GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3143: The probe of big dragon?

You, when that immortal Yuan strength is so good to borrow? Although I have taught you that method, but you, if really wants to borrow an immortal Yuan strength is actually not that simple matter. “你当那仙元之力是那么好借的吗?虽然我已经将那个方法教给你们了,但是你们若是真的想要借用仙元之力却并不是那么简单的事。 Moreover by your body bearing capacity, that is also very dangerous matter, therefore, you, even if has known how must borrow an immortal Yuan strength, but this method actually cannot abuse! ” Cheng Yu serious was saying to Xin Hai. 而且以你们的身体承受能力来说,那也是非常危险的事,所以,你们哪怕已经知道要怎么借用仙元之力了,但是这个方法却并不能乱用!”程宇一脸严肃的对着心海说道。 „Isn't that this move useful?” Xin Hai said. “那岂不是这招也没有什么用了?”心海说道。 „If not compel to have no other choice, but also was really inferior that does not use!” Cheng Yu said. “如果不是逼不得已,还真的不如不用!”程宇说道。 Initially he also compelled did not have the means that will otherwise he use this means? Was good because of him also, otherwise, the consequence really does not dare to conceive. 当初他也是被逼的没有办法了,要不然他怎么会使用这种办法呢?好在他也挺过来了,要不然,后果真的不敢设想。 Actually, at that time he himself does not know oneself body can withstand an immortal Yuan strength the strength. 其实,当时他自己也不知道自己的身体能不能够承受仙元之力的力量。 After all he is not the true immortal, although can borrow an immortal Yuan strength, but the strength of immortal Yuan strength was extremely huge, they can withstand now. 毕竟他不是真正的仙人,虽然可以借用仙元之力,但是仙元之力的力量太过庞大了,还是他们现在能够承受的。 Initially he woke from the stupor, hears them saying that oneself entered the comatose condition merely, in the heart somewhat was surprised. 当初他从昏迷之中醒过来,听到他们说自己仅仅只是进入了昏迷状态,心中还有些惊讶。 Because oneself borrow an immortal Yuan strength, stimulates the Immortal Tool strength forcefully, this is very intensive overdrawing. If not do well, his cultivation base will therefore even back up. 因为自己借用仙元之力,强行激发出仙器的力量,这本是一种高强度的透支。如果弄不好,他的修为甚至都会因此倒退。 But he has not thought, oneself was only the stupor passes merely. 可是他怎么也没有想到,自己仅仅只是昏迷过去了。 Therefore, sometimes he is thinking, this can be related with the good golden nine spirit trees of his within the body. 所以,有时候他都在想,这会不会跟他体内的好棵金色的九枝灵树有关。 After all this mysterious spirit tree helped him be too many, moreover it spontaneously will always protect himself, otherwise these years he does not know that died many to return. 毕竟这棵神秘的灵树帮助他太多了,而且它总是会自发的保护自己,要不然这些年他都不知道死过多少回了。 Also because of this, therefore he will think of this possibility. 也正是因为这样,所以他才会想到这种可能。 Naturally, nine spirit trees will not tell him all these, Cheng Yu also can only depend on own suspicion. 当然,九枝灵树不会将这一切告诉他,程宇也只能靠自己的猜想了。 However said no matter how, even if that time is a coincidence, is own luck is so good. This nine spirit tree helped him, but he does not want to borrow an immortal Yuan strength again. 但是不管怎么说,哪怕那一次是一个巧合,是自己的运气真的那么好。还是这棵九枝灵树帮了他,不过他都不想再去借用仙元之力了。 At least unless it is absolutely essential, he did not plan to do that the risk was too big. 至少不到万不得已,他不打算这么做了,风险太大。 Also, this big dragon also wanted the terrifying compared with that giant stone wolf many, whether his move discussed separately usefully. No matter if using, that possible situation by far the imagination was worse. 再说了,这只巨龙比起那巨石狼还要恐怖的多,他这招是否有用还是另说。要是不管用,那可能情况就远远要比想象的还要糟糕了。 They were not many in the time of dead territory, one month is less, moreover they, when the final deadline is quick, they must enter the mountains and rivers chart, there is Chen Hongyuan to take care of the mountains and rivers chart. 他们在死域的时间本就不多了,一个月的时间不到,而且他们在最后的期限快到的时候,他们就必须要进入山河图当中,有陈宏远来保管山河图。 Otherwise, they could stay in the dead territory forever. 要不然,他们可能就要永远留在死域了。 Because they do not have the common origin bead, therefore the time arrives, they cannot go back. Only then Chen Hongyuan and Dongfang Feibai they have the common origin bead, like this they can go back smoothly. 因为他们并没有同源珠,所以时间一到,他们是根本就回不去的。只有陈宏远东方飞白他们都有同源珠,这样他们才能够顺利回去。 Therefore in this period of time, they, although can take risk, but cannot do the matter are too many. 所以在这段时间里,他们虽然可以去冒险,但是不能把事情搞的太多。 For example subdues this big dragon, this idea is very bold. Has saying that the strength of this big dragon is so intrepid, if can subdue it also truly is the good matter. 比如说去收服这只巨龙,这个想法真的很大胆。不得不说,这条巨龙的实力如此强悍,如果能够将它制伏也确实是再好不过的事了。 But who can overpower it? This radically is the not possible matter. 可是谁能够制服它呢?这根本就是不可能的事。 Even if he can borrow an immortal Yuan strength again, he not grasps. 哪怕他能够再借用仙元之力,他都毫无把握。 If has an accident, they could completely by forever being stranded in this, that played in a big way. 万一要是出了什么事,他们可能全部要被永远的困在这里面了,那就玩大了。 That did not have the means that but looked that this big dragon was so fierce, if the belt/bring went back certainly the eye-catching. At least in every, but also who dares to look for our troubles? “那就没有办法了,只是看这条巨龙如此厉害,要是带回去一定很拉风。起码在凡界,还有谁敢找我们的麻烦呢? The strength of this big dragon feared that has achieved level of true immortal! ” Saying that a Xin Hai face is a pity. 这条巨龙的实力怕是都已经达到真正的仙人的级别了!”心海一脸可惜的说道。 Originally he is thinking, so long as Cheng Yu wants, they can everyone borrow an immortal Yuan strength simultaneously. In so many people use an immortal Yuan strength in the situation, this big dragon is also not necessarily able anti- living. 本来他想着,只要程宇愿意,他们可以所有人同时借用仙元之力。在这么多人使用仙元之力的情况下,这只巨龙也未必能够抗的住。 However sees a Cheng Yu so firm opposition use immortal Yuan strength, he also knows that must make Cheng Yu comply is the not possible matter. 不过看到程宇如此坚定的反对使用仙元之力,他也知道要让程宇答应是不可能的事了。 He believes that Cheng Yu will not come to deceive him with this matter, how otherwise he will not borrow an immortal Yuan strength the method to tell them. 他相信程宇不会用这种事来了骗他,要不然他也不会将如何借用仙元之力的方法告诉他们了。 This indicated this method truly only to be able, when compelled had no other choice to maintain life to use, any other times were impossible to use casually. 这说明这个方法确实只能在自己逼不得已的时候保命用的,其他任何时候都不可能随便用。 Thinks, if can return to their world this big dragon belt/bring, that may really be too the eye-catching, in the heart has palpitation. 只是一想到,若是能够把这条巨龙带回到他们的世界,那可真的是太拉风了,心中不由就有一种悸动。 Naturally, he also can only think that does not dare Cheng Yu, he does not dare. 当然,他也只敢想想而已,连程宇都不敢,他就更不敢了。 You looked, the ice piece drew back!” Like this people on you said my word in the channel are waiting. “你们看,冰块退回去了!”众人就这样你一言我一言的在通道之中等待着。 Really, everyone waited for the time of several tea, these ice really started to abate, this made in everyone heart immediately joyful. 果然,大家只是等待了几盏茶的时间,这些冰果然就开始消退了,这让大家心中顿时欣喜不已。 First, do not wait anxiously said again, this may be the trap that big dragon sets up!” Saw that everyone will soon leave, Cheng Yu hurries to stop them to say. “先不要急着上去,等等再说,这有可能是那条巨龙设下的陷阱!”看到大家即将动身,程宇赶紧制止他们道。 Although this ice is truly abating, who can affirm that this isn't that big dragon makes to probe their? 虽然这冰的确实是在消退,但是谁能肯定这不是那条巨龙弄出来试探他们的呢? „Won't that be so sinister deceitfully?” Dongfang Feibai said. “那不会这么阴险狡诈吧?”东方飞白说道。 That may be very difficult saying that this big dragon may not only be the strength terrifying, its intelligence quotient definitely is not low, otherwise is impossible to achieve such strength, therefore we be careful a point to wonderfully.” Cheng Yu reminded everyone to say. “那可很难说,这巨龙可不仅仅是实力恐怖,它的智商也肯定不低,要不然不可能达到这样的实力,所以我们还是小心一点为妙。”程宇提醒大家说道。 Dares to despise the lifeform of this level, that is very easy to suffer a loss. 敢小看这个级别的生物,那是很容易吃大亏的。 From situation, if that big dragon does not withdraw these ice on own initiative, they are very difficult to process these ice. 从刚才的情况来看,如果那条巨龙不主动将这些冰撤去,他们可是很难处理这些冰的。 Therefore cultivates the behavior to select carefully, should not be too anxious! 所以做人还是小心点好,不要太急了! First waits for these ice to retreat, Junior Brother Yu can also establish the special ties with these white bones soldiers in any case, perhaps so long as these ice , a Junior Brother Yu order, these white bones soldiers cannot come back quickly, does not use us again with, such was too dangerous!” Xin He said. “先等着这些冰退去吧,反正宇师弟也能够跟那些白骨战士建立特殊联系,只要这些冰不在了,宇师弟一个命令,或许那些白骨战士就能够很快回来了,也不用我们再跟上去,那样太危险了!”心河说道。 Un, I also think that so long as these ice all retreated, they should come back immediately!” Cheng Yu nods to say. “嗯,我也是这么想的,只要那些冰全部退去了,它们应该会马上回来的!”程宇点点头说道。 He cannot guarantee them to be able each time that smooth escaping, therefore, if can not meet with that big dragon, best do not see it. 他可不敢保证他们每次都能够那么顺利的逃出,所以,如果能够不跟那条巨龙碰面,最好还是不要看到它了。 Everyone waited for a meeting, looks at the vision to Cheng Yu, wants to know that now is what situation. 大家又等了一会,都把目光看向程宇,想要知道现在是个什么情况。 „Can Junior Brother Yu, call them?” Xin Hai asked. 宇师弟,能把他们叫回来了吗?”心海问道。 I have given them the bush telegraph, but I could not feel that they are approaching to us!” Cheng Yu is frowning to say. “我已经给他们传递讯息了,可是我感觉不到他们正在向我们靠近!”程宇皱着眉头说道。 „Haven't these ice all retreated?” Xin Luo said. “难道那些冰还没有全部退去?”心洛说道。 This is unable to know temporarily, we wait again!” Actually in Cheng Yu's heart some doubts. “这个暂时无法得知,我们再等等吧!”其实程宇的心中有些疑惑。 The speed of because from a moment ago these ice abating, how long time among them the channel distance should not require to retreat. 因为从刚才那些冰消退的速度来看,他们之间的这段通道距离应该不需要多久的时间就可以全部退去了。 However these graceful soldiers have not come, this made him very strange! 但是那些仙骨战士还是没有过来,这就让他很奇怪了!
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