GOS :: Volume #3

#231: You made me be startled really!

Vigilance is very high.” “警觉性很高呀。” Once Zhilan smiled, such as hundred flower bloomed. 芷岚嫣然一笑,如百huā绽放。 Fearful power of surging forward, such as the tide takes away as many things as possible toward Shi Yan generally, this terrifying power comes extremely towering, when soon is the Shi Yan body first three meters, Shi Yan realizes. 一股汹涌澎湃的可怕力量,如潮水一般朝着石岩席卷而去,这股恐怖力量来的极其突兀,在快要达到石岩身前三米的时候,石岩才察觉到。 This came from Cao Zhulan terrifying power, everywhere, is quietly, in all directions has blocked Shi Yan escape route completely. 这一股来自于曹主岚的恐怖力量,无处不在,悄无声息间,已将石岩四面八方的退路全部堵住。 Space underground, by this power occupying ”, regardless of Shi Yan draws back to any direction, will be bumped into by this power. 不论是天上还是地下,都被这股力量给占据了”不论石岩退向什么方向,都会被这股力量碰到。 This terrifying power, rushes the Shi Yan speed not to be quick, because perhaps the hiding capacity was too broad, in march, will become extremely slow. 这股恐怖力量,涌向石岩的速度并不快捷,或许正是因为覆盖力太广了,才会在行进的时候,变得极其的缓慢。 „The Damn it boy, I thought how your this time to keep off.” Gu Linglong of distant place drinks one coldly, must stimulate to movement the Divine sword to attack. 该死的小子,我看你这次怎么挡。”远处的古玲珑冷喝一声,又要催动神剑来攻。 ancient Xiaomei, this fellow gives me then, do not meddle.” Cao Zhulan knitting the brows head, turned head to look at Gu Linglong one, said lightly: You felt relieved that when I seize him, I will make you vent one first.” “古小妹,这家伙交给我即可,你就不要插手了。”曹主岚皱了皱眉头,回头望了古玲珑一眼,淡淡道:“你放心吧,待我擒下他,我会让你先发泄一番的。” Seizes him?” Gu Linglong stares, the nose moves, why didn't kill directly?” “擒下他?”古玲珑一愣,鼻子动了动,“为什么不直接杀了?” A Gu Linglong bright eyes revolution, smiled, his body, has the thing that I want, if he were quick, I feared that could not obtain on him these things.”, The Shi Yan facial expression with deep veneration, what do you want?” 古玲珑明眸一转,笑了笑,“他的身上,有我想要的东西,他要是很快死了,我怕是得不到他身上的那些东西。”,石岩神情肃然,“你想要什么?” Thing in your ring.” Zeng Zhulan smiled was very delighted, the jade referred to selects Blood Vein Ring on Shi Yan lightly, perhaps you do not know that my Martial Spirit can realize any unusual power, um, in your ring had anything, you were certainly clear than me......” “你那一枚戒指内的东西。”曾主岚笑的很是欢欣,玉指轻点石岩手上的血纹戒,“你或许不知道,我身上的武魂可以察觉到任何奇特的力量,嗯,你戒指内有什么,你当然比我清起……” Profound Ice Cold Flame and hundred years of Earthcore Flame! 玄冰寒焰和百年地心火 When the Shi Yan complexion changeslooked again to this Zeng Zhulan, his eyes color of alert was heavy a point. 石岩脸色一变”再看向这曾主岚时,他眼中的戒备之色又重了一分。 This woman, can induce in Profound Ice Cold Flame unexpectedly and ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame to Blood Vein Ring, what mysterious Martial Spirit did she have? Secret heart startled Shi Yan, the Negative Energy stimulation of movement, made body Petrification, offered a sacrifice to Dark Light Shield, all was used to defend power that to well uppreparation slow that soon approached on well that actually not to give people the terrifying power impact of escape route. 这女人,竟然可以感应到血纹戒内的玄冰寒焰和万年地心火,她到底拥有了什么神奇的武魂?暗暗心惊的石岩,将负面力量催动,又令身体石化,祭出乌光盾,将所有用来防御的力量都涌出来”准备应井那快要逼近的缓慢却不给人退路的恐怖力量冲击。 You cannot leave. “你走不掉的。 Cao Zhilan as if knows that he wants to make anythingchuckle shaking the head, say|way is Yang Mu, rescuing you.” 曹芷岚似乎知道他想要做什么”轻笑着摇了摇头,道“就算是杨幕,也搭救不了你。” The words, a Cao Zhilan sleeve cuff colored ribbon flutters suddenly, that colored ribbon imitates, if the spirit snake is common, is hovering in Zhongkeng of slug midair, pulls out dazzling rainbow light. 话罢,曹芷岚袖口一条彩带忽然飘出,那彩带仿若灵蛇一般,在半空之中坑蜒游动着,拉出一道道炫目的虹光。 The rainbow light interweaves the net, has formed the restriction barrier of other single layer, in the colored ribbon dances in the air, power in that barrier is getting more and more complex vigorously, likely is by several power mixes, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with the Shi Yan magnetic diameter territory field. 虹光交织成网,又形成了另外一重的禁制屏障,在彩带飞舞中,那屏障之中的力量越来越复杂浑厚,像是由几种力量混合而成,和石岩的磁径域场有异曲同工之妙。 Bang!”, Yang Mu that handle great sword, chops loudly above that light net, the rainbow light such as the hard silk, under the great sword, the rainbow light exploded broken, but above that light net more rainbow light, at once collect at that point that the great sword bang shot, damaged that together repairs rapidly. “轰!”,杨幕的那一柄巨剑,轰然劈在那光网之上,虹光如坚硬的蚕丝,在巨剑之下,虹光爆碎了一些,可那光网之上更多的虹光,旋即汇集在巨剑轰射的那一点,将那一块破损给迅速修复了。 Yang Mu, you want short time to break my rainbow net, feared that is not easy.” Zeng Zhulan brandished element unflustered, that colored ribbon plundered fast, interwove more rainbow light to come, Yang Mu, how many times did you try? I believe that you try several words, can break my rainbow net inevitably.” 杨幕,你想要短时间破掉我的彩虹网,怕是不容易。”曾主岚从容不迫的挥舞素手,那彩带快速掠动,交织成更多的虹光来,“杨幕,你多试几次吧?我相信你多试几次的话,必然可以破掉我的彩虹网的。” Big brother!” Yang Ke called outshould walk!” “大哥!”杨苛暴喝”“该走了!” Younger Brother Yan!” Yang Mu roars, can clash? Does not walk, was very difficult to leave?” 小岩子!”杨幕怒吼,“能不能冲出来?再不走,就很难离开了?” Yang Mu also induced Cao Zhulan besieging to Shi Yan, knows that Shi Yan was surrounded temporarily, therefore hurriedly got rid, wants to revolve side Shi Yan these terrifying energy to give shatter, making Shi Yan can get out of trouble. 杨幕也感应到了曹主岚对石岩的围击,知道石岩暂时被困住了,所以才急忙出手,想要将围绕石岩身旁的那些恐怖能量给破碎,令石岩可以脱困而出。 Yang Mu wants to rescue Shi Yan, but the situation is not quite wonderful now, Yang Family many Warrior, one step entered meteorite first. 杨幕想要救石岩,可如今形势颇为不妙,杨家许多武者,已先一步进入陨石阵。 At this time, remains outside, only then Yang Mu, Yang Ji and Li Feng observes the cold several people, at this time ”, once tied down by the opposite party branch, even if wants to enter meteorite, is not an easy matter. 此时,留在外面的只有杨幕杨奇李凤儿察寒几人,这时候”一旦被对方科缠住,就算是想要进入陨石阵,都不是一件容易的事情。 Zeng Qilan the words, were want to leave behind Yang Mu obviously, stirred up Yang Mu intentionally, was hopes that Yang Mu tried several times. 曾企岚的一番话,明显是想要留下杨幕,故意来激杨幕,就是希望杨幕多试几次。 Pan Zhe and Gu Linglong, wait for view eyeball and Xie Kui three people, saw her intention, gathered side Yang Mu quietly, secret revolution power, prepares sieging at any time Yang Mu. 潘哲古玲珑、等观睛、邪魁三人,也看出了她的意图,已悄悄聚集在杨幕身旁,暗暗运转力量,随时准备将杨幕给围困住。 Big brother, you walk first!” Shi Yan lowers roars, „, did not want the clever trick of opposite party, you entered, had more opportunities, because of me, do not implicate everybody.” “大哥,你先走!”石岩低吼一声,“,不要中了对方的诡计,你进入其中,才有更多的机会,不要因为我一人,牵连了大家。” Good touching brotherly love.”, Xie Kui sneers, look cloudy potential is staring at Yang Mu, „, since is the brothers, should live together, dies together. Un, Yang Mu, previous time when that Black Stone Island, you for this boy, has killed my junior brother, in your Yang Family person eyes, our person lives is not valuable, reason that this time our Tianxie Fairyland must cope with your Yang Family, initially was without hesitation below killer also to have the relations with you! This boy wants not to be good, do you want for him, to be buried along with the dead together?” “好感人的兄弟之情啊。”,邪魁冷笑,眼神阴势的盯着杨幕,“既然是兄弟,就应该一起生,一起死。嗯,杨幕,上次在那黑石岛时,你为了这小子,杀了我师弟,在你们杨家人眼中,我们的人性命根本不值钱,这次我们天邪洞天之所以要对付你们杨家,和你当初毫不迟疑的下杀手也有关系!这次这小子又要不行了,你要不要为了他,跟着一起陪葬呢?” Big brother!” Yang Ke screamed. “大哥!”杨苛尖叫起来。 Xie Kui one line, in speech, have surrounded Yang Mu. 邪魁一行人,在讲话的时候,已将杨幕包围了。 Gu Linglong, Xie Kui and Pan Zhe three people, begin together, assume the triangle to cope with Yang Mu, three people have not established the killer, instead all sorts of swift and fierce offensive, in Yang Mu behind that meteorite direction collection. 古玲珑邪魁潘哲三人,一起动手,呈三角形来对付杨幕,三人并未立下杀手,反而将种种凌厉的攻势,在杨幕身后那陨石阵的方向汇集。 So long as Yang Mu pulls out behind to draw back, knowingly will drill into the places of that attack collections, Xie Kui and the others, this is must seal the Yang Mu escape route first, lets Yang Mu in the crucial moment, cannot drill into meteorite to escape. 只要杨幕身后退,就会自投罗网的钻入那各种攻击汇集之地,邪魁等人,这是要先封杨幕后路,让杨幕在生死关头,也不能钻入陨石阵逃生。 Does not walk does not walk.” “不走就不走。” Yang Mu relaxed suddenly, shot a look at place of behind rays of light interweaving, cold and proud said: Father cannot leave, you must draw your several pad backs! Xie Kui, you are short of his motherfucker to find the excuse, Tianxie Fairyland unilaterally tear the treaty of alliance, the person who colludes with other sea area copes with my Yang Family, hasn't drooled my Yang Family wealth? To substitute for my Yang Family in Jialuo Sea Area Earth Realm?” 杨幕突然放松了下来,瞥了一眼身后光芒交织之地,冷傲道:“老子就算是走不掉,你要拉你们几个垫背!邪魁,你少他妈的找借口,天邪洞天单方面撕毁盟约,勾结别的海域的人对付我杨家,还不是垂涎我杨家的财富?想要取代我杨家伽罗海域地位?” Xie Kui sneers, your Yang Family was too extremely arrogantly long in Jialuo Sea Area, because of the militance of your Yang Family, the nearby major sea areas is not peaceful, Warrior of these sea areas already had the idea to your Yang Family, this Yang Qingdi was stranded, is only appropriate actor's opening words.” 邪魁冷笑,“你们杨家伽罗海域狂妄太久了,因为你们杨家的好战,附近各大海域都不太平,那些海域的武者早就对你们杨家有想法了,这次扬青帝被困,只是一个合适的引子罢了。” Un, Yang Mu you, since does not want to walk, I did not continue to delay.” Zeng Zhulan smiled, to look easely to Shi Yan, your big brother wanted to protect you, actually ended up to turn out with your same fate, on the Hades road some people are buried along with the dead, you cannot the too lonesome guest. Un, a while tells me the method that your ring opens, I will make you start off with ease, will not give your extra pain.” “嗯,杨幕你既然不想走了,我也就不继续拖延了。”曾主岚抿嘴一笑,悠然望向石岩,“你大哥想要护着你,却落得个和你一样的下场,黄泉路上有人陪葬,你也不会太寂宾了。嗯,一会儿将你戒指开启的方法告诉我,我会让你轻轻松松上路,不会给你额外的痛苦。” „The inexpensive zhuo person, you thinks that ate to decide me?” Shi Yan deeply inspired, the facial expression and gradually makes to be ferocious. “贱丵人,你以为吃定我了?”石岩深深吸了一口气,神情并渐挣狞起来。 Scolded, before dying you can scold several, I will not care.” Zeng Zhulan that unflustered appearance, how regardless of as if Shi Yan cursed, cannot ripple the slight fluctuation in her Xinhu, cannot affect her will. “骂吧,在死之前你可以多骂几句,我不会在意的。”曾主岚还是那一副从容不迫的模样,仿佛不论石岩如何咒骂,都不能够在她新湖荡漾起丝毫的波动,不能影响她的心志。 Yang Ji, you walk!” Yang Mu under Xie Kui three people of besieging, the violent shouted to clear the way suddenly: Remembers that revenges for me!” 杨奇,你们走!”杨幕邪魁三人的围攻之下,突然暴喝道:“记得为我报仇!” Big brother.” Yang Ke has smiled suddenly, shook the head, our brothers you must stay behind, how could do I alone escape? Doesn't die? Had our Yang Family person, who once feared dying? ” “大哥。”杨岢忽然笑了,摇了摇头,“咱们兄弟一场”你要留下,我又岂能独自逃生?不就是一死么?咱杨家人,谁曾怕过死?” A Li Feng foot has entered into meteorite, finally has not actually entered, but stopped, the eyes cold brightness one's older bro's wife, cold voice said: Probably I fear death.”, The words, Li Feng has drawn back from meteorite, stood unexpectedly Yang Ke body hu-hu! Hu-hu!” 李凤儿一只脚已迈入陨石阵,却最终并未进入,而是停了下来,双眸寒光姆姆,冷声道:“好像我怕死似的。”,话罢,李凤儿从陨石阵退了回来,竟然又站到了杨苛身蒂“呼哧!呼哧!” Loud respite sound, transmits in the field suddenly, will focus on Yang Mu, Yang Ji and Li Feng people chasing down of originally, hears the respite sound, together looks to Shi Yan. 粗重的喘息声,突然在场内传来,本来将注意力放在杨幕杨奇李凤儿众人身上的追杀者,听闻喘息声,不由一起望向石岩 When does not know gets up, Shi Yan eyes, unexpectedly has become the scarlet red, the complexion distortion is fierce, suddenly Geng, crazy, aura of bloodthirsty shoots up to the sky, to person an extremely dangerous feeling. 不知何时起,石岩双眸,竟然成了赤红色,脸色扭曲狰狞,一身暴庚、疯狂、嗜杀的气息冲天而起,给人一种极度危险的感觉。 His that scarlet red eye pupil, absorbs the will of the people spleen, such as the hell deep place evil spirit is common, evil incomparable. 他那赤红色的眼眸,摄人心脾,如地狱深处厉鬼一般,邪恶无比。 Rampage Second Sky! 暴走二重天 Younger Brother Yan!” The Yang Mu complexion changes, startled called out: You how?” 小岩子!”杨幕脸色一变,惊叫道:“你怎么了?” I am very good! Unprecedented good!” “我很好!前所未有的好!” Shi Yan clenches teeth, roared in a low voice, all sorts of Negative Energy, such as the strong winds rough sea waves were generally centered on him, toward advanced vigorously in all directions crazily suddenly. 石岩咬着牙,低声咆哮,种种负面力量,如狂风巨浪一般以他为中心,朝着四面八方狂突猛进。 Comes from Cao Zhulan power, retreat ten rice that under these Negative Energy precise fearful air waves, unexpectedly stiffly compelled. 来自于曹主岚的力量,在这些负面力量凝炼的可怕气浪之下,竟然被硬生生逼的后退十来米。 A thought of cavity assassination, cannot be restrained emerges in heart. 一腔暗杀的念头,不可抑止的在心底涌现。 At this moment, Shi Yan at the boundary of Rampage Second Sky, all sorts of Negative Emotions starts to emerge the mind, collects in the mental consciousness together, has formed the energetic storm, sweeps across toward these Warrior crowded places. 这一刻,石岩处在暴走二重天之境,种种负面情绪开始涌入脑海,和精神意识汇集在一起,形成了精神风暴,朝着那些武者密集之地席卷。 Energetic storm that is condensed by all sorts of Negative Emotions, has to poison people's minds, falls into evil power of crazy boundary the person. 由种种负面情绪凝聚起来的精神风暴,有着蛊惑人心,将人陷入疯狂之境的邪恶力量 The energetic storm place visited, these Earth Level Warrior, Killing Intent in unexpectedly difficult patience, cannot bear hold up Warrior in hand, unexpectedly starts to start to people around. 精神风暴所过之处,那些地位之境武者,竟然难耐心中的杀念,忍不住举起手中的武者,居然对身边人开始下手。 Is that move!” On the Pan Zhe handsome face, appears a terrified sentiment, careful, by his spiritual evil strength not affecting!” “又是那一招!”潘哲英俊的脸上,显出一丝惶恐之情,“小心,不要被他的精神邪力给影响了!” Continues wisp of negative energy to condense, on the body of Shi Yan, collects. 一续缕负面之力凝聚,在石岩的身上,汇集起来。 Rampage Second Sky Martial Skills, lets, only then Disaster Level he, in the body plaster power rises suddenly two times! 暴走二重天武技,让只有百劫之境的他,体垩内力量暴涨两倍! The Shi Yan facial expression, devils are fiercely ordinary, with negative aura, will surround his these turbulent power to push, went toward once the Zhilan line unexpectedly step by step. 石岩神情狰狞之极,凶神恶煞一般,用身上的负面气息,将围堵他的那些汹涌力量推挤开来,竟一步步朝着曾芷岚行去。 No wonder Pan Zhe they will lose.”, Zeng Qilan revealed the dignified sentiment for the first time, bright eyes different light glittering, Disaster Level Warrior, can have such terrifying power unexpectedly! Shi Yan, you made me be startled, evidently, I formerly also really underestimated you, you actually until now, true power will take.” “难怪潘哲他们会输了。”,曾企岚首次露出凝重之情,明眸异光闪烁,“百劫之境武者,居然可以拥有如此恐怖力量石岩,你真的让我吃惊了,看样子,我先前还真小看你了,你竟然直到现在,才将真正的力量拿出来。” Unexpectedly compares that to fight is fierce!” The Gu Linglong elegant face changes, looks at Shi Yan that does not dare to believe that cannot bear call out in alarm. “居然比那一战还要厉害!”古玲珑俏脸一变,不敢置信的看着石岩,忍不住惊呼起来。 Previous war, Shi Yan in Second Sky of Disaster Level, but has stimulated to movement Rampage First Sky. 上一战,石岩百劫二重天之境,只是催动了暴走一重天 This time, Shi Yan in Disaster peak, displayed Rampage Second Sky, imposing manner, compared with the previous war, strove to excel on more than one least bit! 这次,石岩百劫巅峰,施展出了暴走二重天,身上的气势,比上一战,要强上不止一点半点! PS: Also is three, roars, selects monthly ticket anything, recommends the ticket. PS:又是三更,吼一声,来点月票什么的吧,推荐票也可以呀。
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