GLD :: Volume #29

#2835: Belt, entire pit

Your meaning is, your did Yellow Springs Holy Water find in Azure Lotus Hell Demon God Ruins among?” “你的意思是,你的黄泉圣水是在青莲地狱魔神遗迹当中找到的?” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo is intelligent devil, it listened to the Invincible Devil Arturo implication all of a sudden. 万毒之蛙索布是何等聪明的恶魔,它一下子就听出了无敌恶魔阿图罗的言外之意。 Right.” “没错。” Invincible Devil Arturo nodded: in reality in that Demon God Ruins among, not only there is Yellow Springs Holy Water, Hell's Magical Artifact, even is Demon God inheritance.” 无敌恶魔阿图罗点点头:“事实上在那魔神遗迹当中,不仅有黄泉圣水,还有地狱法宝,甚至是魔神传承。” It blows out a series of materials. 它爆出一连串的猛料。 What?!” “什么?!” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo pupil shrink, it breathes a little to be rapid, almost cannot control own impulsion. 万毒之蛙索布瞳孔收缩,它呼吸都有点急促起来,几乎是控制不住自己的冲动。 However its in any case is also Invincible Devil, lived did not know how many years, this shrewdness had. 但是它好歹也是无敌恶魔,活了不知道多少年,这点城府还是有的。 Silent a while, its start to talk said: If so, why do you want to tell me this news? If really some so many Treasure, your does monopolize is not?” 沉默了一会儿,它开口道:“如果是这样的话,为何你要将这个消息告诉我?若是真的有这么多宝物的话,你自己一个独占不是更好吗?” to be honest, it a little suspected that Invincible Devil Arturo goal, after all devil is not that Life of good intention, they are mean, selfish. 说实话,它有点怀疑无敌恶魔阿图罗的目的,毕竟恶魔可不是那么好心的生命,它们阴狠狡诈,自私自利。 Therefore it suspected has what trap. 所以它怀疑其中有什么陷阱。 This issue asked well, if I can monopolize, naturally was monopoly, does not need to look for other devil to help, the issue was this Demon God Ruins is very dangerous, solely was “这个问题问得好,如果我可以独占的话,当然要独占,根本不需要找其他恶魔帮忙,问题是这个魔神遗迹十分危险,单单是我一个实力不够。” Invincible Devil Arturo is confident about this matter, reply quickly and fluently: The most important thing is, Azure Lotus Hell above has many Invincible Devil, their strength also quite formidable, therefore I want to look for the helper.” 无敌恶魔阿图罗早就对这件事胸有成竹,对答如流:“最重要的是,青莲地狱上面有不少的无敌恶魔,它们实力也相当强大,所以我想找帮手。” so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo nodded, this explanation is also fair, dangerous Ruins seeks for other devil help after all is also the natural matter. 万毒之蛙索布点点头,这个解释还算是合情合理,毕竟一处危险的遗迹寻找其他恶魔帮忙也是理所当然的事情。 Naturally, I also know that what you are worried about, was worried that I am deceiving you, in reality this matter does not need to be worried, according to Sobo brothers your strength, how I dares to deceive you, doesn't fear by all your over the sky under pursuit? Gives me several gallbladders not to dare to make this matter.” “当然,我也知道你在担心什么,担心我在欺骗你,事实上这种事根本不需要担心,按照索布兄弟你的实力,我又怎么敢欺骗你呢,难道不怕被你满天下追杀吗?给我几个胆也是不敢做出这种事。” Invincible Devil Arturo is a horse buttocks pats. 无敌恶魔阿图罗又是一顿马屁拍上去。 That is true. 的确如此。 Hears this saying, Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo indeed was the heart movement, how to this brat audacious in the extreme, does not dare to deceive its mighty Myriad Poisons' Frog. 听到这话,万毒之蛙索布的确是心动了,任凭这小子如何胆大包天,都是不敢欺骗它伟大万毒之蛙 After all Myriad Poisons' Frog fury, is not every Invincible Devil can withstand, its fury can destroy Hell plane(s), making the millions and millions light year the region change into the scorched earth. 毕竟万毒之蛙怒火,不是每一尊无敌恶魔都能承受得了的,它的怒火能毁灭一处地狱位面,让亿万光年的区域都化为焦土。 If this Demon God Ruins danger, then doesn't look for more helpers?” “如果这魔神遗迹危险的话,那么不是找越多的帮手越好吗?” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo narrowed the eye. 万毒之蛙索布眯了眯眼睛。 Helper naturally the more better, but cannot the strength be too weak, otherwise also holds back, moreover friend that I know were not many, is hard to find trustworthy reliable Invincible Devil.” “帮手当然是越多越好,但是不能实力太弱,否则也是拖后腿,而且我认识的朋友也不多,难以找到值得信任的可靠的无敌恶魔。” Invincible Devil Arturo innermost feelings one happy, the fish swallowed the bait. 无敌恶魔阿图罗内心一喜,鱼儿上钩了。 That is just right, in Violent Poison Hell among I knew that 7-8 brothers, achieved the boundary of Invincible Devil, believes that has very big help to this matter, you did not mind that I brought brothers in the past.” “那就正好,在剧毒地狱当中我认识七八兄弟,都是达到了无敌恶魔之境,相信对这件事有很大的帮助,你不介意我带兄弟过去吧。” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo start to talk said that its eye a little cruel, is probing. 万毒之蛙索布开口道,它眼睛有点凶残,也是在试探。 Did not mind, naturally did not mind, brothers the more better.” “不介意,当然不介意,兄弟越多越好。” Invincible Devil Arturo simply is wild with joy, this simply overfulfills Master's Mission, belt/bring, draws out the radish to carry over the mud. 无敌恶魔阿图罗简直是欣喜若狂,这简直是超额完成自己主人的任务啊,一个带一个的,拔出萝卜带出泥。 However it cannot reveal, will otherwise be suspected by Myriad Poisons' Frog surely. 但是它不能表露出来,否则必定会被万毒之蛙怀疑。 Brings brothers anything, naturally the more better, waits to arrive at Azure Lotus Hell, these anything Invincible Devil was the dishes, came one unlucky one, truth that has not fortunately survived decisively. 兄弟什么的,当然是越多越好,等来到了青莲地狱,这些什么无敌恶魔都是盘中餐,来一个倒霉一个,断然没有幸存的道理。 That is good, picks a lucky day we.” “那就好,择日我们就出发吧。” The Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo innermost feelings in sneered, it were self-confident, have 7-8 brothers to work as the helper together, even if this brat had conspiracy, could not shoulder its several brothers fury. 万毒之蛙索布内心在冷笑,它自信满满,有了七八兄弟一起当帮手,即使这小子阴谋,也扛不住它几个兄弟怒火 This was proper, absolutely safe. 这一趟算是妥了,万无一失。 It thinks of that Yellow Springs Holy Water, Hell's Magical Artifact, Demon God inheritance, the eye was hot immediately, this becomes the Demon God giant chance, cannot miss absolutely. 它想到那黄泉圣水,地狱法宝,还有魔神传承,眼睛顿时热了起来,这是成为魔神的巨大机缘啊,绝对不能错过了。 to be honest it a little kills Arturo, robbed this guy Yellow Springs Holy Water, but thinks also to need this brat to guide carefully, clarified the Azure Lotus Hell situation, it gives up for the time being. 说实话它都有点干掉阿图罗,抢夺这厮身上的黄泉圣水了,不过仔细想想还需要这小子带路,摸清楚青莲地狱的情况,它就暂且作罢。 ............ ………… Another place, Giant Stone Hell, palace hall among. 另外一处地方,巨石地狱,一处宫殿大厅当中 This moment Hell Elephant Cecilio arrived at this High Grade Hell Plane, the hall was holding the banquet, more than ten Invincible Devil together dining together, were Hell Elephant Cecilio gang of scoundrels. 此刻地狱象塞西利奥来到了这处高等地狱位面,大厅正举办宴会,有十几个无敌恶魔在一起聚餐,都是地狱象塞西利奥狐朋狗友 brothers, didn't you go to Azure Lotus Hell to get rich? How also to have free time to run Giant Stone Hell here? The rigidity will not have changed, wants to come back here to compete for territory.” 兄弟,你不是去青莲地狱发财了吗?怎么还有空跑回来巨石地狱这里?不会还死性不改,想回来这里争夺地盘吧。” Saying of Invincible Devil a little small cruel, words contain sharp glow. 一尊无敌恶魔有点小凶残的说道,话语蕴含锋芒 to be honest since Hell Elephant Cecilio travels after Giant Stone Hell, other Invincible Devil carved up its territory, accepts its complete influence while convenient. 说实话自从地狱象塞西利奥巨石地狱跑路之后,其他无敌恶魔就将它的地盘瓜分了,顺便接受它的全部势力。 in other words Giant Stone Hell does not have Hell Elephant Cecilio territory, without its place of taking shelter. 也就是说巨石地狱已经没了地狱象塞西利奥地盘,没有它的容身之处了。 If this guy also wants to come back, must face besieging of more than ten Invincible Devil, after all no one wants to emit benefit on the hand, which will give up. 若是这厮还想回来的话,就必须面对十几个无敌恶魔的围攻,毕竟谁都不想放出自己手上的利益,哪个会舍得啊。 Naturally the Hell Elephant Cecilio strength is very fierce, they do not dare to offend, no matter how they must warn that this guy do not think they are affable. 当然地狱象塞西利奥的实力还是十分凶猛的,它们也不敢过于得罪,只是不管如何它们都得警告这厮别以为它们好惹的。 Relax, I will not return to Giant Stone Hell, this damned place has anything to be good, frankly I have long entrenched in Azure Lotus Hell, although cannot calculate to get rich, but also was realizes the demon to live a small target.” “放心吧,我不会回巨石地狱了,这个鬼地方有什么好的,实不相瞒我在青莲地狱早就站稳了脚跟,虽然也不能算发财吧,但是也算是实现了魔生一个小目标。” Saying that Hell Elephant Cecilio drips greatly. 地狱象塞西利奥大喇喇的说道。 Achieved a small target? What goal in the end is, you should not be will say that you have become that Lord of High Grade Hell Plane?” Several Invincible Devil a little suffocate, if so, then everyone position was a little different. “实现了一个小目标?到底是啥目标,你该不会是说你已经成了那高等地狱位面之主了吧?”十几个无敌恶魔有点窒息,如果是这样的话,那么大家地位就有点不一样了。 Where becoming Lord of High Grade Hell Plane is so simple, Hell so many Invincible Devil, you looked that several can become Lord of High Grade Hell Plane?” “成为高等地狱位面之主哪里有这么简单,地狱这么多无敌恶魔,你看有几个能成为高等地狱位面之主?” Hell Elephant Cecilio said. 地狱象塞西利奥道。 Also is also.” “也是也是。” Several Invincible Devil relax immediately, if Hell Elephant really becomes Lord of High Grade Hell Plane, then this guy dominated above them, in the future will they be one step below others?! 十几个无敌恶魔顿时松了口气,如果地狱象真的成为高等地狱位面之主的话,那么这厮就凌驾它们之上了,日后它们岂不是低人一等?! although I have not become Lord of High Grade Hell Plane, but I obtained a good thing in Azure Lotus Hell.” Hell Elephant Cecilio voice One Revolution. “不过虽然我没有成为高等地狱位面之主,但是我在青莲地狱得到了一件好东西。”地狱象塞西利奥话音一转 "Oh, what good thing? ” “哦,什么好东西?” They are curious. 它们都好奇起来。 Is this thing.” “就是这件东西。” Hell Elephant Cecilio big hand grasps, grasped Black Spear from the body instantaneously, that was Xia Ping grants Hell Elephant Cecilio to install B Hell's Spear temporarily. 地狱象塞西利奥大手一抓,瞬间就从身上抓出了一根黑色长矛,那便是夏平暂时赐予地狱象塞西利奥装b的地狱之矛 Sees only this Hell's Spear appearance, erupts the terrifying all of a sudden Hell energy, simply is sweeps away to count the hundred thousand light year Hell's void, causes countless devil shiver coldly, cannot bear crawl to submit. 只见这根地狱之矛一出现,一下子就爆发出恐怖的地狱能量,简直是横扫数十万光年的地狱虚空,引得无数恶魔瑟瑟发抖,忍不住匍匐臣服。 What?! 什么?! Several Invincible Devil fine hair raise up, being nervous and uneasy, simply is wishes one could to flee immediately from this place, they seem like the sensation to fill death aura from this Black Spear among. 十几个无敌恶魔汗毛竖起,如芒在背,简直是恨不得立即从这地方逃离出去,它们似乎感知到从这根黑色长矛当中弥漫出死亡气息 As if this Black Spear once murdered to kill Demon God. 似乎这根黑色长矛曾经弑杀魔神
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