GOS :: Volume #11

#1087: Old friends

Takes the purple crystal battleship, Shi Yan is grazing in the Shadow Ghost Prison extremely fast, communicated the peripheral major ore star important places. 乘坐着紫水晶战舰,石岩暗影鬼狱极速飞掠着,来往周边各大矿星要地。 The star and ore star that life Mirage Clan leaves behind, genuine product rich does not calculate too, is away from is not remote, is quenchinged the purple crystal battleship that by Medicine Refining Pavilion specially, compared with past battleship of Zi Yao when Lie Yan Star Field does not know that high grade many times, moves fast incomparable. 幽影族遗留下来的生命之星和矿星,真正物产丰富的并不算太多,相互间距离也并不遥远,由药器阁专门淬炼的紫水晶战舰,比当年紫耀烈焰星域时的战舰不知高级多少倍,行动迅捷无比。 Ore stars, stars of the life, by thick such as the toxic smoke blockade of cloud, middle has many Divine Light Expert to be stranded. 一个个矿星,一个个生命之星,被浓稠如云的毒烟封锁,当中有不少神光强者被困。 The arrival of purple crystal battleship, appearance of Shi Yan, will solve smoothly their troubles. 水晶战舰的到来,石岩的现身,都会顺利解决他们的麻烦。 That Ice Poison Bead reappearing horizon, such as whale absorbing water, quickly everywhere toxic smoke gas cloud absorb. 那一枚“淬毒寒珠”浮现天际,如鲸鱼吸水,很快将漫天毒烟毒雾吸纳一空。 Bead even more yin cold, even more jet black like ink, starts ice-cold, seeps soul cold energy. 珠子愈发阴寒,愈发漆黑如墨汁,入手冰冷非常,渗透出一种灵魂寒力 The intention moves, that Ice Poison Bead vanishes swiftly, stays in his Soul Altar Void Realm, as if a pitch-black Sun, is sending out the marvelous ice cold fluctuation. 心念一动,那“淬毒寒珠”倏然消失,在他灵魂祭台虚界内停留下来,仿佛一颗乌黑的太阳,散发着奇妙的冰寒波动。 This bead, is evolved by ghost jellyfish soul succinctly precise, as if passes through him to advocate the soul forehead scarlet mark marvelous imprint, middle has a Shi Yan soul fine soul, enabling him to have one's wish the control to the bead. 这珠子,由亡魂水母魂魄精粹凝炼衍变而成,似乎经过他主魂额头血色印记的奇妙烙印,当中存有一丝石岩灵魂精魄,让他可以对珠子随心所欲掌控。 The bead falls into Void Realm, turns into a jet black luminous spot, the yin cold soul strength overflows slowly the release, the Shi Yan mind was suddenly peaceful, suddenly feels soul all sorts of negative thoughts such as to be suppressed, immediately complexion one happy. 珠子一落入虚界,变成一漆黑光点,阴寒魂力慢慢流溢释放,石岩忽然心神安宁,顿觉灵魂种种负面念头如被压制住了,当即脸色一喜。 In his acupoint, after absorb many Warrior died the essence, contains all sorts of desperately, hatred, bloodthirsty and tyrannical aura, these negative aura can affect his mind will gradually, corrodes his mentality quietly, will have made him lose the reason to the certain extent. 穴窍内,吸纳不少武者死亡后的精气,当中蕴含种种绝望、怨毒、嗜杀、暴虐气息,那些负面气息能渐渐影响他心灵意志,悄悄腐蚀他的心态,到了一定程度会让他丧失理智。 Ice Poison Bead entered Void Realm, such as into a Void Realm grain of calming down cold bead, negative aura of release from his acupoint, as if cannot emerge his Soul Altar quietly, the mind will not bring backlash to him. 淬毒寒珠”入了虚界,如成为虚界的一粒定神寒珠,从他穴窍内悄悄释放的负面气息,似乎不能涌入他灵魂祭台,不会给他心灵带来反噬 He remembers the view of Xuan Fei suddenly: Ice Poison Bead has the calm mind, avoids accidentally discharging the Bedevilment mysterious effect, especially suits fuses Essence flame. 他忽然想起萱绯的说法:淬毒寒珠有镇定心神,避免走火入魔的神奇功效,尤其适合融合本源火焰者。 The sensation a while, strength crag sprinkled silently however smiles, knows that Xuan Fei said not empty, this Ice Poison Bead can calm the mind seriously with rapt attention, the comforting soul fluctuated, making the mind clear only stainless. 默默感知了一会儿,力岩洒然一笑,知道萱绯所言不虚,这“淬毒寒珠”当真可以静心凝神,安抚灵魂波动,让心灵澄净无垢。 Naturally Ice Poison Bead the effect not only comforts the soul, is not only only the prevention accidentally discharges Bedevilment. 当然“淬毒寒珠”的功效不仅仅只是安抚灵魂,不仅仅只是预防走火入魔 Its absorb toxic smoke poisonous cloud, can release, such as special household utensils, but the prestige puts, may release. 吸纳的毒烟毒云,都可以重新释放出来,如一种特殊的器皿,可威放,也可释放。 Shi Yan may know that in ghost jellyfish is fearful from the violently poisonous smog, he believes that if in the group fights, once releases the toxic smoke in Ice Poison Bead, the lethality that can create feared that is extremely terrifying., 石岩可知道来自于亡魂水母身上的剧毒烟雾何等可怕,他相信如果在群战中,一旦将淬毒寒珠内的毒烟释放掉,能够造成的杀伤力怕是极为恐怖。、 Said Ice Poison Bead as if also to have other marvelousness according to that Yu Shan, but she also knew unclear, cannot say understood clearly. 按照那郁珊所言“淬毒寒珠”似乎还有别的奇妙,只是她也所知不详,不能说的更加清楚明了。 Grasps Ice Poison Bead Shi Yan, is taking the purple crystal battleship, shuttles back and forth in the major ore on-board of star and life, above the absorb toxic smoke and poisonous cloud, helping Divine Light Warrior get out of trouble. 手持“淬毒寒珠”的石岩,乘坐着紫水晶战舰,穿梭在各大矿星、生命之星上,吸纳其上的毒烟、毒云,帮助神光武者脱困。 Sanna, Zi Yao and tuo are lame are tagging along after him, the eye looks at ore stars and life stars of were covered by the poisonous cloud, the complexion appears incomparably ugly. 萨那、紫耀、陀跛都尾随着他,眼看着一个个矿星、生命之星被毒云笼罩,脸色都显得无比难看。 Mirage Clan seriously virulently!” Zi Yao elegant face micro cold say|way. 幽影族当真恶毒之极!”紫耀俏脸微寒道。 Sanna, away being lame nods gently, the look is also quite dignified the discrete, secret sigh. 萨那、距跛轻轻点头,眼神也都极为凝重谨慎,暗暗叹息。 They are very clear, this, if not Shi Yan meddles to assist, Divine Light comes Shadow Ghost Prison more than 3000 elite to fear that will be buried in the toxic smoke in the clouds, perhaps they cannot escape poisonously. 他们很清楚,这趟若非石岩插手相助,神光前来暗影鬼狱的3000多名精锐怕都会葬身在毒烟毒云中,就连他俩或许也逃脱不掉。 restriction that Mirage Clan recession Shadow Ghost Prison, keeps so evil and cruel evil crafty, if they lead the God Clan army to invade, does not know that must bring the big heavy losses to Agate Star Field. 幽影族退离暗影鬼狱,留下来的禁制都如此歹毒邪诡,他们如果真的带着神族大军入侵,不知道要给玛琊星域带来多大的重创。 You do not know that returns the details.” Takes the purple crystal battleship, people are flown by the toxic smoke confined area toward last, Shi Yan frowns, desolate saying: „The bead in my hand, came from an evil violently poisonous life, the ghost of jellyfish saying. If this living thing has not fused the Essence flame to achieve the Expert restraint of Origin God Boundary, once enters a star territory, will let entire star territory life extinguish, all mortals, Warrior, Spirit Beast will exterminate gradually approve......” “你们不知道还详情。”乘坐着紫水晶战舰,众人往最后一处被毒烟封闭区飞去,石岩皱着眉头,冷淡的说道:“我手中的珠子,来自于一种邪恶剧毒生灵,谓之亡魂水母。这生物如果没有融合本源火焰达到始神境强者克制,一旦进入一个星域,会让整整一个星域生灵涂炭,所有凡人、武者灵兽都会逐渐灭绝批……” , Shi Yan deeply has inspired, complexion stern say|way: „ That ghost water spider 顿了一下,石岩深吸一口气,脸色严峻道:“那亡魂水蜘 ...... In void passage, after is Mirage Clan and God Clan left behind the move, if cannot go on a punitive expedition against Agate Star Field quickly wrests away, they will then release the ghost jellyfish, exterminates the Agate Star Field life. ” ……本来在虚空通道,为幽影族神族留下的后招,若不能很快将玛琊星域征伐霸占,他们便会释放亡魂水母,灭绝玛琊星域的生灵。” Quite ruthless!” Sanna and shouted to clear the way away Ba Jingsheng. “好狠!”萨那、距跋惊声喝道。 The Zi Yao beautiful pupil is also terrified in a flash, appears deep dreaded that the alarmed and afraid color, sucks the tongue secretly. 紫耀美眸也是悚然一晃,显出深深的忌惮惊惧之色,暗暗咂舌。 Exterminates a procedure of star territory, could be called a heartless not human nature, although the Agate Star Field all parties influence the battle, may not have an influence to be able so ruthlessly certainly virulent, they do not dare to imagine God Clan Mirage Clan really to have this cruel methods. 灭绝一个星域的做法,称得上丧尽天良没有一点人性了,玛琊星域各方势力虽然争斗,可没有一个势力能够如此狠绝恶毒,他们也不敢想象神族幽影族竟然有此狠手。 Yes...... Do you solve?” Away being lame a while, suddenly said. “是……你们解决的?”距跛愣了一会儿,忽然道。 Un, our luck was good, invited other star territory Origin God Boundary Expert, she and Essence flame fusion, refine to melt the ghost jellyfish successfully, left behind this Ice Poison Bead.” Shi Yan tranquil say|way. “嗯,我们运气好,请来了一名别的星域始神境强者,她和本源火焰融合,成功炼化了亡魂水母,留下这一枚淬毒寒珠。”石岩平静道。 Away being lame, Sanna, Zi Yao and peripheral Divine Light Expert eye one bright, when looks at Shi Yan again, in expression were many several points of obvious respect. 距跛、萨那、紫耀和周边神光强者眼睛一亮,再看石岩之时,神色中多了几分明显的敬意。 Ice Poison Bead falls into his hand, if not he is the main key man, how securable Ice Poison Bead? Contacts with two Elder Gu He to say the important function that Shi Yan this name plays, numerous Divine Light Warrior realized faintly he role in this event has seriously how early morning 淬毒寒珠”落入他手中,若非他乃是主要的关键人物,岂可得到“淬毒寒珠”?联系起二长老谷禾所言“石岩”这个名字起的重大作用,众多神光武者隐隐意识到他在这次事件中的角色有多么的重晨 ...... …… Evidently, our Agate Star Field all influence all races should thank you.” tuo is lame suddenly the sinking sound track. “看样子,我们玛琊星域所有势力所有种族都应该感谢你。”跎跛忽然沉声道。 Numerous Divine Light Warrior are secret nods. 众多神光武者都是暗暗点头。 Shi Yan is safely free, said: „The person who you must thank are many, Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Medicine Refining Pavilion and Fighting Union participated, battles without them, void passage is impossible to seal up, the God Clan army will arrive quickly.” 石岩安然自若,道:“你们要感激的人很多,妖族魔族药器阁战盟都参与了进来,没有他们作战,虚空通道不可能封闭,神族大军很快会降临。” Knit the brows to think, he said indifferently: „The God Clan regular army, compared with the Mirage Clan corps powerful several fold, your Blood Spear battleship 56 times of population, it is estimated that can contend with God Clan corps, do not suspect me to exaggerate, I was very discrete, Origin God Expert says according to Fire Rain Star Field and God Clan have fought, the battle efficiency of our normal corps, ten times can compare the God Clan regular army, I hope that you can realize the disparity......” 皱眉想了一下,他淡然说道:“神族的正规军,比幽影族的战队强悍数倍,你们血矛战舰56倍人数,估计才能抗衡一支神族的战队,别怀疑我夸大其词,我已经很谨慎了,按照火雨星域神族交手过的始神强者所言,我们正常战队的战斗力,十倍才能比拟神族的正规军,我希望你们能意识到差距……” Such remarks, Divine Light numerous Warrior shock with amazement, completely was immediately scared. 此言一出,神光众多武者一个个骇然震惊,顿时全部傻眼了。 So is really formidable.” The Zi Yao whole face is bitter and astringent, sighed spookily: I once had seen a God Clan clansman, the oddness of powerful, until the present, still shocks my heart seriously. I believe that God Clan army, is extremely absolutely fearful, otherwise the vast galaxy innumerable race influences, why does God Clan forever lord over all parties?” “真的有那么强大。”紫耀满脸苦涩,幽幽一叹:“我曾见过一名神族族人,当真强悍的离谱,直到如今,依然震撼我心。我相信神族的军队,绝对极其可怕,否则浩瀚星河无数种族势力,为何神族永远独霸各方?” Sanna and all are silent do not say away being lame people, the complexion appears extremely dignified. 萨那、距跛众人皆是沉默不言,脸色显出极为凝重。 They need to digest Shi Yan saying that has not continued to interpose along the way, but knits the brows to rack one's brains anything. 他们需要消化石岩所言,沿途没有继续插话,而是皱眉苦思着什么。 After two day, the purple crystal battleship arrives at one like the star of crescent moon life, the stars cloud layer does not wind around by the toxic smoke gas cloud loose, the Shi Yan diving posture gets down, will be violently poisonous absorb to fall by Ice Poison Bead in abundance. 两日后,紫水晶战舰降临一座如弯月般的生命之星,星辰云层也被毒烟毒雾缭绕不散,石岩飞身下来,以“淬毒寒珠”将剧毒纷纷吸纳掉。 At once, purple crystal battleship stuffed dumpling parachute approach falls, falls to quite beautiful stars surface, the stars is found in the blue sea, in the sea is embellishing the innumerable islands, many islands clear glisten, such as broken gem in sea, such as dream such as imaginary, scenery beautiful letting person such as into dreamland. 旋即,紫水晶战舰饺缓降落下来,落向颇为美丽的星辰表面,星辰遍布蓝色海洋,海洋中点缀着无数岛屿,许多岛屿晶莹闪亮,如海中的碎宝石,如梦如幻,景色美丽的让人如入梦境。 I lead you to see several people.” Before the Zi Yao chuckle I go to that Divine Crystal mineral lode suddenly, stops over here, you and I had a look together in the past.” “我带你见几个人。”紫耀忽然轻笑“我去那神晶矿脉之前,就在这儿逗留,你和我一起过去看看。” Shi Yan is astonished however, nods the head nod at once. 石岩讶然,旋即颔首点头。 Amethyst War Chariot howls, Zi Yao waves toward him, when enters War Chariot after him, this amethyst War Chariot has been separated from the huge battleship, flies toward bottle gourd shape islands of distant place deep blue sea, War Chariot like the flying shuttle, the speed is quite quick. 一艘紫晶战车呼啸出来,紫耀朝着他挥手,待到他进入战车后,这一艘紫晶战车脱离了庞大战舰,朝着远处一处蔚蓝海洋的葫芦形岛屿飞去,战车如飞梭,速度极为快捷。 long time, War Chariot did not stop in that gourd island islet, Zi Yao falls swiftly, then the speaker tenderly shouted: Whom came to see to come.” 多时,战车就在那葫芦岛屿上停了下来,紫耀倏一落下,便扬声娇呼道:“来看看谁过来了。” The islands are not enormous, in island such as the tropical jungle is moist, island Center has several not to calculate hill that stands tall and erect. 岛屿并不算极大,岛上如热带丛林潮湿闷热,海岛〖中〗央有几座不算高耸的小山。 On the verdant mountain covers entirely the plant flower grass, the gems of some foot also numerous glistening, by far look like, this illumination the photo source of islands then came from these gems, the colorful gem is glittering and translucent carving, what a pity has not contained energy, was not looked upon with favor by cultivation power Warrior, nobody ascends to pick. 青翠的山上布满植物huā草,山脚还有众多闪亮的宝石,远远看来,这发光的岛屿的光源便来自于那些宝石,五颜六色的宝石晶莹剔透,可惜没有蕴藏能量,不被修炼力量武者垂青,没人去拾捡。 Several mountains mountainsides, are opening the fine cavern, the interior has the person's shadow to sway faintly, majority are Divine Light Warrior. 几座山川山腰,开辟着精致洞穴,内部隐隐有人影晃荡,大多数都是神光武者 And a hole **, emits several people quickly, they raise head to look into the front, Shi Yan that finds, in the eye spills over the intense happy expression fiercely. 其中一处洞**,倏地冒出几人,他们仰着头眺望前方,一眼瞧见过来的石岩,眼中猛地泛出强烈的喜色。 Shi Yan also loudly shakes, at once the face Shangyang overflow roasts fierce smiling face how your here?” 石岩也是轰然一震,旋即脸上洋溢出炙烈笑容“你们怎的在这儿?” Is Bao Ao, Jie Ji, Bo Ruo, Ka Fu and the others, these humanities should in Lie Yan Star Field, does not know why comes in this suddenly, lets Shi Yan is very surprised. 乃是暴骜桀棘波若卡夫等人,这些人本该在烈焰星域,也不知道为何突然在此现身,让石岩很是惊奇。 In Grace Mainland, Bao Ao and Jie Ji then wait him not to be thin, in the past they worked loose to leave together, enters Lie Yan Star Field together, was seized together by Hidden League, is really has shared joys and sorrows the ally. 远在神恩大陆之时,暴骜桀棘便待他不薄,当年他们一同挣脱离开,一同进入烈焰星域,一同被幽盟擒住,真的是同甘共苦过的战友。 Also so, heard that Bao Ao and Jie Ji they were attracted spirit monster flower to bind to tie, Shi Yan does not hesitate to hand over Star Chart to receive in exchange for them being well, when restores to them such as beginning, was arranged his blood brother Ka Fu to send out Heaven Punishment City by Ka Tuo, by hiding properly in the peripheral mystical dead star area. 也是如此,听说暴骜桀棘他们被吸灵妖huā裹缚住,石岩不惜交出星图换取他们无恙,待到他们恢复如初,被卡托安排他亲弟弟卡夫送出天罚城,被妥善的潜藏在周边的神秘死星疆域内。 This thinks that was very difficult to say goodbye, has not thought that in Agate Star Field, in Shadow Ghost Prison, will see them unexpectedly. 本以为很难再见了,没想到竟然会在玛琊星域,会在暗影鬼狱内,重新见到他们。 Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people, now are God King Realm, Bao Ao and Jie Ji have achieved God King Third Sky, Bo Ruo is not as good, is God King Second Sky Realm, three people see Shi Yan to be high-spirited, said: Thanks to Your Highness Princess Zi Yao.” 暴骜桀棘波若三人,如今都是神王境界,其中暴骜桀棘已经达到神王三重天,波若略逊一点,也是神王二重天境界,三人见着石岩兴致高昂,道:“托紫耀公主殿下的福。” Shi Yan stunned, looked „you have returned to Lie Yan Star Field at once to side smiling Zi Yao?” 石岩愕然,旋即看向身旁笑盈盈的紫耀“你回过烈焰星域?” Un, I have gone back one.” Zi Yao has not concealed, natural reply our Divine Light influence category, is not far from the void slit connection area great distance of Shadow Ghost Prison, I when Divine Light cultivation, have gone to there, used for several years to seek to go to the Lie Yan Star Field space slit, under escorting of several Senior, returned to Lie Yan Star Field.” “嗯,我回去过一趟了。”紫耀一点没有隐瞒,大大方方的回答“我们神光的势力范畴,离暗影鬼狱的虚空缝隙交汇区相隔不远,我在神光修炼的时候,去过那儿,用了几年时间找寻出前往烈焰星域的空间缝隙,在几名前辈的护送下,返回了一趟烈焰星域。”
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