GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4338: We can discuss the condition!

In everyone leaves for three months clear Yangcheng later, city lord of these alliances received three astonishing messages unexpectedly one after another. 就在所有人从清阳城离开三个月之后,这些联盟的城主竟是接二连三的收到了三个惊人的消息。 The stable alliance, the high side alliance and azure prestige alliance three alliances announced that merges into the Cheng Family sphere of influence. 安定联盟、高方联盟和青威联盟三个联盟都宣布并入到程家的势力范围。 Naturally, those who make these city lord shock, city lord of these three alliances moreover the collective changes players, even there are to spread saying that these three city lord vanished to disappear. 当然,更让这些城主们震惊的是,这三个联盟的城主而且集体换了人,甚至有流传说这三个城主都消失不见了。 Moreover newly appointed three city lord are the Crossing Tribulation Stage experts who Cheng Family sends out personally, this meaningful. 而且新上任的三位城主都是程家亲自派出的渡劫期的高手,这就让人意味深长了。 clear river Alliance Qinghecheng! 清河联盟清河城! Everyone also saw, the stable alliance, the high side alliance and azure prestige alliance has an accident one after another, three city lord also vanish to disappear, explained that Cheng Family has acted.” clear river city lord receives the message, then the chancellors Qinghecheng looked. “大家也都看到了,安定联盟、高方联盟和青威联盟接连出事,就连三位城主也都消失不见了,说明程家已经出手了。”清河城主收到消息,便把清河城的主事们找了过来。 city lord, this Cheng Family movement may really be neat, quickly three alliances taking, moreover this matter actually has not caused what disturbance in three alliances, this Cheng Family was too fearful!” Chancellor Zhao says. 城主,这程家的动作可真是干净利落,这么快就把三个联盟给拿下了,而且这件事情在三个联盟竟然都没有弄出什么风波来,这程家真的太可怕了!”赵主事开口说道。 This was our so many alliance in clear Yangcheng does not dare initially with the reason that Cheng Family came hardly!” clear river city lord said. “这也是当初我们这么多联盟在清阳城都不敢跟程家硬来的原因!”清河城主说道。 Then, initially that week city lord requested us to open all important passes the time, the decision of city lord was really correct. “这么说来,当初那位周城主要求我们开放所有关口的时候,城主的决定真的是非常的正确了。 Through coming out that three big alliance things can look, if we rejected the request of week city lord at that time, feared that was we must before these three big alliances by Cheng Family taking! ” Chancellor Zhao thinks now, even somewhat lingering fear. 通过三大联盟这件事情就可以看的出来,如果我们当时拒绝了周城主的请求,怕是我们还要在这三大联盟之前就被程家给拿下了!”赵主事现在想一想,甚至有几分后怕。 Initially after they and Cheng Family laid cards on the table, week city lord requested them all important pass opening. 当初他们与程家摊牌以后,周城主就要求他们将所有的关口开放。 At that time the city lord decision did that he has even also prevented. 那个时候城主决定这么做的时候,他甚至还阻止过。 Is good has not listened to his opinion because of city lord finally, must otherwise, the consequence really not dare to imagine. 好在城主最后并没有听从他的意见,要不然的话,后果真的不敢想象。 Perhaps present clear river Alliance also like that three alliances, turned into the Cheng Family sphere of influence. 或许现在的清河联盟也像那三个联盟一样,变成程家的势力范围了。 Person under the eaves, has to lower the head. The Cheng Family strength is so strong, if conflicts with them directly, will be will definitely not have the good end.” clear river city lord said. “人在屋檐下,不得不低头。程家的实力那么强,若是与他们正面冲突,是绝对不会有好下场的。”清河城主说道。 Actually after obtaining the things of these three alliances, his was also frightened at heart. 其实在得到这三个联盟的事情之后,他的心里也是被吓到了。 If initially week city lord, when clear Yangcheng makes him open all important passes, but he has not done, that today's all these feared that will not be such simple. 如果当初周城主在清阳城的时候让他开放所有关口,但是他并没有那么做,那今天的这一切怕就不会是这么简单了。 city lord, Cheng Family takes these three alliances now suddenly, can they look for our troubles again? 城主,如今程家突然拿下了这三个联盟,那他们会不会再来找我们的麻烦呢? By the present situation, even if our so many alliance must resist together, feared that cannot play any role! ” A Chancellor He stands to say. 以现在的情况来看,就算我们这么多的联盟要一起抵抗,怕也起不了任何的作用!”一个何姓主事站出来说道。 This should, that three alliances not be started by Cheng Family, that is because they had not arrived at clear Yangcheng initially, this is only Cheng Family to their penalties. “这应该不会吧,那三个联盟之所以会被程家下手,那是因为他们当初并没有来到清阳城,这不过只是程家对他们的惩罚罢了。 If Cheng Family really wants to act to our these alliance, that initially week city lord, when clear Yangcheng has acted to us. 如果程家真的想要对我们这些联盟出手的话,那当初周城主在清阳城的时候就已经对我们出手了。 Therefore, this matter should arrive at this to end, Cheng Family was basically unlikely to take other alliances to start again! ” clear river city lord shakes the head to say. 所以,这件事情应该就到此结束了,程家基本上不太可能再拿其他联盟下手了!”清河城主摇摇头说道。 Does not fear 10,000, fears the eventuality. city lord, I thought that these three alliances were swallowed by Cheng Family, but is only a excuse. “不怕一万,就怕万一。城主,我觉得这三个联盟被程家吞下,不过只是一个借口罢了。 If this their Cheng Family found other excuses, they unavoidably not again to our clear river Alliance, or other alliances start! ” Chancellor what then said. 这要是他们程家又找到了其他的借口,他们难免不会再对我们清河联盟,或者其他联盟下手啊!”何主事接着说道。 city lord, I thought that the worry of Chancellor what also has the truth. This Cheng Family unexpectedly such not sound restless three alliances taking . Moreover the strengths of these three alliances compared with us. 城主,我觉得何主事的担心也不是没有道理的。这一次程家竟然这么不声不息的就将三个联盟给拿下了,而且这三个联盟的实力都要比我们强。 When if Cheng Family also kept thinking about our these alliance, the Cheng Family strength was so also strong, we could not achieve the resistance when the time comes, wasn't that result like them? ” Chancellor Zhao said. 若是程家什么时候也惦记上我们这些联盟了,程家的实力又那么强,我们到时候连反抗都做不到,那结果不也跟他们一样了吗?”赵主事说道。 What good way that fellow chancellors on the scene may have, making our clear river Alliance evade coveting of Cheng Family?” clear river city lord pondered a meeting, everyone is asking to the hall. “那在场的各位主事可有什么好办法,让我们清河联盟避过程家的觊觎呢?”清河城主沉思了一会,对着大厅内所有人问道。 Has saying that sees that three alliances such lightly by Cheng Family swallowing, his was also truly worried at heart very much. 不得不说,看到那三个联盟就这么轻悄悄的被程家给吞下了,他的心里确实也很担心。 If this matter happened in their clear river Alliance, he definitely is certain, this result will not have any difference. 如果这件事情发生在他们清河联盟,他完全可以肯定,这个结果不会有任何的不同。 Compared with powerful Cheng Family, their strengths were really weak. 与强大的程家相比,他们的实力实在是太弱了。 Initially so many alliance city lord, this think can bargain back and forth with Cheng Family. 当初那么多的联盟城主在,本以为可以跟程家讨价还价。 But finally? 可是结果呢? Under the week city lord domineering, no one can make Cheng Family step back. 在周城主的强势之下,没有一个人能够让程家退后一步。 Week city lord had not led many people on the same day, took white city lord and several other companions merely. 要知道,当天周城主还并没有带很多人,仅仅只是带上了白城主和另外几个同伴而已。 If Cheng Family really had the idea of each alliance to come, they when the time comes absolutely not only then such several people. 如果程家真的打起了各个联盟的主意来了,那他们到时候绝对不会只有这么几个人。 What is more important, at that time each alliance faced Cheng Family alone, rather than like that day, can gather the same place again completely. 更重要的是,那个时候每个联盟都是独自面对程家,而不是再像那天一样,能够全部聚到一起。 Therefore, once Cheng Family had the thoughts to each alliance, Cheng Family, if annexes everyone, that will be absolutely impossible also to have the second result. 所以,程家一旦对各个联盟起了心思,程家若要吞并大家,那绝对不可能还会有第二个结果。 city lord, I thought that now we only have two means to make us preserve clear river Alliance!” Chancellor Zhao said. 城主,我觉得现在我们只有两个办法能够让我们保住清河联盟!”赵主事说道。 Which two means?” clear river city lord asked. “哪两个办法?”清河城主问道。 First is to look for one can with the helper of Cheng Family balance, so long as there is this helper, that Cheng Family was naturally impossible to act in a self-serving manner to us like the present again.” Zhao Deacon said. “第一个就是找一个可以与程家制衡的帮手,只要有了这个帮手,那程家自然就不可能再像现在这样对我们为所欲为了。”赵执事说道。 „Can with the helper of Cheng Family balance? But where do we want on to look for such a powerful helper?” clear river city lord knits the brows to say. “一个可以与程家制衡的帮手?可是我们要上哪里找这么一个强大的帮手呢?”清河城主皱眉道。 Wanted me saying that this helper best is Royal Court. But had a look at the situations of other alliances to look, Royal Court estimated that will not meddle this matter. “要我说,这个帮手最好就是王朝了。只不过看看其他联盟的情况就可以看出来了,王朝估计也不会插手这件事情。 I even suspected that this Royal Court had reached some agreement with Cheng Family, how will otherwise they allow Cheng Family to embezzle the Royal Court domain repeatedly? ” Chancellor Zhao said. 我甚至怀疑这个王朝是不是已经与程家达成了某种协议,要不然他们怎么会允许程家一再侵吞王朝的地盘呢?”赵主事说道。 This point I also find it very strange, before heard person who actually has Royal Court has looked for Cheng Family. Afterward did not have the news again, does not know that was Royal Court and Cheng Family reached the agreement, Royal Court was also afraid Cheng Family.” clear river city lord shakes the head to say. “这一点我也觉得很奇怪,以前倒是听说有王朝的人找过程家。只是后来却再也没有消息了,也不知道是王朝程家达成了协议,还是王朝也害怕程家。”清河城主摇摇头说道。 No matter among them had reached the agreement, what is certain, we must find the Royal Court help are the unlikely things. “不管他们之间是不是已经达成了协议,不过可以肯定的是,我们要找到王朝帮忙是不太可能的事情。 Moreover I think that these years have not necessarily looked for Royal Court by these cities and alliances of Cheng Family annexation, but Cheng Family actually still lived in peace with each other, therefore Royal Court should be removed by us! ” Chancellor Zhao continues to say. 而且我想这些年被程家吞并的那些城池和联盟未必就没有找过王朝,可是程家却仍然相安无事,所以王朝应该被我们排除掉!”赵主事继续说道。 „Can Chancellor Zhao have other goal to help us?” clear river city lord asked. “那赵主事可还有别的目标可以帮到我们?”清河城主问道。 This also I want to city lord saying that according to our so many years the understanding Cultivation World, around us was impossible to find such an influence and Cheng Family is equivalent. “这也我想跟城主说的,依我们这么多年对修真界的了解,我们周围根本不可能找到这样一个势力与程家相当。 If really must look, can only be able to find some to a farther place possibly with the Cheng Family suitable alliance influence. 若真要找的话,只能到更远的地方才能够找到一些可能与程家相当的联盟势力。 Perhaps if also the incorrect words, we can only look to the Eastern Continent overseas are good, because there has many strong influences! ” Chancellor Zhao answered. 如果还不行的话,或许我们只能到东洲海外去找才行,因为那里有很多强大的势力!”赵主事解释道。 Slow aid will not help in an emergency, even if we can find these influences, they are so far from Cheng Family, is actually very still difficult to cause anything to threaten to Cheng Family.” clear river city lord shakes the head to say. “远水救不了近火啊,就算我们能够找到那些势力,他们离程家那么远,其实也很难对程家造成什么威胁。”清河城主摇摇头说道。 Chancellor Zhao said is very reasonable, Cultivation World is so big, he also knows outside world truly also many strong influences. 赵主事说的确实很有道理,修真界这么大,他也知道外面的世界确实还有很多强大的势力。 Although also has many are the city alliance, but these city alliances are actually not their these alliance can compare completely. 虽然也有许多是城池联盟,可是那些城池联盟却完全不是他们这些联盟可以相比的。 Some alliances even compared to initial ten Great Sects any school to be powerful, but they and these sect gate had no social dealings, like them. 有些联盟甚至比起当初的十大门派的任何一个门派还要强大,只不过他们与那些宗门没有什么交道,就像他们一样。 Therefore everyone is mutual non-interference, even if Cultivation World various Great Sects chaos, had the situation of greatly conquering by killing at that time, these alliances still not by any influence. 所以大家互不干涉,就算当时修真界的各大门派大乱,出现了大血洗的情况,这些联盟也都不受任何的影响。 However, these alliances also because powerful, therefore wants their help, is not a simple matter. 不过,这些联盟也正是因为强大,所以想要得到他们的帮助,也不是一件简单的事情。 What is more important, this level alliance left them too to be mostly far, wanting them to suppress Cheng Family, that was not quite at all realistic. 更重要的是,这个级别的联盟离他们大都太远了,想要他们来打压程家,那根本不太现实。 The hadrosaurus cannot press the local bully, their strength is strong, not possible to bring to come to here all strengths. 正所谓强龙压不过地头蛇,他们实力再强,也不可能把所有的力量都带到这里来。 Although this is somewhat difficult, matter that but does not have the means. After all we do not have this ability to cope with Cheng Family, can only draw support from the strength of bystander!” Chancellor Zhao helpless saying. “虽然这有些困难,但也是没有办法的事。毕竟我们自己并没有这个能力对付程家,只能借助外人的实力了!”赵主事无奈的说道。 What does that hold the second means that the chancellor said a moment ago is?” clear river city lord asked. “那执主事刚才所说的第二个办法是什么呢?”清河城主问道。 „ This second means were more direct, since we cannot fight Cheng Family, that obeys simply. “这第二个办法就更加直接了,既然我们斗不过程家,那就干脆顺从。 If we can pledge allegiance to Cheng Family, that this all issues were also naturally easily solved! ” Chancellor Zhao said. 如果我们能够归顺程家的话,那这所有的问题自然也都迎刃而解了!”赵主事说道。 This is not good, if we pledged allegiance to Cheng Family, what then also has to distinguish with these three alliances? Moreover we deliver on own initiative, doesn't this make our clear river Alliance lose face in the face of this surrounding influence?” But the second means of Chancellor Zhao raise, many chancellors stood to oppose. “这不行,我们要是归顺了程家,那跟这三个联盟还有什么区别?而且我们还是主动送上门去,这不是让我们清河联盟在这周围的势力面前丢脸吗?”可是赵主事的第二个办法一提出来,不少主事都站出来表示反对了。 Chancellor Zhao, is this your means?” Hearing this means clear river city lord somewhat was also disappointed. “赵主事,这就是你的办法吗?”听到这个办法清河城主也有些失望了。 city lord, actually we, even if pledges allegiance to Cheng Family, can still put forward the condition!” Chancellor Zhao said. 城主,其实我们就算归顺程家,也是可以提条件的!”赵主事说道。 What condition?” clear river city lord interest dispirited saying. “什么条件?”清河城主兴致怏怏的说道。 Obviously, regarding the means of Chancellor Zhao, he already not too big interest. 显然,对于赵主事的办法,他已经并无太大的兴趣了。 city lord, I have inquired, although Baicheng Alliance pledged allegiance to Cheng Family, but Cheng Family will not actually meddle the internal affairs of Baicheng Alliance, moreover gave them the Cheng Family duty. 城主,我已经打听过了,白城联盟虽然归顺了程家,可是程家却并不会插手白城联盟的内务,而且还把程家的任务交给了他们。 If we also like Baicheng Alliance, although pledged allegiance to Cheng Family, but actually does not allow Cheng Family to meddle our internal affairs, even can also obtain the Cheng Family duty, did that instead turn into a good deed? ” Chancellor Zhao said with a smile. 如果我们也像白城联盟一样,虽然归顺了程家,但是却不允许程家插手我们的内务,甚至还可以得到程家的任务,那岂不是反而变成一件好事了呢?”赵主事笑着说道。 Where do you hear? Is this news reliable?” clear river city lord immediately at present one bright, became the spirit all of a sudden. “你从哪里听说的?这消息可靠吗?”清河城主顿时眼前一亮,一下子又变得精神了起来。 These months of I sent some people specially to Baicheng Alliance nosing, was flower the large sum of money obtained this secret message!” Chancellor Zhao said. “这几个月时间我派了一些人特意到白城联盟查探情况,更是花了重金才得到了这个秘密消息的!”赵主事说道。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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