GOS :: Volume #11

#1086: Melting

The everywhere poisonous cloud, covers up vault of heaven backdrop, heaven and earth piece of dreary yin cold, the strong viscous toxic smoke gas cloud does not wind around loose, floods each corner. 漫天毒云,遮掩苍穹天幕,天地一片萧瑟阴寒,浓烈粘稠的毒烟毒雾缭绕不散,充斥每一个角落。 The Divine Light numerous Warrior complexions are dignified, hold up the head the looks at backdrop, racks one's brains is working loose the method. 神光众多武者脸色凝重,昂头看着天幕,苦思着挣脱方法。 tuo is lame has tried various methods, may still being hard bring Divine Light Warrior to be out of danger, the mind is even more serious anxious. 跎跛已尝试各种手段,可依然难以带神光武者脱离险境,心神愈发沉重焦虑。 Then in this time, this for the Fighting Union numerous battleship of captive, quietly moves, toward the stars outer layer impact, this makes many Divine Light Warrior deeply frown, the complexion is serious, they do not favor Fighting Union, when only Fighting Union this is brings about own destruction. 便在此时,本为阶下囚的战盟一众战舰,悄然间行动开来,往星辰外层冲击,这让很多神光武者都深深皱起眉头,脸色沉重,他们并不看好战盟,只当战盟这是自寻死路。 Now the poisonous cloud winds around unceasingly, such as the extremely heavy poisonous water hangs in the chest, they do not have the leisure not to have the mood to raise select Fighting Union. 如今毒云缭绕不绝,如万钧毒水悬在胸口,他们都没有闲暇也没有心情提点战盟 The crucial time, the Zi Yao cropping up speaker shouted loudly suddenly, lets the Fighting Union small vicious cloud, advised against them do not act rashly. 关键的时刻,紫耀忽然冒头扬声高呼,让战盟小心毒云,劝阻他们不要轻举妄动。 Divine Light and Fighting Union Warrior is all astonished however, is perplexed, looks astonished to her. 神光战盟武者皆是讶然,不明所以,纷纷惊愕看向她。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, the Zi Yao long eyelash is fanning, the beautiful pupil line of sight crosses Storm Battalion Expert, finally frames faintly on together grand silhouette, the people look following her vision line of sight that has found that youth in Fighting Union crowd. 众目睽睽之下,紫耀长长睫毛扇动着,美眸视线越过一名名疾风战部强者,最终隐隐定格在一道雄伟身影上,众人顺着她目光视线看去,都瞧见了战盟人群中的那一名青年。 Naturally is Shi Yan. 自然便是石岩 His grinning beams into a smile, reveals the clean white teeth tooth, hints to Zi Yao distantly with a smile, has not replied. 他咧嘴灿然一笑,露出洁白牙齿,遥遥冲紫耀含笑示意,却没有答话。 In the hand a bead of jet black yin cold, transmits the marvelous fluctuation swiftly, that same place, bunches of colorful poisonous cloud as if tide ebullition trundles continuous, unexpectedly gather to well up toward him. 手中一枚漆黑阴寒的珠子,倏然传来奇妙的波动,那一块,一簇簇五颜六色的毒云仿佛潮水沸腾滚动不休,竟纷纷朝着他汇聚涌来。 The people look appears extremely amazed puzzled, looks dull to him. 众人眼神都显出极度惊诧不解,呆呆看向他。 Prepared to attack.” Shi Yan drinks lowly. “准备冲击出去了。”石岩低喝。 The Xia Xinyan tender body trembles, immediately transmits the order: Prepares to attack!” 夏心妍娇躯微颤,立即传递命令:“准备冲击!” hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! If the gust of wind howls, covers the thick latticework on a carriage that audiences head top to stick the poisonous cloud, such as the multi- color rags, submerge his palm piece by piece unexpectedly suddenly, enters that unadorned jet black bead. 如疾风呼啸,笼罩众人头顶的浓稠轱糊毒云,如片片多彩的碎布,竟霍然没入他掌心,进入那一枚朴实无华的漆黑珠子。 The poisonous cloud emerges the bead the speed, the fast being hard imagination, is only the short flash, together toxic smoke poisonous Yun Bianxiao who that covers up half the sky enters the bead not to see, that bead dawn, spreads the subtle fluctuation, the ability point of as if deriving. 毒云涌入珠子的速度,迅捷的难以想象,只是短短一霎那,那一块遮掩半边天的毒烟毒云便消入珠子不见,那珠子蒙蒙亮起,传出微妙的波动,似乎汲取的能力更加一分。 The poisonous cloud vanishes instantaneously numerously, the covered up backdrop such as tears an corner/horn, reveals a bright way to come out. 毒云瞬间消失众多,被遮掩的天幕如撕裂一角,露出一条崭亮的路径出来。 The good law full play that bird battleship of being ready, bang the explosive, internal Divine Crystal builds suddenly, these battleship as if hyphalosaurus lingyuanenses ascend to heaven, the way that following tearing flies from, instantly then withdraws from the star of life, re-enters vastly void. 蓄势待发的飞鸟战舰,突地轰隆隆爆响,内部神晶堆砌的行法全力运转,那些战舰仿佛潜龙升天,顺着撕裂出的路径飞离,霎时便从生命之星脱身,重新进入浩淼虚空。 Divine Light numerous Warrior dull looks at, eyeball almost stares, their Origin God First Sky Senior away the poisonous cloud that being lame cannot get rid, made a connection by the opposite party unexpectedly easily, what condition is this? 神光众多武者呆呆看着,眼珠子都差点瞪出,连他们始神一重天前辈距跛都不能摆脱的毒云,竟然被对方轻易打通,这是什么状况? The people look at each other in blank dismay, is suddenly distracted, has not responded. 众人面面相觑,一时间精神恍惚,都没有反应过来。 The Zi Yao graceful sexy body float horizon, is not far from the top of the head layer upon layer poisonous cloud great distance, her beautiful pupil ripples marvelous wave Ze, on the face brims with the smiling face suddenly, exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful is looking at Shi Yan, did not speak. 紫耀曼妙性感身子悬浮天际,离头顶层层毒云相隔不远,她美眸荡漾起奇妙波泽,脸上忽然洋溢笑容,千娇百媚的瞄着石岩,也不讲话。 In her heart, Shi Yan always has the place of marvelous mystical, not having what difficulty to detain, now Shi Yan confirmed this point once again. 在她心中,石岩总有奇妙神秘之处,没有什么困难可以拦阻,如今石岩又一次证实了这一点。 Walks! Exits!” “走!跟着出去!” Responded quickly away the postscript that speaker called out: Immediately leaves for fully, is separated from the star of this life following passage!” 距跋倏地反应过来,扬声叫道:“立即全力开赴,顺着通道脱离这生命之星!” At this time these Divine Light Warrior responded that proud Aojiao, the hurried revolution battleship, was flushing in the Shi Yan direction. 这时候那些神光武者才纷纷反应过来,一个个傲傲叫着,急忙运转战舰,往石岩方向冲来。 Then in this time, making their unthinkable changes occur again, has broken their step instantaneously. 便在此时,让他们匪夷所思的变化再次发生,也瞬间打断了他们的步骤。 Fighting Union numerous Expert left, may still the person stay behind, nature or Shi Yan. 战盟众多强者已离开,可依然有一人留下,自然还是石岩 He grasps the jet black bead, escapes behind in the Fighting Union bird battleship, suddenly strangely chuckled gets up, pulls off the bead conveniently, that bead was rippling void, fiercely spout bunches of toxic smoke poisonous clouds, the gas cloud that just absorb went was released unexpectedly instantaneously, blocks the gap again. 他手持漆黑珠子,在战盟飞鸟战舰脱身后,忽然嘿嘿怪笑起来,随手将珠子抛离,那珠子在虚空荡漾了一下,猛地喷涌出一簇簇毒烟毒云,刚刚吸纳进去的毒雾竟然瞬间又被释放出来,重新将缺口堵住。 Star of vault of heaven life, was covered up by the toxic smoke poisonous cloud again, the Divine Light battleship that comes enthusiastically, is out of control to stop completely, the poisonous cloud that looks at heals, such as ate the goshawk to be uncomfortable. 生命之星天穹,重新被毒烟毒云遮掩,兴匆匆过来的神光战舰,禁不住全部停了下来,看着愈合的毒云,如吃了苍鹰般难受。 The vision that the people are hostile toward, condenses at once completely on Shi Yan, murderous aura abundant. 众人仇视的目光,旋即全部凝聚在石岩身上,一个个杀气盎然。 Sanna and a lump of postscript are also cold the face to come, looks coldly to him, the vision is bad. 萨那和坨跋也寒着脸过来,冷冽看向他,目光不善。 Zi Yao bag eyebrow one tight, plunders quickly lightly, stopped before the Shi Yan body, keeps off before Divine Light numerous Expert, said: What do you stay behind make?” 紫耀袋眉一紧,倏地翩然掠动,在石岩身前停了下来,挡在神光众多强者之前,道:“你留下做什么?” Shi Yan is smiling, said: A while delivers you to leave, you are patient, after waiting for Fighting Union to withdraw, I from, when will make a connection with the gap to you again.” 石岩微笑着,道:“一会儿送你们离开,你们稍安勿躁,等战盟脱身以后,我自当会重新给你们打通缺口。” Sanna and tuo are lame expression to be startled, whole face doubts look at white him, the expression is strange. 萨那、跎跛神色一怔,满脸疑惑的看白他,表情怪异。 „Do you recognize?” Sanna responded suddenly. “你们认得?”萨那突然反应了过来。 He is Shi Yan.” The Zi Yao pursing the lips chuckle, said naturally: „Before I not the master accepts disciple, with him in together, um, we know well very much.” “他就是石岩。”紫耀抿嘴轻笑,大大方方道:“我没有被师傅收徒以前,都和他在一块儿,嗯,我们很熟识。” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, looks at numerous Divine Light Expert naturally, simple transparent saying: „If no Zi Yao, I will not manage you, just then left to leave. But you, all of you, will die in this place, cannot escape.” 石岩淡然一笑,自然而然的看着众多神光强者,简单明了的说道:“如果没有紫耀,我不会管你们死活,刚刚便抽身离开了。而你们,你们所有人,都将死在此地,一个逃脱不了。” Has tuo always, how won't we be able to exit?” Sanna snort|hum, has not believed obviously. “有跎老在,我们岂会出不去?”萨那哼了一声,显然不信。 Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan four people collaborate, cannot get rid eliminates the violently poisonous influence, if he self-confident strong Blood Devil four people of power has collaborated, could try.” Shi Yan explained with a smile. 血魔巴斯古特风言四人联手,都不能摆脱消泯剧毒的影响,他如果自信强过血魔四人力量联手,或许可以一试。”石岩笑着解释。 Suddenly changed away being lame complexion, waves to hint Sanna do not talk too much, said: Heard that in void passage, Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Medicine Refining Pavilion and Fighting Union tied up, probably is you helps them to get rid? At that time, is similar poisonous smoke cloud?” 距跛脸色骤然变了,挥手示意萨那不要多言,说道:“听说在虚空通道内,妖族魔族药器阁战盟被捆缚住,好像是你助他们摆脱的?当时,也是类似的毒烟云?” This time is more stern, at that time what appeared in strength spatial passage is the ghost jellyfish, is the violently poisonous source. Here toxic smoke gas cloud, is only on it releases to be gathered by Mirage Clan merely, but these toxic smoke poisonous clouds, wanted your life sufficiently.” Shi Yan is completely at ease. “比这次严峻许多,当时出现在力空通道内的乃亡魂水母,为剧毒源头。这儿的毒烟毒雾,仅仅只是它身上释放出来被幽影族聚集的,但这些毒烟毒云,也足以要了你们的性命。”石岩坦然自若。 Deeply looks away the postscript to him, hesitates for a long time, said suddenly: Everybody is calm a while, selects the time to the little brother.” 距跋深深看向他,沉吟许久,忽然说道:“大家都冷静一会儿,给小兄弟点时间。” He looked, Shi Yan this is looks in the Zi Yao surface will get rid, otherwise racket, their Divine Light thousand elite will be buried in this place, feared that is nobody can escape death by a hair's breadth. 他已经看出来了,石岩这是瞧在紫耀的面上才会出手,否则拍拍屁股走人,他们神光千名精锐都将葬身此地,怕是无人可以幸免于难。 How naturally knows the decision-making away the postscript. 距跋自然知道如何决策。 Sanna knits the brows slightly, has not spoken the interference, is silent, the line of sight is actually patrolling on Zi Yao and Shi Yan, shows facial expression looking pensive. 萨那微微皱眉,也没出言干涉,沉默不语,视线却在紫耀石岩身上游弋着,露出若有所思的神情。 Ling-ling! Ling-ling!” “嘀铃铃!嘀铃铃!” , The Zi Yao sleeve cuff transmits suddenly sounds rapidly, she has gawked, takes out amethyst Transmission Stone, knits the brows by the mind sensation. 突地,紫耀袖口传来急促鸣叫,她愣了一下,取出一枚紫晶音石,皱眉以心神感知。 Her charming cheek swiftly changed, lost one's voice startled called out: Several important regions that we seize, is the same with us, was been close by the contaminated cloud! That Mirage Clan solely does not leave behind the violent treachery in our, other ore material rich treasure troves, had restriction to be triggered completely!” 她娇媚的脸蛋倏然变了,失声惊叫道:“我们抢占的几处重要区域,都和我们一样,遭受毒云封闭了!那幽影族不单单只是在我们这一处留下毒手,其余的矿材丰富宝地,全部有禁制被触发了!” Awful!” Away being lame urgently to call simultaneously with Sanna. “糟糕!”距跛和萨那同声急叫起来。 Divine Light emerges Shadow Ghost Prison Warrior to have more than 3000, is God King, Source God and elite of Void God boundary, is the top-beam pillar of Divine Light many years of cultivation. 神光涌入暗影鬼狱武者有3000多名,皆是神王源神虚神境的精锐,为神光多年培育的顶梁支柱。 This group of people, are the main force of Fighting Union battle, at this time was surrounded to restraint by the poisonous cloud unexpectedly, if more than 3000 people died a tragic death Divine Light Origin Energy to damage severely, let alone has confronted with Fighting Union, feared that will be own many benefits is attacked. 这一批人,本来是和战盟争斗的主力,此时竟然都被毒云给束缚困住,若是3000多人纷纷惨死神光将会元气大伤,别说和战盟对峙了,怕是自身的许多利益都会被冲击掉。 Zi Yao, is apart from the postscript and Sanna alarmed and afraid to be restless. 紫耀、距跋、萨那都惊惧不安起来。 But at this time, the star of this life was still given the seal by the poisonous cloud, one can relieve the threat Shi Yan, old god, star free from arrogance and rashness, but also is giving the Storm Battalion creation time. 而此时,这生命之星依然被毒云给封闭,嘀一可以解除威胁的石岩,老神在在的,星得不骄不躁,还在给疾风战部创造时间。 Away being lame deeply inspires, the complexion, suddenly said dignifiedly: „The Shi Yan little brother, you helps us withdraw now, then solves for us troublesome, I can guarantee to evacuate Shadow Ghost Prison, not again and Fighting Union will compete for any benefit, our Divine Light will also thank you, when will owe you a huge favour.” 距跛深吸一口气,脸色凝重之极,突然道:“石岩小兄弟,你现在帮我们脱身,然后为我们解决麻烦,我可以保证撤离暗影鬼狱,绝不会再和战盟争夺任何利益,我们神光也会感激你,当欠下你一个天大人情。” „After you withdraw, won't continue to pursue to Storm Battalion?” Shi Yan expression is relaxed, the optional accent said with a smile. “你们脱身之后,不会继续对疾风战部追击吧?”石岩神色轻松,随意调笑道。 For him, Divine Light can Warrior die will die many he to be indifferent, so long as Zi Yao safe and sound then. As for Divine Light and Fighting Union conflict battle, he does not have any interest, this is Feng Han and Divine Light the main competition, although concerns Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan, interest that but he has still not paid attention. 对他来说,神光武者会不会死会死多少他都漠不关心,只要紫耀安然无恙即可。至于神光战盟的冲突争斗,他也没任何兴趣,这是锋寒神光之主的竞争,虽然关乎紫耀夏心妍,可他依然没有关注的兴趣。 Was secret away the postscript, saw Shi Yan was not interested, has thought that the seeking help vision will throw to Zi Yao, hoping Zi Yao can act to solve this matter. 距跋暗暗焦急,看出了石岩不感兴趣,想了一下,不由将求助目光抛向紫耀,希望紫耀能出面解决此事。 Shi Yan, you a bit faster make us leave, helping us solve troublesome.” Zi Yao the face, was saying painstakingly: I ensure cannot cope with Xia Xinyan, our Divine Light is also a Agate Star Field member, we died too many people, if in the future the God Clan invasion, from the general situation, will be entire Agate Star Field disadvantageous.” 石岩,你快点让我们离开,帮我们解决掉麻烦。”紫耀苦着脸,道:“我保证不会对付夏心妍,还有,我们神光也是玛琊星域一份子,我们死亡太多人,将来如果神族入侵,从大局上来看,是整个玛琊星域的不利呀。” She knows that dispute between Shi Yan and God Clan, came from the place of perishing god, she with own eyes has also experienced the God Clan ominous severe He plot. 她知道石岩神族间的纠葛,一路从殒神之地而来,她也亲眼见识过神族的凶厉和阴谋。 You said that I naturally believed.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, said: Ok, I help you withdraw.” “你这么说了,我自然相信了。”石岩淡然一笑,道:“行,我帮你们脱身。” Zi Yao has gawked, suddenly the tender charming smile, the elegant face such as the colored prestige opened. 紫耀愣了下,忽然娇媚笑了起来,俏脸如花威开。 She does not have the essence to so neatly, bargained back and forth continually does not have, this that Shi Yan complies explained that Shi Yan to her trust, still as always, not changed with the time and change in status. 她没粹到石岩答应的如此干净利落,连讨价还价都没有,这说明石岩对她的信任,依然一如既往,并没有随着时间和身份变化而改变。 She does not know that just saw with own eyes Shi Yan attacks clouds poisonously her anxious shouting, making Shi Yan be moved very much, has this premise, Shi Yan naturally cannot sit by and do nothing to her begging, will treat matter of Divine Light and Fighting Union objectively, not because Xia Xinyan wholeheartedly will then attack Divine Light. 她并不知道,刚刚眼见石岩冲击毒云她的焦急叫嚷,让石岩很是感动,有这个前提在,石岩对她的央求自然不会坐视不管,也会客观对待神光战盟之事,不会因为夏心妍便全力打击神光 Thanks.” Away being lame to relax. “谢谢。”距跛松了一口气。 Looked that has not visited him, Shi Yan Ice Poison Bead will throw, that jet black bead in poisonous Yun Duyan, transmits a very intense attracting customer interest swiftly, such as alligator absorbing water is ordinary, rapidly everywhere poisonous cloud embezzling. 看也没看他,石岩将“淬毒寒珠”重新抛落出来,那漆黑珠子在毒云毒烟中,倏然传来一股非常强烈的吸扯力,如鳄鱼吸水一般,迅速将漫天毒云给吞没。 In several minutes, the toxic smoke of star of winding around entire life gives to sweep away, submergesIce Poison Beadcompletely, does not remain. 在几分钟时间,缭绕整个生命之星的毒烟给一扫而空,全部没入“淬毒寒珠“中,一丝不剩。 That bead, as if even more yin cold a point, internal marvelous fluctuation, gradually intense. 那珠子,似乎愈发阴寒了一点,其中内部的奇妙波动,也渐渐强烈了起来。
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