GLD :: Volume #29

#2834: Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo

A month later. 一个月后。 When was good because of the Azure Lotus Hell 108 position Invincible Devil injury, they were also dispatched by Xia Ping one after another, making them at least abduct Invincible Devil to come back. 待在青莲地狱一百零八无敌恶魔的伤势都好了,它们也被夏平纷纷派遣出去,让它们至少拐骗一个无敌恶魔回来。 They also disperse from all directions, High Grade Hell Plane flies toward oneself had treated, after all they have lived do not know that the how many years time, naturally knows massive High Grade Hell Plane. 它们也从四面八方分散开来,朝着自己曾经待过的高等地狱位面飞去,毕竟它们已经活了不知道多少年的时间,自然知道大量的高等地狱位面 But these High Grade Hell Plane have quantity varying Invincible Devil, so long as can abduct one, they succeeded even, naturally the quantity naturally the more better. 而这些高等地狱位面都有着数量不一的无敌恶魔,只要能拐骗一个,它们就算是成功了,当然数量自然是越多越好。 According to Xia Ping's plans, so long as their among each successfully abducts one, then can make Azure Lotus Hell double strength, if can abduct two on average, can triple. 按照夏平的算计,只要它们当中每个成功拐骗一个,那么就能让青莲地狱增加一倍的力量,若是能平均拐骗两个,就能增加两倍。 Even and so on, lets these subdued Invincible Devil goes out, the chicken raw egg, the egg lives the chicken, that can vast and limitless subdues these devil? 甚至以此类推,又让这些被收服的无敌恶魔出去,鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡,那岂不是能无穷无尽的收服这些恶魔 Till entire Hell plane(s) was pushed by oneself horizontally. 直到整个地狱位面被自己横推为止。 ............ ………… Several months later. 数个月后。 Violent Poison plane(s), this is away from Azure Lotus Hell distant High Grade Hell Plane, this Hell plane(s) does not have Paragon, therefore is living many Invincible Devil. 剧毒位面,这是距离青莲地狱一处遥远高等地狱位面,这个地狱位面也没有主宰,所以生活着不少的无敌恶魔 Naturally this Hell plane(s) is very dangerous, everywhere is Violent Poison swamp, is filling terrifying poison qi, if not Violent Poison devil is unable to wait for a long time here. 当然这个地狱位面十分危险,到处都是剧毒沼泽,弥漫着恐怖的毒气,如果不是剧毒恶魔都无法在这里久待。 Even Invincible Devil still hateful such environment, who can be willing to put in order Innate after all to live around the place that poison qi revolves, besides these Innate is Violent Poison Monster. 即使是无敌恶魔讨厌这样的环境,毕竟谁会愿意整天生活在毒气围绕的地方,除了那些天生就是剧毒怪物之外。 After all here raises their environment, instead goes to other place, their these Violent Poison devil do not adapt. 毕竟这里本身就是养育它们的环境,反而去到别的地方,它们这些剧毒恶魔才不适应。 Whiz! 嗖! At this time, Azure Lotus Hell Invincible Devil, the name is Arturo, arrived here, its light carriage was ripe, arrived at Violent Poison forest among directly, inside occupied terrifying Violent Poison devil, the strength was achieving Invincible Realm. 这个时候,青莲地狱一尊无敌恶魔,名字叫做阿图罗,抵达此处,它轻车驾熟,直接就来到了一座剧毒森林当中,里面居住着一头恐怖的剧毒恶魔,实力达到了无敌境 Seeing only this Violent Poison forest is very terrifying, each trees seems the venom concentrates, often is flowing like the sulphuric acid common venom, is corroding Earth, as if makes Earth the place of venom. 只见这座剧毒森林十分恐怖,每一株树木似乎都是毒液凝成,不时流淌着如同硫酸一般的毒液,腐蚀着大地,似乎使得大地都成为了毒液之地。 Simultaneously their also at all times emits has fearful poison qi, ordinary devil smells slightly, will die a violent death instantaneously died, whole body high and low will be plundered Life by poison. 同时它们也时时刻刻散发出可怕的毒气,普通恶魔稍微闻一闻,就会瞬间暴毙身亡,全身上下都会被毒素掠夺生命 Arturo, actually do you come my Violent Poison big forest make what?” 阿图罗,你来我的剧毒大森林究竟是做什么?” At this time, in Violent Poison forest most deep place, a great sound passed on, sees only a semblance to go out from Void like frog same devil. 就在这个时候,在剧毒森林最深处,一个宏大的声音传了出来,只见一个外表如同青蛙一样的恶魔虚空走出。 It is Invincible Devil Arturo this time goal-- Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo, the opposite party is also Violent Poison Hell legendary Invincible Devil, battle strength is then infinite. 它便是无敌恶魔阿图罗这次的目标——万毒之蛙索布,对方也算是剧毒地狱赫赫有名无敌恶魔,战力无穷。 It is said by its venom, can vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Invincible Realm, within the body is filling the fluids of ten thousand poison, even Void Monster can kill by poison, any Invincible Devil is apprehensive. 据说凭借它一身毒液,都能纵横无敌境,体内弥漫着的万毒之液,连虚空怪物都能毒死,任何无敌恶魔都是忌惮三分。 But Invincible Devil Arturo knew under an opportunity of accident of sorts this Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo, both are also know, naturally is not considered as that the junction of life and death. 无敌恶魔阿图罗在一次机缘巧合的机会下面才认识了这位万毒之蛙索布,两者也算是结识,当然也不算是生死之交。 Where after all between devil and devil have the junction of what life and death, is guards against the opposite party to hold the blade behind oneself. 毕竟恶魔恶魔之间哪里有什么生死之交,都是防备对方在自己背后捅刀。 Sobo, this time I come to have a bulk bargain and you discussed.” 索布,这次我前来是有一件大买卖和你商量。” Invincible Devil Arturo Haha smiles, said own purpose in coming straightforwardly, it knows that the opposite party did not like beating around the bush, therefore directly soared the subject. 无敌恶魔阿图罗哈哈一笑,直截了当的说出自己的来意,它知道对方根本不喜欢拐弯抹角,所以就直奔主题。 "Jié jié, the bulk bargain and did I discuss? Will you have such good intention? Does not want to kill me. ” “桀桀,大买卖和我商量?你会有这么好心吗?不会是想害死我吧。” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo Jié jié smiles. 万毒之蛙索布桀桀一笑。 „The Sobo brother chatted, entire Hell World who can harm the dead Sobo brother, perhaps close to the Sobo brother, by your poison qi not killing by poison.” 索布兄说笑了,整个地狱世界谁能害得死索布兄,恐怕还没靠近索布兄,就被你身上的毒气给毒死了吧。” A Invincible Devil Arturo horse buttocks pats. 无敌恶魔阿图罗一个马屁拍上去。 Its for several days pats the Xia Ping horse buttocks frequently, although does not adapt from the beginning, but light carriage is ripe afterward, becomes the qualified licking dog, was a little shameless. 这些天经常拍夏平马屁,虽然一开始不适应,但是后来早就轻车驾熟,成为了合格的舔狗,都有点恬不知耻了。 nonsense, hurries to say your purpose in coming.” 废话少说,赶紧说出你的来意。” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo mood that crisp, to be honest was patted indeed by a same rank devil such horse buttocks is comfortable, after all everyone is Invincible Devil, no one will be asking anyone. 万毒之蛙索布心情那个爽啊,说实话同阶恶魔这么一顿马屁拍得的确是舒服,毕竟大家都是无敌恶魔,谁也不会求着谁。 Naturally in the surface it reveals devils and monsters, very impatient appearance, it cannot be seen through oneself shrewdness, as well as innermost feelings dark crisp. 当然表面上它还是露出一副凶神恶煞,十分不耐烦的样子,它可不能被人看穿了自己的城府,以及自己内心的暗爽。 Matter is this, believes that the Sobo brother also knows I went to High Grade Hell Plane recently, its named Azure Lotus Hell, the brother I am competing for this Azure Lotus Hell Overlord title, hopes that has the opportunity to become Lord of High Grade Hell Plane.” “事情是这样的,相信索布兄也知道我最近前往一个高等地狱位面,其名为青莲地狱,老弟我正在争夺这青莲地狱霸主头衔,希望有机会能成为高等地狱位面之主。” Invincible Devil Arturo start to talk said. 无敌恶魔阿图罗开口道。 You do not want to invite me that anything Azure Lotus Hell to make thug to you in the past, if this matter, that does not need to discuss.” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo sneered. “你不会是想邀请我过去那什么青莲地狱给你做打手吧,如果是这件事的话,那就没必要商量了。”万毒之蛙索布冷笑一声 It treats well in Violent Poison Hell, where wants to go to what Azure Lotus Hell. 它在剧毒地狱待得好好的,哪里想去什么青莲地狱 That what Azure Lotus Hell has that boundless poison mist, has that as far as the eye can see Violent Poison swamp, has that everywhere all black, no daylight blessed by heaven nature environment?! 那什么青莲地狱有那种无边无际毒雾,有那种一望无际剧毒沼泽,有那种到处暗无天日得天独厚自然环境吗?! If no, why it must leave this type like the heaven same place, runs that remote the place of mountains and plains, this not does equivalent to run to go to the village life from big city?! 如果没有的话,它为啥要离开这种如同天堂一样的地方,跑去那种偏僻的山野之地,这不相当于从大都市跑去农村生活吗?! „The Sobo brother, leaves anxiously the rejection, you can have a look at the what is this thing.” 索布兄,别急着拒绝,你可以看看这是什么东西。” Invincible Devil Arturo big hand wields, immediately puts out bottle from the body, immediately opens, then fills rich Yellow Springs aura, as if contain infinite Hell Strength of Netherworld. 无敌恶魔阿图罗大手一挥,立即从身上拿出一个瓶子,顿时打开,然后就弥漫出浓郁的黄泉气息,似乎蕴含着无穷的地狱幽冥之力 This, what is this thing? How I felt that this thing has the infinite advantage to me, if can obtain, immediately can make my cultivation base be greatly promoted?” “这、这是什么东西?我怎么感觉到这东西对我有无穷的好处,如果能得到,立即能让我的修为得到巨大提升?” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo pupil shrink, its looks at this bottle, the eye shows the frantic look, simply is wishes one could to rob immediately, if Arturo is not and same rank devil, perhaps it has begun to rob. 万毒之蛙索布瞳孔收缩,它看着瓶子,眼睛露出狂热的神色,简直是恨不得立即抢夺到手,如果阿图罗不是和自己同阶恶魔的话,恐怕它早就动手抢夺了。 Its this moment sensation to own within the body devil bloodline in boiling. 它此刻感知到自己体内恶魔血脉都在沸腾 This is Yellow Springs Holy Water.” “这是黄泉圣水。” Invincible Devil Arturo slightly smiled. 无敌恶魔阿图罗微微一笑 What?!” “什么?!” Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo cannot bear scream one: „ This is legend among Yellow Springs Holy Water, the Hell first holy water, legend Demon God coveting over sacred object, if it is said that has massive Yellow Springs Holy Water, can wash own body and soul, achievement Stainless Body, even promotes Demon God Realm. 万毒之蛙索布忍不住尖叫一声:“这就是传说当中黄泉圣水,地狱第一圣水,传说魔神垂涎三尺圣物,据说若是有大量的黄泉圣水,就能洗涤自己的身体灵魂,成就无垢之体,甚至晋升到魔神境 Is impossible, legend such holy water had exterminated, disappears in previous Hell Era among, until now does not have devil to obtain, will you obtain? Actually where to obtain? ” 不可能的,传说这样的圣水早就灭绝了,泯灭在上个地狱时代当中,至今为止都没有恶魔能得到,你怎么会得到?究竟从哪里得到的?” Hears Yellow Springs Holy Water these characters, it was a little crazy, a little cannot suppress the impulsion of innermost feelings. 听到黄泉圣水这几个字,它都有点疯狂了,都有点压制不住自己内心的冲动。 devil that it seems like you can judge the quality of goods.” “看来你还是识货的恶魔。” Sees the performance of Myriad Poisons' Frog Sobo, Invincible Devil Arturo is very satisfied: Yellow Springs Holy Water has not certainly exterminated, in reality its buried and concealed in Demon God Ruins among.” 见到万毒之蛙索布的表现,无敌恶魔阿图罗很是满意:“黄泉圣水当然没有灭绝,事实上潜藏魔神遗迹当中。”
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