GOS :: Volume #3

#236: Earth Realm boundary

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Under sand dune. 沙丘之下。 Shi Yan whole body crystal light is shining, the veins in body are full Essence Qi, these Essence Qi are enriching the veins, making his body each veins develop coarsens, becomes more tenacious. 石岩浑身晶光灿灿,身体中的筋脉充盈着精元,那些精元润泽着筋脉,让他身体每一根筋脉都在拓展中变粗,变得更加坚韧。 Essence Qi flows the speed to speed up in veins gradually, after flowing of veins, will branch finally out one wisp to pour into the Essence Qi light group. 精元在一条条筋脉之中流淌速度逐渐加快,经过筋脉的流动,最终又会分出一缕注入精元光团之中。 The lower abdomen place, his Essence Qi light group was compressed unceasingly, more and more fining, is containing energy actually does not reduce instead increases. 小腹处,他精元光团不断地被压缩,越来越精炼,其中蕴藏着的能量却不减反增。 This is the function of Strange Energy! 这是奇异力量的作用! Strange Energy that in acupoint releases, is playing the marvelous role in the Essence Qi light group, came from the mystical function of Strange Energy, making the Essence Qi light group unceasingly precise, causes the Essence Qi vigorous degree, increased three times to continue. 穴道中释放出来的奇异力量,在精元光团中发挥着奇妙的作用,来自于奇异力量神秘作用,让精元光团不断地凝炼,使得精元的浑厚程度,增加了三倍都不止。 The collection of veins is sufficient, lets some Shi Yan fleshly body faint painfully swollens, however, compared with studying Extreme Refining Martial Skills comes, this painfully swollen appeared some departments of pediatrics. 筋脉的集充坚韧,让石岩肉身隐隐有些胀痛,然而,比起修习极炼武技来,这种胀痛就显得有些小儿科了。 Holds the breath with rapt attention, under the sand dune, the Shi Yan total involvement invested the Essence Qi light group's to the whole body veins during transformation. 屏息凝神,就在沙丘之下,石岩全身心投入了精元光团对浑身筋脉的改造之中。 Well!” Profound Ice Cold Flame transmits message from Blood Vein Ring suddenly, „did you want breakthrough to Earth Level?” “咦!”玄冰寒焰突然从血玟戒内传来讯息,“你要突破地位之境了吧?” Un.” “嗯。” Good good!” Profound Ice Cold Flame message slightly is evil, you should add a fire again, at this time, if studies Extreme Refining, quenchings the veins with Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, will let your veins tenacious plans really! Past that so long as you support, later your Essence Qi in the speed in the veins pasting, will be stronger than general Earth Realm Warrior, same Martial Skills, means that you can display quickly compared with them! How?” “甚好甚好!”玄冰寒焰讯息略显邪恶,“你应该再加一把火啊,这时候,如果修习极炼,用地心火火炎之力淬炼筋脉,会让你筋脉的强韧更甚一筹!只要你撑的过去,以后你精元在筋脉之中流转的速度,将会比一般地位武者强许多,同样的武技,也意味着你可以比他们更快的施展出来!如何?” Shi Yan eyes suddenly one bright. 石岩双眸骤然一亮。 Does not have the issue, I communicate with Earthcore Flame now, um this time did not need you to make anything after all, you are occupied by Blood Vein Ring restraint now, before exchange between I and Earthcore Flame did not have, was so difficult.” “没问题,我现在就和地心火沟通,嗯这次不需要你做什么了毕竟,你现在被血玟戒束缚住,我和地心火之间的交流也没以前那么困难了。” Also good, I cannot use power in any case now, naturally is unable to help you. Un, quenchings later of body with Earthcore Flame power, you must maintain the vigilance, should not be too reluctant, the flame strength that after all Earthcore Flame equivalent to Heavenly Flame it releases now, fires the ashes to have the possibility your easy wife, remembers that must proceed in an orderly way surely.” “也好,反正我现在不能动用力量,自然无法帮助你。嗯,用地心火力量淬炼身体的之后,你也要保持警惕,不要太勉强,毕竟地心火现在相当于天火它释放出来的炎力,将你轻而易举妻烧成灰烬都有可能,记得,定要循序渐进。” Yes.” “明白。” Shi Yan the Divine Sense thought shift, Profound Ice Cold Flame the direction from Blood Vein Ring, transfers to the region that ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame is , the clear release he needs to quenching the fleshly body thought with the aid of some flame strength. Earthcore Flame cannot the direct production direct-viewing meaning actually show emotion joyfully, its emotion 1 st reveals, Shi Yan realized immediately a continuously burning hot the flame strength, the escape from Blood Vein Ring comes out, fires into the veins in his body plaster along his finger. 石岩神识念头转移,从血玟戒玄冰寒焰的方向,挪移到万年地心火所在的区域,清晰的释放出他需要借助些炎力来淬炼肉身的念头。地心火不能直接形成直观的意思却表现出欣然的情感,它情感初一流露,石岩立即察觉道缕缕炙热的炎力,从血玟戒之中飞逸出来,沿着他的手指一路冲向他体垩内的筋脉。 Pain of Fiery Flame burning down, spread the whole body, the original facial expression is also calm and settled he, immediately becomes fierce. 火炎焚烧的痛苦,已经蔓延全身,本来神情还算是安妥的他,马上变得狰狞起来。 Clenches teeth, deeply inspired, stimulates to movement the strength of these Fiery Flame to emit it in the fleshly body veins, the original crystal light shining whole body veins, turn into the fire Crystal Stone general color in Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame since later suddenly, is extremely gorgeous. 咬着牙,深深地吸了一口气,催动着那些火炎之力将其散溢在肉身筋脉之中,本来晶光灿灿的全身筋脉,在地心火火炎之力进入之后突然变成火晶石一般的颜色,极其绚丽。 Simultaneously in the Earthcore Flame flame strength pours into, he veins, under burning down of this flame strength, faint trace pitch-black impurities, by Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, were burnt down the dregs stiffly, was given in the pore to eliminate from the body plaster by him. 同时在地心火的炎力注入时,他一身的筋脉,在这股炎力的焚烧之下,有一丝丝乌黑的杂质,被地心火火炎之力,给硬生生焚烧成渣,又被他给从体垩内毛孔中清除出去。 Veins in development, inevitable will absorb some impurities, existences of these impurities, will affect the tenacious degree of veins, In general, breakthrough to Earth Level Warrior, indulges in the joy, impurities when will not develop presents the veins to care. 筋脉在拓展的时候,不可避免的将会吸收些杂质,这些杂质的存在,会影响筋脉的强韧程度,一般来说,突破地位之境武者,沉溺在喜悦之中,是绝不会将筋脉拓展时出现的杂质放在心上的。 When they know the veins develop, will have impurities to appear, does not have what good solution. 就算他们知道筋脉拓展时,会有杂质出现,也没有什么好的解决办法。 However, Martial Skills of Extreme Refining this strange quenching body, can actually use the strength of Heavenly Flame easily, in residual impurities his body plaster building up, and can strengthen the tenacious degree of his veins. 然而,极炼这种奇异的淬炼身体的武技,却可以轻而易举的利用天火之力,将他身体垩内残留的杂质给炼化掉,并且可以增强他筋脉的坚韧程度。 After all, Extreme Refining this Martial Skills, is quenchinged the God Weapon sharp weapon to be good, each same God Weapon needs after being repeatedly tempered, impurities will quenching completely, after strengthening and washes, can destroy the hardest defenses. 毕竟,极炼武技,原本就是淬炼神兵利器好,每一样神兵都需要经过千锤百炼,将其中的杂质全部淬炼掉,经过一次次的强化和洗涤,才可以真的无坚不摧。 enough!” 够了!” Feels flame strength that Earthcore Flame is injecting to be getting more and more, Shi Yan will have to plant to be burnt down the feeling including the veins, will spread the news that will stop to read to it hurriedly. 感受着地心火注入的炎力越来越多,石岩有种将会连筋脉都被焚烧掉感觉,急忙向它传出停止的讯念。 Comes from Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, stops suddenly. 来自于地心火火炎之力,戛然而止。 Relaxed slightly, Shi Yan no longer thinks that is in the boundary of Ethereal the mind, is defending the Pure Brightness of spiritual platform, is enduring in the veins the Fiery Flame mobile pain, clenches teeth secretly, momentarily on the alert. 略略松了一口气,石岩不再多想,将心神处于空灵之境,守着灵台的清明,忍受着筋脉中火炎流动的痛楚,暗暗咬着牙,随时警惕着。 The veins are broadening gradually, faint trace Essence Qi continuously pours into the veins, when his Divine Sense control, such as the tide general surges fast, Essence Qi in the veins flow, will reduce gradually, was absorbed by the veins quietly. 筋脉在逐渐变宽,丝丝缕缕的精元注入筋脉之中,在他的神识操控之下,如浪潮一般快速涌动,精元在筋脉流动时,会逐渐减少,被筋脉悄悄吸收。 In these Essence Qi, blended these to come from Strange Energy that mystical Martial Spirit purified, this Strange Energy seepage in his veins, making the Shi Yan original ache want the veins of crack, became feels better slightly. 这些精元之中,其中还参杂了那些来自于神秘武魂净化的奇异力量,这一股奇异力量渗透在他筋脉之中,让石岩本来疼痛欲裂的筋脉,变得稍稍好过一些。 His clear feeling existence of this strange power, as if makes his veins more and more tenacious, the veins that so long as these Strange Energy wind through, make him have the marvelous misconception that veins will forever not burst. 他清晰的感觉到这股奇异的力量的存在,似乎让他的筋脉变得越来越强韧,只要那些奇异力量流过的筋脉,都让他顿生一种筋脉永不会破裂的奇妙错觉。 mystical Martial Spirit, the wondrous use is really infinite! 神秘武魂,果然妙用无穷! Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 After a long time, the development of veins stopped, fire Crystal Stone common veins, glittering moving Red Light, after the strength of Fiery Flame gradually consumes, Red Light becomes weaker gradually, his veins, starts the gradual restoration to be normal. 不知道过了多久,筋脉的拓展已停止,火晶石一般的筋脉,闪烁着动人的红光,在火炎之力的逐渐消耗之后,红光逐渐变弱,他那一身的筋脉,又开始逐渐的恢复正常。 The lower abdomen place, the Essence Qi light group contracts peach size, the none remaining sparkles, is containing extremely intense energy fluctuation. 小腹处,精元光团收缩成桃子般大小,精光闪闪,蕴藏着极其强烈的能量波动。 Essence Qi, after this precise, in which power strengthened about five times! 一身精元,经过这一番的凝炼,其中的力量增强了五倍左右! The mind moves, Essence Qi pours into veins suddenly, mobile speed of Essence Qi in veins, was quicker than in the past about three times, the veins can hold the Essence Qi intensity, greatly strengthens. 心神移动,精元霍然注入筋脉之中,精元在筋脉中流动的速度,比往昔快了将近三倍,筋脉能够容纳了精元强度,也大大增强。 Makes Seal of Life conveniently. 随手打出生印 Seven none remaining sparkling hand imprints, from beforehand normal palm size, became the wash bowl general, fiercely the bang to the top of the head. 七块精光烁烁的手印,从以前正常手掌大小,已变得脸盆一般,猛地轰向头顶。 If the sharp weapon is common, this Seal of Life rumbles, pierces a top of the head several meters sand dune directly, the outside red Tianxian presently comes out directly. 如利器一般,这生印轰出,直接将头顶十几米的沙丘洞穿,直接将外面的红天显现出来。 Red Yang's day, burning hot air, all as before. 红央的天,炙热的空气,一切如旧。 Shi Yan smiled, suddenly puts forth Escaping Lightning Changes, without any stagnates, his two leg veins connect to transmit rumbled, the body such as together lightning, outside instantaneous flying direction of fire. 石岩笑了笑,突然使出逸电变,没有任何凝滞,他两腿筋脉交汇出传来一声轰鸣,身子如一道电光,瞬间飞射向外。 The station on the sand dune, lowered the head to look at that sand cave, its abundant together his illusion, this gradual disappearance. 站到沙丘上,低头望了一下那沙洞,其丰一道他的幻象,这才逐渐的消失。 After breakthrough to Earth Level, any Martial Skills displays the speed of release, was quicker than in the past the several fold, power also along with it rising suddenly. 突破地位之境以后,任何武技施展释放的速度,都比往昔快了数倍,力量也随之暴涨。 Originally when not too skilled Phantom Change, in breakthrough to Earth Level, became has had one's wish. 原先不太熟练的幻影变,在突破地位之境时,也变得随心所欲了起来。 Looks at the day, Shi Yan in the heart joyful restrained gradually, has traced Imaginary Space Ring, took out Transmission Stone, was trying summons, wanted to exchange with Yang Mu and the others. 望了望天,石岩将心中的喜悦渐渐收敛,摸了一下幻空戒,从中取出音石,试着传唤,想要和杨幕等人交流。 The sound falls into Transmission Stone, but Transmission Stone has not spread the response for a very long time, as if this Transmission Stone died the function. 声音落入音石,可音石从久久没有传出回应,仿佛这音石已死去了作用。 The brow is wrinkling, the Shi Yan facial expression is serious, to Transmission Stone communication, hopes once more can hear the response that spreads, what a pity, does not know that environment reason, is other, in this Transmission Stone does not have any response as before. 眉头皱着,石岩神情沉重,又再次向音石传讯,希望能够听到从中传出的回应,可惜,不知道环境的缘故,还是其它,这音石内依旧没有任何的反应。 Shi Yan affirmed finally that he and Yang Family Warrior feared was lost relates. 石岩终于肯定,他和杨家武者怕是已失去联系了。 The boundless abyss battlefield, does not have Transmission Stone mutually communication, as Outsider, he is unable to look for Yang Mu and the others. Here is the broad boundless desert, Divine Sense lets loose, could not realize that the slight life fluctuation, does not have Sun and Moon Stars, cannot see the direction, does not know the front road where. 茫茫深渊战场,没有音石相互传讯,作为一个外来者,他根本无法找寻到杨幕等人。这里乃宽阔无垠的沙漠,神识放开来,察觉不出丝毫的生命波动,没有日月星辰,看不到方向,不知道前方的路在何处。 Shi Yan somewhat was suddenly confused. 石岩忽然有些迷茫了。 Wisp of scarlet-red small flame, quietly the escape from his Blood Vein Ring is, in the chest, gathers one group of Fiery Flame, the nimble and resourceful caper, is quite cheerful. 一缕赤红的小火苗,悄悄从他血玟戒内飞逸处在,就在胸口,聚集成一团火炎,灵动的跳跃着,颇为欢快。 Came out?” Shi Yan smiled, temporarily has forgotten direction, comes the communication mood to inquire by Divine Sense: What's wrong? Do you have the direction to be inadequate? Un, I do not know where just in time should go, if you have any good suggestion, I can listen your.” “又出来了?”石岩笑了笑,暂时忘记了方向,以神识传讯情绪询问:“怎么?你难道有方向不成?嗯,我正巧不知道该去何方,你如果有什么好的建议,我可以听你的。” Ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame drags the fresh posture in void, just like a Fiery Flame elf, majority of Fiery Flame burning hot restraining that actually sympathizes, so as to avoid Shi Yan cannot withstand. 万年地心火在虚空中摇曳生姿,宛如一个火炎精灵,却又非常体贴的将大部分的火炎炙热收敛,免得石岩承受不住。 After Shi Yan emotion communication dispatches, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame not many hesitations, unexpectedly on own initiative in the front guided. 石岩的情感传讯递出之后,万年地心火并没有过多的迟疑,竟主动在前方带路了。 Does not have Sun and Moon Stars, Shi Yan unable to distinguish the direction, but thought faintly Earthcore Flame direction, seems here burning hottest region. 没有日月星辰,石岩辨别不出方向,只是隐隐觉得地心火所去的方向,仿佛是这里最为炎热的区域。 Good, I pass with you together.” “好,我跟你一起过去。” Shi Yan smiles nodded, cannot be glad to think actually that follows in ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame behind, among direction line of long time that it guides also early, in any case must in the abyss battlefield dull three years, temporarily loses the direction, is not a how fearful matter, he does not worry. 石岩笑着点了点头,倒是乐得不去多想,就跟在万年地心火的后面,往它带路的方向行多时间还早,反正要在深渊战场呆个三年时间,暂时失去方向,并不是一件多么可怕的事情,他并不着急。 Under fiery red sky. 火红的天空下。 In the place of this boundless boundless desert, at the same time, in the different regions, flashes through brights. 在这一片茫茫无际的沙漠之地,同一时间,在不同的区域,闪过一道道亮光。 Follows Cao Zhilan, Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong, Xie Kui, Qu Yanqing, He Qingman that Shi Yan comes , etc. about hundred Warrior, entered that ancient formation together, was actually passed to the different regions by that ancient formation. 跟随石岩而来的曹芷岚潘哲古玲珑邪魁瞿砚晴何青曼等近百名武者,一起进入了那古阵法,却被那古阵法传到了不同的区域。 Pan Zhe and Cao Zhilan they, completely do not belong to Warrior of their camp with ten are at together, Gu Linglong and Qu Yanqing two females, at another, Xie Kui and He Qingman have walked in the same place, this time also by teleportation to close region, and gathers quickly. 潘哲曹芷岚两人,和十来名不完全属于他们阵营的武者处在一块儿,古玲珑瞿砚晴两女,处在另一处,邪魁何青曼一直走在一起,这次也被传送到相近的区域,并且很快聚集起来。 Many Earth Realm Warrior, was dispersed, scatters in the place of this great desert, cannot see Sun and Moon Stars, cannot look for the direction. 更多的地位武者,也被分散开来,散落在这广阔无垠的沙漠之地,看不见日月星辰,找不着方向。 Is same, the person who with Shi Yan arrives at this singular space, is unable to draw support Transmission Stone exchanges, here, significantly was weakened including Divine Sense inductive force, the induction of Mental Energy, was minimal. 石岩一样,来到这个奇异空间的人,都无法借助于音石来互通,在这里,连神识感应力都被大大消弱,精神力的感应,就更加微乎其微了。 Therefore, as long as falls into this place Warrior, in discovering Transmission Stone and mind telepathy expires in abundance, could not find in the situation of other companion, they are the same with Shi Yan, somewhat at a loss feels helpless, does not know the direction, does not know in this desert, should toward where vanguard. 因此,但凡落入此地的武者,在发现音石和精神感应纷纷失效,又找不到别的同伴的情况下,他们和石岩一样,都有些茫然不知所措,不知道方向,不知道在这个沙漠之中,该往何处前行。 Loses the feeling of goal, is very depressing. 失去目标的感觉,是非常让人沮丧的。 Each chasing down, after here, was very difficult to find the goal when the discovery, direction that could also not find, complexions ugly incomparable. 每一个追杀者,到了这里之后,在发现很难找到目标,又找不到回去的方向时,一个个脸色都难看无比。
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