GLD :: Volume #22

#2102: Relieves seal

Sea Shark Lord, other immortal Lord went to somewhere, damned Burning Demon, what tricks your did in the end get up to?” At this moment also wrapped discovered this with steamed rice dumpling Rock Lord. 海鲨领主呢,其他不朽领主去了什么地方,该死的燃烧魔,你到底做了什么手脚?”此刻包裹得跟粽子似的岩石领主也发现了这一幕。 Its thorough dumbfounded, does not know completely a moment ago had anything, but feels split second, Sea Shark Lord and other Demon vanished immediately cleanly from this world, seems to be cancelled from this world generally. 它彻底懵逼了,完全不知道刚才发生了什么,只是觉得一瞬间,海鲨领主妖魔立即从这个世界上消失得干干净净,似乎从这个世界被抹去了一般。 Such strange matter happened, making it panic-stricken, completely not understand what happened. 这样诡异的事情发生,让它惊恐不已,完全不理解发生了什么事。 You do not need to manage.” “那你就不需要管了。” Xia Ping a spear punctured toward the head of Rock Lord. 夏平一矛就朝着岩石领主的脑袋刺了过去。 No, stop, your damned Burning Demon, stops...... I also to have Treasure to me in the castle immediately, Supreme Treasure forgave me, these Treasure can you, give you entirely.” “不,住手,你这该死的燃烧魔,立即给我住手……我在城堡还有宝物,还有无上宝物饶了我吧,这些宝物都可以给你,通通给你。” Rock Lord yelled panic-stricken, tried to hand over oneself complete Treasure, received in exchange for own life. 岩石领主惊恐大叫起来,试图交出自己全部的宝物,换取自己的性命。 Thump! 咚! The next second, its sound stops suddenly, because its rock head was passed through by Hell's Spear immediately, terrifying Strength of Hell erupts in its soul deep place, explodes all split up and in pieces its soul instantaneously. 下一秒,它的声音戛然而止,因为它的岩石头颅立即被地狱之矛贯穿,恐怖的地狱之力在它的灵魂深处爆发,瞬间将它的灵魂炸得四分五裂 Rock Lord, death! 岩石领主,死! huā lā lā ~ ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~~ When Rock Lord dies, Samsara Brush trembles, it swallows boundless soul energy that crazily obtains from Rock Lord, thorough appropriating to oneself. 岩石领主死的时候,轮回笔震颤不已,它疯狂吞噬从岩石领主身上得到的磅礴灵魂能量,彻底的据为己有。 These soul energy change into the grey mist, floods into Samsara Brush internal deep place rapidly, fills up the entire space rapidly. 这些灵魂能量化为灰色雾气,迅速涌入轮回笔内部深处,迅速将整个空间填满。 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ Xia Ping divine consciousness infiltrates Samsara Brush, after obtaining three Immortal Level Demon soul, the Samsara Brush internal space was almost being flooded by soul energy, changed into boundless sea impressively. 夏平神识渗透进去轮回笔,得到了三尊不朽级妖魔灵魂之后,轮回笔内部空间几乎被灵魂能量充斥着,赫然化为了磅礴大海 Dōng dōng dōng!!! 咚咚咚!!! soul sea whips First Layer seal unceasingly, bombardment the first bronze front door, pēng pēng is making noise, each hit, erupts the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering sound. 灵魂大海不断拍打着第一重封印,轰击着第一座青铜大门,砰砰作响,每一次撞击,都爆发出惊天动地的声响。 Also has not known how long, after such intense striking, the bronze front door presented traces finally, ka ka makes noise, appears like the spider web general crack. 也不知道过了多长时间,经过这样激烈的敲打,青铜大门终于出现了一道道痕迹,咔咔作响,如同蜘蛛网一般的裂缝浮现出来。 Even seals up the chains of bronze front door, at this moment also encountered serious bombardment, one after another broke. 甚至封住青铜大门的锁链,此刻也遭到了严重的轰击,纷纷断裂开来。 Bang~~ 轰~~ And finally, this bronze front door could not withstand again, the collapse, together with the chains also thorough disintegration, deep and unmeasurable strength welled up from bronze gate internal deep place loudly. 到了最后,这座青铜大门再也承受不住了,轰然倒塌,连同锁链也彻底崩碎,一股深不可测力量从青铜门内部深处涌了出来。 Relieved.” “解除了。” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, he knows immediately Samsara Brush relieved First Layer seal, boundless abstruse energy welled up from Samsara Brush internal deep place, instills into own mind deep place. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,他立即就知道轮回笔解除了第一重封印,磅礴深奥的能量轮回笔内部深处涌了出来,灌输进去自己的脑海深处 At this moment, his soul and Samsara Brush spiritual intelligence interweaves mutually together, as if fusion, countless Hell rune emerges, forms Supreme scripture. 这一刻,他的灵魂轮回笔灵性互相交织在一起,似乎彼此之间融合,无数地狱符文涌现,形成一篇篇无上经文 He also knows after Samsara Brush relieves First Layer seal, Ability-- soul hook obtained! 他也知道了轮回笔解除第一重封印之后得到的能力——勾魂 But this Ability no longer is beforehand temporary, but is permanent. 而这种能力不再是之前的临时性,而是永久性的。 On the Samsara Brush pen tip, is glittering black cold glow, all-conquering, as if each black hair is Peerless sword edge is common, sufficiently tearing the void. 轮回笔笔尖上面,闪烁着黑色的寒芒,无坚不摧,似乎每一根黑色毛发都是一柄绝世剑刃一般,足以撕裂虚空 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ Xia Ping grasps Samsara Brush, toward Void one stroke, front appears gently unexpectedly immediately spans dozens kilometers huge void cracks together, punctured this world space barrier, so-called space barrier, simply in front of Samsara Brush is frail is ordinary like the tofu, simply is unable to withstand a single blow. 夏平手持轮回笔,朝着虚空轻轻一划,居然前面立即出现一道横亘数十公里的巨大虚空裂痕,打穿了这处世界的空间障壁,所谓的空间障壁,在轮回笔面前简直脆弱得如同豆腐一般,简直不堪一击 Was too strong.” “太强了。” Xia Ping extremely excited, after untying First Layer seal, Samsara Brush may not only obtain Ability is so simple, its simply is all -around promotion, changed into Peerless killing tool. 夏平兴奋不已,解开第一重封印之后,轮回笔可不仅是得到了一种能力这么简单,它简直就是全方位的提升,化为了一件绝世杀器 Solely from attack power, before it compared has not untied seal, formidable ten times to continue, among destruction power was needless saying that simply was shocking. 单单是从攻击力上面来说,它就比没解开封印之前强大了十倍不止,当中破坏力就更加不用说了,简直是骇人听闻。 He paid so many, kills three Immortal Level Demon, relieves Samsara Brush seal to be worth very much. 他付出了这么多,干掉三个不朽级妖魔,解除轮回笔封印还是很值得的。 Un, had Thunder Tribulation finished?!” “嗯,雷劫已经结束了?!” In at this time, Xia Ping raises the head looked, does not know not voluntarily, Tribulation Clouds above sky had gradually been defeated and dispersed, nine Netherworld hot thunder that descends also vanish entirely do not see. 就在这时候,夏平抬头一看,不知不自觉之间,天空之上的劫云已经逐渐溃散了,降落下来的九幽冥火雷也通通消失不见。 He blinks the eye, does not know when Thunder Tribulation finished, this Thunder Tribulation rather too water. 他眨巴一下眼睛,都不知道雷劫是什么时候结束的,这雷劫未免太水了吧。 If Thunder Tribulation has self- consciousness, knows the Xia Ping's idea, definitely meets angry crack cursed, who will know on world meeting exist(ence) such fearful Monster. 如果雷劫有自我意识的话,知道夏平的想法,肯定会气得破口大骂,谁会知道世界上会存在这样可怕的怪物 Ordinary, nine Netherworld hot thunder such terrifying Thunder Tribulation, even if Immortal Level Demon meets will peel three skins, the hit words, will live to might as well die, other Demon were needless saying that must die that without doubt. 平常来说,九幽冥火雷这样的恐怖雷劫,就算是不朽级妖魔遇到都会脱三层皮,被击中的话,都会生不如死,其他妖魔就更加不用说了,必死无疑的那种。 However this bastard is booing, is completely flame Paragon, has the Innate resistance to flame, any Strength of Flame arrives on this brat, no use. 但是这混蛋倒好,完全就是火焰主宰,对着火焰有着天生的抗性,任何火焰之力来到这小子身上,都没任何用处。 All nine Netherworld hot thunder descend in Xia Ping's body, unexpectedly was swallowed by him rapidly, transforms huge energy, making his within the body Hell's Golden Crow cell awaken crazily. 所有九幽冥火雷降落在夏平身上,居然都被他迅速吞噬,转化成庞大的能量,让他体内地狱金乌细胞疯狂觉醒。 The dissipation that therefore Tribulation Clouds does not prefer very much, it also knows can't cope with Xia Ping after all, moreover bombardment 108 Layers Thunder Tribulation, consumed all Strength of Calamity. 所以劫云很是不情愿的消散,毕竟它也知道奈何不了夏平,而且轰击一百零八重雷劫,也消耗了所有的劫难之力 Within short time, is unable to condense. 短时间之内,也无法凝聚更多了。 Un, as if within the body Hell's Golden Crow cell awakened.” “嗯,似乎体内地狱金乌细胞觉醒了很多。” After this Thunder Tribulation finished, Xia Ping raised the eyebrow . 这次雷劫结束之后,夏平挑了挑眉,。 He discovered impressively own within the body Hell's Golden Crow cell awakened 500 million, now on him awakens 1.5 billion Hell's Golden Crow cell. 他赫然发现自己体内地狱金乌细胞又觉醒了五亿颗,现在他身上足足觉醒了十五亿颗地狱金乌细胞 His within the body deep place 1.5 billion particles are breathing, is trembling, swallowing like a whale, causes the World phenomenon. 体内深处十五亿颗微粒在呼吸,在震颤,鲸吞蚕食,引起天地异象。 Unprecedented tyrannical strength gushes out from Xia Ping within the body, seems 1.5 billion small Hell's Golden Crow's strength is surging, is sounding, is hovering, in turnover World vitality / origin qi. 一股前所未有的强横力量夏平体内涌出,仿佛是十五亿头小地狱金乌的力量在涌动,在鸣叫,在翱翔,在吞吐天地元气 As if so long as his breath, can make to sweep across the entire planet's storm. 似乎只要他一个呼吸,就能制造出席卷整颗星球的风暴。 A look, can create a lot of Volcano, changes into endless sea of fire Small World. 一个眼神,就能缔造千百座火山,将一个小世界都化为无尽火海 Every action and every movement, can break Void, shakes the entire world, vibrates the whole wide world. 一举一动,都能打破虚空,撼动寰宇,震动八荒。 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ This tyrannical imposing manner disseminates from Xia Ping within the body, is centered on his body, is ordinary like the tide, wave after wave, sweeps away all directions. 这一股强横的气势夏平体内传播出去,以他的身体为中心,如同潮汐一般,一波接着一波,横扫四面八方 The surrounding area several hundred hundred million kilometers cover under such imposing manner, hōng lóng lóng makes noise, every inchs land, each mountain, even is the space is shivering every inchs. 方圆数百亿公里都笼罩在这样的气势下面,轰隆隆作响,每一寸土地,每一座大山,甚至是每一寸空间都在颤动。 The ground trembles, was shaken a countless fissure, some mountains were shaken to collapse directly, changes into the powder. 地面震颤,被震出无数道裂痕,一些高山被直接震得崩塌,化为粉末。 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ The strong winds howl, conquer the whole world, create a lot of hurricanes, revolves unceasingly. 狂风呼啸,席卷天下,缔造出千百个飓风,不断旋转。 monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks in this range is shiver coldly, feels aura that the end approaches, seems like Supreme Nether God to arrive, this simply is most Noble, purest Strength of Hell, exceeds all. 在这个范围之内的妖魔鬼怪都是瑟瑟发抖,感受到末日来临的气息,似乎是至高无上冥神降临下来,这简直就是最为高贵、最为纯正的地狱之力,超越一切。 Even before nine big immortal Lord strength, complete can't compare with, did not know formidable many essentially. 就算是之前九大不朽领主力量,也完全比不上,从本质上就不知道强大多少。 This is true Hell Paragon, goes out of Gods and Demons that from Chaos deep place. 这才是真真正正的地狱主宰,从混沌深处走出的神魔
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