GOS :: Volume #3

#235: breakthrough

Meteorite. 陨石阵。 In another ancient formation. 另一处古阵法之中。 Yang Mu, Yang Xue, Yang Ji and Li Feng one line of Yang Family Warrior, stand firm in ancient formation completely, this ancient formation and Shi Yan that mostly the same except for minor differences, is only packing ancient formation surrounding energy Crystal Stone, as if there is slight difference. 杨暮杨雪杨奇李凤儿一行杨家武者,全部在古阵法之中站定,这古阵法石岩那一个大同小异,只是填充古阵法周围的能量晶石,似乎有着细微的差别。 At this time, ancient formation surrounding energy Crystal Stone, releases the dazzling gloss unceasingly. 此时,古阵法周围的能量晶石,不断地释放出炫目的光泽。 Enters this ancient formation Yang Family Warrior, in that intermittent dazzling light, continuous disappearance. 一个个进入这一处古阵法杨家武者,在那阵阵炫目之光中,接连不断的消失。 Yang Mu one line, according to the Jiang Huquan method, enter this ancient formation, each with the Yang Family person who the correct step marches forward, has not entered to receive beyond the day meteorite take care of. 杨暮一行人,都是按照姜湖泉的方法,一路进入这个古阵法的,每一个用正确步法行进的杨家人,都没有进受到天外陨石的照顾 According to Jiang Huquan, here, the exit / to speak that leaves from Strange stone array. 按照姜湖泉所说,这里,正是从陌石阵离开的出口。 Therefore, each arrives at this Yang Family person, under hint of Jiang Huquan, the station that is without hesitation ancient formation central, was exited by ancient formation continuous teleportation. 因此,每一个来到这一块的杨家人,在姜湖泉的示意之下,都毫不迟疑的站到古阵法中垩央,被古阵法接连不断的传送出去。 , All Yang Family Warrior, through this ancient formation, vanish in meteorite central quickly. Everyone, when Shi Yan also first one step comes, in meteorite, because each other cannot see, cannot induce, once steps into this meteorite, will be shifted instantaneously, therefore, everyone, is not clear to the people around condition. 很快地,所有杨家武者,都通过这个古阵法,消失在陨石阵中垩央。每个人,都当石岩也先一步进来,在陨石阵之中,因为彼此看不见,感应不着,而一旦踏入这陨石阵,又会被瞬间转移,因此,每一个人,对身边人的状况都不清楚。 Because of some Jiang Huquan beforehand instruction, they do not have many to hesitate, sees ancient formation, stood entered many this, Yang Mu and the others, were lost in this meteorite with Shi Yan. 但因为有过姜湖泉事先的吩咐,他们也没有多少迟疑,一看到古阵法,就站了进多就这样,杨暮等人,和石岩在这陨石阵走失了。 Beyond meteorite. 陨石阵之外。 Cao Zhilan two cultivate the straight beautiful leg plate, in black eyebrows has strange rays of light glittering, Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit under her mind control, starts to decompose that meteorite change, realizes from experience from the mystery of meteorite revolution. 曹芷岚两条修直的美腿盘着,黛眉中有奇异的光芒闪烁,灵神武魂在她的心神操控之下,开始分解那陨石阵的变化,体悟来自于陨石阵运转的奥妙。 Pan Zhe one line, stop beyond meteorite, does not dare to enter rashly. 潘哲一行人,都停在陨石阵之外,不敢冒然进入。 Cao Zhilan induced with Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit for a long time, has smiled suddenly, has stood leisurely, said: Double-pole meteorite, can walk from the left, can walk from the right, so long as the step does not make a mistake, will not be shelled by the meteorite. Un, the left words, left hand walks seven steps, at once right five steps, vice versa, can the right seven steps, then the left five steps, similarly be able to leave from meteorite first.” 曹芷岚灵神武魂感应了许久,忽然一笑,款款站了起来,道:“双极的陨石阵,可以从左边走,也可以从右边走,只要步法不出错,就不会被陨石轰击。嗯,左边的话,左手走七步,旋即右边五步,反之亦然,也可以先右边七步,然后左边五步,同样可以从陨石阵内离开。” „Should that walk from the left right walks? ” Gu Linglong knits the brows, impatient say|way. “那到底应该从左边走”还是右边走?”古玲珑皱眉,不耐烦道。 In this meteorite should have two exits, can lead to two different regions, our goals, are the Yang Family people, therefore, we should determine the direction that the first Yang Family person leaves, then pursued on the line. ” Cao Zhilan light say|way. “这陨石阵内”应该有两个出口,可以通往两个不同的区域,我们的目的,是杨家人,因此,我们应该先确定杨家人离开的方向,然后追上去就行了。”曹芷岚淡淡道。 Sets the departure direction of Yang Family person?” Xie Kui gloomy the face, eyes murderous aura is steaming, Yang Mu is not good to cope, this Immortal, will later decide however will retaliate us with various methods. Since began to Yang Family, cannot gou extend the opportunity of breathing the last breath of life to them, must stamp out the source of trouble!” “怎么确定杨家人的离开方向?”邪魁阴沉着脸,双眸杀气腾腾,“杨暮非常不好对付,这次不死,以后定然会用各种手段来报复我们。既然对杨家动手了,就不能给他们芶延残喘的机会,必须斩草除根!” I and Shi Yan battle, discovered that on him has the strength of extremely intense Fiery Flame, just my Spirit Divinity Martial Spirit induced, discovered that in the right direction, has intense flame fluctuation.” Cao Zhilan smiledwants to come Shi Yan in right there, Yang Mu will not separate with Shi Yan, Shi Yan there, Yang Mu and the others naturally also.” “我和石岩交战的时候,发现他身上有着极为强烈的火炎之力,刚刚我灵神武魂感应了一下,发现在右边的方向,有着很强烈的火焰波动。”曹芷岚笑了笑”“想来石岩在右边那里,杨暮不会和石岩分开,石岩在那儿,杨暮等人自然也在。” Good, walks from right.”, Pan Zhe nodded, told to behind these Penglai Holy Land Warrior: Sincerely Cao Young Lady words, once enters meteorite first near the right hand seven stepsthen the left five steps, like this is taking turns the advance, do not make a mistake. ” “那好,就从右边走吧。”,潘哲点了点头,对身后那些蓬莱圣地武者吩咐:“都谨记曹小姐的话,一旦进入陨石阵”先右手边七步”然后左边五步,这样轮换着前进,都别弄错了。” Was good, I guided first.” Cao Zhilan pushes to the frontunflustered entry in. “好了,我先带路了。”曹芷岚一马当先”从容不迫的进入其中。 In great burning hot desert. 广阔无垠的炎热沙漠中。 The silhouette four limbs face upwards together, the exhausted incomparable breath slowly, in his body, all sorts of power start to restore regularly, Negative Emotions that in acupoint, the faint trace hunchback along with the purification of power, overflows secretly. 一道身影四肢朝天,疲惫无比的缓缓呼吸,他身体之中,种种力量开始恢复正规,穴道内,丝丝偻偻的负面情绪随着力量的净化,暗暗流溢出来。 The burning hot desert, does not have Sun, the glowing red sky, such as the blood is generally scarlet. 炎热的沙漠,却没有太阳,红彤彤的天空,如鲜血一般猩红。 Looks, is the height sand dunes, cannot feel the slight life fluctuation, does not have volume of greenWan Suju lonesome. 一眼望去,都是高低不等的沙丘,感受不到丝毫的生命波动,没有一集绿色”万簌俱寂。 One group of scarlet-red Fiery Flame, the escape from the ring come out, Fiery Flame drags the fresh posture in the burning hot desert, clever is waving, resembles is inducing anything quietly. 一团赤红的火炎,从戒指内飞逸出来,火炎在炙热的沙漠中摇曳生姿,灵巧的舞动着,似在悄悄感应着什么。 Here makes me very uncomfortable.” “这里让我很不舒服。” The news read together, Profound Ice Cold Flame from Blood Vein Ring transmitted, this strange space, has unusual burning hot aura, this aura came from Sun probably, but here could not see Sun, how did not know a matter......” 一道讯念,从血纹戒中的玄冰寒焰传来,“这个奇异的空间,有着非常炙热的气息,这股气息好像来自于太阳,可这里又看不见太阳,不知道怎么一回事……” This is some region of abyss battlefield, um, is a little indeed unusual, Earthcore Flame as if likes here, after arriving here, it displays unusual is cheerful.” Shi Yan returns to the news. “这是深渊战场的某一处区域,嗯,的确有点异常,地心火似乎非常喜欢这儿,来到这里之后,它就表现的非常欢快。”石岩回讯。 He fell by ancient formation teleportation, falls in this broad desert directly, he falls here, side another ancient formation has not existed. 他被古阵法传送掉,直接落在这广阔的沙漠中,他就落在这里,身旁并没有另一个古阵法存在。 Severely wounded he, does not have the energy to inquire about that here god mysterious, lies down on the ground is motionless, silently restoration. 一身重伤的他,也没有精力去探寻这里的神奥,就躺在地上一动不动,默默恢复。 Un here cannot see Sun, has flame of strength very intense Sun to exist, is indeed strange. ” Profound Ice Cold Flame has hesitated a while, suddenly said: Here cultivates the technique of Extreme Refining to you, is advantageous, you can draw support here strange flame strength , to continue to carry on Extreme Refining meditation with Earthcore Flame, this will let your body, becomes stronger “嗯”这里看不见太阳,却有非常强烈的太阳之炎力存在,的确非常诡异。”玄冰寒焰沉吟了一会儿,忽然道:“这里对你修极炼之术,非常有利,你可以借助于这里的奇异炎力,用地心火继续进行极炼苦修,这会让你的身体,变得更加强壮” First restored peak to say again.” Shi Yan shows neither approval nor disapproval, smiles bitterly is looking at day, no longer and Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, starts to control one's breathing slowly the restoration. “先恢复巅峰再说吧。”石岩不置可否,苦笑着望天,不再和玄冰寒焰沟通,开始来慢慢调息恢复。 Ten grains of Returning Yuan Pill enter the abdomen, does not need rich heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, but the digestion came from energy in Returning Yuan Pill, disperses and Essence Qi gathering the efficacy, he little is expanding Essence Qi, made consumption Essence Qi in the fast supplement. 十粒回元丹入腹,不需要浓郁的天地灵气,只是消化来自于回元丹内的能量,将药力散开来和精元汇聚,他就在一点点地壮大精元,令消耗的精元在快速的补充。 Returning Yuan Pill restores Essence Qi spirit medicine, in Endless Sea, Returning Yuan Pill is quite precious, only then Warrior of these big influences, enjoy, independent cultivation, little has enough material to refine Returning Yuan Pill generally. 回元丹乃恢复精元灵药,在无尽海,回元丹颇为珍贵,只有那些大势力的武者,才享用的起,一般单独的修炼者,很少有足够的材料来炼制回元丹的。 Ten grains of Returning Yuan Pill efficacies, let the Essence Qi quick recovery that Earth Realm Warrior loses sufficiently, be only Disaster peak Shi Yan, these ten grains of Returning Yuan Pill drug efficacies have had more than enough to spare. 十粒回元丹的药力,足以让地位武者失去的精元快速恢复,对只有百劫巅峰石岩来说,这十粒回元丹的药效已绰绰有余了。 Essence Qi is gathering quietly, Shi Yan lets loose the mind, starts to realize from experience the unusuality of fleshly body. 精元在悄悄聚集,石岩放开心神,又开始去体悟肉身的异常。 Damage of fleshly body, under the function of Immortal Martial Spirit, fast cicatrization, in body plaster skeleton of breakage because of meteorite bombardment, in little becomes must be tenacious, several blood vessel that explodes seeks, links in this short time...... 肉身的受损,在不死武魂的作用之下,快速愈合,体垩内因为陨石轰击而破损的骨骼,在一点点的变得坚韧起来,几根爆牟的血管,也在这短短时间重新连得…… The average people require several days of time, the fleshly body injury that can restore, he in the several minutes time, has realized the restoration. 普通人需要几天时间,才能够恢复的肉身伤势,他在短短几分钟时间,已实现了恢复。 In acupoint, cyclones gyrate rapidly, in the purification of mystical Martial Spirit, the essence in acupoint was purified Strange Energy that can directly absorb. 穴道中,一个个气旋飞速旋动,在神秘武魂的净化中,穴道内的精气被净化成可以直接吸收的奇异力量 However, the Negative Emotions fluctuation that ripples, in quietly the escape to the Shi Yan inner world, wants to pull into the dark abyss him. 然而,其中荡漾出来的负面情绪波动,也在悄悄飞逸向石岩心海,想要将他扯入黑暗深渊。 This time, dies chasing down in palace, about ten people. 这次,死在宫殿中的追杀者,在十人左右。 The bodies of ten Earth Realm Warrior die, an essence, was given the inspiration by his acupoint, this purification after the purification, Negative Emotions that produces also sufficiently makes him lose the reason. 十名地位武者的身死,一身的精气,都被他穴道给吸入,这一股净化在净化之后,产生的负面情绪也足以让他失去理智。 Has felt a while silently, after discovery is very as if difficult the state of mind maintains, hesitates, Shi Yan has decided to sink to the sand dune. 默默感受了一会儿,在发现似乎很难将神志保持住之后,沉吟了一下,石岩决定沉入沙丘之中。 Here he can come, perhaps chasing down can also seek ”, if purifies the power front time in him, was bumped into by Cao Zhilan and the others, treating unjustly that dies. 这里他可以来,说不定追杀者也能够寻上”如果在他净化力量锋时候,被曹芷岚等人碰到,那就死的冤枉了。 Through these days sexually harassing restoration, his recovered some power, Finger Spear has displayed, ten fingers like the blade, the pangolin dug the sand generally, in thorough sand dune. 通过这一段时间的调戏恢复,他身体又恢复了些力量,指枪诀施展开来,十指如刀,穿山甲一般刨开沙子,深入沙丘内。 The caper outside Earthcore Flame, as if perceives Shi Yan intention, no longer runs all over the place, in the Shi Yan body vanishes before the grit is abundant, drills into Blood Vein Ring. 跳跃在外面的地心火,仿佛觉察到了石岩的的意图,也不再乱跑,在石岩身体消失在沙石丰之前,重新钻入血纹戒 Turns very quiet, Shi Yan has sunk to hill ten rice, when the grit covers the whole body, the activity is blocked, he stopped. 屏住呼吸,石岩一直沉入山丘之中十来米,当沙石覆盖全身,活动受阻的时候,他才停了下来。 Not long time, at the critical moment that acupoint purifies, he cannot resist the negative clear attack finally, started becomes loses sanely. 多时,在穴道净化的关键时刻,他终于抵御不住负面清晰的侵袭,开始变得失去理智了。 Under the sand dune several meters place, struggling of Shi Yan was suppressed by the grit, the roar is also very difficult to pass on. 沙丘底下十几米处,石岩的挣扎被沙石压住,吼声也很难传出去。 Grit restraint, forms the natural shackles, temporarily imprisons her. 沙石的束缚,形成天然的枷锁,暂时禁锢住她。 Loses sane Shi Yan, but struggles unceasingly, does not know that should using the road that Finger Spear digs out, can only do under the sand dune not studiously. 失去理智的石岩,只是不断地挣扎,不知道该利用指枪诀掘开出去的路,只能在沙丘底下做无用功。 After a long time. 不知道过了多久 Shi Yan struggles appears is incapable gradually, the roar also stopped, continuously strange power, finally feeds back from acupoint, flows to his all the limbs and bones. 石岩的挣扎显得逐渐无力,吼声也停止了,缕缕奇异的力量,终于从穴道内反馈出来,流向他四肢百骸。 ignorant Shi Yan, had not realized that the change of body, the consciousness is fuzzy, to these Strange Energy, flows his whole body, emits in veins and bone lou. 浑浑噩噩石岩,并未察觉到身体的变化,意识模糊,任由那些奇异力量,流遍他全身,散溢在一身的筋脉和骨髅。 The time is quietly passes. 时间悄无声息间流逝。 After a long time, Shi Yan wakes up suddenly, immediately discovered the exhausted body, had vigorous life force once more. 不知道过了多久,石岩突然醒来,立即发现原先疲惫的身体,再次拥有了勃勃生机 In the mind regards the body, he discovered immediately Essence Qi or fleshly body, restore to the boundary of peak unexpectedly, condition unprecedented good. 心神内视身体,他立即发现如今不论是精元还是肉身,竟然又恢复到巅峰之境,状态前所未有的好。 Un?” “嗯?” The Essence Qi light group of lower abdomen place, congeals to reduce unceasingly, nobody guides, the Essence Qi light group in his body plaster, unexpectedly in fast precise. 小腹处的精元光团,不断地凝结缩小,没有人引导,他体垩内的精元光团,竟在快速凝炼。 In the change of Essence Qi light group, his body all veins, the sponge seemed to be common, resembles precise in the suction Essence Qi brilliance of several fold overflowed from the Essence Qi light group. 精元光团的变化中,他身体所有的筋脉,仿佛海绵一般,似在吸吮从精元光团之中流溢出来的凝炼了数倍的精元光华。 Shi Yan Divine Sense swims around inside and outside the whole body, in brain miraculous glow one presently. 石岩神识游遍全身内外,脑中灵光一现。 The next quarter, his corners of the mouth left one smiling face that is popular the plaster to exert, starts to let loose the mind, in change according to body, is guiding Essence Qi light group, precise non- several fold the strength of Essence Qi, seeps to each veins in body plaster. 下一刻,他嘴角多出了一丝兴垩奋的笑容,开始放开心灵,按照身体内的变化,来引导着精元光团,将其中凝炼了无数倍的精元之力,渗透向身体垩内的每一根筋脉之中。 Obtains nourishing of these none remaining, his veins become clear do not pass, just likes the tall and slender jade is respectively ordinary, extremely mysterious. 得到那些精光的滋养,他的筋脉变得晶莹别透,犹如细长的玉各一般,极为的神奇。 While veins change, whenever there are strength of many Essence Qi to pour into, the veins quietly are expanding. 在筋脉变化的同时,每当有更多的精元之力注入,筋脉都在悄悄扩大着。 The veins expand, means that mobile speed of Essence Qi in the body plaster will be quicker, Essence Qi that can withstand will be also more, even links his fleshly body intensity, will strengthen much. 筋脉扩展,意味着精元在身体垩内流动的速度将会更快,能够承受的精元也会更多,甚至连他肉身的强度,都会随之增强不少。 Veins mutation, this is from Disaster Level breakthrough to Earth Level, most direct-viewing indication. 筋脉异变,这是从百劫之境突破地位之境,最为直观的征兆。 PS: Plot a little card, therefore today is also two, sweat. PS:呃,情节有点卡,所以今天也是两更,汗。
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