Yu's look, no longer the fear, in the middle of the look filled with the anticipation, looks at Cheng Yu like looking at the Savior. “相信相信!”这些魂修纷纷激动的点头,此时再次看向程宇的眼神,不再害怕,眼神当中充满了期待,看着程宇就像在看救世主一样。 Such being the case, you should know how should do?” Cheng Yu wants is they now this attitude. “既然如此,那你们应该知道该怎么做了吧?”程宇要的就是他们现在这种态度。 Actually, by his ability, these souls cultivated/repaired initially does not want even, he can still force them to enter in Immortals and Demons Pagoda forcefully. 其实,以他的能力,当初这些魂修就算是不愿意,他也可以强行逼迫他们进入仙魔塔里面。 However he has not chosen does that but chose a more modest method, like such that Cheng Yu said often, he liked winning popular support with kindness. 但是他并没有选择这么做,而是选择了更加温和的手段,就像程宇自己经常说的那样,他更喜欢以德服人。 If can make these souls cultivate/repair surrendered sincerely that uses the method to force their submitting to be much better compared with him absolutely. 如果能让这些魂修诚心归服,那绝对比他用手段强迫他们屈服要好的多。 Pays a visit Young Master, I and others am willing to pledge to fight to the death to follow Young Master.” These souls cultivated/repaired also to think obviously, since made this decision, that had nothing well hesitant. “拜见少爷,我等愿意誓死追随少爷。”这些魂修显然也早就想好了,既然做出了这个决定,那就没有什么好犹豫的了。 Let alone they waited for here so many years, this is also first wants to lead them to leave here human. 更何况他们在这里等待了这么多年,这也是第一想要带他们离开这里的人类。 Such bold idea, in addition Cheng Yu's skill and ability, truly is worth them attempting one time. 这么大胆的想法,再加上程宇的本事和能力,也确实值得他们尝试一次。 Moreover, before Elder Fan them, had told them the words may also happen very much. That is the next time, if has human cultivator to come in again, may massacre them directly, rather than rescues them. 而且,范长老他们之前跟他们说过的话也是很有可能发生的。那就是下一次若是再有人类修士进来,或许会直接杀掉他们,而不是解救他们。 Perhaps their words are inaccurate, next the human cultivator strength of coming is perhaps ordinary, and is not enough to massacre them. 也许他们的话并不准确,下一次进来的人类修士或许实力一般,并不足以杀掉他们。 However they were also difficult insurance saying that next human cultivator of coming in certainly will be weaker than them, if were really capable of massacring them? 但是他们也难保说下一次进来的人类修士就一定会比他们弱,万一真的有能力杀掉他们呢? Even under next not that next time, one after next next? 就算下一次没有那下下次,下下下次呢? Perhaps one day, they will meet some strengths to massacre them sufficiently, will really massacre their human cultivator, rather than will rescue like Cheng Yu their. 或许总有一天,他们会遇到一些实力足以杀掉他们,而且是真的会杀掉他们的人类修士,而不是像程宇一样会解救他们的。 Therefore has saying that this to them truly is a rare opportunity, they are willing to wrestle. 所以不得不说,这对于他们来说确实是一次难得的机会,他们愿意一搏。 Very good, you fully enter to my Magical Treasure in now. I also believe that you will definitely not regret for your today's decision.” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “很好,那你们现在全部进入到我的法宝里面来吧。我也相信你们肯定不会为你们今天的这个决定后悔的。”程宇笑着说道。 We also anticipate arrival of this day very much.” These souls cultivated/repaired fully entered in Cheng Yu's Magical Treasure without delay on own initiative. “我们也很期待这一天的到来。”这些魂修二话不说全部主动进入了程宇的法宝之中。 Now we can leave here.” Repairs to receive Immortals and Demons Pagoda all souls, the Cheng Yu mood is excellent, having the Elder Fan three people to enter in the channel again. In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 4567 handles!) The reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! “现在我们可以离开这里了。”将所有的魂修收入仙魔塔,程宇心情大好,带着范长老三人再次进入通道之中。为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第4567章搞定!)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! Likes «God Level Student entering in midterm» please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book to your friend, support thank you!!() 喜欢《神级插班生》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!()
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