GLD :: Volume #21

#2098: Plotting

Closes your trifling thing, is Demon that some dies quickly, but can also manage so many to do.” “关你们屁事,都是些快死的妖魔,还能管这么多干嘛。” Xia Ping sneered, simply has not planned and them explains anything. 夏平冷笑一声,根本没打算和它们解释什么。 Really, on this Burning Demon has big secret exist(ence).” “果然,这头燃烧魔身上有大秘密存在。” Said right, such formidable Demon impossible to be obscure in Flame Hell.” “说得没错,这么强大妖魔不可能在火焰地狱默默无名。” I thought that this Burning Demon possibly has no intention among to arrive at our Flame Hell from other Hell plane(s), such Great Demon impossible appear out of thin air.” “我觉得这头燃烧魔可能是从别的地狱位面无意当中来到我们火焰地狱的,这样的大妖魔不可能凭空出现。” Indeed has the possibility very much, this can explain all, maybe Demon from High Grade Hell Plane, inheritance is deep, even obtained Hell's Warden inheritance.” “的确很有可能,这样就能解释一切了,说不定是来自高等地狱位面妖魔,传承深厚,甚至是得到了地狱狱卒传承。” „, Captures this fellow, or kills, plunders Treasure, at that time knew.” “是不是真的,将这家伙擒拿下来,或者是杀死,搜刮宝物,那时候就知道了。” Numerous Immortal Level Demon pupil deep place reveals dense murderous aura, before because of the Xia Ping's threat, they planned under merely pain killer, now was different, benefit obligation. 众多不朽级妖魔瞳孔深处露出森森杀气,之前仅仅是因为夏平的威胁,它们才打算痛下杀手,现在不一样了,还有利益驱使。 Then if this happens then, they cannot bleed off this origin mysterious Burning Demon. 那么这样一来,它们就更加不能放走这头来历神秘燃烧魔 Thinks of here, they revolve within the body Strength of Demon, kills from the all directions bang, changes into black rays of light, is ordinary just like the Hell god glow, fills destruction power. 想到这里,它们运转体内妖魔之力,从四面八方轰杀过来,化为一道道黑色光芒,宛如地狱神芒一般,充满破坏力 Xia Ping also refuses to admit being inferior, grasps Hell's Spear, Whirling Rosary, with it contending. 夏平也不甘示弱,手持地狱之矛,还有婆娑念珠,与之抗衡。 pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! Immediately in the midair resounded an intermittent explosion sound immediately, simultaneously produced extremely fearful destruction power, battlefield spread several hundreds of millions kilometers, hit heaven falls and earth splits, Lightless Sun and Moon. 顿时半空当中立即响起了一阵阵的爆炸般声响,同时产生了极其可怕的破坏力,战场蔓延了数亿公里,打得天崩地裂,日月无光 ordinary Demon that the distant place comes to watch the fun much also sees this. 远处不少前来看热闹的普通妖魔也是看到这一幕。 My God, what front did in the end have? Unexpectedly has immortal Lord aura to transmit.” “我的天,前面到底发生了什么?居然有不朽领主气息传来。” Many Demon frighten shiver coldly, as if distant place aura transmits continuously, the collapsing by pressure vault of heaven, presses the powder their most Demon sufficiently, is unable to contend. 不少妖魔吓得瑟瑟发抖,似乎远处一缕缕气息传来,都足以压塌苍穹,将它们大部分的妖魔都压成粉末,无法抗衡。 Rock Lord, Swamp Lord, Sea Shark Lord...... cracking a joke, our Flame Hell nine big Immortal Level Lord appeared entirely, they just and Burning Demon are fighting.” 岩石领主,沼泽领主,海鲨领主……开玩笑吧,我们火焰地狱九大不朽级领主通通出现了,它们正和一头燃烧魔在战斗。” Having many items of monster demon eye eyeballs is sharp, immediately saw the fight of battlefield, but does not look fortunately, now looks, immediately almost frightens its the soul flies away and scatters, shivers. 有多目妖魔眼睛锐利,立即看到了战场的战斗,可是不看还好,现在一看,顿时就吓得它差点魂飞魄散,颤抖不已。 Ordinary time, presenting Immortal Demon was fearful enough, this is can shake the Flame Hell important matter. 平常的时候,出现一尊不朽妖魔就足够可怕了,这是可以撼动火焰地狱的大事。 Now but presents nine Immortal Level Demon, even nine big Immortal Level Demon are still collaborating, besieges Burning Demon together, this is the Flame Hell unprecedented fight. 可是现在却是足足出现了九尊不朽级妖魔,甚至九大不朽级妖魔还在联手,一起围攻一头燃烧魔,这是火焰地狱前所未有的战斗。 Actually that Burning Demon is what exist(ence), unexpectedly can inspire nine big Lord to besiege to it, is what background?” Many Demon guesses that Burning Demon origin. “那燃烧魔究竟是什么存在,居然能引动九大领主对它围攻,是什么来头?”不少妖魔都是猜测那燃烧魔的来历。 „It is not clear, did not know completely, formidable Burning Demon I have not so seen in Flame Hell.” “不清楚,完全不认识,如此强大燃烧魔我在火焰地狱从来没见过。” Perhaps not Demon from our Flame Hell, but came from other Hell World.” “或许并非是来自我们火焰地狱妖魔,而是来自其他地狱世界的。” Indeed has the possibility very much, how otherwise possibly to contend with Immortal Level Lord.” “的确很有可能,要不然怎么可能抗衡不朽级领主。” a moment ago that nine Netherworld hot thunder are maybe this Burning Demon inspires?” 刚才那九幽冥火雷说不定就是这头燃烧魔引动出来的?” Fight was too intense, does not know that who wins who loses.” “战斗太激烈了,也不知道谁胜谁负。” You crack a joke, nine big immortal Lord make a move, where has being able to kill enemy, whatever this Burning Demon is how fierce, was impossible to turn the day.” “你这是开什么玩笑,九大不朽领主出手,哪里有干不掉的敌人,任凭这燃烧魔如何厉害,都不可能翻得了天。” Numerous Demon discuss spiritedly, they were also blown by this unrivalled war ruthlessly, this surely was sufficiently in Flame Hell a fight that kept eternal. 众多妖魔议论纷纷,它们也算是被这一场旷世大战狠狠镇住了,这必定是足以在火焰地狱名留万古的一场战斗。 However also many Demon frighten one after another to run away, because in Immortal Level Demon fight among, wisp of aura that divulges at will, can shake the severe wound them, even tears into shreds. 但是也有不少妖魔吓得纷纷逃窜,因为在不朽级妖魔的战斗当中,随意泄露出来的一缕气息,都能将它们震成重伤,甚至是撕碎。 Therefore, their where also dares to stay in this place, one after another is far away. 所以,它们哪里还敢停留在这个地方,纷纷远离。 ............ ………… Dies, Burning Demon!” “去死吧,燃烧魔!” In at this time, the fight reached the high tide, Five Great Immortal Level Demon saw a flaw that Xia Ping showed that the eye revealed cold glow, simultaneously put forth Supreme killing strike. 就在这时候,战斗达到了高潮,五大不朽级妖魔看到了夏平露出的一丝破绽,眼睛露出一丝寒芒,同时使出无上杀招 King of Hell Killing Palm! 冥王杀掌 In an instant, Five Great Immortal Level Demon also collaborates, a palm pats, Void vibration, covered and contained everything, as if summoned King of Hell, went out from Void deep place. 刹那间,五大不朽级妖魔同时联手,一掌拍来,虚空震荡,包罗万象,似乎召唤出一尊冥王,从虚空深处走出。 Sees only that King of Hell to stretch out black palm, above appeared densely packed Hell rune as well as imprint, since in the midair crashes, must Xia Ping according to dying on the ground. 只见那尊冥王伸出一只黑色手掌,上面浮现了密密麻麻地狱符文以及烙印,从半空当中坠落,要将夏平按死在地上。 Useless, Whirling Rosary, the immensity of Buddha's teaching is immeasurable.” “没用的,婆娑念珠,佛海无量。” Xia Ping surface expressionless, revolution Whirling Rosary strength, Stimulation has countless golden light immediately, these Buddhism golden light changed into piece of golden sea impressively, seems faith sea, includes the entire world. 夏平无表情,运转婆娑念珠力量,顿时激发无数金光,这些佛门金光赫然化为了一片金色的海洋,仿佛是信仰大海,囊括寰宇。 Thump! 咚! That only King of Hell big hand arrives, according to this golden sea, starts the heaven frightening mighty waves immediately, immediately the strength of all King of Hell were swallowed thoroughly. 那只冥王大手降临下来,按在这片金色海洋上面,顿时掀起惊天波澜,顿时所有的冥王之力都被吞噬得一干二净 Two strength will also be counter-balanced shortly. 两股力量也在顷刻间被抵消。 Haha, stupid Burning Demon, was finally found the opportunity by me, dies.” 哈哈,愚蠢的燃烧魔,终于被我找到机会了,去死吧。” In this instantaneous, the gloomy and cold sound conveys from Void together, appears behind Xia Ping, speech impressively is Swamp Lord, it concealing in Void long time, without making a move, must kill for the waiting. 就在这瞬间,一道阴冷的声音从虚空传来,出现在夏平背后,说话的赫然就是沼泽领主,它早就隐匿虚空良久,一直没出手,就是为了等待必杀以及。 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ Sees only Swamp Lord to change into black soils, is ordinary like true swamp, the wave tumbles, contain infinite Strength of Hell, the overhead is dividing, surrounds Xia Ping entire body all of a sudden. 只见沼泽领主化为一片黑色泥土,如同真正的沼泽一般,波浪翻滚,蕴含着无穷的地狱之力,当头劈下,一下子就将夏平整个身躯困住。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Xia Ping narrowed the eye, he discovered all of a sudden oneself both hands both feet contaminated the soil, own body as if fell into swamp among general, all around had the strength of fearful restraint. 夏平眯了眯眼睛,他一下子就发现自己的双手双脚都沾染了泥土,自己的身体似乎陷入了沼泽当中一般,四周产生了可怕的束缚之力。 Even if he makes an effort unceasingly, is unable to run from swamp among. 即使他不断用力,也无法从沼泽当中跑出来。 Useless, even you promote to immortal Lord, is unable to run from my Hell Divine Ability-- swamp Earth, you had been surrounded by me, die without a burial site.” “没用的,就算你晋升到不朽领主,也无法从我的地狱神通——沼泽大地跑出来,你已经被我困住了,死无葬身之地。” swamp deep place, broadcasts the Swamp Lord immensely proud of oneself sound, it changes into swamp Earth, Nascent Divinity wanders around, actually no one knows its main body in somewhere. 沼泽深处,传来沼泽领主得意洋洋的声音,它化为沼泽大地,元神四处游荡,谁也不知道它的本体究竟在什么地方 It can be said that it truly has Undying Body fearful Demon, can kill compared with any Demon. 可以说,它才是真正拥有不死身的可怕妖魔,比任何妖魔都能杀死。 So long as there is drop of soil is not eliminated cleanly, Swamp Lord can unceasingly Recovery. 只要有一滴泥土没有被消灭干净,沼泽领主就能不断复苏 Burning Demon, you also want to struggle, obediently fainted deadly to me in the past!” 燃烧魔,你还想挣扎,乖乖给我晕死过去!” Has not waited for Xia Ping to begin, another Void, black phantom appears, does not have any shape, that is Nether Ghost Lord, it sends out gloomy and cold aura, as if freezes Void. 还没等夏平动手,另外一处虚空,一尊黑色虚影浮现,没有任何形态,那是一尊冥鬼领主,它发出阴冷的气息,似乎冻结虚空 Bang! 砰! The next second, gushes out berserk Spiritual Fluctuation from it, easily accomplished, ruthlessly toward the Xia Ping's Sea of Consciousness hit in the past, attempt let condition of Xia Ping at dizziness. 下一秒,从它身上涌出狂暴精神波动,摧枯拉朽,狠狠的朝着夏平的意识海撞击过去,试图让夏平处在眩晕的状态 Went well, death.” “得手了,死吧。” Sea Shark Lord of distant place sees this, entire body changes into shark, shuttle Void, arrives in Xia Ping's side instantaneously, opens fangs, bit. 远处的海鲨领主看到这一幕,整个身躯化为一头鲨鱼,穿梭虚空,瞬间就抵达夏平身边,张开獠牙,一口就咬了下去。 Thump, blood splashes, immediately the Xia Ping's head gnawed off. 咚的一下,血液飞溅,顿时夏平的头颅就被咬掉了。
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