GLD :: Volume #22

#2101: Gaia projection

sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! Remaining six immortal Lord run away fast, flies toward all directions, almost put forth the strength of eating milk, put together escaping of short remaining life, puts forth unprecedented speed. 剩下六位不朽领主都是快速逃窜,朝着四面八方飞去,几乎是使出了吃nai的力气,拼了老命的逃跑,使出前所未有的速度 bastard that this crowd is not loyal.” “这群不讲义气的混蛋。” Rock Lord angry half dead, it is bundled now with steamed rice dumpling, radically is unable to move a single step, even to escape still no means that can only other looks at Demon escape helplessly, has no alternative. 岩石领主气得半死,它现在被捆得跟粽子似的,根本是动弹不得,即使想逃跑也没任何办法,只能眼睁睁看着其他妖魔逃跑,无可奈何。 „To run? Is so simple?” “想跑?有这么简单吗?” Xia Ping grasps Wailing Staff, revolves Magic Power, toward six big immortal Lord bombardment in the past. 夏平手持哭丧棒,运转身上的法力,朝着六大不朽领主轰击过去。 Suppressing Soul Five Styles Second Style-- is slow! 镇魂五式第二式——迟缓! huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ in a flash, spreads tens of thousands of say/way iron grey rays of light from Wailing Staff immediately, as if contain mysterious Strength of Hell, mysterious and unfathomable, speed is extremely quick. 瞬息之间,从哭丧棒身上立即传出成千上万道灰白色的光芒,似乎蕴含神秘地狱之力,神秘莫测,速度极快。 Six big immortal Lord were surrounded all of a sudden immediately by these iron grey rays of light. 一下子六大不朽领主立即被这些灰白色光芒包围起来。 What's the matter? My body, my movement becomes slow, is unable to move, what did this have?” “怎么回事?我的身体,我的动作变得缓慢,无法动弹了,这发生了什么?” Six big immortal Lord were ignorant, they felt that after oneself body these rays of light hit, entire body seems imprisoned general, the movement like Demon that died quickly, the movement is very slow. 六大不朽领主都懵了,它们感到自己的身体被这些光芒击中之后,整个身体似乎都被禁锢起来一般,动作如同快死掉的妖魔似的,动作无比缓慢。 One second of estimate including a step road unable to tread. 一秒估计连一步路都无法踏出。 Even they felt speed that even ponders becomes slow, for a long time can ponder a few words. 甚至它们感到连思考的速度都变得缓慢起来,很长时间才能思考出一句话。 They are very immediately scared, must know that fight between Immortal Level, even differs for 0.001 seconds, has the mistake of flash, will be killed. 顿时它们无比恐慌,要知道不朽级之间的战斗,即使相差零点零零一秒,有一刹那的失误,都会被杀死。 Do not say that one second of slowness, this simply is the fatal crisis. 更加不要说有一秒的迟缓,这简直就是致命的危机。 Slow Ability simply is the unique skill.” “迟缓能力简直是绝技。” Xia Ping incomparably satisfies immediately, when this slow ray appearance, ordinary enemy is unable to get rid of Wailing Staff pursuit, can only be cut to kill by oneself helplessly. 夏平顿时无比满意,当这迟缓光线一出现,普通敌人根本无法摆脱哭丧棒追杀,只能眼睁睁被自己斩杀。 Really worthily is Hell's Warden weapon, purely for tyrannical Magical Artifact that to capture Hell criminal also creates, so long as each Ability the display obtains, is the masterstrokes. 果然不愧是地狱狱卒武器,纯粹就是为了追捕地狱犯人也创造出来的强横法宝,每一种能力只要发挥得到,都是神技。 Gives me to break, breaks open, immediately breaks open.” “给我破,破开,立即破开啊。” Sea Shark Lord angrily shouted, it as panic-stricken as the extreme, burns impressively own Soul Strength, thorough Stimulation within the body strength, within short time sharp increase several times. 海鲨领主怒喝一声,它惊恐到极点,赫然燃烧自己的灵魂力量,彻底激发体内力量,短时间之内暴增数倍。 Thump, this it worked loose slow Ability all of a sudden unexpectedly, runs away toward the distant place. 咚的一下,这一下子它居然挣脱了迟缓的能力,朝着远处逃窜。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, it seems like he utilizes insufficiently good, insufficient formidable regarding Wailing Staff Ability . Moreover the range too also has relationship of certain extent, causing slow Ability to be feeble. 夏平挑了挑眉,看来他对于哭丧棒能力还是运用得不够好,不够强大,而且范围太远也有一定程度的关系,导致迟缓能力衰弱了。 Therefore unexpectedly was worked loose by Sea Shark Lord all of a sudden, had the opportunity of escaping. 所以居然一下子就被海鲨领主挣脱,得到了逃跑的机会。 Other immortal Lord see that also follows the example, burns oneself qi and blood and soul, was at cost of the life, shook slow Ability instantaneously. 其他不朽领主见状,也是有样学样,燃烧自己身上的气血灵魂,拼了老命,瞬间就震开了迟缓能力 Even if this move will make their sources be damaged, the words that but does not put forth now, will not have the opportunity to put forth in the future, to live in misery is better than dead in peace. 即使这一招会让它们的本源受创,但是现在不使出的话,日后就没机会使出了,好死不如赖活着。 It seems like must run away several.” “看来要被逃走几个了。” Xia Ping narrowed the eye, six big Immortal Level Lord also escape, he even again fierce, still can only be holds three, remaining three could not hold. 夏平眯了眯眼睛,六大不朽级领主同时逃跑,他就算是再厉害,也只能是抓住其中三个,剩下三个就抓不住了。 After all his unable to attend to other things at the same time, is very that difficult immortal Lord captures full power to escape. 毕竟他分身乏术,很难追捕全力逃跑的不朽领主 Elder Brother, I help you.” 哥哥,我来帮你。” In at this time, the Gaia Little Dai (Fool) sound passed on, she does not seem to know when wakes, saw present Xia Ping's is awkward. 就在这时候,盖亚小呆的声音传了出来,她似乎不知道什么时候就醒了过来,看出了现在夏平的为难。 Therefore, she comes out from the Mountains and Rivers Bead space immediately, reveals itself to six big Immortal Level Demon. 所以,她立即从山河珠空间出来,对着六大不朽级妖魔出世。 Bang~~ 轰~~ In an instant, sees only Little Dai (Fool) to stand erect Void, a small hand gently racket, thump, world projection arrives, as if with entire Flame Hell collision together, covers surrounding area dozens light years. 刹那之间,只见小呆屹立虚空,小手轻轻一拍,咚的一声,一座世界投影降临下来,似乎和整个火焰地狱碰撞在一起,笼罩方圆数十光年。 This is Gaia projection! 这是盖亚投影 But this strength is also ordinary just like Domain, oppresses Universe, concentrates Sun and Moon, World inclines, contain might seems the collision between world general, alarms the whole wide world, shocking entire world. 而这股力量也宛如领域一般,压迫宇宙,浓缩日月,天地倾斜,蕴含威力就好像世界之间的碰撞一般,惊动八荒,震惊寰宇。 Do not say that range such broad, these Immortal Demon speed are even quick, is impossible to escape. 更不要说范围如此之广,这些不朽妖魔就算是速度再快,也不可能逃脱。 As if grown stronger.” “似乎变强了。” Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, he clearly detected this strength should be the Little Dai (Fool) deep sleep time just learn / master, this strength just promoted immortal compared with before, did not know formidable many times. 夏平挑了挑眉,他分明察觉到这股力量应该是小呆沉睡的时候刚刚学会的,这份实力比起之前刚刚晋升到不朽,都不知道强大了多少倍。 Obviously, Little Dai (Fool) thorough grasped Immortal Level strength, has been able to display the terrifying now destruction power. 很显然,现在小呆已经彻彻底底掌握了不朽级力量,能发挥出恐怖的破坏力 "Crap, was excessive, how to present Immortal Demon? Is this Burning Demon helper? ” “我靠,过分了,怎么会又出现一尊不朽妖魔?难道是这燃烧魔的帮手?” This strength is too tyrannical, went too far, even Immortal Level peak Demon no more than this, such formidable Demon a moment ago has not acted unexpectedly, has hidden now?!” “这股力量太强横,太过分了,就算是不朽级巅峰妖魔不过如此,这么强大妖魔刚才居然没出手,一直隐藏到现在?!” shameless to the extreme, a moment ago has not acted, now unexpectedly acts, clearly is plans to plot to ambush we, that bastard has premeditate.” 无耻到极点啊,刚才没出手,现在居然就出手了,分明就是打算暗算埋伏我们,那混蛋是有所预谋的。” I looked, that bastard with oneself as the bait, to direct us intentionally acted, to catch everything in one net.” “我看出来了,那混蛋故意用自己作为诱饵,就是为了引我们出手,一网打尽。” Thinks that I am also Old Sly Fox Demon, didn't expect now was actually on this cheap person (slut) Burning Demon worked as wickedly.” “想我也是个老奸巨猾妖魔,没想到现在却是上了这贱人燃烧魔的恶当。” All day long hit the wild goose to be pecked the eye by the goose, I refused to accept, refuse to accept.” “终日打雁还是被大雁啄了眼睛,我不服,不服啊。” Sea Shark Lord and other Demon screams one, their sensation to this Gaia projection terrifying, simply exceeds all, achieved the Domain rank, is unable to escape, hits general like world. 海鲨领主妖魔都是尖叫一声,它们感知到这盖亚投影的恐怖,简直是超越一切,达到了领域级别,无法逃跑,如同世界撞击一般。 Bang~~ ~ 轰~~~ Strikes merely, six big immortal Lord were hit by Gaia projection, was wrapped generally like the steamed rice dumpling, whole body high and low all strength by seal cleanly. 仅仅是一击,六大不朽领主就被盖亚投影击中,如同粽子一般被包裹起来,全身上下所有的力量都被封印得干干净净。 Whiz! 嗖! The next second, Little Dai (Fool) big hand wields, six big Immortal Level Demon vanished is same place. 下一秒,小呆大手一挥,六大不朽级妖魔就消失在原地了。 Un, that several Demon Lord?” “嗯,那几头妖魔领主呢?” Xia Ping curiously asked. 夏平好奇问道 Elder Brother, they had been detained in the Gaia shackles to go by me, temporarily suppresses.” Little Dai (Fool) expressed oneself do not have the means to strike to kill Immortal Level Demon temporarily. 哥哥,它们已经被我关押进去盖亚牢笼里面去了,暂时镇压起来。”小呆表示自己暂时没有办法击杀不朽级妖魔 If her further onwards, comprehension stronger Strength of Law, then cut to kill immortal is not the issue, but now, missed a distance. 如果她更进一步,领悟更强的法则之力的话,那么斩杀不朽就不是什么问题了,但是现在的话,还是差了一段距离。 If in reality Xia Ping is not like this tyrannical with the aid of Hell's Spear and Samsara Brush to make the blood boil Magical Artifact Ability, is unable to kill Immortal Level exist(ence). 事实上夏平如果不是借助地狱之矛轮回笔这样强横到令人发指的法宝能力,也是无法杀死不朽级存在 Detains the Gaia space? Did not fear that they do cause trouble?” “关押进去盖亚空间?难道不怕它们闹事?” Xia Ping asked that he a little worried that these Immortal Demon in Gaia space destruction, injured to the Little Dai (Fool) source wantonly. 夏平问道,他有点担心这些不朽妖魔盖亚空间大肆破坏,伤害到小呆本源。 Don't worry, so long as these Immortal Level Demon have not exceeded I ten times of strength, is unable to escape from the Gaia shackles.” Little Dai (Fool) self-confident saying , indicating that the Gaia shackles is quite fearful strength, one space talent at her source deep place, once enemy were detained, is unable to escape. “不用担心,只要这些不朽级妖魔没超越我十倍的力量,都无法从盖亚牢笼逃出来。”小呆自信满满的说道,表示盖亚牢笼是相当可怕的力量,是处在她本源深处的一种空间天赋,一旦敌人被关押进去,就无法逃跑了。 Exceeds ten times?! 超越十倍?! Xia Ping hears this saying, feels relieved immediately, whatever these Immortal Demon can overturn the heavens, cannot in the Ability quantity return formidable compared with Gaia, do not say that exceeds ten times. 夏平听到这话,也顿时放心下来,任凭这些不朽妖魔能够翻天,也不可能力量上比盖亚强大,更不要说是超越十倍。 He thinks entire Universe among, same rank creature among, it is estimated that not such creature. 他想整个宇宙当中,同阶生物当中,估计都没有这样的生物
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