GLD :: Volume #10

#973: Divine Sun Fist

, The instance when Bandit One-eyed Wolf vanishes, in the midair falls Secret Manual to get down immediately, fell like this in the soil above, emits had/left white rays of light. 啪的一下,当山贼独眼狼消失的瞬间,半空当中立即掉落一本秘籍下来,就这样掉在了泥土地上面,散发出白色的光芒 what is this thing?” 这是什么东西?” Xia Ping notices this Secret Manual exist(ence) all of a sudden, big hand grasps, produces formidable attraction, instantaneously this Secret Manual catching in own hand. 夏平一下子就注意到这本秘籍存在,大手一抓,产生强大吸力,瞬间就将这本秘籍给抓到了自己的手里。 On Secret Manual writes several big characters: Divine Sun Fist! 秘籍上面写着几个大字:阳神拳 Divine Sun Fist? Saint Level is Fist Technique that a moment ago this Bandit Boss displays, called Divine Sun Fist?! After blowing away this fellow, can obtain Saint Level Secret Manual?!” 阳神拳?难道说刚才山贼头子施展出的圣人级别拳法,就叫做阳神拳?!干掉这家伙之后,就能得到一本圣人级秘籍?!” Xia Ping didn't expect this seriously is game, after killing game character, unexpectedly can also fall treasure, moreover this Saint Level Fist Technique Secret Manual, this simply sent. 夏平没想到这当真是个游戏,干掉游戏人物之后,居然还能掉落宝贝,而且还是这种圣人级别拳法秘籍,这简直是发了。 reward that however after this also possibly is completes this Mission, obtains. 不过这也可能是完成这个任务之后得到的奖励 no way, Divine Sun Fist?! You obtained this Fist Technique unexpectedly, not in cracking a joke?” 不会吧,阳神拳?!你居然得到了这门拳法,不会在开玩笑?” Hears this name, Cat Sage as if is also startled, is staring at this Secret Manual stubbornly. 听到这个名字,猫仙人似乎也是大吃一惊,死死盯着这本秘籍 What's wrong? Have you heard this Fist Technique?” Xia Ping curiously asked. “怎么了?你听说过这门拳法?”夏平好奇问道 Cat Sage is staring at this Secret Manual: Divine Sun Fist, is Fist Technique that formidable Saint has, once it is said that he displays this Fist Technique, whole body arrives like Sun God, cremates all, wherever one goes, planet will be melted.” 猫仙人盯着这本秘籍:“阳神拳,乃是一名强大圣人所拥有的拳法,据说他一旦施展这门拳法,整个人如同阳神降临,焚化一切,所到之处,一颗颗星球都会被融化。” This is most positive and most firm flame Fist Technique, cultivation to high deep place, ordinary person is unable to approach, once close, will be burnt down the ashes immediately, at the scene gasification.” “这是至阳至刚火焰拳法,修炼到高深处,普通人根本无法靠近,一旦靠近,立即就会被焚烧成灰烬,当场气化。” „It can be said that this Saint's strength was more terrifying than my Old Master strength initially, is prestigious, since he falls from the sky, this Fist Technique was missing, does not know that many people seek, is unable to find.” “可以说这名圣人的实力比当初我老主人的实力还恐怖,威名赫赫,但是自从他陨落之后,这门拳法就失踪了,不知道多少人寻找,都无法找到。” didn't expect can find this astonishing Fist Technique in this Novice Village actually.” “倒是没想到能在这个新手村找到这门惊人的拳法。” He expressed this Fist Technique preciously to the extreme, once exposed, will start the giant mighty waves in Universe among surely, may cause countless Expert's to compete. 他表示这门拳法珍贵到极点,一旦暴露,必定会在宇宙当中掀起巨大的波澜,可能会引起无数强者的争夺。 Such will Saint also fall from the sky?” Xia Ping gawked staring. “这样的圣人还会陨落?”夏平愣了愣。 Cat Sage said solemnly: Naturally will fall from the sky, Universe is infinity, some densely extremely dangerous, even if Saint went in is still a narrow escape.” 猫仙人沉声道:“当然会陨落,宇宙无穷大,有一些密地极为危险,即使是圣人进去了也是九死一生。” Initially that Saint was goes to Universe it is said densely, wants to seek for the breakthrough turning point, very much what was a pity was he is unable to come out again, it is estimated that fell from the sky in that place.” “当初那位圣人据说就是前往一处宇宙密地,想寻找突破的契机,但是很可惜的是他就再也无法出来了,估计是陨落在那个地方。” Xia Ping touches the chin: Such fierce Fist Technique, if displays, to be seen by other people, what big trouble when the time comes can make to come?” 夏平摸了摸下巴:“这么厉害的拳法,如果施展出来的话,岂不是会被其他人看出,到时候会不会惹出什么大麻烦来?” looks at this bastard that Cat Sage despises , your revolting behaviour, but also feared that what annoys to trouble greatly, itself you are huge troublesome, but also has a need for this Fist Technique attract bees and butterflies? 猫仙人十分鄙视的看着混蛋,就你这德性,还怕惹出什么大麻烦,本身你就是个巨大麻烦,还用得着这门拳法招蜂引蝶吗? However, it comforts saying: This does not have relationship actually, that Saint does not know how long fell from the sky, even must not know many ten thousand years compared with my Old Master long ago.” 不过,它还是安慰道:“这个倒是没关系,那位圣人都不知道陨落多长时间了,甚至比我老主人都还要久远不知道多少万年。” „The person who therefore his Fist Technique knows does not know, it is estimated that also only then some Ancient Dao Lineage successors will know, even if the ordinary person's words saw that does not know is anything.” “因此他这门拳法知道的人也不知道,估计也就只有一些古老道统的传人才会知晓,普通人的话即使看到也不知道是什么东西。” If your learn / master, does not need to be worried that was looked actually by other people.” “如果你学会的话,倒是不需要担心被其他人看出来。” Its originally also wants to say this Fist Technique incomparably abstruse mysterious, even if obtains this Secret Manual, thinks that learn / master is not very easy matter, but careful thinks, this brat is abnormal. 本来还想说这门拳法无比深奥神秘,即使得到这门秘籍,想学会也不是很容易的事情,但是仔细一想,这小子就是个变态 Attracting Star Art formidable complex Cultivation Technique by this guy several time of breath on learn / master, now even is also so created tyrannical Fist Technique Black Swirl Ripple Fist directly, moreover seems like the potential to be infinite. 引星诀如此强大复杂的功法都被这厮几个呼吸的时间就学会了,现在甚至还直接创造出一门强横的拳法黑漩波纹拳,而且看起来潜力无穷。 It is estimated that this Divine Sun Fist to this monstrous talent | Evildoer, thinks that learn / master is not the difficult matter. 估计这门阳神拳对这个妖孽来说,想学会也并不是什么难事。 Such fierce Cultivation Technique thinks that learn / master is very difficult?” Xia Ping blinks the eye, turned this Secret Manual. “这么厉害的功法学会岂不是很难?”夏平眨巴一下眼睛,翻了一下这本秘籍 Hears this saying, Cat Sage's mouth corner twitched, reveals a serene appearance: Fortunately, meeting is not difficult, difficult, will not look at the fate.” 听到这话,猫仙人的嘴角不由抽了抽,露出一副云淡风轻的样子:“也还好,会者不难,难者不会,看缘分吧。” It seems like I and its fate should be great.” Xia Ping perfectly satisfied received this Secret Manual, under wants to wait to use system this Fist Technique thorough learn / master. “看来我和它的缘分应该不浅。”夏平心满意足的将这本秘籍收了起来,想等下利用系统将这门拳法彻底学会 At this moment, the Bandit chief One-eyed Wolf death had shocked many Bandit thoroughly. 此刻,山贼首领独眼狼的死已经彻底惊呆了诸多山贼 my god, chief had been killed by this fellow.” 我的天啊,首领已经被这家伙干掉了。” Was finished, chief is not the opponent, are we dish?” “完蛋了,连首领都不是对手,那我们岂不是就是一盘菜?” Hurries to travel, this place cannot treat.” “赶紧跑路吧,这个地方不能待了。” Immediately, one crowd of Bandit are frightens flees in all directions, so-called fell separately, did not have One-eyed Wolf this tyrannical Chief's exist(ence), they were also only ordinary Bandit, will be exterminated momentarily. 当即,一群山贼都是吓得四处逃窜,所谓树倒猢狲散,没有了独眼狼这个强横首领的存在,他们也只是普通山贼罢了,随时都会被人剿灭。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! speed that these Bandit escape is quick, less than the time of a while, left this mountain Thief Lair. 这些山贼逃跑的速度很快,不到一会儿的时间,就离开了这处山贼窝 Running is actually very quick.” A Xia Ping face is speechless, but he does not have to pursue, his Mission is cuts to kill One-eyed Wolf in any case merely, does not exterminate this crowd of Little Thief. “跑得倒是挺快。”夏平一脸无语,但是他也没有去追击,反正他的任务仅仅是斩杀独眼狼罢了,也并非是剿灭这群小毛贼 Therefore he is also disinclined to waste the energy to cope with this crowd to be young. 所以他也懒得浪费精力去对付这群小喽啰。 Haha, we defeated this crowd of rascal Bandit finally.” 哈哈,我们终于打败这群坏蛋山贼了。” Hey hey, was really good, was really evil cannot vanquish good.” 嘿嘿,真是太好了,果然是邪不胜正。” Quickly, we go in the bandit nest to have a look, it is said in the bandit nest has many wealth.” “快,我们进去土匪窝看看,据说土匪窝里面有许许多多的金银财宝。” „Our secondary got rich, hurried to snatch completely.” “我们这次要发财了,赶紧去全部抢了。” One crowd of child excited yelled, their eyes braved bright light, each one probably small bandit were the same, has the mentality of being greedy, toward knockoff flushed. 一群小孩兴奋的大叫起来,他们眼睛都冒了精光,个个都好像小土匪一样,有着雁过拔毛的心态,朝着山寨冲了进去。 Xia Ping was also follows the past. 夏平也是跟着走了过去。 But at this moment, with dying of One-eyed Wolf, many Bandit ran away, entire knockoff is the nobody left, everywhere was empty building. 而此刻,随着独眼狼的死去,诸多山贼逃窜,整个山寨已经是空无一人了,到处都是空荡荡的建筑 However this knockoff Surface area is not very big, after one crowd of child unceasing searches, after several hours, they finally found a knockoff among secret room. 不过这个山寨面积也不是很大,经过一群小孩不断的搜索,数个小时后,他们终于找到了山寨当中的一处密室。 After opening the entire secret room, immediately they discovered many wealth, golden light sparkles, value not poor. 打开整个密室后,顿时他们就发现了许许多多的金银财宝,金光闪闪,价值不菲。 One crowd of child threw excitedly, cheers. 一群小孩兴奋的扑了上去,欢呼不已。 Also really has the valuables and money.” Xia Ping blinks the eye, but here is Virtual world, found the valuables and money is also useful in this place, cannot bring to go out. “还真的有财宝啊。”夏平眨巴一下眼睛,不过这里是虚拟世界,在这个地方找到财宝又有什么用处,又不能带出去。 Cat Sage as if saw the Xia Ping's thoughts, immediately said: These valuables and money have the use very much, this Martial Dao Space equivalent to Virtual Network game, has own currency, that is gold coins.” 猫仙人似乎看出了夏平的心思,立即道:“这些财宝还是很有用处的,这处武道空间相当于一个虚拟网络游戏,也有着自己的货币,那就是金币。” Has the gold coins words, can purchase all kinds item(s) in this Martial Dao Space, including Virtual world Treasure Artifact, spirit medicine, even is the all kinds privilege.” “有金币的话,就可以在这个武道空间购买各种物品,包括虚拟世界宝器,还有灵药,甚至是各种特权。” Even many people are willing to come exchange gold coins with universal coins.” “甚至还有不少人愿意用宇宙币兑换金币。” It expressed that the Virtual world wealth also has the huge use, the value not poor, many people wants to come exchange Martial Dao Space among gold coins with universal coins. 它表示虚拟世界的金银财宝也有着巨大用处,价值不菲,不少人都想用宇宙币兑换武道空间当中金币 Probably one universal coins is equal to together gold coins. 大概一宇宙币等于一块金币 Xia Ping blinks the eye, it seems like earns the universal coins method, not only in reality world, even can still gain in this Virtual space to massive universal coins. 夏平眨巴一下眼睛,看来赚取宇宙币的手段,也不仅仅是在现实世界,即使在这个虚拟空间也能赚到大量的宇宙币
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