GLD :: Volume #29

#2836: swagger before others, this is in the attire!

what is this thing?!” 这是什么东西?!” Several Invincible Devil could not bear call, seemed like contain their sensation to inside terrifying strength that destroyed Invincible Devil, once erupted, simply was Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. 十几个无敌恶魔忍不住叫了起来,它们感知到里面似乎蕴含着毁灭无敌恶魔的恐怖力量,一旦爆发出来,简直惊天动地 to be honest, if they do not have more than ten Invincible Devil in this place, has seized the frame and escaped, where also dares to stay in this dangerous place. 说实话,如果它们不是有十几个无敌恶魔在这个地方,早就夺框而逃了,哪里还敢留在这个危险的地方。 This is I Hell's Magical Artifact obtained from Azure Lotus Hell, its named Hell's Spear.” “这是我从青莲地狱得到的地狱法宝,其名为地狱之矛。” Saw these gang of scoundrels shocking appearances, the Hell Elephant Cecilio innermost feelings does not have long known the dark crisp many times, but in the surface it still revealed a serene appearance , indicating that this at all was not anything. 看到这些狐朋狗友震惊的样子,地狱象塞西利奥内心早就不知道暗爽多少次了,但是表面上它依然露出一副云淡风轻的样子,表示这根本不算什么。 Hell's Spear?” 地狱之矛?” A Invincible Devil shock said: „ no way, isn't this legend among Hell's Warden Magical Artifact? legend Hell's Warden grasps Hell's Spear, even can murder to kill Demon God. 一尊无敌恶魔震惊道:“不会吧,这不是传说当中地狱狱卒法宝吗?传说地狱狱卒手持地狱之矛,甚至能弑杀魔神 It is said such Magical Artifact has destroyed in previous Hell Era among, has not remained in this time, did you obtain Hell's Spear in Azure Lotus Hell among unexpectedly? ” 据说这样的法宝早就毁灭在上个地狱时代当中了,根本就没有残留在这个时代,你居然在青莲地狱当中得到了一根地狱之矛?” Right, cannot think that you are also can judge the quality of goods, this Hell's Spear is Hell's Warden hand-held long spear . Moreover the Captain rank, formidable is incomparable.” “没错,想不到你也算是识货,这一根地狱之矛便是地狱狱卒手持的长矛,而且还是队长级别的,强大无匹。” Hell Elephant Cecilio face calm saying. 地狱象塞西利奥一脸淡定的说道。 to be honest beforehand Xia Ping puts out this Hell's Spear time, almost frightened the urine it, killed its didn't expect Hell also to remain unexpectedly such terrifying Hell's Magical Artifact. 说实话之前夏平拿出这根地狱之矛的时候,也差点将它吓尿了,打死它都没想到地狱居然还残留着这么恐怖的地狱法宝 If were held by this Hell's Spear, even if it does not die still half remnantly, because of this Hell's Spear contain terrifying Strength of Destruction, Invincible Devil cannot even be withstanding. 若是被这根地狱之矛捅一下,它即使不死也半残,因为这根地狱之矛蕴含着恐怖的毁灭之力,连无敌恶魔都承受不住。 Such Magical Artifact was obtained by you unexpectedly, does not know that brothers you have tried its might?” “这样的法宝居然都被你得到,不知道兄弟你有没有试过它的威力?” Another Invincible Devil cannot bear ask. 另外一尊无敌恶魔忍不住问道。 Other Invincible Devil are also looks at Hell Elephant Cecilio, immediately is curious. 其他无敌恶魔也是看着地狱象塞西利奥,顿时好奇不已。 Naturally has tried, might is the same, takes this Hell's Spear, I am also one can hit ten, but also holds while convenient 1-2.” “当然试过,威力一般般吧,拿着这根地狱之矛,我也就是一个能打十个而已,还顺便捅死1-2。” Saying of Hell Elephant Cecilio serene. 地狱象塞西利奥云淡风轻的说道。 What? Takes this Hell's Spear to hit ten, but can also hold while convenient 1-2, this is also called might to be the same.” Nearby Invincible Devil hears this saying, immediately the angry chest was stuffy. “什么?拿着这根地狱之矛就能一个打十个,还能顺便捅死1-2,这还叫做威力一般般。”旁边的无敌恶魔听到这话,顿时气得胸闷了。 The attire , to continue to give me to install! 装,继续给我装! one by one Invincible Devil is baring teeth grins, angry half dead, was very obvious, now the situation is very obvious, this guy returns to Giant Stone Hell to clarify is showing off, this is showing off, in to be cocky. 一个个无敌恶魔都是龇牙咧嘴,气得半死,很明显了,现在情况很明显了,这厮回到巨石地狱摆明就是在显摆,这是在显摆,在得瑟啊。 After going to that anything Azure Lotus Hell to obtain Treasure, came back to be cocky, swagger before others, said oneself got rich outside, came back here to show off everywhere. 去了那什么青莲地狱得到了宝物之后,就回来得瑟,耀武扬威,说自己在外面发财了,回来这里到处炫耀。 Took this Magical Artifact to hit ten, even can also kill same rank Invincible Devil, this was what kind of terrifying battle strength. 拿了这件法宝都能一个打十个了,甚至还能杀死同阶无敌恶魔,这是何等恐怖的战力 If these Lord of High Grade Hell Plane leave originally Hell plane(s), perhaps fighting strength might as well this Hell Elephant Cecilio, the position raised instantaneously does not know many times. 若是那些高等地狱位面之主离开自己本来地狱位面,恐怕战斗力都还不如这地狱象塞西利奥了,地位瞬间拔高不知道多少倍。 If these Lord of High Grade Hell Plane can be Hell Overlord, then Invincible Devil like Hell Elephant Cecilio, that was accurate Overlord. 如果说那些高等地狱位面之主算得上地狱霸主的话,那么像地狱象塞西利奥这样的无敌恶魔,那就是准霸主了。 Even in other Hell plane(s) among, wants to plan compared with these Lord of High Grade Hell Plane position like the Hell Elephant Cecilio exist(ence) position high. 甚至在其他地狱位面当中,像地狱象塞西利奥存在的地位比那些高等地狱位面之主的地位都还要高一筹。 After all these Planar Lord in oneself Hell plane(s) cow, after leaving, with ordinary Invincible Devil do not have much difference. 毕竟那些位面之主只是在自己的地狱位面牛而已,离开之后,就和普通无敌恶魔没多大的区别了。 However Hell Elephant Cecilio is different, where going to is so simple. 但是地狱象塞西利奥不一样,去哪里都这么简单。 Even maybe this brat true strength can break off the wrist/skill with these Planar Lord, if really achieves such matter, that was quite terrifying. 甚至说不定小子真正的实力都能和那些位面之主掰掰手腕,如果真的做到这样的事情的话,那就相当恐怖了。 Without a doubt, this fellow sent, thorough was developed. 毫无疑问,这家伙发了,彻底发达了。 to be honest their present simply wish one could to get rid of this Hell Elephant Cecilio immediately, robs this Hell's Spear. 说实话它们现在简直恨不得立即干掉这地狱象塞西利奥,抢夺这根地狱之矛 However feels this Hell's Spear contain terrifying might, they instigated, because has not grasped. 但是感受到这根地狱之矛蕴含的恐怖威力,它们还是怂了,因为没有把握。 Moreover this fellow is mean, without grasps absolutely, how the opposite party possibly dares to take before them. 而且这家伙阴狠狡诈,如果没有绝对把握的话,对方怎么可能敢在它们面前拿出来。 „After didn't expect brothers you went to Azure Lotus Hell, on the cow, the different past, is it possible that this Magical Artifact was brothers you goes well in Azure Lotus Hell at this time, should that place not have many Treasure?” 没想到兄弟你去了一趟青莲地狱之后就牛了,今时不同往日啊,莫非这法宝兄弟你在青莲地狱得手的,那地方该不会有很多宝物吧?” A side Invincible Devil eye reveals bright light, the probe inquires. 旁边一尊无敌恶魔眼睛露出一丝精光,试探询问道。 Hears these words, other Invincible Devil eyes are also the filter light, have guts suddenly realize, opens out clouds and mist to look at the feeling of cloudless day, after this brat developed did not go to Azure Lotus Hell ? 听到这些话,其他无敌恶魔眼睛也是不由露出亮光,有种恍然大悟,拨开云雾看晴天的感觉,这小子发达不就是去了青莲地狱之后吗? originally everyone is Invincible Devil of same level, this brat is why developed they only to bend under the person, asked that which Invincible Devil is convinced this matter?! 本来大家都是同一个水准的无敌恶魔,凭什么这小子发达它们就只能屈之人下,试问哪个无敌恶魔服气这种事?! This fellow can achieve, can't they achieve? 这家伙能做到,它们就做不到吗? It is not a Hell's Magical Artifact matter, if they can also obtain, maybe exceeds this Hell Elephant Cecilio all of a sudden, everyone are treated equally. 不就是一件地狱法宝的事情嘛,如果它们也能得到的话,说不定一下子就超越这地狱象塞西利奥,大家平起平坐。 No, that is the tattered place, the place of mountains and plains, what Treasure does not have, this Magical Artifact was actually I goes to other place to find.” Hell Elephant Cecilio beckons with the hand, categorically denied, expressed does not obtain in Azure Lotus Hell, but goes to other place not to obtain carefully. “没有,那就是破烂的地方,山野之地,什么宝物都没有,这法宝其实是我去别的地方找到的。”地狱象塞西利奥摆摆手,断然否认,表示根本不是在青莲地狱得到的,而是去别的地方不小心得到的。 Damn, this matter stone hammer, was that Azure Lotus Hell obtains surely, looked appearance that this guy denied hastily, definitely was afraid them also to go to the Azure Lotus Hell treasure hunt, exceeded this brat. 尼玛,这件事石锤了,必定是那青莲地狱得到的,看这厮连忙否认的样子,肯定是害怕它们也去青莲地狱寻宝,将这小子超越了。 shameless Cecilio, oneself were developed, does not bring belt/bring beforehand brothers, first after rich belt/bring rich, all day here keeps everything for oneself, is really shameless shameless. 多么无耻塞西利奥,自己发达了,不带带以前的兄弟,先富带后富,整天在这里吃独食,实在是厚颜无耻啊。 Several Invincible Devil look at each other one mutually, they are the worldly people, where can't see Hell Elephant Cecilio the meaning of being perfunctory each one sets firm resolve. 十几个无敌恶魔互相对视一眼,它们都是人精,哪里看不出地狱象塞西利奥的敷衍之意个个都是下定了决心。 brothers, come, drinks one cup, this was I collects the billion year not to have the strong liquor of open/unseal, the spring of its named Blazing Sun, because was really precious, the billion year I have not hated to drink, today the two brothers were happy, drank several cups.” 兄弟,来,喝一杯,这是我珍藏了十亿年都没开封的烈酒,其名为烈阳之春,因为实在是太珍贵了,十亿年我都没舍得喝,今天哥俩高兴,就来喝几杯吧。” At this time, Invincible Devil put out pot liquor from the body, sees only on its face to reveal the anxiety the look, but cannot abandon child unable to wrap/sets of the wolf now. 就在这个时候,一尊无敌恶魔从身上拿出了一壶酒,只见它脸上露出肉疼的神色,但是现在舍不了孩子套不着狼啊。 In order to draw out this brat's secret, it was also firmly decides, got down the initial capital. 为了套出这小子的秘密,它也算是下了狠心,下了血本了。 This, how feels all right, this was you collected the billion year good wine, previous time made you take, did not hate to put out to me smells, now so to be how natural?” “这个,怎么好意思呢,这可是你珍藏了十亿年的美酒,上次让你拿出来,都不舍得拿出给我闻闻,现在咋就这么大方了?” The Hell Elephant Cecilio eye shone, can make such stingy person shear the meat is not simple. 地狱象塞西利奥眼睛都亮了起来,能让这样的铁公鸡割肉可不简单啊。 Looked at your saying saying that probably my which time naturally was not same, so-called liquor type of thing, to drink, otherwise wine-making actually for what? Today elder brother several happiness, do not come is not drunk does not turn over, how to do right by brothers that so many years have not seen.” That Invincible Devil called to shout. “瞧你这话说得,好像我哪次不大方一样,所谓酒这种东西,就是为了喝的,要不然酿酒究竟是为了什么?今天哥几个高兴,不来个不醉不归,怎么对得起这么多年没见的兄弟。”那无敌恶魔叫嚷道。 That was respectful might as well obey orders.” “那就恭敬不如从命了。” Hell Elephant Cecilio Haha smiles. 地狱象塞西利奥哈哈一笑。
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