GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3141: Too terrifying!

Under the Cheng Yu's order, several white bones soldiers rush over toward that puddle simultaneously, murderous aura is imposing. 程宇的命令下,几个白骨战士同时朝着那水潭冲了过去,杀气凛然。 But when these white bones soldier murderous aura release, the water in that puddle really moved. 可就在这几个白骨战士杀气释放出来的时候,那水潭中的水果然动了起来。 In this really has the unusual animals!” Sees this situation, the people heart is startled. “这里面真的有异兽!”看到这种情况,众人心头一惊。 Saw only in that puddle to form an vortex, fluent rotation unusual was quick! 只见那水潭之中形成了一个漩涡,水流转动的非常快! Everyone returns to the channel in!” Cheng Yu hurries to shout. “大家退回到通道之中!”程宇赶紧喝道。 Because here space is too big, therefore everyone was actually equal to going out of the previous channel. 因为这里的空间太大,所以大家其实等于是走出了之前的通道的。 However according to Cheng Yu regarding the understanding of these unusual animals, this spacious place has the possibility is the attack scopes of these unusual animals. 但是根据程宇对于这些异兽的了解,这个空旷的地方有可能都是这些异兽的攻击范围。 Therefore, at this time everyone best probably return to the channel, in this case, even if that unusual animals appeared, should unable to threaten their life. 所以,这个时候大家最好还是要退回到通道之中,这样的话,哪怕那只异兽出现了,应该了无法威胁到他们的性命。 Bang! 轰! In the puddle crack, the water splash scatters! 水潭之中一声炸响,水花四溅! Then a giant head braved from the water! 然后一个巨大的头颅从水中冒了出来! This is .” Looks that gradually giant body that emits from the water, everyone was shocked. “这是......”看着逐渐从水中冒出的巨大身子,所有人都愣住了。 This is the a dragon!” Saying that the people cannot believe. “这是一条龙!”众人不敢相信的说道。 This truly is the a dragon, Junior Brother Yu, is this unusual animals that you said?” Xin He shocking saying. “这确实是一条龙,宇师弟,这就是你说的异兽吗?”心河震惊的说道。 Possibly!” Cheng Yu cannot determine that this dragon is the unusual animals near water attribute turret. “可能吧!”程宇也不敢确定这条龙是不是就是水属性塔楼附近的异兽。 However this everyone truly is unusual animals, moreover strength unusual terrifying! 不过这个大家确实是一只异兽,而且实力非常的恐怖! In this case, Cheng Yu hurries to give that several white bones soldiers to issue the order, making them hurry to remove. 在这种情况下,程宇赶紧给那几个白骨战士下达命令,让它们赶紧撤回来。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! However, the appearances of these white bones soldiers disturbed clear of this big dragon to cultivate/repair obviously, now they want to remove, was actually not that easy matter. 不过,这几个白骨战士的出现显然打扰到了这只巨龙的清修,现在它们想要撤回来,却也不是那么容易的事了。 Sees only racket of that Dragon's Tail in the water, the innumerable water splash depart, turned into the ice arrow all of a sudden. 只见那龙尾在水中一拍,无数水花飞出,一下子就变成了冰箭。 The strengths of these white bones soldiers can say is very powerful, at least after accepting Transfer Cultivation, Crossing Tribulation Stage was not necessarily able is their opponents. 这些白骨战士的实力可以说已经是非常强大的了,至少在接受传功之后,就连渡劫期都未必会是他们的对手了。 However in front of this big dragon, they obviously does not seem fierce, seemingly makes people think very weak on the contrary. 但是在这只巨龙面前,它们似乎就显然没有那么厉害了,反倒看起来让人觉得很弱。 Ice arrow that if the expert with level emits, perhaps regarding them is also only a matter of sword. The ice arrow that however this big dragon releases is not good to resist. 如果只是同级别的高手放出的冰箭,或许对于它们来说也只是一剑的事。不过这只巨龙所释放出来的冰箭却不是那么好抵挡的。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! These ice arrows look like the raindrop of crossing shot to be common, even if these white bones soldiers have released immortal Yuan astral air/Qi to protect itself. 这些冰箭就像是横射的雨点一般,哪怕这些白骨战士已经释放出仙元罡气来保护自己。 However these white bones soldiers were struck to fly instantaneously, solid collision in stone wall, dislodges a cavity this stone wall. 但是这些白骨战士还是瞬间就被击飞了,扎扎实实的撞在石壁上,将这石壁撞出一个凹洞来。 Moreover the ice arrow that then flies strikes on them, hit they do not have the least bit hitting back ability unexpectedly! 而且接下来飞过来的冰箭击在它们身上,打的它们竟是没有半点还手能力! „The strength good terrifying of this big dragon, these white bones soldiers so to be really intrepid, however in front of this big dragon, the ability that they revolt against does not have, this big dragon is what strength!” Dongfang Feibai opened the mouth, felt that the entire status is shivering. “这只巨龙的实力真的好恐怖,这些白骨战士已经如此强悍了,但是在这只巨龙面前,它们连反抗的能力都没有,这巨龙到底是什么实力啊!”东方飞白张了嘴巴,直感觉整个身份都在颤抖。 Because the disparity of this strength was really big, they had no way to compare with Cheng Yu these white bones soldiers, even if were Cheng Yu, did not have a white bones soldier was powerful. 因为这个实力的差距实在是太大了,他们这些人跟程宇那些白骨战士根本就没法比,哪怕是程宇自己,也没有其中一个白骨战士的实力强大。 But here, so fierce white bones soldier actually does not have the strength of resistance. 可是在这里,如此厉害的白骨战士竟然连反抗的实力都没有。 Is good is also solid because of these white bones soldiers enough, although facing this big dragon so passive, breaking that but had not actually been struck by the big dragon. 好在这些白骨战士也够结实,虽然面对这只巨龙是如此的被动,但是却并没有被巨龙击的散架。 However, sees the white bones soldier hit no strength to hit back, in the Cheng Yu heart is most anxious. 不过,看到白骨战士被打的毫无还手之力,程宇心中是最急的。 He has ordered these white bones soldiers to hurry to remove, but these white bones soldiers actually have more desire than energy now probably. 他已经命令这些白骨战士赶紧撤回来了,但是这些白骨战士现在却好像是心有余而力不足。 They also gave Cheng Yu to feed back unceasingly, but they as if did not have the means to come back! 它们也给程宇不断的反馈了,只是它们似乎没有办法回来! However, this had not finished, quick, these ice arrows hit in any place, these places start to freeze. Not long time, this entire spacious place as if by ice piece being filled. 然而,这还并没有结束,很快,这些冰箭打在任何地方,这些地方都开始结冰。没有多久的时间,这整个空旷之地似乎都被冰块给挤满了。 What is more fearful, although Cheng Yu they have hidden in the channel, but that big dragon seems to have discovered them. 更加可怕的是,尽管程宇他们一直躲在通道之中,但是那巨龙似乎早就发现了他们。 Everyone removes quickly!” Cheng Yu saw that this big dragon looks toward them, moreover in that look filled disdaining, simultaneously opened big mouth, the frightened Cheng Yu complexion big change, hurries to shout to everyone greatly. “大家快撤!”程宇看到这只巨龙朝着他们这边看过来,而且那眼神之中充满了不屑,同时张开了大嘴,吓的程宇脸色大变,赶紧对着大家大喊道。 A giant water ball forms in the middle of dragon mouth! 一个巨大的水球在龙嘴当中成形! ! 噗! In the water ball of this big dragon spat toward Cheng Yu mouth. 这巨龙将口中的水球朝着程宇这边吐了过来。 Cheng Yu could not attend to so many, hurrying brought the people contact channel to run. 程宇也顾不得那么多了,赶紧带着众人往来的通道跑去。 Bang! 轰! That giant water ball strikes in their passes the road junction, but the danger just approached. 那巨大的水球击在他们那个通道口,但是危险才刚刚来临而已。 The water ball broke to pieces, but actually turned into the ice instantaneously, iced the entire cave entrance. Moreover, these ice pieces did not seem to finish, but passed toward that channel unceasing icing up. 水球碎了,但是却瞬间就变成了冰,将整个洞口都冰住了。而且,这些冰块似乎并没有结束,而是朝着那通道不断的结着冰过去了。 Cheng Yu turn head looks, sees only behind unceasing freezing, moreover this speed very quick, if they are no longer quicker, might also be lived to the ice by this ice. 程宇回头一看,只见身后不断的结冰,而且这速度十分的快,如果他们不再快一些,有可能也会被这冰给冰住。 Everyone again a bit faster!” Cheng Yu shouts loudly. “大家再快点!”程宇大声喊道。 The people are also proceeding of going all out escape, even has displayed the pinnacle own speed. 众人也是拼了命的往前逃,甚至已经把自己的速度发挥到极致了。 They do not have the time turn head to look, but light/only hears the sound of behind freezing, has made their hearts enter the icehouse. 他们没有时间回头看,但是光是听到身后的结冰的声音,就已经让他们的心都入了冰窖。 Was all right!” Everyone does not know how long to run, only heard the Cheng Yu's sound actually to pass from behind, this also made everyone relax, stopped completely. “没事了!”大家也不知道跑了多久,只听到程宇的声音却从后面传了出来,这也让大家松了一口气,全部停了下来。 Hiss! 嘶! „Was this too also terrifying?” At this time, everyone also had the time to look back the following situation finally. “这也太恐怖了吧?”这个时候,大家也终于有时间回过头来看着后面的情况了。 But they noticed that at this time, was the entire channel is actually iced sealing up, does not have any crevice. 可是他们此时看到的,却是整个通道都被冰给封住了,没有任何的空隙。 We, if again slowly, by this ice sealing up, that feared that really did not have the opportunity to maintain a livelihood!” Xin Luo also felt that own heart has been trembling. “我们要是再慢点,被这冰给封住了,那怕是真的没有机会活命了!”心洛也感觉自己的心一直在发颤。 The strength of this big dragon is really very terrifying, is good has guarded before them. 这巨龙的实力果然是很恐怖的,好在他们之前有所防备。 Otherwise, if really by this ice icing, that feared that is not good to untie. 要不然,真要是被这冰给冰住了,那怕是就不是那么好解开的了。 „The strength of this big dragon is very powerful, we do not have the means to fight with it, it seems like we can only the round trip walk, change a channel!” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. “这巨龙的实力很强大,我们没有办法跟它交手,看来我们只能往回走,换一条通道了!”程宇摇摇头说道。 The strength of this big dragon were too more than them, these white bones soldiers do not have the means to resist, do not say them. 这巨龙的实力比他们强太多了,就连那些白骨战士都没有办法抵挡,更不要说他们了。 Moreover from the ability of this ice, this freezes the effect on fear that is can instantaneously the living person to the frozen hard, but is not only occupied by to the temporary ice. 而且从这冰的能力来看,这冰冻效果怕是瞬间就能够将活人给冰死,而不仅仅只是将人给暂时冰住。 Cheng Yu, your white bones soldiers what to do?” Xin Yao asked. 程宇,那你那些白骨战士怎么办?”心瑶问道。 She knows that Cheng Yu cares about these white bones soldiers very much, if they leave now, that these white bones soldiers what to do? 她知道程宇可是很在意那些白骨战士的,如果他们现在就离开了,那那些白骨战士怎么办呢? By the present situation, we did not have the means to rescue them!” Cheng Yu does not give up very much, after all each white bones soldier spent his many hearts. “以现在的情况来看,我们也没有办法将他们救出来了!”程宇也很舍不得,毕竟每一个白骨战士都费了他不少心。 However the present situation he looks was too clear, he does not have this ability to save them. 但是现在的情况他看的太清楚了,他没有这个能力去救他们。
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