GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3140: Tried to know!

Junior Brother Yu , we cannot determine in this case now oneself in original position, that what to do?” Xin He is frowning to ask. 宇师弟,这样的话,我们现在也不能确定自己是不是在原来的位置上,那怎么办?”心河皱着眉头问道。 We place in the channel now, data contrast that also has no, wants to judge that we also in the original position or are the same online, that radically is not possible. “我们现在身处通道之中,又没有任何的数据对比,想要判断我们是不是还在原来的位置或者是同一条线上,那根本就是不可能的。 Therefore, we also can only continue to proceed. No matter the front has anything to wait for us, in brief everyone must be careful! ” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. 所以,我们也只能继续往前走了。不管前方有什么在等待着我们,总之大家要小心点!”程宇摇摇头说道。 In the Secular World high school, this is only a basic geometric model. 世俗的高中里,这不过只是一个基本的几何模型而已。 However, does not have any data is used as the basis, he is impossible to figure out their present positions. 但是,没有任何的数据做基础,他也不可能算出他们现在的位置来。 Was so long in this channel, if folds again, that is also obviously unlikely. 在这条通道中走了这么久,要是再折回去,那显然也不太可能。 Also, even if they really returned to the previous fork, they do not know this/should choice which said. 再说了,就算他们真的回到了之前的叉路口,他们还是不知道该选择哪一条道。 Although said that now they do not know oneself place where, but this does not represent them certainly to go in the direction of that five turret. 虽然说现在他们并不知道自己身处何处,但是这并不代表他们就一定是朝着那五座塔楼的方向而去。 Therefore, they are half of possibly elects right. 所以,他们还是有一半的可能是选对的。 That no matter so many, I must have a look in front of this to have what demons and monsters but actually!” Xin Hai bold saying. “那就不管那么多了,我倒要看看这前面到底有什么妖魔鬼怪!”心海大胆的说道。 One group of people's around not place after this, as if did not have other unnecessary choice. 一群人在这个前不前后不后的地方,似乎也没有别的多余的选择了。 Therefore everyone also can only continue to go forward, but after several analyses, everyone also started becomes more discrete. 所以大家也只能继续前进了,不过经过几次的分析,大家也开始变得更加谨慎了。 If their luck are good, then the front possibly is the countless buried treasure. But if their luck is bad, that waited for their really may be that terrifying unusual animals that Cheng Yu met. 要是他们的运气好,那么前方可能就是数之不尽的宝藏。可是如果他们运气差,那等待他们的真的有可能是程宇所遇到的那种恐怖异兽了。 Although has 50 white bones soldiers to take the lead in front of team, but they walk inexplicable worries in the middle heart. 尽管在队伍的前面有着五十个白骨战士打头阵,但是他们走在中间心中还是有一种莫名的担心。 Even if their half of opportunities found the buried treasure, now but they think does not have many buried treasures, but is front has the unusual animals. 哪怕他们有一半的机会找到宝藏,可是他们现在想到的不是有多少宝藏,而是前面有没有异兽。 The people continue to go forward, but has not arrived at the end point of channel, this made the people more impatient. 众人继续前进,但是始终没有到达通道的终点,这让众人更加心急了。 I somewhat understand that now why these person of several double-hour did not have, in this was so unexpectedly deep!” Xin Luo said. “我现在有些明白为什么那些人几个时辰都没有出来了,这里面竟然有这么深!”心洛说道。 You said that these people can with the same strip channel that we choose?” Dongfang Feibai said. “你们说那些人会不会跟我们选的同一条通道呢?”东方飞白说道。 If this, that is not better, has them to explore the way for us. If by some chance the front really has the danger, we can also easily know the news!” Xin Hai said. “要是这样,那不是更好,有他们为我们探路。万一前方真的有危险,咱们也可以轻易知道消息了!”心海说道。 They have so many people, moreover came from the different influences. Perhaps has gone separate ways in the crossroad!” Cheng Yu said. “他们有那么多人,而且又来自不同的势力。也许早在路口的时候就已经分道扬镳了!”程宇说道。 If so, they are doomed some people to elect to the channel!” Xin He said. “如果是那样的话,那他们注定有人会选对通道的!”心河说道。 That is also their luck, does not know what we elect is to or wrong!” Saying of some Xin Luo worries. “那也是他们自己的运气,也不知道我们选的是对还是错!”心洛有些担心的说道。 Rightly or wrongly, we want to face, have nothing to be worried!” Cheng Yu said. “不管是对是错,我们都要自己去面对,没有什么好担心的!”程宇说道。 The people do not have the goal to continue like this, when they walked a difference not mostly double-hour, the present environment all of a sudden becomes open. 众人就这样没有目的继续走下去,就在他们又走了差不多半个时辰的时候,眼前的环境一下子变得开阔起来。 You looked, there has a puddle!” Xin Hai curious saying. “你们看,那里有个水潭!”心海好奇的说道。 After this is they enter this channel, for the first time sees the thing outside other, even if only a puddle, however in this channel, but anything does not have, now puddle, was the novel thing. 这是他们进入这通道之后,第一次看到其他之外的事物,哪怕只是一个水潭,但是在这通道之中,可是什么都没有的,现在有一个水潭,也算是新奇之物了。 Do not pass!” But, saw that the people are just about to approach toward these puddles, Cheng Yu hurries to drink to stop the opposite party. “别过去!”可是,看到众人正要朝着那些水潭靠近,程宇赶紧喝止住对方。 Why?” People puzzled say/way. “为什么?”众人不解道。 First came back to say again!” Cheng Yu said. “先回来再说!”程宇说道。 Although the people are puzzled, but also knows that Cheng Yu definitely discovered anything, hurried to remove. 众人虽然不解,但是也知道程宇肯定是发现了什么,赶紧撤了回来。 Junior Brother Yu, what did you discover?” Xin Luo asked. 宇师弟,你发现了什么?”心洛问道。 This place is unusual, may have the danger!” Cheng Yu looks at the front puddle, the expression is somewhat dignified. “这个地方不同寻常,有可能有危险!”程宇看着前方的水潭,表情有些凝重。 What danger?” The Xin Hai doubts said. “什么危险?”心海疑惑道。 He looked at this place, very tranquil, how to see that does not seem like has the place of danger. 他看了看这个地方,十分的平静,怎么看都不像是有危险的地方。 Before hadn't we calculated? Our present directions may be toward the water attribute turret or are wooden attribute turret region. “之前我们不推算过么?我们现在的方向有可能是朝着水属性塔楼或者是木属性塔楼这个区域去的。 Now here has a puddle, we had the possibility now to the water attribute turret nearby. 现在这里有一个水潭,我们有可能现在是到了水属性塔楼附近了。 I estimate in that puddle to have the unusual animals! ” Cheng Yu very serious saying. 我估计那水潭之中有异兽!”程宇十分严肃的说道。 Unusual animals in this puddle?” The people are startled, if this real, that may really not crack a joke. “异兽就在这水潭里面?”众人吃了一惊,若是这真的,那可真不是开玩笑的。 Junior Brother Yu, do you determine?” Xin Luo said. 宇师弟,你确定吗?”心洛说道。 This I do not dare 100% affirmations, but this place before me the been stranded place really somewhat is similar. Before what there appeared lava place, but now appears is a puddle.” Cheng Yu said. “这个我不敢百分之百肯定,但是这个地方与我之前被困的地方还真有些相似。只不过之前那里出现的是一片熔浆地,而现在出现的则是一个水潭。”程宇说道。 Said, in this had unusual animals most likely, we now what to do? Can draw back?” Xin Hai said. “这么说,这里面十有八九有一只异兽了,那我们现在怎么办?是要退回去吗?”心海说道。 That side as if can also continue to go forward, can that inside have the buried treasure?” Dongfang Feibai points at opposite of that puddle to say. “那边似乎还能够继续前进,那里面会不会有宝藏呢?”东方飞白指着那个水潭对面说道。 There truly also cave entrance, but wants to arrive at that side, must pass through the puddle, this made everyone very awkward! 那里确实还有一个洞口,不过想要到达那边,就一定要穿过水潭,这就让大家很为难了! Has the buried treasure not to know, the present situation feared was somewhat complex!” Cheng Yu continuously tight is staring in that puddle. “有没有宝藏不知道,不过现在的情况怕是有些复杂了!”程宇一直紧紧的盯着那水潭之中。 However, that puddle seems like has been very tranquil, does not have any fluctuation, this lets Cheng Yu doubts. 不过,那水潭看起来一直很平静,没有任何的波动,这让程宇十分的疑惑。 In this has the unusual animals?” In Cheng Yu's heart at this moment only then this issue. “这里面到底有没有异兽呢?”程宇的心中此刻只有这一个问题。 Before then, Brother Hongyuan said to become the reality, these channels really had the curve!” Xin Hai said. “这么说来,之前宏远兄所说的岂不是变成现实了,这些通道果然有转弯的!”心海说道。 In that puddle hasn't presented the unusual animals? Moreover that side also cave entrance, says that now we went astray the place, cultivated/repaired as if also too early!” Chen Hongyuan actually shakes the head to say. “那水潭之中不是还没有出现异兽么?而且那边还有一个洞口,现在说咱们走错了地方,修似乎还太早了!”陈宏远却摇摇头说道。 He also had such a idea before, but has not thought of as if also really to become true. 他之前也是有这么一个想法,但是没有想到似乎还真的成真了。 However, now that unusual animals have not appeared, therefore really to become true, actually still remained to be seen. If that unusual animals appeared, that possibly really became the reality. 不过,现在那异兽还没有出现,所以到底是不是真的成真了,其实还有待观察。若是那只异兽出现了,那可能就真的成为现实了。 Cheng Yu, you make these white bones soldiers try, if in that puddle really has the unusual animals, the white bones soldier, it will definitely appear in the past!” Xin Yao says. 程宇,你让那些白骨战士去试一试,如果那水潭里面真的有异兽,白骨战士过去的话,它肯定会出现的!”心瑶开口说道。 Right, making them try in the past is best!” The Xin Hai to praise becomes enlightened. “对啊,让他们过去试一试是最好的!”心海赞成道。 In any case these white bones soldiers are not true human, moreover their strengths are so also strong, if even really made the mistake, that's ok, considered to lose a killer. 反正这些白骨战士又不是真正的人类,而且它们的实力又这么强,就算万一真的出现了失误,那也没有什么关系,就当是损失了一个杀手而已。 Un, I make them try!” Cheng Yu nods. “嗯,我让他们去试试吧!”程宇点点头。 Although the white bones soldier is trains personally, but has not given up. 虽然白骨战士是自己亲手培养起来的,但是也并没有那么舍不得。 After all in his hand also so many white bones soldier, if really lost one here, perhaps in heart some small pains. If can therefore maintain everyone's safety, this is worth! 毕竟他手上还有那么多的白骨战士,要是真的在这里损失了一个,也许心中有些小痛。但是若是因此能够保住大家的安全,这还是值得的!
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