GLD :: Volume #21

#2099: Puts to death Swamp Lord

Haha, died, this Burning Demon died finally.” 哈哈,死了,这燃烧魔终于死了。” Knows that this Burning Demon even again fierce, possibly is not our immortal Lord opponent.” “就知道这头燃烧魔就算是再厉害,也不可能是我们不朽领主的对手。” Snort, without promoting immortal, is ordinary Demon, kills the head, is dies again cannot die.” “哼,没有晋升到不朽,就是普通妖魔,干掉脑袋,就是死得不能再死。” Looked that this brat is so rampant, how I have a look at it to be rampant actually.” “看这小子还这么嚣张,我倒是看看它还怎么嚣张起来。” Saw that the Xia Ping's head gnawed off by Sea Shark Lord one, is left over half body merely, numerous immortal Lord are excited, the immeasurable joy, just like winning a war was ordinary. 看到夏平的脑袋被海鲨领主一口咬掉,仅仅剩下半边身体,众多不朽领主都是兴奋起来,无比喜悦,宛如打胜了一个战争一般。 They know even this Burning Demon is fierce, without the head is still dies, after all only then promotes Immortal Realm, can have body that does not die. 它们知道即使这燃烧魔再厉害,没了脑袋也是死定了,毕竟就只有晋升到不朽境,才能拥有不死的身躯 Nether Ghost Lord, Swamp Lord and Sea Shark Lord three are incomparably self-satisfied, they are luckily fierce, catch the key moment, found that Burning Demon flaw, otherwise where can easily kill this fellow. 冥鬼领主,沼泽领主海鲨领主三个都是无比得意,幸好它们厉害,捕捉到关键时机,找到那燃烧魔的破绽,否则哪里能这么轻易杀死这家伙。 Now saw that this Burning Demon died, they also removed an archenemy, immediately relaxes. 现在见到这头燃烧魔死掉,它们也算是除掉了一个大敌,顿时松了一口气。 Wait, these blood, actually what's the matter? Why burnt suddenly?” “等等,这些血液,究竟是怎么回事?为什么忽然之间燃烧起来了?” In at this time, Swamp Lord broadcasts a panic-stricken sound. 就在这时候,沼泽领主传来一阵惊恐的声音。 What?! 什么?! Other immortal Lord looked immediately, discovered the Swamp Lord incarnation for swamp that the black soil concentrates impressively, in Burning Demon blood contamination that but these black soils as if died by a moment ago that. 其他不朽领主立即看了过去,赫然发现沼泽领主化身为黑色泥土凝成的沼泽,但是这些黑色泥土似乎被刚才那死去的燃烧魔血液沾染上。 But these blood as if have Life consciousness, unexpectedly changes into lava, starts to burn, even flame deep place as if contain Divine Bird, is flashing wings, the sound moves Nine Heavens. 而这些血液似乎有生命意识似的,居然化为熔浆,开始燃烧起来,甚至火焰深处仿佛蕴含着一头神禽,扑闪着翅膀,声动九天 These dark-gold lava burn down immediately, burns flaming big fire on Swamp Lord. 这些暗金色熔浆立即焚烧起来,在沼泽领主身上燃烧起熊熊大火 If ordinary flame, is unable to burn on Swamp Lord, but this is actually Hell's Golden Crow Flame, can be regarded as the fuel Hell Nether Strength. 如果是普通火焰的话,根本无法在沼泽领主身上燃烧起来,但是这却是地狱金乌火焰,能够将地狱冥力当做是燃料。 Once invades Swamp Lord body, that will not extinguish, till the energy combustion of enemy body completely. 一旦入侵沼泽领主身躯,那就不会熄灭,直到将敌人身体能量燃烧殆尽为止。 Scoundrel, these flame, actually what's the matter, why can’t do anything about it extinguishes, why can cause the damage to me, go away, immediately goes away to me!” “混账,这些火焰,究竟是怎么回事,为什么没办法熄灭,为什么能对我造成伤害,滚开,立即给我滚开!” Swamp Lord cannot bear yell panic-stricken, it discovered impressively these flame can pose the serious threat to oneself swamp body unexpectedly, own Immortal Body as if no to this flame means. 沼泽领主忍不住惊恐大叫起来,它赫然发现这些火焰居然能对自己的沼泽身躯造成严重的威胁,自己的不朽之躯似乎对这火焰一点办法都没有。 Even if its Immortal Body has Ability that unceasing regenerates, but this flame still so, derives its within the body Life Force to take the fuel, grows continually, will never extinguish. 即使它的不朽之躯拥有不断再生的能力,但是这火焰也是如此,汲取它体内生命力作为燃料,生生不息,永不熄灭。 As if so long as do not die, it will have burnt, vanishes till own soul. 似乎只要自己不死,它就一直会燃烧下去,直到自己的灵魂消失为止。 At this moment, it felt the death fear, whole body is trembling, once is unable to be extinguished by oneself flame, sooner or later one day it by this group of flame while still alive burn to death. 这一刻,它感到了死亡的恐惧,全身都在哆嗦,一旦无法让自己身上的火焰熄灭,迟早有一天它都会被这团火焰活活烧死 Other immortal Lord see this, their first idea does not rescue Swamp Lord, but was under consciousness backed up several steps, for fear that these flame contamination on oneself, making them also end up with the Swamp Lord same fate. 其他不朽领主看到这一幕,它们第一个想法并不是解救沼泽领主,而是下意识倒退了好几步,生怕这些火焰沾染在自己身上,让它们也落得和沼泽领主一样的下场。 Damn, this Burning Demon has not died!” 该死,这燃烧魔还没死!” Suddenly, Nether Ghost Lord yelled, its eye is staring at that half body stubbornly. 忽然之间,冥鬼领主大叫起来,它眼睛死死盯着那半边身体 When they spoke, originally thinks that death Burning Demon, had actually had the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down at this moment, his flesh and blood heavy freshman/new life was unexpectedly long. 在它们说话的时候,本来以为已经早就死亡燃烧魔,此刻却是发生了翻天覆地的变化,他身上的血肉居然重新生长起来。 Originally shattered flesh and blood, each drop of blood, each cell, each hair, internal deep place time contain mysterious talisman. 原本破碎血肉,每一滴鲜血,每一颗细胞,每一根毛发,内部深处时候都蕴含着一枚枚神秘符箓 But these talisman each other have the inalienable relation, swallows Void deep place energy, formed Network, gathers together rapidly, congealed the head. 而这些符箓彼此有着不可分割的联系,吞噬虚空深处能量,形成了网络,迅速汇聚在一起,凝成了头颅。 Void vibration! 虚空震荡 originally was resurrected by rumbling broken half body Xia Ping again, all flesh and blood organization are reorganizing, quickly restores to the original appearance, tyrannical strength erupts every inchs from his within the body muscle. 本来被轰碎半边身体夏平再次复活,所有的血肉组织都在重组,迅速恢复到原本的模样,一股强横的力量从他体内每一寸肌肉爆发出来。 Thump! 咚! Xia Ping foot treads, the whole wide world trembles, the surrounding area counts the billion kilometer to shiver, steamroll Nine Heavens and Ten Worlds, as if entire Flame Hell shivers in his under foot. 夏平一脚踏出,八荒震颤,方圆数十亿公里都在颤抖,碾压九天十地,似乎整个火焰地狱都在他的脚下颤抖。 He who as if returns to the original condition, compared with former formidable, terrifying. 似乎恢复原状的他,比之前更加强大,恐怖。 On him the flesh, the muscle is glittering every inchs every inchs the dark-gold gloss, as if this is Arhat Race Arhat Golden Body , seems Immortal Body. 他身上每一寸肌肤,每一寸肌肉都闪烁着暗金色的光泽,仿佛这是罗汉族罗汉金身,又仿佛是不朽之躯 Immortal Body, this fellow has Immortal Body unexpectedly!” 不朽之躯,这家伙居然拥有不朽之躯!” Is impossible, this in the end what's the matter? He has not condensed immortal True Spirit obviously, communicates Hell's Source, how can also cultivation become Immortal Body.” “根本不可能,这到底是怎么回事?他明明没有凝聚不朽真灵,沟通地狱本源,又如何能修炼不朽之躯。” But the fact at present, this is Immortal Body strength, even body were rumbled broken, can still reorganize rapidly, this is undying and unextinguished Ability.” “但是事实就在眼前,这就是不朽之躯力量,即使身躯被轰碎,也能够迅速重组,这就是不死不灭能力。” His has a moment ago seized the chance to promote to Immortal Realm?” “难道说他刚才已经趁机晋升到不朽境了?” Numerous immortal Lord cannot believe, they saw Xia Ping resurrects again, half body returns to the original condition, simply is thinks oneself were having a dream, such matter is really absurd. 众多不朽领主都是不敢相信,它们看到夏平再次复活,半边身体都恢复原状,简直是认为自己在做梦了,这样的事情实在是太荒谬。 Swamp Lord, you think that can kill by this small method dies I? simply is pipe dream, today I make you know that anything is called Magic Power Boundless, Divine Ability are general, anything is true strength.” 沼泽领主,你们以为凭借这些小手段就能杀得死我?简直痴人说梦,今天我就让你们知道什么叫做法力无边,神通广大,什么是真正的力量。” The Xia Ping rebirth, he used drop blood rebirth Divine Ability Method again, felt oneself have the understanding of further onwards regarding oneself within the body bloodline strength, seemed body and soul obtains the sublimation general. 夏平再次重生,他使用了滴血重生这门神通,觉得自己对于自己体内血脉力量有着更进一步的认识,仿佛是身体灵魂都得到了升华一般。 Hell's Suppressing Demon Spear Fourth Style: Destruction! 地狱镇魔矛第四式毁灭 Bang~ 轰~ His a spear come out goes, at this moment he seems Nether God takes possession, within the body deep place Hell's Golden Crow energy welled up, thorough Stimulation Hell's Spear internal energy. 一矛杀出去,这一刻他仿佛是冥神附体,体内深处地狱金乌能量涌了出来,彻底激发地狱之矛内部能量 Black cold glow come out comes together, tearing the world, destroys Void, contain infinite deathly stillness aura, is carrying Nether God authority, puts to death all sufficiently. 一道黑色寒芒杀出来,撕裂天地,毁灭虚空,蕴含着无穷的死寂气息,携带着冥神权柄,足以诛杀一切。 Stop, immediately stops to me!” “住手,立即给我住手!” Swamp Lord frightens half dead, lose one's head out of fear, it clearly feels fatal killing intent from this black cold glow, oneself True Spirit poses the intermittent threat. 沼泽领主吓得半死,惊慌失措,它分明从这道黑色寒芒上面感受到致命的杀机,自己身上的真灵都产生阵阵的威胁。 Its originally several big Immortal Level Lord sneak attacks, this matter very easy, killing this Burning Demon is a with no difficulty matter, is not anything. 本来几大不朽级领主偷袭,想必这件事手到擒来,杀死这燃烧魔轻而易举的一件事,根本就不算什么。 However its didn't expect, this brat has Immortal Body absolutely unexpectedly, even were rumbled half body, can resurrect rapidly, restores at the peak period. 但是它万万没想到,这小子居然拥有不朽之躯,即使被轰掉了半边身体,都能够迅速复活,恢复到全盛时期 This simply made it collapse thoroughly. 简直彻底让它崩溃了。 Because like bloodline humble Burning Demon, garbage general Demon, nouveau riche but who luck is good to obtain the fortuitous encounter, unexpectedly strength terrifying to this degree. 因为像这样的血脉低贱的燃烧魔,垃圾一般的妖魔,只是运气好获得奇遇的暴发户,居然实力恐怖到这种程度。 How doesn't it possibly feel trembled with fear?! 它怎么可能不感到胆战心惊?! Thump! 咚! This black cold glow passed over gently and swiftly, Swamp Lord entire body was torn, all split up and in pieces, changes into one group of fragments. 这道黑色寒芒掠过,沼泽领主整个身体都被撕裂了,四分五裂,化为一团碎片。 Simultaneously terrifying Strength of Hell invades Swamp Lord body , crushes its True Spirit tearing instantaneously, all Soul Strength crush cleanly. 同时恐怖的地狱之力入侵沼泽领主身体,瞬间就将它的真灵撕裂、粉碎,所有的灵魂力量都粉碎得干干净净。 Also planned to return to the original condition the body of swamp, is defeated and dispersed all of a sudden, changes into pile of soils, falls in the ground. 原本还打算恢复原状的沼泽之躯,也一下子溃散,化为一堆泥土,掉落在地面上。 Swamp Lord, death! 沼泽领主,死!
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