GLD :: Volume #10

#972: Black Swirl Ripple Fist

pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! Xia Ping and Bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf fight, is quite intense. 夏平山贼头子独眼狼战斗,极为激烈。 in the midair, presents two groups of huge Fireball to collide immediately, simply probably two rounds of Sun are ordinary in the hit, erupts the terrifying might, hōng lóng lóng makes noise. 半空当中,立即出现两团巨大的火球在碰撞,简直就好像两轮太阳在撞击一般,爆发出恐怖的威力,轰隆隆作响。 Each hit, erupts massive flame, these concentrate substance flame to fall in all around, one after another pound huge deep hole, even burns on the rock. 每一次撞击,都爆发出大量的火焰,这些凝成实质火焰掉落在四周,纷纷砸出一个巨大的深坑,甚至在岩石上面燃烧。 Short in minutes, surrounding area several kilometers changed into piece of sea of fire, even distant place small mountain was covered by flame, raging flames, simply changed into Flame Mountain. 短短数分钟之内,方圆数公里就化为了一片火海,甚至远处一座小山火焰覆盖,熊熊燃烧,简直化为了火焰山 Elder Brother Native is quite fierce.” 土著哥哥好厉害。” Defeats that rascal, trying hard defeats that Bandit rascal.” “打败那个坏蛋,努力打败那个山贼坏蛋。” The experience to such astonishing fight scene, one crowd of child looks at dumbstruck, looks at Xia Ping that very worships, is one after another provides encouragement to Xia Ping. 见识到这样惊人的战斗场景,一群小孩都是看得目瞪口呆,十分崇拜的看着夏平,都是纷纷夏平加油打气。 What's the matter? Why this brat so formidable, can hit with Boss unexpectedly shares half and half.” “怎么回事?为什么这小子如此强大,居然能和老大打得平分秋色。” no way, can he really defeat Boss to be inadequate?” 不会吧,难道他真的能战胜老大不成?” This is impossible, Boss is Wudi(Invincible) exist(ence), from ancient to present, does not know that many people come up the challenge, but one by one cherishes hatred, this brat is also no exception.” “这是不可能的,老大无敌存在,从古到今,不知道有多少人上来挑战,但是都一一饮恨,这小子也不会例外。” Do not quarrel, hurries Dodge, otherwise we die here.” “别吵了,赶紧闪避,否则我们就死在这里。” surroundings Bandit was also shocked, complete didn't expect chief is unable to kill this brat unexpectedly instantaneously, this simply is a unimaginable matter, is greatly not as they expected, lets their have guts ominous premonition. 周围山贼也是惊呆了,完全没想到自己首领居然无法瞬间杀死这小子,这简直就是一件匪夷所思的事情,大大出乎他们的预料,让他们有种不祥的预感。 However they also had no time to care about the Boss matter, because the fight was really extremely intense, brought disaster to the fishpond, close to battlefield meeting with a disaster. 但是他们也无暇顾及自己老大的事情了,因为战斗实在是太过激烈,殃及鱼池,靠近战场的都会遭殃。 Depends on near Bandit to frighten one after another to back up much quite, toward nearby Dodge, some Dodge, was pounded without enough time by one group of Fireball, was fired the ashes instantaneously, the pitiful yell sound can’t do anything about it round. 不少靠得比较近的山贼吓得纷纷倒退,朝着旁边闪避,有些来不及闪避的,被一团火球砸下来,瞬间就被烧成灰烬,惨叫声都没办法发出来。 Sees this situation, Bandit that but also lives shows the look that has a lingering fear. 见到这种情况,还活下来的山贼露出心有余悸的神色。 so that's how it is, Spiral Power can merging myriad things, this is excellent fight technique.” As the fight is getting more and more intense, Xia Ping regarding Spiral Power control reaching perfection. 原来如此,螺旋之力可以融入万物,这是绝妙的战斗技巧。”随着战斗越来越激烈,夏平对于螺旋之力的掌控就更加出神入化了。 He spiral strength merging flame Astral Qi among, a fist and a foot, rumbled flame spiral, produced extremely powerful Penetrating Power, filled destruction power. 他将螺旋力量融入火焰罡气当中,一拳一脚,都轰出了火焰螺旋,产生了极强穿透力,充满了破坏力 It can be said that now his style might promoted several times to continue compared with before, this was the change in nature. 可以说,现在他的招式威力比之前提升数倍不止,这便是性质上的变化。 strength has not changed many obviously, but destruction power was more terrifying. 明明力量没有变化多少,但是破坏力却更加恐怖了。 spiral Fireball pound to fall on Earth, pounds huge deep hole instantaneously, this seems the spiral drill bit general, several breath drilled into bottom more than ten meters, the soil splash. 一颗颗螺旋火球砸落在大地上,瞬间就砸出一个巨大的深坑,这就好像螺旋钻头一般,几个呼吸就钻入了地底十几米,泥土飞溅。 Such attack power, can drill broken protects oneself Astral Qi, almost no-one may keep off. 这样的攻击力,可以钻破护身罡气,几乎无人可挡。 Dies!” “去死!” bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf felt immediately transmits intermittent fearful aura from Xia Ping's body, thought that was more dangerous than before did not know many times, as if has method that can threaten the life. 土匪头子独眼狼顿时就感觉到从夏平身上传来一阵阵可怕的气息,觉得比之前危险了不知道多少倍,似乎有着能够威胁自己性命的手段。 He thought immediately this way is not good, words that maybe also hits, oneself died, must fight a battle to force a quick decision, solved this dangerous enemy as soon as possible. 他当即就觉得继续这样下去不行,说不定还打下去的话,自己就死定了,必须速战速决,尽快解决这个危险的敌人 One-eyed Wolf angrily shouted, he revolves immediately within the body Astral Qi, dantian Qi Sea deep place seems like round of Sun to reappear, terrifying flame energy vibration. 独眼狼当即怒喝一声,他运转体内罡气,丹田气海深处似乎有一轮太阳浮现出来,恐怖的火焰能量震荡 His 108,000 pore erupts huge golden rays of light, the shining world, as if complete flame energy gathers on own fist. 他身上十万八千个毛孔都爆发出巨大金色光芒,照耀天下,似乎全部的火焰能量都汇聚在自己的拳头上面。 This is laser cannon seems to be ordinary, complete energy gathers together, then erupts instantaneously, creates to extreme destruction power fearfully, this is can tear into shreds Battleship defense strikes. 这仿佛是激光炮一般,全部的能量汇聚在一起,然后瞬间爆发出去,造成可怕到极点的破坏力,这是能够撕碎战舰防御的一击。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” The Xia Ping eye reveals rays of light, Hell's Golden Crow's Eye is revolving slowly, the thought achieved ten times of speed, as if the world myriad things time slowed down ten times of general. 夏平眼睛露出一丝光芒,地狱金乌眼在缓缓旋转,思维达到了十倍的速度,似乎世间万物的时间都减缓了十倍一般。 He saw clearly bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf this strikes, the angle, speed, destruction power opposite party wait/etc., in his computation range, understands clearly all completely. 他清楚的看到了土匪头子独眼狼这一击,对方的角度、速度破坏力等等,全部都在他的计算范围之内,洞悉一切。 However he has not paid attention, but immerses in oneself regarding Spiral Power comprehension among. 但是他没有理会,而是沉浸在自己对于螺旋之力的领悟当中 Right, this move of named what?” “对了,这招叫做什么呢?” At this moment, the Xia Ping thought achieved speed of limit, outside world one second, but in the brain world had passed several double-hour, he pondered unceasingly. 此时此刻,夏平思维达到了极限的速度,外面世界一秒的时间,但是脑内世界已经过去了几个时辰,他不断思考。 at this time reached a new altitude regarding the comprehension of Spiral Power, according to the Martial Dao knowledge that he studies, the unceasing arrangement, Virtual silhouette in the mind deep place drilling, creates new killing strike together slowly. 这时候对于螺旋之力的领悟达到了一个新的高度,根据他所学的武道知识,不断的排列组合,一道虚拟人影脑海深处演练,慢慢创造出一门新的杀招 Right, since has relationship with Spiral Power, might as well be called Black Swirl Ripple Fist.” “对了,既然和螺旋之力关系,不如就叫做黑漩波纹拳。” In this instantly, the lucky spirit heart, Xia Ping knocks out the fist, his complete flame energy gathers on fist, boundless flame energy gathers together, formed Vortex, changes into the spheroid. 就在这刹那,福灵心至,夏平出拳,他身上全部的火焰能量都汇聚在拳头上面,磅礴的火焰能量汇聚在一起,形成了漩涡,化为球体。 This spheroid revolves unceasingly, is ordinary like black hole, as if swallowed the all around ray, most colors vanished, merely is the remaining black. 这个球体不断旋转,如同黑洞一般,似乎吞噬了四周的光线,大部分的颜色都消失了,就仅仅是剩下黑色。 The surroundings people saw, on Xia Ping fist presented black Vortex, the all around air congealed substance, presented ripple, spreading all around, had the ripples, emits had/left strange mysterious aura. 周围的人都看到,夏平拳头上面出现了一个黑色的漩涡,四周的空气凝成实质,出现了一圈圈的波纹,扩散四周,发生了涟漪,散发出诡异神秘气息 Kills!” Xia Ping a fist rumbled “杀!”夏平一拳轰了出去 in a flash, a flame ball of revolving erupts, pounded toward One-eyed Wolf, is large, the diameter has the 2-3 meter, flies generally like the meteor. 瞬息之间,一颗旋转的火焰球爆发出去,朝着独眼狼砸了过去,体积庞大,直径有着两三米,如同流星一般飞去。 Meanwhile, One-eyed Wolf struck also to rumble, changed into together the flame beam, the air was scalding hot, swept away along the way, as if even the air burnt down. 与此同时,独眼狼的一击也轰了过来,化为一道火焰射线,空气灼热,沿途横扫过去,似乎连空气都焚烧起来。 This strikes extremely fearfully, Penetrating Power is the extremely astonishing degree, even a mountain will still be given to pierce by this flame beam, the entire mountain massif tears. 这一击极为可怕,穿透力达到极其惊人的程度,就算是一座大山也会被这火焰射线给洞穿,整个山体都撕裂。 hōng lóng lóng!!! 轰隆隆!!! Two energy collide mutually, hits Earth general like the comet. 两股能量互相碰撞,如同彗星撞击地球一般。 However obviously is revolving Fireball gets the winning side, the One-eyed Wolf flame beam falls on spiral Fireball, bunch of ray falls into black hole among to be common probably, was swallowed instantaneously, changes into invisible. 但是明显是旋转的火球占据上风,独眼狼火焰射线落在螺旋火球上面,就好像一簇光线落入黑洞当中一般,被瞬间就吞噬进去,化为无形。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” One-eyed Wolf startled, complete didn't expect this strikes immediately unexpectedly futile, even was also swallowed directly, any function can’t do anything about it display. 独眼狼顿时大吃一惊,完全没想到自己这一击居然徒劳无功,甚至还被直接吞噬进去,任何作用都没办法发挥。 He tries to dodge, but is too late. 他试图闪躲,但是已经太晚了。 This spiral Fireball pounded like this, falls down general, bombardment ruthlessly like the meteor on One-eyed Wolf body, merely is several breath, his guard Astral Qi was torn, seemed stirred the smashing by Spiral Power. 这颗螺旋火球就这样砸了过去,如同流星坠地一般,狠狠的轰击独眼狼身体上面,仅仅是几个呼吸,他身上的护身罡气都被撕裂,似乎被螺旋之力搅成粉碎。 Ah! 啊! One-eyed Wolf sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, this Fireball pierced his body all of a sudden, presents a blood hole at the scene, blood is dripping, bottom of one's heart heavy losses. 独眼狼发出一声凄厉的惨叫,这颗火球一下子就洞穿了他的身体,当场出现一个血洞,鲜血淋漓,肺腑重创。 Even the energy eruption of flame, spreads his whole body, making him be surrounded by big fire instantaneously, whole body changes into a hot person, body each cell the crazy combustion. 甚至火焰能量爆发,蔓延他的全身,让他瞬间就被大火包围,整个人都化为一个火人,身上每一颗细胞都在疯狂的燃烧。 Is several breath, he disappears in same place, changes into one group of white rays of light. 仅仅是几个呼吸,他就消失在原地,化为一团白色的光芒
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