GADW :: Volume #8

#1218: Powerhouse who the second kills half step true God level!

Yue Zhong also induced said flood Strength that in the door of that space spread, in the heart also an excitement, directly flew toward the door of that space: „The door of this space real!” 岳重也感应道了那扇空间之门之中传出的滂沱力量,心中也不禁一阵激动,向着那扇空间之门直接飞去:“这扇空间之门是真的!” During several breath, majority of Expert has gone through the door of that space, has six to wear Expert of black Chinese-style gown to stand merely in void. 几个呼吸之间,大部分的强者都已经穿过了那扇空间之门,仅仅只有六名身穿黑色袍子的强者站立在虚空之中。 A whole body covers the Expert god in black robe reads sweeps: They walked!” 一名浑身都笼罩在黑袍之中的强者神念一扫:“他们都走了!” Happen to carries on our plans!” “正好进行我们的计划!” „!”[ “出发!”[ „......” “……” That six black robe Expert turned toward the direction that golden giant was at to fly suddenly. 那六名黑袍强者骤然向着那黄金巨人所在的方向飞了过去。 During several breath, Expert of that six black robe overtakes that to escape from dozens kilometers golden giant at once. 几个呼吸之间,那六名黑袍的强者旋即追上了那名已经逃出了数十公里的黄金巨人。 Has seen the master!” “见过主人!” Before Expert of that six black robe arrived at Mannu's body, at once kneels to lie on the ground directly, toward that Mannu respectful [say / way]. 那六名黑袍的强者来到了阿曼诺的身前,旋即直接跪趴在了地上,向着那阿曼诺恭恭敬敬道。 Mannu vision ice-cold, has swept the Expert sinking sound track of that six black robe: Is very good, you came finally. The thing that I want, did you bring?” 阿曼诺目光冰冷,扫了那六名黑袍的强者沉声道:“很好,你们终于来了。我要的东西,你们带来了吗?” Thing that master, you need, we collected completely.” The Expert everyone of that six black robe took out a yellow golden jar to place the ground from the hand respectfully. “主人,您需要的东西,我们已经收集齐全。”那六名黑袍的强者每个人从手中取出了一个黄金色的瓶子恭恭敬敬的放在了地上。 A Mannu hand move, inhales in that six golden jars the hand at once entirely, its hand wields, the bottle cap of that six golden jars opens, one looked toward inside, in the eye is full of the wild with joy color: „The blood and true God true God will and true God bone, true God painstaking care and juice of true God fruit Spirit brand mark and true God. Very good, had these treasures. In addition I ten thousand years of a savings in this exceedingly high tower, I can step forward finally that step, becomes Expert of true God level.” 阿曼诺手一招,旋即将那六个黄金瓶子统统吸入手中,它手一挥,那六个黄金瓶子的瓶盖打开,向着里面一看,眼中充满狂喜之色:“真神之血、真神的意志、真神的精神烙印、真神之骨、真神心血、真神果的汁液。很好,有了这些宝物。加上我在这通天塔之中万年的积蓄,我终于可以跨出那一步,成为真神级的强者。” Your six, are very good. After waiting for great Mannu to become the true God, will not treat unjustly you absolutely.” “你们六个,很好。等伟大的阿曼诺成为真神之后,绝对不会亏待你们。” Mannu smiles haughtily, big mouth, has inhaled in that six golden jars its mouth directly. 阿曼诺狂傲一笑,大口一张,将那六个黄金瓶子直接吸入了它的口中。 After that six golden jar induction ports, from Mannu's body, projects golden chains suddenly, toward Ninth-Rank gold skeleton one volume that these encircle. Directly was involved in these Ninth-Rank gold skeletons its body. 将那六个黄金瓶子吸入口中之后,从阿曼诺的身体之中,骤然射出一条条金色的锁链,向着那些围过来的九阶黄金骷髅一卷。将那些九阶黄金骷髅直接卷入了它的身体之中。 In an instant. Dozens Ninth-Rank gold skeletons were held to be involved in Mannu's body. 一个刹那之间。就有数十头九阶黄金骷髅被抓住卷入了阿曼诺的身体之中。 From that Mannu's mouth, sprayed silk thread one after another, surrounded all round, has formed a giant golden cocoon. 从那阿曼诺的口中,喷射出了一条又一条的丝线,将自己团团的环绕,形成了一个巨大的黄金茧。 That golden cocoon is sending out the strange fluctuation. Is operating the golden skeleton of number gold chains in toward this world, 那黄金茧散发着诡异的波动。操纵着数黄金锁链向着这个世界之中的黄金骷髅、 Ninth-Rank Crystal Core curls. These golden skeleton and Ninth-Rank Mutant Beast Crystal Core entirely involve in. 九阶晶核卷去。将那些黄金骷髅、九阶变异兽晶核统统的卷入其中。 Soon. Entire exceedingly high tower third on only remaining the egg of that gold, simultaneously the egg of that gold also in unceasing pulsation, evolving. 不久。整个通天塔第三层就只剩下了那个黄金之卵,同时那个黄金之卵也在不断的脉动,进化着。 Yue Zhong Enter exceedingly high tower fourth. At once sees to make him shock ratio. 岳重进入通天塔第四层。旋即看见了令他震骇比的一幕。 Sees only that exceedingly high tower fourth is river of the shining gold, the river of that gold is not long, has more than 100 kilometers merely, wide also merely has about five kilometers, is in the river of that gold, takes to fill terrifying ratio Strength. 只见那通天塔第四层乃是一条金灿灿的黄金之河,那条黄金之河并不长,仅仅只有100多公里,宽也仅仅只有五公里左右,可是那黄金之河中,取弥漫着恐怖比的力量 Yue Zhong induces in the river of that gold is containing true God level Expert to fluctuate, in the heart has been full of the color of shocking: This is true God level Expert blood essence!! The river of blood essence the day, after the river of this gold unexpectedly is true God level Expert falls from the sky, forms, was too inconceivable. Can this river, how many true God level Expert die to form such rivers?”[ 岳重感应着那黄金之河之中蕴含着的真神级强者波动,心中充满了震骇之色:“这是真神级强者精血!!天啊,这条黄金之河竟然是真神级强者陨落之后形成的精血之河,太不可思议了。这条河,要陨落多少真神级强者才能够形成这样河流?”[ Above blood river that in that becomes by the true God level Expert blood gathering, is growing blood lotuses, above that blood lotus, is growing the millennium god blood lotus seed. 在那由真神级强者鲜血汇聚而成的血河之上,生长着一朵朵血莲,在那血莲之上,长着一颗颗千年神血莲子。 These millennium god blood lotus seed are buy in true God level Expert blood essence to be born after the millenniums by the god blood lotus, but treasure, each precious ratio. If places the outside, a god blood lotus seed can make Sixth-Rank Expert break through again and again, becomes Eighth-Rank peak Expert in several days Advanced/Evolved. 那些千年神血莲子乃是由神血莲吸纳真神级强者精血经过千年才能够诞生而出的宝物,每一枚都珍贵比。若是放在外界,一枚神血莲子就能够让一名六阶强者连连突破,在短短几天进阶成为八阶巅峰的强者 Half Ninth-Rank Expert takes one, can break through directly , to promote into half god level Expert. 半步九阶强者服用一枚,直接能够突破,晋升成为半神级强者 Even if Ninth-Rank Expert takes, can gain the enormous advantage. If Expert of-and-a-half true God levels can every day take one millennium god blood lotus seed to continue for 10,000 years simultaneously the unceasing practice, 40% probability breakthrough bottlenecks, promote into the true God. 就算是九阶强者服用,也能够获得极大的好处。如果一名半步真神级的强者能够每天服用一枚千年神血莲子持续10000年同时不断的修炼,就有40%的几率突破瓶颈,晋升成为真神。 If Expert of half true God level wants to promote into the true God level Expert difficultly such as to ascend to heaven, for several thousand years entire Deity Great World adds on 800 macrocosms to promote into the true God level Expert to be few. The effectiveness of this god blood lotus seed, makes half step true God level Expert go crazy sufficiently. 半步真神级的强者要想晋升成为真神级的强者难如登天,数万年来整个天神大世界加上800大世界之中晋升成为真神级的强者都屈指可数。这神血莲子的效用,足以让半步真神级的强者发狂。 Almost does not have any hesitation, Expert in abundance threw toward the millennium god blood lotus seed in river of that god blood directly. Yue Zhong is no exception. God blood lotus seed, two can accomplish Ninth-Rank Expert preciously, naturally also lets the Yue Zhong heart movement. 几乎没有任何犹豫,一名名强者纷纷的向着那神血之河中的千年神血莲子直接扑了过去。就连岳重也不例外。那神血莲子珍贵之极,两枚就能够造就一名九阶强者,自然也让岳重心动不已。 Vitalities the big hand rushes to be first grasps in abundance toward the position that these millennium god blood lotus seed are. 一只只元气所化的大手争先恐后的向着那些千年神血莲子所在的位置纷纷抓去。 Go away, one flock of ants!!” “滚开,一群蝼蚁们!!” With sound of the roaring, from that golden bloodshed, departed to cover the blood snake of principle of blood suddenly, shot up to the sky, rumbled these vitality great hands directly collapses. 伴随着一声怒吼之声,从那黄金血海之中,骤然飞出了一条条笼罩着血之法则的血蛇,冲天而起,将那些元气巨手直接轰得崩溃。 Simultaneously in an instant, that bloodshed has burnt suddenly, limit close true God level the golden blood from the pores of the feet to explode to shoot from that bloodshed, in many Expert direct bang toward sky goes. 同时一个刹那之间,那血海骤然燃烧了起来,一道道限接近真神级的黄金血箭从那血海之中爆射而出,向着天空之中的诸多强者直接轰去。 Under the bombardments of arrows of these blood, that fights close suppresses Yue Zhong the Lord of war demon to be passed through by golden arrows completely suddenly together, sends out the sad and shrill ratio pitiful yell: „!! Saves me!!” 在那些血之箭矢的轰击之下,那名贴近战完全压制岳重的战魔之主骤然被一道黄金箭矢贯穿,发出凄厉比的惨叫:“啊!!救我!!” After that fights the Lord of demon that golden arrows passes through, the golden blood of its within the body at once is similar to the rivers generally turns toward under to fall, its body one becomes the withered ratio, the Strength crazy drop, draws out that golden arrows strength to vanish continually does not see, the whole person turns toward below blood river to crash to go directly. 那名战魔之主被那黄金箭矢贯穿之后,它体内的黄金血液旋即如同河流一般向着下方落下,它的身体一下变得干瘪比,力量疯狂下降,连拔出那黄金箭矢的力气都消失不见,整个人直接向着下方的血河坠落而去。 Sees this one, other seven big demon main complexions change suddenly, uses the secret technique, fights the Lord of rescue demon toward that. 见此一幕,其余的七大魔主脸色骤然大变,纷纷施展秘术,向着那名战魔之主救援。 That shade demon the principal velocity is strangest, in an instant, already unconventional that war demon main shadow, jumped to fight the demon the main back, put out a hand to grasp toward that golden arrows. 那影魔之主速度最为诡异,一个刹那之间,就已经通脱那战魔之主的影子,跳跃到了战魔之主的背后,伸手向着那黄金箭矢抓去。 Happen, you died!” “正好,你们两个都去死好了!” From void, has transmitted one suddenly strangely compared with the sound, puts on Yue Zhong of stealth armor to start suddenly, was similar to meteor common direct fist bang in that shade demon above the main body. 从虚空之中,突然传来了一个诡异比的声音,穿着隐身铠甲的岳重骤然发动,如同流星一般直接一拳轰在了那影魔之主的身体之上。 The bang of bang, that shade demon the main body blasts open once more, the blood scatters, its remnant body tremor, vanishes directly does not see, behind appears from another demon basic shell Expert. 轰的一声巨响,那影魔之主的身体再次炸裂开来,鲜血四溅,它的残躯一阵颤动,直接消失不见,从另外一名魔主级强者身后出现。 The Lord of that shade demon is eight evil spirits main in most one that is difficult to kill, the sneak attack of Yue Zhong also can only its heavy losses, the law striking kill. Expert of half true God level must the whole body be crushed can kill, otherwise, even if only leaves behind together the flesh and blood, they can rapid Regeneration . 那影魔之主乃是八魔主之中最难杀的一个,岳重的偷袭也只能够将其重创,法将之击杀。半步真神级的强者必须全身被粉碎才能够杀死,否则,就算只留下一块血肉,它们都能够迅速的再生 The wild flame broken! 荒炎破! Struck to cause heavy losses to the Lord of shade demon, in the Yue Zhong eye one cold, a fist bang in that has fought the demon above the main head, terrifying Devil Flame erupted, hit to explode the Lord of that war demon directly, covers in that agitated flame. 一击重创了影魔之主,岳重眼中一寒,一拳轰在了那头战魔之主的头颅之上,恐怖的魔炎爆发而出,将那战魔之主直接打爆,笼罩在那汹汹的火焰之中。 Before the Lord of that war demon, caused heavy losses by that strange golden blood from the pores of the feet, at this time the resistivity fell the bottom, in the sound of that pitiful calling out, turned into pile of ashes quickly, merely only remaining Ninth-Rank Crystal Core. 那战魔之主之前已经被那诡异黄金血箭重创,此时抵抗力降到了最低点,在那悲惨的嚎叫之声中,很快化成了一堆灰烬,仅仅只剩下一枚九阶晶核 In the instance of Lord of death that war demon, together the abundant ratio, simultaneously contained one not to extinguish the state of mind deep meaning the life vitality to submerge Yue Zhong within the body at once directly.[ 就在那战魔之主死亡的瞬间,一道充沛比,同时蕴含着一丝不灭神魂奥义的生命元气旋即直接没入了岳重的体内。[ In the Yue Zhong knowledge sea, the bang of bang, as if broke any general, broke through the bottleneck directly, Enter the boundary of Ninth-Rank peak, he knew the sea that infant of state of mind to have in a big way, as if Yue Zhong of diminished version sat cross-legged in his knowledge sea. 岳重的识海之中,轰的一声巨响,仿佛打破了什么一般,直接突破瓶颈,进入九阶巅峰之境,他识海之中的那神魂之婴有大了一圈,仿佛一个缩小版的岳重盘坐在他的识海之中。 No!!” “不!!” Damn human race!!” “该死的人类!!” Has killed him!!” “杀了他!!” „......” “……” Looks that the Lord of that war demon was fired the ashes by Yue Zhong, that surviving Expert of seven demon basic shells both eyes were red immediately, have exuded angry ratio the sound of roaring, turned toward Yue Zhong to launch the attack in abundance. 看着那战魔之主被岳重烧成灰烬,那残存的七名魔主级的强者顿时双眼赤红,发出了愤怒比的咆哮之声,纷纷向着岳重发动了攻击。 That eight big demon main usually mutually undermines in Deity Great World, kills one another, meets hits, has, if foe. But in this exceedingly high tower, they is actually the partner who can trust only mutually, now is killed by Yue Zhong unexpectedly directly, making in their hearts be full of the anger. 那八大魔主在天神大世界的时候平时相互拆台,自相残杀,见面即打,有若仇敌。可是在这通天塔之中,它们却是唯一能够相互信任的伙伴,现在竟然被岳重直接打杀,让它们的心中充满了愤怒。 Ha Ha!! I just once more broke through have promoted a small stair, happen to misses several matches. You come just right, stepping-stone when happen to I evolve!” “哈哈!!我刚刚再次突破晋升了一个小台阶,正好差几个对手。你们来得正好,正好当我进化的踏脚石!” Yue Zhong looked at seven big demon clan level Expert in sky, coldly is smiling, started the Skill Avatar technique, counts Yue Zhong Avatar suddenly for the first time presently, in seven big demon clan level Expert toward sky flew. 岳重望着天空之中的七大魔族级强者,冷冷一笑,发动了技能分身术,数岳重分身骤然乍现,向着天空之中的七大魔族级强者飞去。 At this time Yue Zhong Avatar is not these pierceds at the first thrust Avatar , to defeat Yue Zhong Avatar , that seven big demon clan Expert must consume Strength to launch the attack to be good. 此时岳重分身已经不是那些一戳就破的分身,要想击破岳重分身,那七大魔族强者也必须耗费一点力量发动攻击才行。 One crowd of trash, crush to me!” “一群垃圾,都给我粉碎吧!” Initiation of that ox head devil that huge great demon tomahawk drops from the clouds, an axe cuts to fall maliciously , the terrifying world vitality condensation became a giant axe shade counts a Yue Zhong Avatar bang toward under that. 那牛头恶魔之主催动那巨大的巨魔战斧从天而降,狠狠一斧斩落而下,恐怖的天地元气凝聚成为了一个巨大的斧影向着下方那数岳重分身一轰。 The axe shade of that terror falls, under counts Yue Zhong Avatar at once blasting open, finally collapsed completely, turned into the smashing. 那恐怖的斧影一落下,下方数岳重分身旋即一个个的炸裂开来,最终完全崩溃,化成了粉碎。 Was a pity that you slow one step, can die!” “可惜,你慢了一步,可以去死了!” In an instant, Yue Zhong very strange appearance before that ox head devil main body, a wild flame broken bang in that ox head devil above main head. 一个刹那之间,岳重十分诡异的出现在了那牛头恶魔之主的身前,一记荒炎破轰在了那牛头恶魔之主的头颅之上。 The bang of bang, a Yue Zhong fist bang has exploded that ox head devil the main body, was more formidable than four times of Demonic God Flame incessantly to erupt the past suddenly, the main body fragment burnt down into the ashes that ox head devil directly, burnt down the ash including the soul, did not remain. 轰的一声巨响,岳重一拳轰爆了那牛头恶魔之主的身体,比过去强大四倍不止的神魔炎骤然爆发而出,将那牛头恶魔之主的身体碎块直接焚烧成为灰烬,连灵魂都焚烧成灰,一点不剩。 Sees the Lord of that ox head devil by one of the Yue Zhong second of killing, on six big demon master faces of that surviving flashes through wipes the panic-stricken and desperate color.( To be continued......) 看见那牛头恶魔之主被岳重秒杀的一幕,那残存的六大魔主人人脸上闪过一抹惊骇和绝望之色。(未完待续……)
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