GLD :: Volume #21

#2100: death fear

Hmm? worthily is Immortal Level Lord, really has huge soul energy.” 嗯?不愧是不朽级领主,果然拥有庞大的灵魂能量。” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, after killed Swamp Lord, he puts forth Devouring Power immediately, died soul energy rapid refining that Swamp Lord later emits comes out. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,斩杀了沼泽领主之后,他立即使出吞噬之力,将沼泽领主死掉之后散发出来的灵魂能量迅速炼化 Immediately, it produced huge soul energy, simply equivalent to several million Thunder Tribulation peak Demon soul. 顿时,它就产生了庞大的灵魂能量,简直相当于数百万雷劫巅峰妖魔灵魂 But these huge Soul Crystal were also delivered to front of Samsara Brush by him completely, Samsara Brush also greedy swallows these soul energy, as if obtained the perfect big tonic general. 而这些庞大的灵魂结晶也被他全部送到了轮回笔面前,轮回笔也贪婪的吞噬这些灵魂能量,似乎得到了十全大补药一般。 The Xia Ping also distinct sensation to own was away from unsealed Samsara Brush First Layer seal to be getting more and more near, so long as can also cut to kill two Immortal Level Lord, swallowed their soul energy, then First Layer seal can relieve. 夏平也分明感知到自己距离解封轮回笔一重封印越来越近了,只要还能斩杀两个不朽级领主,吞噬它们身上的灵魂能量,那么第一重封印就能够解除。 vaguely, as if there is shattered trace his sensation to the Samsara Brush internal deep place First Layer bronze gate. 隐约之间,他感知到轮回笔内部深处一重青铜门似乎有破碎的痕迹。 „Did no way, die? Was Swamp Lord killed?” 不会吧,死了?沼泽领主被杀了?” Sea Shark Lord and other Immortal Demon saw this, body is shaken ruthlessly, unbelievable, does not seem to be able to believe that renowned Swamp Lord was killed like this. 海鲨领主不朽妖魔看到这一幕,身体都是被狠狠震了一下,难以置信,似乎不敢相信大名鼎鼎沼泽领主就这样被杀了。 Because they promote to Immortal Level Demon time, thinks oneself are undying and unextinguished exist(ence), even the time is unable to obliterate their soul. 因为它们晋升到不朽级妖魔的时候,自认为自己已经是不死不灭存在,就算是时光也无法磨灭它们的灵魂 They do not know how long in Flame Hell to survive, how long dominated, thinks oneself have dominated, becomes formidable unceasingly. 它们都已经不知道在火焰地狱生存了多长时间,称霸了多久,也以为自己会一直称霸下去,不断变得更加强大 to be honest, they a little do not know that the death fear was anything feels. 说实话,它们都有点不知道死亡恐惧是什么感觉了。 Now but sees that was known as undying and unextinguished Swamp Lord dies before them, at the point of death sent out that sad and shrill pitiful yell before, immediately makes their fine hair raise up, courage entirely cracks. 可是现在看到号称不死不灭沼泽领主死在它们面前,临死之前发出那一声凄厉的惨叫,顿时让它们汗毛竖起,肝胆俱裂。 They also recalled such brutal fact, originally they were not immortality exist(ence), so long as there is enough strength, they will also die. 它们也回忆起了这样残酷的事实,原来它们也并非是长生不死的存在,只要有足够的力量,它们也会死的。 Such bloody fact brutal development before them. 这样血淋淋的事实残酷的展现在它们面前。 Monster, this radically is Monster! Cannot hit, will die, we by the homicide, this fellow absolutely were inheritance Hell's Warden strength, grasped Nether God authority.” 怪物,这根本是怪物!不能打下去了,会死的,我们都会被他杀的,这家伙绝对是传承地狱狱卒力量,掌握了冥神权柄。” First travelling is Nether Ghost Lord, it was scared by Xia Ping's body murderous aura, it is also to death most sensitive Lord, clearly can feel that dark-gold long spear contain to put to death their soul strength sufficiently. 第一个跑路的就是冥鬼领主,它被夏平身上杀气吓坏了,它也是对死亡最为敏感的领主,分明能感受到那根暗金色长矛蕴含着足以诛杀它们灵魂力量 Should be Immortal Body Swamp Lord, was put to death by this long spear strength, if continues to stay in same place, its also meeting must die without doubt. 原本应该是不朽之躯沼泽领主,就是被这根长矛力量诛杀的,如果继续停留在原地,它也会必死无疑。 Whiz! 嗖! not saying anything further, it changes into the body of Nether Ghost immediately, invisible does not have the shadow, escapes into Void, will run away, quick speed from this place by extremely quick speed will display quickly. 二话不说,它立即化为冥鬼之躯,无形无影,遁入虚空,以极快的速度从这个地方逃窜出去,有多快速度就会施展多快。 But Xia Ping where will make this Nether Ghost Lord run, he puts out another Hell's Magical Artifact Wailing Staff from the body. 可是夏平哪里会让这头冥鬼领主跑路,他从身上拿出另外一件地狱法宝哭丧棒 He revolves Magic Power, knocked gently toward Void. 他运转身上的法力,朝着虚空轻轻敲了一下。 Suppressing Soul Five Styles First Style dizziness! 镇魂五式第一式眩晕! Thump! 咚! Immediately, strength of vibration invisible spiritual sound wave goes out, is ordinary like the ocean waves, one after another, layer upon layer superimposes together, destroys all, ruthlessly bombardment on Nether Ghost Lord. 顿时,一股无形的精神音波之力震荡出去,如同海浪一般,一圈接着一圈,层层叠加在一起,摧毁一切,狠狠轰击冥鬼领主身上。 Ah! 啊! Nether Ghost Lord has not run several kilometers, the body of its entire Nether Ghost was knocked by this stick, the body of Nether Ghost also concentrates immediately substance, falls from Void among. 冥鬼领主还没跑出数公里呢,它整个冥鬼之躯就被这一棒敲中,冥鬼之躯也立即凝成实质,从虚空当中掉落出来。 Simultaneously it also sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, was hit full Toubao, a little dizziness the flavor, body anything Divine Ability is unable to use at this moment, stops in in the midair. 同时它也发出一声凄厉的惨叫,被打得满头包,有点眩晕乎乎的味道,身上什么神通此刻都无法使用出来,停止在半空当中 Whoosh! 咻! Xia Ping grasps Hell's Spear, figure flashes, kills toward the Nether Ghost Lord a spear bang, this a spear contain fearful Strength of Destruction, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, spear tip is presenting spiral qi flow, pierces all. 夏平手持地狱之矛,身形一闪,就朝着冥鬼领主一矛轰杀过去,这一矛蕴含着可怕的毁灭之力,惊天动地,矛尖呈现出螺旋气流,洞穿一切。 No, do not kill me, do not kill me, forgave “不,不要杀我,不要杀我,饶了我一命吧。” at this time, Nether Ghost Lord finally restores sober consciousness, but is too late, it called out pitifully immediately, shouted oneself hoarse, hopes that can make present Burning Demon forgive a oneself life. 这时候,冥鬼领主终于恢复清醒的意识,但是已经太晚了,它立即惨叫起来,声嘶力竭,希望能让眼前的燃烧魔饶恕自己一命。 Simultaneously it tries to run away vigorously, is radically useless. 同时它试图极力逃窜,可是根本没用。 Thump! 咚! This a spear pierced its body of Nether Ghost instantaneously, terrifying Strength of Destruction erupts, destroys all, its huge body crushes immediately, all split up and in pieces. 一矛瞬间就刺穿了它的冥鬼之躯,恐怖的毁灭之力爆发出来,摧毁一切,它庞大的身躯立即粉碎,四分五裂 Its True Spirit was also broken by this a spear, has died again cannot die. 它的真灵也被这一矛震碎,已经死得不能再死了。 huā lā lā ~ 哗啦啦~ After this Nether Ghost Lord dies, emits has intermittent grey soul matter, Samsara Brush trembles, greedy swallows these huge soul energy, trembles unceasingly, as if appeared countless Hell script, is fermenting more tyrannical aura. 这尊冥鬼领主死后,也散发出一阵阵的灰色灵魂物质,轮回笔震颤,贪婪的吞噬这些庞大的灵魂能量,不断震颤,似乎浮现了无数地狱文字,酝酿着更加强横的气息 The internal deep place first bronze front door is also trembling, as if on the verge of collapse, all seal chains make noise in huā lā lā, as if soon by this strength disintegration. 内部深处第一座青铜大门也在震颤,似乎摇摇欲坠,所有封印锁链都在哗啦啦作响,似乎快要被这股力量崩碎。 So long as cuts to kill immortal Lord again, then Samsara Brush can relieve First Layer seal.” “只要再斩杀一位不朽领主,那么轮回笔就能解除第一重封印了。” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, is very excited, his didn't expect entered the Hell World goal to achieve quickly, so long as this Samsara Brush First Layer seal relieved, then his fighting strength will obtain the enormous promotion surely. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,很是兴奋,他没想到自己进入地狱世界的目的这么快就要达成了,只要这支轮回笔一重封印解除,那么他的战斗力必定会得到极大的提升。 But this, saw clearly by other immortal Lord, frightened urinates. 而这一幕,也被其他不朽领主看得清清楚楚,吓得都尿了。 Is impossible, Nether Ghost Lord was also killed, who does not know that Nether Ghost Lord has the body of Nether Ghost, invisible does not have the shadow, wholeheartedly wants to run away, does not have any Demon can catch up, but is held now unexpectedly by a spear.” “不可能,冥鬼领主也被杀了,谁不知道冥鬼领主拥有冥鬼之躯,无形无影,一心想逃窜,没有任何妖魔追得上,可是现在居然被一矛捅死了。” Has Immortal Demon dumbstruck, cannot believe. 不朽妖魔目瞪口呆,不敢相信。 This is nothing, wasn't Swamp Lord held? This Monster kills immortal Lord such as to kill the chicken general, this Burning Demon has not promoted immortal even, but still differs is not far.” “这算什么,沼泽领主不也是被捅死了吗?这怪物不朽领主如杀鸡一般,这燃烧魔即使没有晋升到不朽,但是也相差不远了。” Having Immortal Demon complexion was difficult to see the extreme. 不朽妖魔脸色难看到了极点。 I know how his in the end kills Swamp Lord and Nether Ghost Lord.” “我知道他到底是怎么杀死沼泽领主冥鬼领主的了。” Sea Shark Lord cannot bear scream: Looks at weapon on his hand, that is Hell's Warden Magical Artifact Hell's Spear and Wailing Staff, damn, how such Magical Artifact will fall into this fellow hand, really does not have the natural justice.” 海鲨领主忍不住尖叫起来:“看他手上的武器,那是地狱狱卒法宝地狱之矛哭丧棒,可恶啊,这样的法宝怎么会落入这家伙手里,真是没天理。” Is impossible, Hell's Spear, Wailing Staff? This is not legend among weapon, has disappeared in the history river? Why now will appear again, is unreasonable, his does in the end obtain from somewhere?” “不可能,地狱之矛,哭丧棒?这不是传说当中武器,早就泯灭在历史长河了吗?现在为什么会再次出现,根本不合理,他到底是从什么地方得到的?” Rock Lord and other Demon were ignorant, hears the reminder of Sea Shark Lord, their also news comes finally, recognizes on Xia Ping all of a sudden two formidable weapon origins. 岩石领主妖魔都懵了,听到海鲨领主的提醒,它们也终于新闻过来,一下子就认出夏平手上两件强大武器的来历。 If legend among Hell's Warden weapon, then can kill Immortal Level Lord, is not the fantasy story matter, or that is the natural matter. 如果是传说当中地狱狱卒武器,那么能杀死不朽级领主,也不是什么天方夜谭的事情,或者说那是理所当然的事。 „It is not the opponent, we at all are not the opponents, has Hell weapon in the hand, this fight has no way to hit, this time besieged to be defeated, we hurried to travel.” “不是对手,我们根本不是对手,有地狱武器在手,这场战斗根本没法打,这次围攻失败了,我们赶紧跑路吧。” Has Immortal Level Demon to loudly shout, immediately travels. 不朽级妖魔大喝一声,立即跑路。 Other Immortal Level Lord also mutually to looking at one, each one do not dare to stay in same place, scatters in a panic. 其他不朽级领主也是互相对看了一眼,个个都是不敢停留在原地,都作鸟兽散。
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