GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2045: Deserve to be damned!

This what's the matter?” sky yi will entangle all timbo what at sixes and sevens things on oneself eliminating with great difficulty, however the surrounding flowers and plants really lived probably came to be the same, unceasing upwelled toward his body, he wanted to fly from this region unable to accomplish. “这到底是怎么回事?”高天逸好不容易将缠在自己身上的所有树藤什么乱七八糟的东西给清除掉,但是周围的花花草草就好像真的活了过来一样,不断的朝着他的身上涌了过来,他想要飞离这片区域却怎么也办不到。 Even if cut off these things, just flew in the air actually dragging by massive vine vine branch, lets them is difficult. 就算将这些东西斩断了,刚刚飞上空中却又被大量的藤藤枝枝给拖了下来,让他们是寸步难行。 But at this time, permits Jinsheng is been good, finally struck to kill with the help of Shi Ji that colored glaze circle the black and white demon their four people suffer directly. 而此时,许劲生已经是被黑白魔他们四个人折磨的不行了,最后在石姬那琉璃圈的帮助下直接击杀了。 Obtained four people of release to hurry toward the distant place to fly, but others have not fallen, followed to pursue together. 得到了释放的四个人赶紧朝着远方飞了去,而其他人也没有落下,一起跟着追了过去。 Ding Wei sees in this heart some doubts, does not know that Cheng Yu's these companion what is this. 丁伟看到这一幕心中有些疑惑,不知道程宇的这些同伴这是什么意思。 But where they know, in the place not far from here, four fellows needs to solve! 可是他们哪里知道,就在离这里不远的地方,还有四个家伙需要解决! Cheng Yu has not cared actually, no matter what situation, so long as there is a black and white demon, should be able to process is very good. 程宇倒是没有放在心上,不管是什么情况,只要有黑白魔在,应该还是能够处理的很好的。 „It is not good! These fellows discovered us!” At this time, manor Zhicheng they unceasing wielding is cutting is entangling various vine branch on oneself, actually discovery one group of people flushed toward them, in the heart greatly is immediately anxious. “不好!那些家伙发现我们了!”就在这个时候,庄志诚他们正在不断的挥砍着缠在自己身上的各种藤枝,却发现有一群人朝着他们冲了过来,顿时心中大急。 Living that these fellow Great Ascension Late Stage Senior Brother are even stranded, rushes to their here to come now, they were dangerous. 这些家伙可是连大乘后期师兄都困的住,现在跑到他们这里来了,他们要危险了。 But in their hearts does not have the means again anxiously, these flowers and plants were really hateful, did not make him have the opportunity that the least bit fled. They cut to entangle immediately, was cuts simply not, irritating people. 可是他们心中再急也没有办法,这些花花草草实在是太可恨了,根本就不让他有半点逃离的机会。他们斩掉了马上又缠上了,简直是斩之不尽,让人很是恼火。 Senior! This is a misunderstanding! This matter has no relations with us!” Saw that these people have encircled, they did not have the opportunity to run again, manor Zhicheng looks saying that these people were afraid. “诸位前辈!这是一场误会!这件事跟我们没有任何关系的!”看到那些人已经围了上来,他们没有机会再跑了,庄志诚看着这些人害怕的说道。 The strengths of others they are not clear, however present these four person even Great Ascension Late Stage can surround, even if this strength is not Great Ascension Late Stage, at least is still Great Ascension Middle Stage and between Great Ascension Late Stage, is not they can the enemy. 其他人的实力他们并不清楚,但是眼前的这四个人可是连大乘后期都能够困住,这实力就算不是大乘后期,至少也是大乘中期大乘后期之间,可不是他们能够敌的过的。 Moreover these people were really ruthless, came up to begin to kill directly, this did not do well them to hang directly. 而且这些人实在是太狠了,一上来就直接动手杀,这弄不好他们就直接挂掉了。 Doesn't matter, we massacre you actually are also a misunderstanding!” Xin Luo laughs was saying. “没有关系,我们杀掉你们其实也是一场误会!”心洛大笑着说道。 Although his strength is insufficient, but some so many people, cope with four Great Ascension Initial Stage he really not to fear. 虽然他的实力不足,但是有这么多人在,对付四个大乘初期他还真是不惧。 Moreover, his strength in helps after Cheng Yu's also almost achieved the Great Ascension Initial Stage strength, even if slightly some were inferior, will not miss many. 而且,他本身的实力在经过程宇的帮助之后也差不多达到了大乘初期的实力,就算稍有不如,也不会差很多。 The matter that he most likes doing is one crowd of low rank cultivator encircles kills several high rank cultivator, this feeling was really crisp. Aren't you strength superior? Also is not bullied by one crowd of low rank cultivator in the same old way! 他最喜欢做的事就是一群低阶修士围杀几个高阶修士,这种感觉真是太爽了。你不是实力高强么?还不是照样被一群低阶修士欺负! Here is our Scarlet Blood Alliance domain, our Scarlet Blood Alliance expert has caught up, if you dare to kill us, Scarlet Blood Alliance will not let off your!” sky yi sees these person of threatening, saying that is afraid very much. “这里是我们赤血盟的地盘,我们赤血盟的高手已经赶来了,你们要是敢杀我们,赤血盟是不会放过你们的!”高天逸看到这些人来势汹汹,很是害怕的说道。 They know that own today really had the disaster, these fellow their three Great Ascension Late Stage Senior Brother are not willing to let off, now their four people are also in the absolute weak trend, they feared that was more impossible to let off them. 他们知道自己今天真是有大难了,这些家伙可是连他们那三个大乘后期师兄都不肯放过,现在他们四个人还处于绝对的弱势,他们怕是更加不可能放过他们了。 However the person when most dangerous will always hold various hopes, putting out Scarlet Blood Alliance makes shield to be accidentally useful? 但是人在最危险的时候总是会抱有各种希望,拿出赤血盟来做挡箭牌万一有用呢? „Can Scarlet Blood Alliance let off our that is the later matter, but, we will not let off you now actually! Throws you to disembark previous time, this thinks that you will know the good and evil, since gives you a way out you not to treasure, that no wonder others!” Xin Hai said with a smile. 赤血盟会不会放过我们那都是以后的事,不过现在嘛,我们倒是不会放过你们!上一次只是扔你们下船,本以为你们会知道好歹,既然给你们一条生路你们自己不珍惜,那就怪不得别人了!”心海笑着说道。 Not! The previous time is we are not right, these with our really does not have any relations, we passed by time. Your Sirs have massively let off our time, we guaranteed, will not appear before you!” sky yi begs for mercy to say. “不不不!上一次是我们不对,这一次跟我们真的没有任何关系,我们只是路过而已。你们大人有大量就放过我们这一次吧,我们保证以后再也不会出现在你们面前!”高天逸求饶道。 „, Without thinking in the Eastern Continent famous four gentlemen is this goods, is really disappointing. However pitifully, our benevolence also limited, must blame blames your this lifetime reincarnation the time has not brought the brain, hopes next reincarnation time takes the brain together, this will not die early!” Xin Luo said with a smile. “啧啧,没有想到在东洲鼎鼎大名的四君子就是这种货色,真是令人失望。不过可惜了,我们的仁慈也是有限度的,要怪就怪你们这辈子投胎的时候没有带脑子,希望下次投胎的时候把脑子一起带上,这样就不会这么早死了!”心洛笑道。 Rubbish with them, at the worst fights life and death them!” Ke flying has long known that should not make a move to deal with these people. “跟他们废什么话,大不了跟他们拼个你死我活!”柯飞早就知道不应该出手对付这些人。 In fact, with he is worried about, simplicity that these people have not really imagined. Now the matter turns into this unable to change, only blames unable to persuade three brothers strangely. 事实上,跟他所担心的一样,这些人果然没有想象的那么简单。现在事情变成这样已经无法改变,怪只怪自己没能够劝说住三个兄弟。 Since, what significance they have begged for mercy like this have? The opposite party obviously are to stamp out the source of trouble, then is also wordy, kills a happiness would rather. 既然已经这样了,他们求饶还有什么意义?对方明显就是要斩草除根,还那么啰嗦,倒不如杀个痛快。 Ma, spelled, kills!” manor Zhicheng also knows that this were plants. “玛的,拼了,杀!”庄志诚也知道这一次自己是栽了。 With its putting pride in pocket drags out an ignoble existence imposingly would rather fights with all might, perhaps the opportunity escapes. 与其忍辱偷生倒不如轰轰烈烈的拼杀一场,或许还有机会逃掉。 The black and white demon their four people naturally bear the brunt as Great Ascension Middle Stage, although others possibly differ not in a big way with these four person strengths, but will have the accident/surprise unavoidably. 黑白魔他们四个人作为大乘中期自然是首当其冲,其他人虽然可能跟这四个人实力相差不大,但是难免会出现意外。 Four Great Ascension Initial Stage to previous four Great Ascension Middle Stage, they also want such to overturn to Cheng Yu is actually the unlikely matters. After all is not everyone has so the strong more step combat capability. 四个大乘初期对上四个大乘中期,他们也想要向程宇那样翻盘却是不太可能的事。毕竟不是所有人都有如此的强大的越阶战斗能力。 But their Eastern Continent four gentlemen regarding general cultivator perhaps are also good, but they could not have said that by far the talent, has not jumped over the ability of step fight. 而他们东洲四君子对于一般的修士来说或许还算是不错的,但是他们还远远称不上天才,更没有越阶战斗的能力。 In addition black and white demon four Great Ascension Middle Stage main attacks, side also one crowd close to the Great Ascension Initial Stage person unceasing conducts auxiliary attacks, these fellows want to live also are really not an easy matter. 再加上黑白魔四个大乘中期主攻,身边还有一群接近大乘初期人不断的进行辅攻,这些家伙想要活下来还真不是一件容易的事。 Especially Shi Ji colored glaze circle, once were given to belay by her Magical Treasure, Spiritual Qi in within the body is unable to use, was rumbled instantaneously by everyone the dregs. 尤其是石姬的琉璃圈,一旦被她的法宝给套住,体内的灵气就无法使用,瞬间就被大家轰成了渣。 I fought you!” Looks at own brothers dying, last manor Zhicheng wants from exploding perishes together with these people. “我跟你们拼了!”看着自己的兄弟一个一个的死去,最后一个庄志诚想要自爆跟这些人同归于尽。 However, do their so many people possibly make this fellow from exploding? manor Zhicheng of sudden inflation by the Shi Ji colored glaze circle belaying, finally looked like gripped the hole balloon, was all of a sudden discouraged. 但是,他们这么多人怎么可能让这个家伙自爆呢?原本急剧膨胀的庄志诚被石姬的琉璃圈给套住了,结果就像是扎了洞的气球,一下子就泄气了。 Finally is actually living by the Shi Ji colored glaze circle pushing blood fog! 最后却是活生生的被石姬的琉璃圈给挤成了血雾了! Deserves to be damned!” Originally four Great Ascension Initial Stage experts such living in into thin air, after this, world did not have the Eastern Continent four gentleman these four people again. “死有余辜!”原本四个大乘初期的高手就这么活生生的在人间蒸发了,从此之后,世间再也没有东洲四君子这四个人了。 However, the given names of Eastern Continent four gentlemen, although sounds good, but these four people stay behind in Eastern Continent is actually not the good reputation, killed also killed. 不过,东洲四君子的名号虽然听起来不错,可是这四个人在东洲留下的却并不是什么好名声,杀了也就杀了。 This is called from behaving badly cannot live, we hurry, that side Junior Brother Yu should also soon finish!” Xin He says. “这就叫做自作孽不可活,我们赶紧回去吧,想必宇师弟那边应该也快要结束了!”心河开口说道。 Junior Brother Yu is powerful, to select six to kill in this them unexpectedly, it seems like that this Great Ascension Late Stage is also mediocre, thinks also to feel very pitiful!” Xin Luo said with a smile. “还是宇师弟给力,以一挑六竟然把他们杀到这份上,看来这大乘后期也不过如此,想想还觉得挺可悲的!”心洛笑着说道。 This also met Junior Brother Yu, you think that all Great Ascension Late Stage are so abnormal like him, Junior Brother Yu is a monster, who can compare with him!” On the Xin Hai mouth is saying, is actually envies at heart. “这也就是遇到了宇师弟,你以为所有的大乘后期都像他一样那么变态啊,宇师弟本身就是一个怪物,谁能跟他比!”心海嘴上说着,心里却是羡慕不已。
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