GADW :: Volume #8

#1219: Golden blood river!

Jeffrey looks that Yue Zhong one fist second killed the Lord of that ox head devil, the eye quickly stares: How possible? Does he possibly evolve that quickly? Soon before, he also obviously is only Common Ninth-Rank Expert, how possibly to evolve such rapidness?” 杰佛里看着岳重一拳秒杀那牛头恶魔之主,眼睛都快瞪得掉出来了:“怎么可能?他怎么可能进化得那么快?不久之前,他还明明只是一个普通九阶强者,怎么可能进化得如此之快?” Soon before, Jeffrey can also suppress Yue Zhong completely, catches up with full Jiepao Yue Zhong. But for several days, Yue Zhong has evolved to can also take the Lord of second tyrannical ox head devil to kill Jeffrey, this monster, Jeffrey has not seen. 不久之前,杰佛里还能够完全压制岳重,将岳重赶得满街跑。可是不过短短几天的时间,岳重就已经进化到能够将比杰佛里还要强横的牛头恶魔之主秒杀,这种怪物,杰佛里可从来没有见过。 Suddenly, that demon demon main complexion big change, loses one's voice to scream: God family!! He is god family!!!” 忽然之间,那魅魔之主脸色大变,失声尖叫道:“神眷者!!他是神眷者!!!” After hearing the name of that god family, besides Human Race, the majority of half true God level Expert complexion suddenly changes. 听到那神眷者的名字之后,除了人族之外,大部分的半步真神级强者都脸色骤然大变起来。 God family has God and Devil System Mark, receives the terror that the Spiritual God cares to exist, can through striking to kill the powerful enemy to absorb the life vitality crazy evolution.[ 神眷者乃是拥有神魔系统印记,受到神灵眷顾的恐怖存在,能够通过击杀强敌吸收生命元气疯狂的进化。[ Regarding many races, this god family are the biggest delicacies, is their race nightmare. If can swallow small and weak god family, many Expert can evolve once more one step. Game that but if was regarded as the evolution by god family, then their fates will be very pitiful. 对于诸多种族来说,这神眷者就是最大的美味,也是它们种族的噩梦。若是能够吞噬弱小的神眷者,许多强者就能够再次进化一步。可是若是被神眷者视作进化的猎物,那么它们的下场将会十分凄惨。 Were hostile, greedily, the vision of envy in abundance centralized on the body of Yue Zhong. 一道道敌视、贪婪、嫉妒的目光纷纷集中在了岳重的身上。 Expert of many half true God levels are in the eye the ominous light four shoots, Strength in within the body crazy is surging, is avoiding below attack, while is calculating the success and failure of getting rid in the heart. 许多半步真神级的强者更是眼中凶光四射,体内的力量疯狂的涌动着,一边躲避着下方的攻击,一边在心中计算着出手的得失。 The thunder bright god looked at Yue Zhong, in the eye has been being full of the complex color: This secret exposed finally!!” 雷煌神主望着岳重,眼中充满了复杂之色:“这个秘密终于暴露了!!” Yue Zhong evolves such rapidness, has far exceeded the expectation of thunder bright god. This time Yue Zhong battle strength even may dominate with the thunder bright god above. This made the bright god have the sentiment of faint trace envy. 岳重进化得如此之快,远远超出了雷煌神主的预料。此时的岳重战斗力甚至有可能凌驾与雷煌神主之上。这让雷煌神主也不禁产生了丝丝嫉妒之情。 In the Lu Lie god also same eye flashes through wipes the complex color, deeply sighed: Can conceal the truth now, was good. Now is he most dangerous time, if he can support, in the future he will be our Human Race Lord, Sacred Heaven true God. If cannot support, only then falls from the sky a way, becomes ravin that other people evolve.” 鲁烈神主也同样眼中闪过一抹复杂之色,深深一叹道:“能够瞒到现在,已经不错了。现在就是他最危险的时候,如果他能够挺得过去,将来他就是我们人族共主,神圣天国的真神。如果挺不过去,就只有陨落一途,成为其他人进化的饵食。” Lu Lie god similarly also to evolutionary rate envying and envy of Yue Zhong. But he very clear, if Yue Zhong can promote into true God level Expert, then in 800 world, nobody is the Yue Zhong rival. Yue Zhong becomes the true God that Sacred Heaven consecrates. Side has the authority. Naturally is natural. 鲁烈神主同样也对岳重的进化速度十分的羡慕和嫉妒。可他十分清楚若是岳重能够晋升成为真神级强者,那么800世界之中,将没有人是岳重的敌手。岳重成为神圣天国供奉的真神。掌握边的权力。自然是理所当然。 The flame day god asked suddenly: „Do we help his one?” 炎天神主突然问道:“我们去帮他一把吗?” Thunder Huangsao surrounding many Expert, has smiled bitterly: Useless! He now is the enemies of here all people, once we help him, must die including us in these crazy fellow hands.” 雷煌扫了周围的诸多强者一眼,苦笑一下:“没有用的!他现在已经是这里所有人的敌人,一旦我们去帮他,连我们也要死在这些疯狂的家伙手中。” At this time in this exceedingly high tower fourth. Counted the eye of foreign race Expert to be red. But Yue Zhong in their eyes the thing of big making up. Also is their race dominates the world most terrorist enemy. Once can kill Yue Zhong, the advantage that they gain will be countless. 此时在这通天塔第四层之中。数异族强者的眼睛都红了。岳重在他们的眼中可是大补之物。也是它们种族称霸世界最为恐怖的敌人。一旦能够将岳重杀死,它们获得的好处将不计其数。 Expert of some half true God levels are staring at Human Race Expert that looks to eye covetously bad, once these Human Race Expert have any change. They will launch the attack. 一些半步真神级的强者更是面露不善虎视眈眈的盯着人族强者,一旦那些人族强者有任何异动。它们就会发动进攻。 Main surface of dew panic-stricken loud scream that demon demon: Everybody on, has killed him together!! He is mature god family, who can swallow him, can obtain his complete Strength, the hope of promotion true God level can increasing doubled and re-doubled!!” 那魅魔之主面露惊恐大声的尖叫道:“大家一起上,杀了他!!他是一只成熟的神眷者,谁能够吞了他,就能够获得他的全部力量,晋升真神级的希望将会成倍的攀升!!” „To kill me! Then you gave me dead first!!” “想杀我!那么你就给我先去死好了!!” Yue Zhong vision one cold, him from a that pair of white god light wing show of exceedingly high tower third capturing, ray Blink , he presents before that demon demon at once directly the main body, a wild flame breaks toward that demon demon the main bang goes. 岳重目光一寒,将他从通天塔第三层夺得的那一双白色神光之翼一展,一道光芒闪烁,他旋即直接出现在了那魅魔之主身前,一记荒炎破向着那魅魔之主轰去。 Do not kill me!! I want, when your maidservant!!” In the master eye of that demon demon flashes through wipes the panic-stricken color, flatters a technique show, has sent out miserable, can make the iron man for the sound of entreaty it moves. “不要杀我!!我愿意当你的女奴!!”那名魅魔之主眼中闪过一抹惊恐之色,媚术一展,发出了楚楚可怜,能够令铁人为之动心的哀求之声。 Death!” “死!” Yue Zhong does not have the half minute to show tender affection, a fist bang has broken to pieces all defense principles of Lord of that demon demon, fights with the fists to explode her body directly, the flame of number fires the ashes the Lord of this demon demon at once, does not remain the soul, only remaining side jet black ratios valuable mirrors. 岳重丝毫没有半分怜香惜玉,一拳轰碎了那魅魔之主的所有防御法则,将她的身体直接一拳打爆,数的火焰旋即将这魅魔之主烧成灰烬,连灵魂都不剩,只剩下一面漆黑比的宝镜。 Flatters!!” “媚儿!!” Bastard, you dared to kill me to flatter, I must tear to shreds you!”[ “畜生,你竟敢杀了我的媚儿,我要把你碎尸万段!”[ Bastard, the damn bastard, I must squeeze in the pot of Renshen boiling while still alive dead you!!!” “畜生,该死的畜生,我要将你塞入壬申之锅里面活活的煮死!!!” „......” “……” Five big evil spirits of that surviving main instantaneous wild, the strength of stimulation of movement principle rumbled toward Yue Zhong in abundance directly. 那残存的五大魔主瞬间狂暴,纷纷催动法则之力向着岳重直接轰了过来。 The Lord of demon demon is these five big demon main sweethearts, her charm deeply has charmed these five big demon hosts. At this time she was killed, naturally caused stalemates of these five big demon clans to be wild. 魅魔之主乃是这五大魔主的情人,她的魅力深深迷住了这五大魔主。此时她被杀,自然引起了这五大魔族的陷入狂暴。 Ha Ha!! Fellow of one crowd of bringing death, becomes the stepping-stone that I evolve!” “哈哈!!一群送死的家伙,成为我进化的踏脚石吧!” In the Yue Zhong eye cold light flashes, laughs crazily, a back white wing racket, changed to the rush star to break in that five big demon together main, having completely the flame principle to go toward that five big demon main direct bang. 岳重眼中寒光闪动,疯狂大笑,背后的白色羽翼一拍,化作一道道流星冲入了那五大魔主之中,带着尽火焰法则向着那五大魔主直接轰去。 God light wing is the velocity profile gold level treasure, by the strength stimulation of movement of Yue Zhong Ninth-Rank peak, his flying speed has even surmounted some small and weak true God level Expert. That five big demon main fundamental laws catch the Yue Zhong motion path, during several breath, three big evil spirits main are killed by the Yue Zhong direct bang at once easily, have fired the ashes. 那神光之翼乃是速度型的黄金级宝物,以岳重九阶巅峰的实力催动,他的飞行速度甚至超越了一些弱小的真神级强者。那五大魔主根本法捕捉到岳重的移动轨迹,几个呼吸之间,三大魔主旋即轻易就被岳重直接轰杀,烧成了灰烬。 Surviving advocation of Jeffrey of advocating peace of silk demon two big demon main shadow evil spirits sees the potential not to be wonderful, early fled the Yue Zhong side on use own treasure and ability, this escaped. 残存的两大魔主影魔之主和丝魔之主杰佛里见势不妙,早早就利用自己的宝物和能力逃离了岳重的身边,这才逃过一劫。 Jeffrey body in that black demon silk unceasing flashed before has been exuding sad and shrill ratio the sound of whinning: Everybody on, has killed him together!! If could not kill him, we become the stepping-stones that he evolved.” 杰佛里身体在那黑魔丝之中不断的闪现着发出了凄厉比的哀嚎之声:“大家一起上,杀了他啊!!要是杀不了他,我们就会成为他进化的踏脚石。” Everybody on, cannot make this Human Race continue evolve continuously together absolutely!” “大家一起上,绝对不能够让这个人族继续进化下去!” Has killed him!! Swallows his all!!” “杀了他!!吞噬他的一切!!” „......” “……” Saw the second that Yue Zhong four dread has killed Expert of three most step true God levels, has swallowed that three big Expert life vitality, other half true God level Expert could not sit still finally. 看到岳重肆忌惮的秒杀了三大半步真神级的强者,吞噬了那三大强者的生命元气,其余的半步真神级强者终于坐不住了。 A golden train from the underground ascension, is bringing steam completely suddenly, is treading the yellow golden empty track, has hit toward Yue Zhong directly. 一辆黄金列车骤然从地下升腾而起,带着尽的蒸汽,踏着黄金色的虚轨道,向着岳重直接撞了过去。 That golden train appears, that yellow golden empty track at once with the Yue Zhong link in one, in has not hit the Yue Zhong beforehand that gold train to pass through void unceasing tracing, finally hits the smashing Yue Zhong. 那黄金列车一显现,那黄金色的虚轨道旋即与岳重链接在了一起,在没有撞中岳重之前那黄金列车会一直穿越虚空不断追踪,最终将岳重撞成粉碎。 Throws over the black Chinese-style gown to be wielded by the Expert big hand that the completely black air/Qi covers, a huge black box departs baseless, huge compared with the strength of space sweeps across crazily, has formed lock of the space of planes, goes toward the Yue Zhong bang. 一名披着黑色袍子被尽黑气笼罩的强者大手一挥,一个巨大的黑色盒子凭空飞出,庞大比的空间之力疯狂席卷而出,形成了一面面空间之锁,向着岳重轰去。 A look is beautiful, wears an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman of red coral clothes to grasp a golden big conch to blow toward Yue Zhong, the terror peerless beaming sound wave rumbles together toward Yue Zhong. 一名相貌美艳绝伦,身穿一身红色珊瑚衣的绝色美女手持一只黄金大海螺向着岳重一吹,一道恐怖绝伦的集束声波向着岳重轰来。 Counts Expert to get rid, displays ability respectively, goes toward the Yue Zhong direct bang. 强者纷纷出手,各自施展异能,向着岳重直接轰去。 Expert of that troop half true God level collaborates, is Expert of true God level is also hard to resist. 那一大群半步真神级的强者联手,就是真神级的强者也难以抵挡。 Counts the attack of Expert facing that Yue Zhong coldly smiles, a back god light wing racket, changed to a rush star to break in the river of that blood essence directly. 面对那数强者的攻击,岳重冷冷一笑,背后的神光之翼一拍,化作一道流星直接冲入了那精血之河之中。 The attack of that number also directly rumbled into the river of that blood essence. 那数的攻击也直接轰入了那精血之河之中。 The river of that blood essence is by the true God level Expert blood set, has the greatest prestige energy, the strength of principle performs. After poor attack bang enters the river of that blood essence, at once has been swallowed majority of Strength by that yellow golden blood, many true God blood direct evaporation.[ 精血之河乃是由真神级强者的血液集合而成,拥有莫大的威能,尽的法则之力。穷的攻击轰入那精血之河之后,旋即被那黄金色的血液吞噬了大部分的力量,也将不少真神血液直接蒸发。[ Damn!! Your these ants, die!!” “该死!!你们这些蝼蚁们,都去死吧!!” Suddenly, explodes from the river of that blood essence projects number gold arrows, in many Expert bang toward sky goes, in an instant, passes through four Ninth-Rank Expert. 骤然之间,从那精血之河之中爆射出数黄金箭矢,向着天空之中的诸多强者轰去,一个刹那之间,又将四名九阶强者贯穿。 Then was shot through four Ninth-Rank Expert of body to call out pitifully by the golden blood, has fallen into the blood river directly. 那被黄金血液射穿身体的四名九阶强者惨叫一声,直接掉入了血河里面。 That four Ninth-Rank Expert fall into the blood river to be extracted at once, turned into four dry corpses. 那四名九阶强者一掉入血河旋即被抽取一空,变成了四具干尸。 Expert anger of-and-a-half true God levels exclaimed: Destroys this blood river!! Only is destroying the strip blood river, we can step into exceedingly high tower next!!!” 一名半步真神级的强者怒吼道:“摧毁这条血河!!只有摧毁着条血河,我们才能够踏入通天塔下一层!!!” Entire exceedingly high tower fourth one blood river, as well as above blood river dense and numerous god blood lotus seed. These Ninth-Rank Expert are clear, if wants Enter exceedingly high tower fifth to destroy this blood river to be good. 整个通天塔第四层只有一条血河,以及血河之上密密麻麻的神血莲子。这些九阶强者都清楚,要想进入通天塔第五层只有摧毁这条血河才行。 Ninth-Rank Expert get rid, were containing the attack bang of strength of principle above that blood river, that blood river blood essence of direct little evaporation above god. 一名名九阶强者纷纷出手,一道道蕴含着法则之力的攻击轰在了那血河之上,将那血河之上的神之精血直接一点点的蒸发。 If the Common rivers, any Ninth-Rank Expert move can destroy directly. But is condensed the river of blood becomes by the true God level Expert blood, actually can only rub slowly. Only then these have Expert of flame principle to be able that god's blood to burn down are quicker. 若是普通的河流,任何一名九阶强者一招都能够直接摧毁。可是由真神级强者血液凝聚而成的血液之河,却只能够慢慢磨。只有那些拥有火焰法则的强者能够将那神之血液焚烧更加快些。 Under that many Expert joint effort, that blood river was evaporated gradually, the golden arrows might that inside ominous demon projects also starts to be weaken. 在那诸多强者的合力之下,那条血河逐渐被蒸发,里面的凶魔射出的黄金箭矢威力也开始减弱。 Damn bastard, great Mork was angry. You must die!!” “该死的混蛋,伟大的卡莫克愤怒了。你们都要死!!” In that blood river, has transmitted angry roaring, a that bloodshed tuck dive, dry corpses shoot up to the sky from that bloodshed, in many Ninth-Rank Expert toward sky throws directly. 在那血河之中,传来了一声愤怒的咆哮,紧接着那血海一阵翻腾,一具具干尸从那血海底部冲天而起,向着天空之中的诸多九阶强者直接扑去。 These dry corpse each had the terrifying speed of boundary of Ninth-Rank High Level, moreover dense and numerous generally turns toward Ninth-Rank Expert in sky to attack on as if zombies, although flies half to have the massive dry corpses to be rumbled the smashing by Expert of these half true God levels, in falling blood river. But before still many golden dry corpses fly has been lower than half step true God level the Expert body, makes an effort to rip, rips the smashing these Expert, the blood sprinks in the blood river. 那些干尸每一具都拥有了九阶高级之境的恐怖速度,而且密密麻麻就仿佛丧尸一般向着天空之中的九阶强者攻去,虽然飞到一半就有大量的干尸被那些半步真神级的强者轰成粉碎,掉落血河之中。可是依然有不少黄金干尸飞到了一些低于半步真神级的强者身前,用力一撕,将那些强者撕成粉碎,鲜血撒落血河之中。 Dry corpses and these clan Expert both crazy battles in one, frigid. 干尸和那些各族强者两者疯狂的厮杀在了一起,惨烈之极。 Moreover one side, Yue Zhong falls in that blood river, the strength of terrifying attracting absorbing transmits from, turned toward the deep place of that blood river to draw him directly.( To be continued......) 另外一边,岳重一掉落那血河之中,一股恐怖的吸摄之力从下方传来,将他直接向着那血河的深处拉了下去。(未完待续……)
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