GLD :: Volume #10

#971: Perfect flame

Bang split second, Xia Ping on One-eyed Wolf a fist, felt oneself entire body to be as if covered immediately by round of Sun, emits has the heat without limits, the heat wave is billowing. 一瞬间,夏平就中了独眼狼一拳,顿时感受到自己整个身体似乎被一轮太阳笼罩下来,散发出无止境的热量,热浪滚滚。 Immediately he felt own whole body high and low, the hair, skin, blood and bone melted generally, even Astral Qi in this moment probably a little by the flavor that the heat evaporates. 当即他就觉得自己浑身上下,毛发、皮肤、血液、骨头好像在这一刻都融化了一般,连罡气都有点被热量蒸发的味道。 powerful flame energy.” 好强火焰能量。” Xia Ping pupil shrink, he feels this One-eyed Wolf is not ordinary Bandit Boss, the opposite party body has Saint Level Martial Arts, the a fist bang is coming, arrives like Sun, burns down in five. 夏平瞳孔收缩,他感受到这独眼狼并非是普通山贼头子,对方身上具备着圣人级别武学,一拳轰来,如同太阳降临,焚烧五内。 It is estimated that other common Grandmaster Level cultivator meets this Bandit Boss, will be killed by living a fist surely, fires the ashes. 估计寻常宗师级别的修炼者遇到这山贼头子,必定会被活生生一拳打死,烧成灰烬。 Possibly this is Saint phantom, but his status camouflages Bandit chief. 可能这又是一尊圣人虚影,只是他的身份伪装成山贼首领而已。 Even this One-eyed Wolf strength is more fearful compared with previous Martial Dao School Saint phantom, as if had many intelligence and nimble and resourceful compared with before, fighting strength is extraordinary. 甚至这独眼狼的实力比起上次武道学堂圣人虚影更加可怕,似乎比之前有了更多的智慧和灵动,战斗力非凡。 Really, this Novice Village's Mission is not good to complete. 果然,这新手村的任务不是那么好完成的。 Good brat, a little strength, to meet my a fist again.” One-eyed Wolf also a little surprise, because the common person met oneself this a fist, had been killed while still alive, whole body blood was been clean by the evaporation. “好小子,有点实力,再接我一拳。”独眼狼也有点诧异,因为寻常人接了自己这一拳,早就被活活打死,全身血液都被蒸发干净。 However at present this brat is actually repelled more than ten steps by oneself merely, body has not received the too big injury. 但是眼前这小子却仅仅是被自己打退十几步,身体并没有受到太大的伤害。 However he does not have the surprise is too long, since a fist is unable to kill, that comes two fists, three fists. 不过他也没有诧异太久,既然一拳无法打死,那就来两拳,三拳。 Whiz! 嗖! One-eyed Wolf bullies, the movement like the wolf, was full of the explosive force, is a fist rumbles. 独眼狼欺身上去,动作如狼,充满了爆发力,又是一拳轰来。 His fist blooms ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, was wrapped by scarlet flame, all around flame concentrates substance, as if changed into lava, contain the infinite heat. 他的拳头绽放出万丈金光,被赤色火焰包裹起来,四周火焰凝成实质,似乎都化为了熔浆,蕴含着无穷的热量。 Close to three zhang (3.33 m), by the energy burn of this burning hot, as if round of Sun, will be stood in merely merely same place, fires the ashes the all around object, is in itself big killing tool, invincible. 仅仅是靠近三丈,都会被这股炙热的能量灼伤,仿佛一轮太阳,仅仅是站在原地,就将四周的物体都烧成灰烬,本身就是一件大杀器,所向披靡 Unexpectedly utilizes so the situation flame Astral Qi.” “居然将火焰罡气运用到如此地步。” Xia Ping acclaimed secretly, broadened the outlook, he thought that oneself used within the body Astral Qi technique is really crude, simply was the baby study walks general. 夏平暗暗赞叹,大开眼界,他觉得自己使用自己体内罡气技巧实在是太简陋了,简直就是婴儿学走路一般。 The opposite party a fist bang comes, flame energy vibration, displayed vividly and thoroughly flame Ignite, burning hot, destruction wait/etc. characteristics, even point energy has not wasted. 对方一拳轰来,火焰能量震荡,将火焰灼烧、炙热、破坏等等特性发挥到淋漓尽致,甚至一点的能量都没有浪费。 A simply fire god, Burning Down the Whole World, any has the thing of moisture content to be able the evaporation to be clean probably, overbearing and rude and unreasonable, do not allow any energy exist(ence) besides flame extremely. 简直就好像一尊火神,焚烧天下,任何有水分的东西都会蒸发干净,极为霸道蛮横,不容许任何除了火焰之外的能量存在 pinnacle! 极致! Right, Xia Ping feels anything to be called the pinnacle from this a fist strength. 对,夏平从这一拳感受到什么叫做极致的力量 When speed quickly to pinnacle, then a leaf, a flower, can effortless cut steel even, kills people outside the thousand li (500 km), tears all, cut through iron as if it were mud, this is speed achieves the pinnacle terrifying. 速度快到极致,那么就算是一片叶子,一朵花,都能轻松切割钢铁,杀人于千里之外,撕裂一切,削铁如泥,这就是速度达到极致的恐怖。 But flame strength is also so, this Bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf has displayed the pinnacle flame Ignite and destruction characteristics condition, as if any touches the flame object, by destruction cleanly, will be burnt down internal. 火焰力量也是如此,这山贼头子独眼狼已经将火焰灼烧破坏的特性发挥到极致的状态,似乎任何触碰到火焰的物体,都会被破坏得干干净净,焚烧内部 Even the duration long function, these flame stay in same place, burns on the rock, sends out the raging flame, continuous conducts destruction. 甚至还有持续时间长的作用,这些火焰停留在原地,在岩石上面燃烧,发出熊熊烈火,持续不断的进行破坏 It is estimated that once contaminates these flame, these flame do not result in thoroughly enemy burning down, will not terminate. 估计一旦沾染上这些火焰,这些火焰不将敌人焚烧得一干二净,都不会终止。 Thump! 咚! One-eyed Wolf this a fist pounding ruthlessly in Xia Ping's body, hit his Darknorth Body Protection Art instantaneously, in the family/home Astral Qi cover appears, concentrates transparent Qi barrier. 独眼狼一拳狠狠的砸在夏平身上,瞬间就击中了他的北冥护体功,一层内家罡气罩浮现出来,凝成透明的气罩 Immediately, this a fist Strength of Flame, crazy Ignite, as to fire the one by one large cave/hole his Darknorth Body Protection Art, have guts along Qi Art, infiltrates his five viscera and six bowels flavor. 当即,这一拳火焰之力,疯狂灼烧,似乎要要将他的北冥护体功都烧成一个个大洞,有种沿着气功,渗透进去他五脏六腑的味道。 Once succeeds, perhaps on him countless meridians will be roasted ripe by this flame Astral Qi, whole body becomes together the human form hard coke, vanishes in Virtual world among. 一旦成功的话,恐怕他身上无数经脉都会被这火焰罡气烤熟,整个人都成为一块人形焦炭,消失在虚拟世界当中 This flame is not ordinary flame, but is Heavenly Flame, no wonder is so terrifying, flavor that even Darknorth Body Protection Art a little cannot support.” The Xia Ping pupil search, he detected that on this Bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf derived World Heavenly Flame, before being similar, absorb Fire of Life, Earth's Core Spiritual Fire as well as Sun's Essence. “这火焰并非是普通火焰,而是一种异火,难怪如此恐怖,就算是北冥护体功也有点支撑不住的味道。”夏平瞳孔搜索,他察觉到这山贼头子独眼狼身上汲取了一种天地异火,类似自己之前吸收生命之火,地心灵火以及太阳精华 Therefore, flame Astral Qi of opposite party is so fierce, destruction power is full, in addition Saint Level Fist Technique, this simply is invincible, can by one against hundred. 因此,对方的火焰罡气才如此厉害,破坏力十足,再加上圣人级别拳法,这简直就是所向披靡,能够以一敌百 This Bandit Boss is quite fierce.” “这个山贼头子好厉害。” All day knows the spit fire, soon was hot I.” “整天就知道喷火,都快要热死我了。” Big Brother Native, do not lose, defeats this rascal quickly.” 土著大哥哥,不要输,快打败这个坏蛋。” Right, Elder Brother Native, you will certainly win, cannot lose absolutely.” “对,土著哥哥,你一定会赢的,绝对不能输。” surroundings one group of kids hide by far, as if cannot withstand such heat, they provide encouragement to Xia Ping in the distant place, hopes that can defeat this Bandit Boss. 周围一群小屁孩躲得远远的,似乎都承受不住这样的热量,他们在远处给夏平加油打气,希望能打败这个山贼头子 Other Bandit do not dare to approach, the fight of this Rank, they go in die. 其他山贼也是不敢靠近,这种等级的战斗,他们进去就是死。 „To defeat me, simply has a dream, my delivers Western Heaven you, dies to me.” One-eyed Wolf sneered, he is in power not forgive the person, displays excellent Fist Technique. “想打败我,简直就是做梦,我这就将你送上西天,给我死吧。”独眼狼冷笑一声,他得势不饶人,施展绝妙的拳法 in the midair, presented densely packed Fist Seal immediately, each Fist Seal contain terrifying flame energy, is arriving at Earth general like flame meteors, might is unequalled. 半空当中,当即出现了密密麻麻拳印,每一只拳印蕴含着恐怖的火焰能量,如同一颗颗火焰流星降临大地一般,威力无与伦比。 As if he took a move entire to destroy completely Xia Ping, displayed complete strength. 似乎他要一招就将夏平给整个灭掉,施展了全部的力量 Saint Level Fist Technique? Also is not only then you understand.” The Xia Ping eye reveals cold glow, he one step treads, Void a fist, revolution Pure Yang Inextinguishable Art. 圣人级拳法吗?也不是只有你懂而已。”夏平眼睛露出一丝寒芒,他一步踏出,虚空一拳,运转纯阳不灭诀 In this instantly, his 108,000 pore among emits continuously flame, gathers completely, entire body as if turned into a giant hot person. 在这个刹那,他身上十万八千个毛孔当中都冒出一缕缕火焰,全部汇聚起来,整个身体似乎都变成了一个巨大的火人。 But these flame energy gather under his fist, unexpectedly in this instantly, formed huge flame Vortex, produced extremely fearful Spiral Power. 而这些火焰能量汇聚在他的拳头之下,居然在这个刹那,形成了巨大的火焰漩涡,产生了极其可怕的螺旋之力 This a fist pounded toward Bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf, two strength collide mutually. 一拳朝着山贼头子独眼狼砸了过去,两股力量互相碰撞。 pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! in the midair Fist Seal by flame Vortex defeat, as if black hole, complete fist force will be torn and strangled to death instantaneously, several breath disappear cleanly, not a single drop left behind. 半空当中拳印瞬间就被火焰漩涡击溃,似乎有一个黑洞,将全部的拳劲撕扯、绞杀,几个呼吸就泯灭得干干净净,点滴不剩 What?! 什么?! Bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf startled, didn't expect Xia Ping's Fist Technique is so terrifying, contain Spiral Power, is decoding instantaneously cleanly his Fist Technique. 山贼头子独眼狼大吃一惊,没想到夏平的拳法如此恐怖,蕴含螺旋之力,瞬间就将他的拳法破解得干干净净。 His whole body without warning, separated to suffer Xia Ping a fist spatially, body flew upside down like this, pounded instantaneously on distant place small mountain. 整个人猝不及防,就隔空挨了夏平一拳,身体就这样倒飞出去,瞬间就砸在了远处一座小山上面。 with a bang sound, that stone small mountain was shaken to collapse instantaneously, all split up and in pieces, changes into ashes, but also presented a giant pothole, fissures spread to several li (0.5 km) beyond, the scene is astonishing. 轰的一声,那座石头小山瞬间被震得崩塌,四分五裂,化为齑粉,还出现了一个巨大的坑洞,一道道裂痕蔓延到数里之外,场景惊人。 , Bandit Boss One-eyed Wolf could not bear put out blood. 噗的一下,山贼头子独眼狼也是忍不住吐出了一口鲜血 Damn, this has not ended, dies to me.” 该死,这还没完呢,给我死。” One-eyed Wolf roared, he struggled to jump from crushed stone among, if the shape Demon God, whole body were the bloodstain, like artillery shell, killed again toward Xia Ping. 独眼狼咆哮一声,他挣扎从碎石当中跳了起来,状若魔神,全身都是血迹,如同炮弹,再次朝着夏平袭杀过来。
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