GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3142: Wants not to catch it?

Loses a graceful soldier, regarding Cheng Yu is very uncomfortable, after all each graceful soldier was he uses very big effort to train. 失去一个仙骨战士,对于程宇来说都是非常难受的,毕竟每一个仙骨战士都是他费了很大的劲培养起来的。 Now several had been surrounded by that big dragon, he is is very naturally uncomfortable. 现在有几个被那巨龙困住了,他自然是很不舒服的。 However lets is these graceful soldiers who only Cheng Yu compares to feel better at heart with him has not cut off the relation, in other words, these graceful soldiers are also living. 不过唯一让程宇心里比较好受的就是这几个仙骨战士并没有跟他切断联系,也就是说,这些仙骨战士还活着。 Looks at present the entire channel by the ice piece stopping up, he absolutely does not have the means to save them. 只是看着眼前将整个通道都被冰块给堵住了,他根本就没有办法去救他们。 Junior Brother Yu, are they also living?” Xin He asked. 宇师弟,他们还活着吗?”心河问道。 Living, but they also by this ice surrounding, if that big dragon, them had feared did not have what opportunity to come back!” Cheng Yu nods, resigned-looking saying. “活着,只是他们也被这冰给困住了,如果那只巨龙一直在的话,他们怕是没有什么机会回来了!”程宇点点头,一脸无奈的说道。 The strength of that big dragon was really too strong, even if the graceful soldiers were so formidable, however its strength compared with these graceful soldiers does not know that also wanted on strong many times. 那巨龙的实力实在是太强了,哪怕仙骨战士们已经如此强大了,但是它的实力比起这些仙骨战士不知道还要强上多少倍。 Such unusual animals strength should be has achieved level of immortal, but also has not become the true immortal beast. 这样的异兽实力应该是已经达到了仙人的级别,只是还没有成为真正的仙兽罢了。 Facing this level unusual animals, if it does not let off that several graceful soldiers on own initiative, that basically does not have the means to run away. 面对这个级别的异兽,若是它不主动放过那几个仙骨战士的话,那基本上是没有办法逃出来的。 In addition now this channel has been iced stopping up, they did not have the means to come back. 再加上如今这通道已经被冰给堵住了,他们就更没有办法回来了。 Or we in this wait/etc.? Perhaps they have the opportunity to come back!” Xin He thinks to say. “要不咱们在这等等吧?或许他们还是有机会回来的!”心河想了想说道。 Although said that the strength of this big dragon also wanted formidable to be too many compared with these white bones soldiers, where however had these many to endure outside compared with the unusual animals of immortal strength? 虽然说这巨龙的实力比起那些白骨战士还要强大太多了,但是在外面哪里有这么多堪比仙人实力的异兽呢? At least in their world, these many years has not heard such terrifying unusual animals. 至少在他们的世界,这么多年也没有听说过这么恐怖的异兽。 Naturally, this does not represent their world not to have such terrifying unusual animals, can only say the region that they survive has not had the conflict with them, therefore the biology of these terrors have not appeared in the line of sight of human. 当然,这并不代表他们的那个世界就没有这么恐怖的异兽,只能说它们生存的区域跟他们并没有产生冲突,所以这些恐怖的生物并没有出现在人类的视线中。 However this dead territory is different, here is a crisis-ridden place, they may meet such fearful biology anytime. 但是这死域不同,这里本就是一个危机四伏的地方,他们随时都有可能遇到这么可怕的生物。 Therefore, the strengths of these white bones soldiers were actually fierce, at least in their world, such strength sufficiently solves too many problems. 所以,这些白骨战士的实力其实已经非常的厉害了,至少在他们的世界,这样的力量足以解决太多的问题。 So long as can lead them, even if only one, compared with many that training too many human cultivator must facilitate. 只要能够将他们带回去,哪怕只是一个,都要比培养太多的人类修士还要方便的多。 Let alone these white bones soldiers are their saviors, now they had not died, if such gave up them, seemed also a pity. 更何况这些白骨战士还是他们的救命恩人,现在他们又没有死掉,若是就这么放弃了他们,似乎也太可惜了。 Although these white bones soldiers do not have life to say, however in everybody's heart, as if treats as people to look that them, therefore such walked, as if also appears somewhat cruel! 尽管这些白骨战士并没有生命可言,但是在大家的心中,似乎还是把他们当作人看的,所以就这么走了,似乎也显得有些残忍! That must think that these ice can melt, if they do not melt, we absolutely do not have any means!” Cheng Yu said. “那要看这些冰会不会消融了,如果它们不消融,我们也根本就没有任何办法!”程宇说道。 Actually, he naturally most hopes that these graceful soldiers can come back. After all they have not died, if they had been killed, he does not have what to be good to yearn. 其实,他自然是最希望这些仙骨战士能够回来的。毕竟他们还没有死,如果他们已经被干掉了,那他也就没有什么好留恋的了。 The present issue is, although they are also living, but they do not know that there present is any situation. 现在的问题是,尽管他们还活着,但是他们并不知道那里现在是什么情况。 Moreover, among this was iced completely being cut off, has some relations besides him with these graceful soldiers, absolutely does not have any means to contact them. 而且,这中间全部都被冰给阻隔了,除了他与那些仙骨战士有一些联系之外,根本就没有任何的办法接触到他们。 Moreover, everybody also waits to treasure hunt, we wait to fear that like this will waste a lot of time!” Cheng Yu also then said. “而且,大家还等着去寻宝,咱们这样等下去怕是会浪费很多的时间!”程宇又接着说道。 Brother Cheng, your this saying is not right. Are we that the people of influence? If no these white bones soldiers, for we feared that became the sacrificial victim in this ice sculpture this. 程兄弟,你这话就不对了。我们是那么势力的人吗?如果没有这些白骨战士为了我们怕是都已经成为这冰雕这中的牺牲品了。 Now these white bones soldiers are also surrounded, how did we here wait? ” Chen Hongyuan somewhat discontented saying. 现在这些白骨战士还被困住,我们就算在这里等等又怎么了?”陈宏远有些不满的说道。 „, Junior Brother Yu, you were really underestimate us. Although I must always say must treasure hunt, what I enjoy is the process of treasure hunt. “就是啊,宇师弟,你真是太小看我们了。虽然我总是要说着要去寻宝,但是我更加享受的是寻宝的过程。 I know, even if I had not found the buried treasure, if I have the need, Junior Brother Yu will also give the resources that I need. Actually these buried treasures were far from my mouth saying that was valuable. 我知道,就算我没有找到宝藏,如果我有需要,宇师弟也会给我所需要的资源的。那些宝藏其实远远没有我嘴里说的那么有价值。 If we can when here that several white bones soldiers come back, I think that this found many buried treasures to want useful many compared with us. Even if many buried treasures, feared that is unable to train these many strengths to arrive at this level master to come out! 若是我们能够在这里等到那几个白骨战士回来,我想这比咱们找到多少宝藏都要有用的多。就算是再多的宝藏,怕是也无法培养出这么多实力到达这个级别的高手出来! Therefore, we should remain to wait! ” Xin Hai face serious saying. 所以,我们应该留下来等一等!”心海一脸郑重的说道。 Yes, Junior Brother Yu, no matter what, we first waited say again. These ice are that big dragon releases, it is impossible to exist. “是啊,宇师弟,不管怎么样,我们还是先等等再说吧。这些冰是那只巨龙释放出来的,它不可能一直存在。 Perhaps soon, these ice will vanish. Plan when the time comes we made farewell speech again! ” Xin He persuaded again. 或许用不了多久,这些冰就会消失了。到时候我们再作别的打算吧!”心河再次劝说道。 Right, Junior Brother Yu, we do not worry. So long as everybody is safe, this wants compared with any buried treasure valuable!” Xin Luo also opens the mouth to say. “没错,宇师弟,咱们不着急的。只要大家都安全,这比任何宝藏都要有价值!”心洛也开口说道。 The people you said my word, was persuades Cheng Yu to stop to wait for these white bones soldiers first. 众人你一言我一言,都是劝说程宇先停下来等待那些白骨战士。 No matter Chen Hongyuan and Dongfang Feibai they, thought that should such do. After all their these time entered the dead territory to obtain Cheng Yu too many asylums and help. 不管是陈宏远东方飞白他们,也都觉得应该这么做。毕竟他们这一次进入死域已经得到了程宇太多的庇护和帮助。 Now Cheng Yu to assure everybody's safety, making several white bones soldiers be stranded, they have no reason not to consider for Cheng Yu. 现在程宇为了保证大家的安全,让几个白骨战士被困,他们没有理由不替程宇考虑一下。 Actually, the Cheng Yu value by far is also not limited to this, they have experienced Cheng Yu powerful strengths and he more cards in a hand. 其实,程宇的价值也远远不止于此,他们已经见识到了程宇更强大实力与他更多的底牌。 Therefore, left the dead territory, returned to their world, Cheng Yu may become their big boost. 所以以后离开了死域,回到了他们自己的世界,程宇或许会成为他们一大助力。 Therefore, they do not think, for and benefit of family makes Cheng Yu lose own benefit, that was also too disappointed. 因此,他们也不想为了自己和家族的利益就让程宇去损失自己的利益,那也太让人寒心了。 Good! I listen your, here waits!” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “好吧!那我就听你的,在这里等一等吧!”程宇笑着说道。 Actually, he also wants to wait here. Some these many people here, he thought that if lets others because of his matter, but here, this was not quite good. 其实,他也想要在这里等。只是有这么多人在这里,他觉得若是让别人都因为他的事而等在这里,这样就不太好了。 Moreover here also has Chen Hongyuan and Dongfang Feibai two people, after all they are different from oneself Senior Brother Senior Sister situations. 而且这里还有陈宏远东方飞白两人,毕竟他们跟自己的师兄师姐们情况是不一样的。 Since this ice no longer has hit to them, they do not have what good worry, can put down stops waiting observation. 既然这冰已经不再向他们这边袭击了,那他们也就没有什么好担心的,可以放下的停下来等待观察情况。 Junior Brother Yu, you said that we can also give to grasp this big dragon?” Has saying that Xin Hai can think. 宇师弟,你说咱们能不能把这只巨龙也给抓回去?”不得不说,心海是真的敢想。 Idles, the idea in heart specially many. Moreover these ideas may be average man cannot think. 一闲下来,心中的想法就特别的多。而且这些想法可都是常人所不敢想的。 All people look at Xin Hai, thought that the idea of Xin Hai has the constructive nature very much, but does not have any implementation. 所有人都看着心海,觉得心海的这个想法很有建设性,但就是没有任何实施性。 Who has this skill such terrifying big dragon holding? 谁有这个本事将这么恐怖的巨龙给抓住呢? Hehe, do not think so me, I know that this is possibly very difficult. However doesn't Junior Brother Yu have the means to borrow an immortal Yuan strength? Like initially captured that giant stone wolf, we can also use the similar means!” Xin Hai looked by everybody was somewhat embarrassed, said with a smile. “嘿嘿,你们也别这么看着我啊,我知道这可能很困难。但是宇师弟不是有办法借用仙元之力么?就像当初抓获那只巨石狼一样,咱们也可以用同样的办法啊!”心海被大家看的有些不好意思了,笑着说道。
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