GOS :: Volume #3

#230: You walk first!

Cao Zhilan stands in the palace quietly! Outside, urgently has not been saying into, instead smiles towering full sacrificial slug to be addicted to Shi Yan that crops up after stone pillar, the look somewhat is quite thought-provoking. 曹芷岚悄然站在宫殿!外,并未急着讲入,反而笑矗盈牺蜒嗜从石柱后冒头的石岩,眼神颇有些耐人寻味。 Pan Zhe one line, saw with own eyes that Cao Zhulan came, does not dare to hesitate, quickens pace in abundance, appears in her behind quickly. 潘哲一行人,眼见曹主岚已过来,也不敢迟疑,纷纷加快了步伐,很快出现在她身后 About hundred Earth Realm boundary Warrior, the platoon becomes the neat team, stands in Pan Zhe, Gu Linglong, Xie Kui and fox view eyeball separately and the others behind, is gazing at the front broken palace group indifferently, resembles is waiting for anything silently. 近百名地位武者,排成整齐队伍,分别站在潘哲古玲珑邪魁、狸观睛等人身后,冷眼注视着前方的残破宫殿群,似在默默等候着什么。 Hides to sneak attack?” Cao Zhu the chuckle shaking the head, element is raising slightly, bright blue crystal light fly to shoot from her slender five fingers, Yang Family Warrior strikes toward in the broken palace is hiding. “躲藏起来想要偷袭么?”曹主矣轻笑着摇了摇头,素手微微扬起,一道道亮蓝色晶光从她纤细的五指中飞射出来,朝着残破宫殿内躲藏着的杨家武者击去。 Hides in hidden place Yang Mu and the others , the facial expression is surprised, kills at the bang of these bright blue crystal light, has to from the place of activity hiding, expose the whereabouts. 藏匿在暗处的杨幕等人,神情惊讶,在那些亮蓝色晶光的轰杀下,不得不从藏匿之地活动,纷纷暴露了行踪。 The Shi Yan complexion changes. 石岩脸色微变。 This beautiful woman ” seems harder to deal with than Warrior of boundary of Nirvana, in the abyss battlefield Mental Energy will be limited, the line of sight also greatly will be affected, even if Warrior of Nirvana Origin boundary, in this abyss battlefield, life fluctuation one by one all around will map heart very much difficultly. 这绝美的女人”仿佛比涅盘之境的武者还要难缠,深渊战场内精神力会被限制,就连视线也会大受影响,即便是涅巢境的武者,在这深渊战场内,也很难将周遭的生命波动一一映入心底 But this woman to the palace also 50 rice, as if has Heavenly Eye to be common, Yang Family Warrior one by one that will hide has selected, only depends on a person of strength, eradicates the motion that Shi Yan and the others had sneak attacked. 可这女人离宫殿还有50来米,却似乎有着天眼一般,将藏身的杨家武者一一点了出来,只凭一人之力,就破除了石岩等人偷袭的行动。 Did not need to hide, useless, I knew your exact positions.”, The Cao Zhilan chuckle, is waving unceasingly, projects more crystal light, Yang Family Warrior that forces moves silhouette in abundance, one by one appears. “不用躲躲藏藏了,没有用的,我知道你们的确切方位。”,曹芷岚轻笑着,不断地挥手,射出更多的晶光,逼迫的杨家武者纷纷移动身影,一一显现出来。 Pan Zhe gives a calm smile, goes forward one step, stood shoulder to shoulder with Zeng Zhulan, such quickly met to the Yang Mu nod of not far away, he he, this time you cannot prevent with the aid of Demonic Beast, does not know that you can also evade this tribulation.” 潘哲淡然一笑,上前一步,并肩和曾主岚站到一起,冲着不远处的杨幕点头“这么快又见面了,呵呵,这次你们不能借助妖兽来阻挡,不知道你们还能不能躲过这一劫了。” I remember probably that before ran away distressedly, isn't we?”, Yang Mu stunned feels to look to Yang Ke, „haven't I remembered incorrectly? Probably isn't we jumps into the sea?” “我好像记得,之前狼狈而逃的,不是我们吧?”,杨幕愕然摸着头望向杨苛,“我没有记错吧?好像不是我们跳海吧?” Yang Ji Hehe sneers, big brother, you have perhaps remembered incorrectly, some people of ears to think that they formerly won.” 杨奇嘿嘿冷笑,“大哥,你或许记错了,有人耳以认为他们先前获胜了呢。” Yang Mu and Yang Ji surpass they time of chasing down facing this, is indifferent to personal gains and losses, the leisure taunted to Pan Zheas if has not cared this crisis. 杨幕杨奇面对这股超出他们一倍的追杀者,宠辱不惊,还有闲情对潘哲冷嘲热讽”似乎并未将这场危机放在心上。 Pan Zhe and Zhai Guanjing, Gu Linglong these person of complexions the book sank immediately. 潘哲、翟观睛、古玲珑这些人脸色立即册沉了起来。 Un, should come out came out, this is not good?”, Cao Zhulan smiled to look back to shoot a look at Pan Zhe and the others, confident say|way: You can go to complete this time goal, relax, will not have at sixes and sevens trap to make you be tired out by again dealing with.”, The words, Cao Zhulan roar suddenly lightly. “嗯,该出来的都出来了,这样不是挺好的么?”,曹主岚笑了笑回首瞥了潘哲等人一眼,信心满满道:“你们可以进去完成这次的目的,放心吧,不会再有乱七八糟的陷阱来让你们疲于应付了。”,话罢,曹主岚霍然轻啸起来。 The clear and melodious howl is melodious, in that moment that the howl resounds, her tender body imitates, if lightning, the illness shoots Shi Yan together. 清越的啸声悠扬婉转,在啸声响起的那一刻,她娇躯仿若一道电光,疾射石岩 Meanwhile, blue corona, like fly to come out these blue corona from her tender body the circle to be as if common suitably, circles in flight in the palace fast, has the goal the magnetic diameter territory field that fires into Shi Yan to come out precise. 与此同时,一圈圈蓝色光环,像地从她娇躯之中飞适出来这些蓝色光环仿佛呼啦圈一般,快速在宫殿之中飞旋,有目的的冲向石岩凝炼出来的磁径域场。 In the blue corona, has an extremely obvious spiritual fluctuation, in each blue corona, as if attaches Cao Zhulan fine Divine Sense head, these blue corona fall into these magnetic diameter territory fields, immediately is rippling shining blue light, blue light has been full the magnetic diameter territory field at once. 蓝色光环中,有着一股极为明显的精神波动,每一个蓝色光环中,似乎都附有曹主岚的精神念头,这些蓝色光环一落入那些磁径域场之内,立即荡漾着灿灿蓝光,蓝光旋即充盈了磁径域场。 The bumping diameter territory field that the naked eye is difficult to see because of injection of blue light, reveals immediately. 肉眼难见的碰径域场因为蓝光的注入,马上显露出来。 The blue corona falls into territory field ” the blue bold light that releases, has not affected to the revolution of magnetic diameter territory field, however, existences of these blue light, have actually located the position of territory field, making Pan Zhe and the others know that the falling land the position then can avoid ahead of time. 蓝色光环落入域场”其中释放出来的蓝色豪光,对磁径域场的运转并没有影响,然而,这些蓝光的存在,却将域场的位置确定了,让潘哲等人知道陷陆的位置进而可以提前避开来。 Zeng Qilan has not reminded them, but Pan Zhe and the others actually from these blue light positions, one clear-sighted looking to by breaching enemy lines of Shi Yan quietly arrangement. 曾企岚并未提醒他们,可潘哲等人却从那些蓝光所处的位置,一眼明了的望到了由石岩悄悄布置的陷阵。 Touches the diameter territory field, like this expired. 碰径域场,就这样失效了。 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” In the howl Cao Zhulan lightning glow shoots at Shi Yan generally, but an instant her tender body then develops before the Shi Yan body. 啸声中曹主岚电芒一般射向石岩,只是一霎她娇躯便在石岩身前显影。 Day spirit bunch!”, Zeng Qilan drank one tenderly, was condensed by rich heaven and earth Spiritual Qi becomes the blue light cover falls suddenly from the Shi Yan top of the head. “天灵束!”,曾企岚娇喝一声,由浓郁天地灵气凝聚而成蓝光罩子骤然从石岩头顶落下来。 The day spirit bunch is Mortal level Martial Skills, can form restriction with the aid of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, the enemy directly because of banning, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi does not extinguish, on this day restriction of spirit bunch will not vanish. 天灵束乃凡级武技,可以借助天地灵气来形成禁制,将敌人直接因禁起来,天地灵气不灭,这天灵束的禁制就不会消失。 By Third Sky of Earth Level cultivation base, displays the day spirit bunch to come, Cao Zhulan self-confidently is Yang Mu, can be surrounded a while by her. 地位三重天之境修为,施展出天灵束来,曹主岚自信就算是杨幕,也能够被她困住一会儿。 „It is not difficult.” Zeng Zhulan smiled in a soft voice, within looks at in the blue light covered Shi Yan silhouette, shook the head, somewhat was slightly disappointed, this thinks that you should some methods, it seems like also mediocre, was really senseless.” “并不困难呀。”曾主岚轻声一笑,看着在蓝色光罩之内的石岩身影,摇了摇头,略有些失望,“本以为你应该有些手段的,看来也不过如此,真是无趣。” What were you thinking aloud?”, Shi Yan coldly snorted. “你在自言自语什么?”,石岩冷哼一声。 Un?” Zeng Zhulan bright eyes one bright, somewhat was popular looks at the blue light that the plaster exerted to cover beside Shi Yan, at once she looks hurriedly to the blue light cover, impressively discovery originally that Shi Yan, silhouette gradual changed pale, little vanished does not see. “嗯?”曾主岚明眸一亮,有些兴垩奋的望着蓝色光罩之外的石岩,旋即她急忙看向蓝色光罩,赫然发现原先那个石岩,身影逐渐的变淡,一点点的消失不见。 afterimage?” Cao Zhulan elegant face were many some happy expressions, nodded, „ is also some skills, by me instantaneously capturing, um very good to be very good, this little meaning. 残影?”曹主岚俏脸不由多了些笑意,点了点头,“还算是有些本事,没有被我瞬间给擒拿住,嗯很好很好,这样才有点意思呢。 Yang Mu, you cannot run away!”, Pan Zhe drinks severely, grasps feather fan, has handed over the seat of honor with Yang Mu. 杨幕,你跑不掉的!”,潘哲厉喝,手持羽扇,已经和杨幕交上手。 Earth Realm Warrior that emerges from the palace, seeks for the match fast, assumes ring-like, spheres Yang Family Warrior faintly, and is approaching fast. 从宫殿之外涌入的地位武者,也快速找寻对手,呈环形,隐隐将杨家武者围住,并且在快速逼近。 Yang Mu, Yang Ji and the others, is dealing with the match, while quietly retreat, after the palace that grey cloud rich place approaches. 杨幕杨奇等人,一边应付着对手,一边悄悄后退,朝着宫殿之后那灰云浓郁之地靠近。 In Cao Zhulan their exact position one by one roll-call, Yang Mu had the heart of evacuation, that moment that his silhouette appears, has given the hand signal, hints the people toward the region evacuation that a meteorite institute is. 在曹主岚将他们确切的方位一一点名时,杨幕已有了撤离之心,他身影显现的那一刻,已打出了手势,示意众人往陨石阵所在的区域撤离。 Li Feng and the others know fairly well, knows that the current condition, does not adapt life-and-death drags, according to the meaning of Yang Mu, is approaching toward that side. 李凤儿等人都心中有数,知道目前的状况,不适应殊死一拖,按照杨幕的意思,都在往那边靠近。 Pan Zhe, before you are not my match the present are also same. ” That side Yang Mu laughs, the expression that fierce does not fear, in besieging of numerous Warrior, his body erupts extremely rupturing aura, that handle great sword moving mountains general oppression in the past, forms continuous explosion rumbled, in an extremely difficult situation that these crowded Warrior hit. 潘哲,以前你不是我对手”现在也是一样。”那边杨幕哈哈大笑,一副悍不畏死的表情,在众多武者的围攻之中,他身上爆发出一股极其爆裂的气息,那柄巨剑排山倒海一般压迫过去,形成连绵不绝的爆炸轰鸣,将那些密集的武者打的狼狈不堪。 Yang Mu has Immortal Martial Spirit, does not fear to carry the severe wound, and also has the consciousness with being damaged of body, puts to death these investors. 杨幕身怀不死武魂,根本不怕身负重伤,并且还有意识的用身体的受创,来诛杀那些围攻者。 Quick, on Yang Mu were many many wounds, several wounds are the deep obvious bones, looks like extremely serious. 很快,杨幕身上已多了许多伤口,有几道伤口更是深可见骨,看起来极其严重。 Pays the price of fleshly body heavy losses, a Yang Mu such instant, has killed three First Sky of Earth Level Warrior, this is in the victory of facing the situation of Pan Zhe attack achieving. 付出肉身重创的代价,杨幕就这么一霎,已杀了三名地位一重天之境武者,这还是在面临着潘哲攻击的情况下达成的战果。 Yang Ji and Yang Xue also and Yang Mu is similar, depends does not fear to be wounded, they when with the chasing down confrontation, no matter often will hang out colored streamers, by price that fleshly body is wounded, strikes to kill the investor. 杨奇杨雪也和杨幕差不多,仗着不怕负伤,他们在和追杀者交锋的时候,时常不管身上会挂彩,以肉身负伤的代价,来击杀围攻者。 Shi Yan! I thought how your this to run away?”, Gu Linglong drinks coldly, a handle Divine sword howls, this handle Divine sword unexpectedly is the strange building shape, is carrying ice cold biting cold cold intent. 石岩!我看你这趟怎么逃?”,古玲珑冷喝,一柄神剑呼啸而出,这柄神剑竟是奇异的楼形,携带着冰寒彻骨的冷意。 The Shi Yan look is calm, had not looked that to ice cold god who Gu Linglong projects, but being critical situation was staring at Zeng Qilan. 石岩眼神冷静,并未看向古玲珑射出的冰寒神到,只是如临大敌的盯着曾企岚。 After Zeng Qilan struck, has not gotten rid once more, but was interestinging observation the situation in field, looks at Pan Zhe and the others surrounded Yang Mu and the others quietly, looks at Yang Family Warrior orderly retreated toward that meteorite position. 曾企岚一击之后,并未再次出手,而是饶有兴趣的观察着场内的形势,看着潘哲等人悄悄将杨幕等人围住,看着杨家武者有秩序的朝着那陨石阵的方位撤退。 Zeng Qilan not once more under killer, but Shi Yan actually does not dare to relax, this woman in Third Sky of Earth Level, cultivation base deeply cannot carve, and Spiritual Awareness was extremely keen, Shi Yan does not know that she will begin Ran Qi to be violent next time, Negative Energy already stimulated to movement. 曾企岚没有再次下杀手,可石岩却不敢放松,这女人在地位三重天之境,一身修为深不可刻,并且灵觉极其敏锐,石岩不知道她下次动手将会冉其猛烈,就连负面力量都早已催动了。 That moment that the Gu Linglong ice cold Divine sword raids, Shi Yan guessed correctly her intention immediately. 古玲珑的冰寒神剑袭来的那一刻,石岩立即猜出了她的意图。 The previous war, the Divine sword counterforces of Gu Linglong seven handle Divine sword, once broke in his fleshly body, was actually given a burning down cleanness by ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame. 上一战,古玲珑七柄神剑的神剑反击力,曾冲入他肉身,却被万年地心火火炎之力给焚烧个干干净净。 As the Divine sword owner, Gu Linglong naturally also knows that in the Shi Yan body plaster power has the burning hot anger, thereforethis time her seven handle Divine sword have not projected together, but concentrates power in body plaster, stimulates to movement this handle supplementary to have the ice cold Divine sword of ice cold air/Qi alone, wants above Cold Qi with this handle Divine sword, restrains the Shi Yan body plaster strength of Fiery Flame. 身为神剑主人,古玲珑自然也知道石岩体垩内力量有着炙热的火气,所以”这次她并未七柄神剑一起射出,而是集中体垩内的力量,单独催动着这柄附带有冰寒之气的冰寒神剑,想要用这柄神剑之上的寒气,来克制石岩体垩内的火炎之力。 The ice cold Divine sword came from out of the blue. 冰寒神剑破空而来。 The Shi Yan facial expression is callous, has not adopted any movement, when realized to him after these biting cold chill in the air, the corners of the mouth suddenly are many a cold and harsh smiling face. 石岩神情冷酷,并未采取任何动作,待到他察觉到那些彻骨的寒意之后,嘴角才突然多出一丝冷刻的笑容。 Bang!” “轰!” Lifts the hand, negative energy is precise, the Seal of Death bang shoots suddenly. 抬手,负面之力凝炼,死印骤然轰射而出。 Seal of Death injects above the ice cold Divine sword loudly, compared with negative energy of previous war violent several fold, loudly eruption, unexpectedly that ice cold Divine sword bang throws to fly directly. 死印轰然射入冰寒神剑之上,比上一战猛烈数倍的负面之力,轰然爆发,竟将那冰寒神剑轰的直接抛飞出去。 The Gu Linglong tender body trembles, complexion pale a point, the look was extremely suddenly surprised, but after being surprised, she has then smiled, I thought how your this time to eliminate these cold energy!” 古玲珑娇躯一颤,脸色忽然苍白了一分,眼神极其惊讶,不过惊讶之后,她便笑了,“我看你这次怎么来清除那些寒力!” Seal of Death bombardment in that moment of cold ice Divine sword, biting cold Cold Qi in ice cold Divine sword, seizes the chance to gush out, seeped the Shi Yan body. 死印轰击在寒冰神剑的那一刻,冰寒神剑之中的彻骨寒气,也趁机涌出,渗透了石岩身体。 The Gu Linglong true goal, must let Cold Qi of this handle ice cold Divine sword, making the Shi Yan body frozen stiff! 古玲珑真正的目的,就是要让这柄冰寒神剑的寒气,令石岩身体冻僵! Zeng Qilan smiled in a soft voice, quite some interests looked to Shi Yan, said: Cold Qi enters the body, does not know how you can deal with?”, Why can deal with?” Shi Yan frowns, shot a look at Gu Linglong one from afar, jokes: Gu Jiange that idiot has not told you, was I once given the frozen three years by Profound Ice Cold Flame? Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, cannot how me, is Cold Qi of your this handle ice cold Divine sword, fiercer than Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy?”, The Gu Linglong peak however changes color. 曾企岚轻声笑了笑,颇有些兴趣的看向石岩,道:“寒气入体,不知道你要怎么应付?”,“何必要应付呢?”石岩皱着眉头,远远瞥了古玲珑一眼,讥笑道:“古剑歌那白痴难道没有告诉你,我曾经被玄冰寒焰冰封三年么?玄冰寒焰寒气,都不能奈何我,你这柄冰寒神剑的寒气,难道比玄冰寒焰寒力还厉害?”,古玲珑耸然变色。 Removed!” “撤了!” Yang Mu suddenly calls out one in this time, in his handle great sword rays of light Sheng, swift and fierce Sword Light, accurate flying shoots at Pan Zhe these people greatly. 就在此时”杨幕突然暴喝一声,他那柄巨剑内光芒大盛,一道道凌厉之极的剑芒,准确的飞射向潘哲那些人。 While this opportunity, Yang Mu that team of Yang Family Warrior, stride in that meteorite immediately. 趁此时机,杨幕那一队的杨家武者,立即跨入那陨石阵内。 We walk.” Kama waves, raises the sound track: Young Master Yan, should leave.” “我们走。”卡玛挥手,扬声道:“岩少爷,该离开了。” You walk first!” “你们先走!” The Shi Yan complexion in vain changes, the whole body pore as if stands erect, eyes is staring at that Cao Manglan stubbornly.( 石岩脸色徒然一变,全身毛孔似乎都竖立起来,双眸死死盯着那曹茫岚。(
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