GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3144: Fraternal friendship!

Or do we go back to have a look? Like this waits is not the means!” Xin Hai proposed. “要不咱们还是回去看看吧?这样等下去也不是办法!”心海提议道。 „It is not good, this was too dangerous, if that big dragon still there, we feared that not necessarily had such opportunity to draw back again!” Xin He shakes the head to say. “不行,这样太危险了,万一那条巨龙还在那里,那咱们怕是未必再有这样的机会退回来了!”心河摇摇头说道。 Yes, the strength of that big dragon we were also the experience 12, although merely was only some ice, but these ice to us were not that good broken, now goes back again is some is too truly dangerous!” Chen Hongyuan also says. “是啊,那条巨龙的实力咱们也算是见识一二了,虽然仅仅只是一些冰,但是这些冰对于我们来说也不是那么好破的,现在再回去确实是有些太危险了!”陈宏远也开口说道。 Since everyone did not agree, we can only wait again!” Xin Hai helpless saying. “既然大家都不同意,那咱们就只能再等等了!”心海无奈的说道。 He somewhat worries at heart, after all they cannot see the front situation here, this lets the person is very anxious. 他就是心里有些着急,毕竟他们在这里又看不到前面的情况,这让人是很不安的。 Perhaps that big dragon already not there, therefore these ice also followed to abate. However also has possibility these ice is only that big dragon receives intentionally, but it is still waiting for them there. 也许那条巨龙早已经不在那里了,所以这些冰也跟着消退了。但是也有可能这些冰只是那条巨龙故意收回去的,而它还在那里等着他们。 Therefore everyone does not agree to go forward, he also thought that is very normal, but this notifying waiting makes one not feel better very much. 所以大家不同意上前,他也觉得是很正常的,只是这种示知的等待却是让人很不好受的。 The people can only continue to wait for in this place. 众人只能在这个地方继续等待下去。 Or do I alone go to have a look?” Cheng Yu looks at front jet black cave entrance, considers over and over, says. “要不我一个人进去看看吧?”程宇看着前方漆黑的洞口,思虑再三,开口说道。 That line? This was too dangerous!” But a Cheng Yu's words exit|to speak, everyone does not agree to this proposition. “那怎么行?这太危险了!”可是程宇的话一出口,所有人都不同意这个提议。 This is not the matter of joking, that big dragon is so fearful, even the Cheng Yu's strength is strong, still sees that trivial in its front. 这可不是闹着玩的事,那条巨龙那么可怕,就算程宇的实力再强,在它的面前也显得那么微不足道。 Moreover now was unable to determine that big dragon has disappeared, if it there, it will still make Cheng Yu escape again? 而且现在还不能确定那条巨龙是否已经不见了,要是它还在那里,它会让程宇再一次逃掉吗? Whether Cheng Yu could escape when the time comes again is a major problem, moreover Cheng Yu was their pillars, naturally cannot have an accident in this crucial point. 程宇到时候能否再逃掉就是一个大问题了,而且程宇本身又是他们的主心骨,当然是不能在这个节骨眼上出事的。 Junior Brother Yu, must say the words that you go, might as well make me go.” The Xin Hai stand said. 宇师弟,要说你去的话,还不如让我去。”心海站出来说道。 Xin Hai Senior Brother you thought that your strength is stronger than me?” Cheng Yu looks at Xin Hai to say. “难道心海师兄你觉得你的实力比我还要强吗?”程宇看着心海说道。 My strength naturally does not have the means to compare with you, but I believe that in the front of this big dragon, we have no difference. Moreover the most important thing is, even if my these did not come back time, at least you can also lead everyone to leave here. “我的实力自然是没有办法跟你比,可是我相信在这条巨龙的面前,我们并没有什么区别。而且最重要的是,就算我这一次回不来了,起码你还能够带着大家离开这里。 But if was you did not come back, all of us were impossible to leave here. Therefore, these can only make me go time! ” Xin Hai was saying to Cheng Yu. 可如果是你回不来了,我们所有人都不可能离开这里了。所以,这一次只能让我去!”心海对着程宇说道。 The people look at the Xin Hai expression, looked coming out, his these time is earnest. 众人看着心海的表情,看的出来,他这一次是认真的。 The people also know, Xin Hai does that can say the life that takes completely own gambles. However, his goal is actually for everyone. 众人也知道,心海这么做可以说完全是拿着自己的性命作赌注。不过,他的目的却是为了大家。 This touches the people, never expected that Xin Hai usually always casual, lauching and joking, is at this important moment, actually must understand to devote one's life to uphold justice compared with anybody. 这让众人很感动,没有想到心海平时总是大大咧咧,嘻皮笑脸的,可是在这关键时刻,却比任何人都要懂得舍身取义。 Or makes me go, compared with him, I thinks that my strength stronger on that some, is at least living the opportunity must be bigger!” At this time Xin Luo also stood serious saying. “要不还是让我去吧,比起他,我想我的实力还是要强上那么一些,至少活着回来的机会还要更大一些!”这个时候心洛也站出来一脸严肃的说道。 Xin Luo and Xin Hai two people usually most like bickering, but at crucial moments, among their two people the friendship is actually very deep. 心洛心海两人平时是最喜欢斗嘴的,但是在关键时刻,他们两人之间的情谊却是很深厚。 These years, two people almost lost the life several times, but they are almost helping another person with oneself life. 这些年,两人好几次都差点丢了性命,可是他们几乎都在用自己的生命去成全另外一人。 You compared with my strength? How do you know?” Xin Hai looks at Xin Luo somewhat discontented saying. “你比我的实力强?你怎么知道?”心海看着心洛有些不满的说道。 This fellow also is really anything wants to fight with him, even this also wants to fight with him! 这个家伙还真是什么都要跟他争,连这个也要跟他争! From infancy to maturity, isn't this?” Xin Luo says. “从小到大,不都一直是这样吗?”心洛开口说道。 Perhaps once was, but may very be difficult to say now, particularly after we accepted Transfer Cultivation, whose who was weak, hasn't known?” Xin Hai said. “也许曾经是,但是现在可就很难说了,尤其是我们接受了传功之后,孰强孰弱,还不知道呢?”心海说道。 No matter we whose strength is stronger, but these makes me come time!” Xin Luo said. “不管我们到底谁的实力更强,但是这一次让我来!”心洛说道。 Why? This is I first raises, then said that if you did not come back, what to do you do let Xinran? I in any case am single one, even if did not come back, still!” Xin Hai said with a smile. “凭什么?这本就是我先提出来的,再说了,你若是回不来了,你让欣然怎么办?我反正是单身一个,就算回不来了,也没有什么关系!”心海笑着说道。 What bullshit spoke, you thought that I can make your one person go? Our so many years brothers, we go either together, either I alone go!” Xin Luo is angry to say. “说什么屁话,你觉得我能让你一个人去吗?我们这么多年的兄弟,要么咱们一起去,要么我一个人去!”心洛大怒道。 He wants to be bigger than Xin Hai, from infancy to maturity, he is regarded as oneself younger brother Xin Hai. Each Xin Hai has the danger is keeps off for him in front, these is no exception time. 他比心海要大一些,从小到大,他都将心海当作是自己的弟弟。每一次心海有危险都是自己为他挡在前面,这一次也不例外。 He is impossible to look that a Xin Hai person takes this risk! 他不可能看着心海一个人去冒这个的险! The people look at two people, for this matter had the dispute, what the people are more is among strong the friendship by two people is moved. 众人看着两人为了这件事起了争执,但是众人更多的是被两人之间深厚的情谊所感动。 Actually everyone also knows, they do not hope the opposite party takes risk. However they hope that takes risk for the opposite party. 其实大家也都知道,他们都不希望对方去冒险。但是他们又都希望替对方去冒险。 In this weak are prey to the strong world, such friendship was really few, made such friendship seem more precious. 在这个弱肉强食的世界,这样的情谊实在是太少了,也就让这样的情谊显得更加珍贵。 Especially regarding Chen Hongyuan and Dongfang Feibai, they come from Nine Great Aristocratic Families. 尤其是对于陈宏远东方飞白来说,他们两个都来自九大世家 But they regarding own aristocratic family, actually not too deep affection. Not for other, because only they rarely can feel the kinship from oneself aristocratic family. 可是他们对于自己的世家,却都没有太深厚的感情。不为别的,只因为他们很少能够从自己的世家当中感受到亲情。 Even if they are head of household's sons, but Nine Great Aristocratic Families also has no heads of household of aristocratic family to only have an only son. 哪怕他们都是家主之子,但是九大世家还没有哪个世家的家主只有一个独子。 Moreover, in Nine Great Aristocratic Families, so long as you are not the head of household eldest son, what status no matter you are, significance that has no. 而且,在九大世家,只要你不是家主长子,不管你是什么样的身份,都没有任何的意义。 Therefore, among head of household's these children, often because of the benefit, between sentiment becomes the special light, even no kinship, has many hatreds in turn actually. 所以,家主的这些子女当中,往往都因为利益,之间的感情变得特殊的淡薄,甚至没有一点亲情,反过来倒是有不少的仇恨。 However sees Xin Hai and Xin Luo two people, they thought that such friendship was really inconceivable, at least in their world, few such things. 但是看到心海心洛两人,他们觉得这样的情谊实在是太不可思议了,至少在他们的世界,很少有这样的事情。 Do not struggle, you thought that I can make you take risk? Compared with the escape, you feared that also no one was wiser than me? “你们就别争了,你觉得我能让你们去冒这个险吗?比起逃命,你们怕还没有谁比我更高明了吧? Also, now been stranded is also my white bones soldiers, I can let you, for they even can lose oneself life? ” Cheng Yu says. 再说了,现在被困的也是我那些白骨战士,我能让你们为了他们甚至有可能丢掉自己的性命吗?”程宇开口说道。 Although said some Xin Hai a few words saying is very right, in front of that big dragon, actually they have no difference. 虽然说心海有一句话说的很对,就是在那条巨龙面前,其实他们这些人都没有什么区别。 Many that even if he stronger compared with the strengths of others, but regarding the big dragon, this strength was too weak, therefore has not distinguished. 哪怕他比起其他人的实力都要强的多,但是对于巨龙来说,这点实力还是太弱了,所以没有区别。 However, even so, his powerful some, once really has what danger, the possibility that at least the success escapes is higher. 不过,就算如此,他的实力强大一些,一旦真的有什么危险,至少成功逃命的可能性更高一些。 „It is not good, you relate to everyone's life, even if these white bones soldiers are your, we are impossible to make you take this risk!” Xin Hai said. “不行,你关系到所有人的性命,就算那些白骨战士是你的,我们也不可能让你去冒这个风险!”心海说道。 „Can you go out are not I bring, but is Brother Hongyuan or the hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy brother. So long as their two still, have their common origin beads, I give you mountains and rivers chart again, you can go out!” Cheng Yu put out the mountains and rivers chart directly, put in the hand of Xin Yao. “你们能不能出去可不是我带出去的,而是宏远兄或者飞白兄。只要他们两个还在,有他们的同源珠在,我再将山河图交给你们,你们就可以出去了!”程宇直接拿出了山河图,放到了心瑶的手上。
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