GADW :: Volume #8

#1217: Sly Mannu!

A look, in forehead is growing red crystal a Expert sinking sound track of Hongling Clan half true God level delicately and prettily: Mannu, we have completed the task, now the person here has been lower than half. Please turn on to the exceedingly high tower fourth channel.” 一名相貌俊美之极,眉心之中长着一颗红色晶体的红菱族半步真神级的强者沉声道:“阿曼诺阁下,我们已经完成了任务,现在在这里的人已经低于一半。请开启通往通天塔第四层的通道。” Had all gotten suspicious in this exceedingly high tower third Expert, moreover just slaughtered all low-order Expert extinguishes completely kills, over 50% people died here. Meets the opening exceedingly high tower fourth condition. 在这通天塔第三层的强者已经全都起了疑心,而且刚刚一阵厮杀将所有的低阶强者全部灭杀,已经有超过一半的人死在这里。符合开启通天塔第四层的条件。 Mannu toward that questioned that its fears a beast clan Expert finger of sinking sound track: „The dignity of god cannot be deceived, has killed him! So long as you have killed him, great Mannu on opening to the exceedingly high tower fourth channel.” 阿曼诺向着那名质疑它的恐兽族强者一指沉声道:“神的威严不容亵渎,杀了他!只要你们杀了他,伟大的阿曼诺就开启通往通天塔第四层的通道。” That fears the Expert complexion of beast clan to change suddenly, was roaring while whipped the wing to shoot up to the sky, attempted to be far away from this place: He is a swindler, making us collaborate to kill him, this can open to the exceedingly high tower fourth channel!” 那名恐兽族的强者脸色骤然大变,一边吼叫着一边拍打着翅膀冲天而起,企图远离此地:“他是一个骗子,让我们联手杀了他,这样才能够打开通往通天塔第四层的通道!” After the words that hears Mannu, dozens fear Expert that beast clan Expert has a grudge to get rid with that fears the Expert bang of beast clan to go toward that.[ 听到阿曼诺的话语之后,数十名与那恐兽族强者有仇的强者纷纷出手,向着那名恐兽族的强者轰去。[ Some murder number many Ninth-Rank Expert hesitant, in the eye the ominous light dodged, collaborates to fear Expert of beast clan to get rid toward that. 一些杀人数最多的九阶强者犹豫了一下,眼中凶光一闪,联手向着那恐兽族的强者出手。 Although not the clear Mannu's words are really false, but can extinguish kills -and-a-half true God levels Expert, competes to reduce an enemy for the later exceedingly high tower, regarding these Ninth-Rank Expert, is a very cost-effective matter. 虽然不清楚阿曼诺的话语到底是真是假,可是能够灭杀一名半步真神级的强者,为之后的通天塔争夺减少一个敌人,对于那些九阶强者来说,还是一件十分划算的事情。 Under the collaboration bombardment of that many Ninth-Rank Expert, Ninth-Rank Expert of that half true God level is rumbled at once is split up, completely was destroyed including the corpse. A vitality has not stayed behind. 在那诸多九阶强者的联手轰击之下,那名半步真神级的九阶强者旋即被轰得四分五裂,连尸体都完全被摧毁。一丝生机也没有留下。 Is very good, you completed great Mannu to give your duty. Now Mannu turns on to the exceedingly high tower fourth space channel for you.” “很好,你们完成了伟大的阿曼诺交给你们的任务。现在阿曼诺就为你们开启通往通天塔第四层的空间通道。” Mannu looks that half true God level Expert was collaborated the bang to kill by many Ninth-Rank Expert, in the eye flashes through wipes the different light, both hands lifts up high, the magnanimous space principle converges, a leaf jet black such as the space gate of black ink is opened at once directly. 阿曼诺看着那名半步真神级的强者被诸多九阶强者联手轰杀,眼中闪过一抹异光,双手高举,海量的空间法则云集,一扇漆黑如墨的空间门旋即被直接打开。 In Mannu eyes the different color break-up moves the sinking sound track: Please defer to order Enter this space gate, this space goalkeeper will open for 30 seconds, the time arrives, the space goalkeeper will close once more. Must undergo the blood irrigation again to open.” 阿曼诺眼中异光闪动沉声道:“请按照秩序进入这个空间门,这个空间门将会开启30秒,时间一到,空间门将会再次关闭。必须经过再一次的鲜血浇灌才能够打开。” Mannu's words have not fallen completely, black flowing light at once crazy flew toward that space door directly. 阿曼诺的话语还没有完全落下,一道道黑色的流光旋即疯狂的向着那扇空间门直接飞了进去。 The exceedingly high tower fourth first person of that enticement person can keep off. Even if before is, all people has anything to have doubts. When sees that space gate opened flash, their reason also collapsed. 通天塔第四层的第一人那个诱惑人能挡。就算是之前诸人有什么疑惑。当看见那个空间门被打开的一瞬间,他们的理智也都崩溃了。 Go away!!!” “滚开!!!” Keeps off me dead!!” “挡我者死!!” „......” “……” That shadow in that space gate the place of entrance, crazy bang oneself strongest strikes. 那一道道黑影在那空间门的入口之处,疯狂的轰出了自己最强的一击。 Number the strength of principle blasts open, many Expert are mutually wounded. Received the heavy injury. 数的法则之力炸裂开来,许多强者都两败俱伤。受了不轻的伤势。 In this moment. No one can according to the meaning of murder number lining up. All people rush to be first flew toward the black space channel. 在这一刻。谁也没有要按照杀人数排队的意思。所有人都争先恐后的向着黑色的空间通道之中飞了过去。 That first broke in the black biology of black space channel to exude a haughty laughter: Ha!! My Ni Simu is the first Enter exceedingly high tower fourth person, takes that step person certainly is I!!” 那名第一个冲入黑色空间通道的黑色生物发出了一声狂傲的笑声:“哈哈哈!!我倪思木是第一个进入通天塔第四层的人,迈出那一步的人一定是我!!” After Ni Simu intrudes that space channel, Expert also impatiently broke in that black space channel to vanish does not see. 在倪思木闯入那空间通道之后,一名名强者也都迫不及待的冲入了那黑色的空间通道之中消失不见。 Looks that Expert broke in that black space channel. That golden giant vision deep place flashes through wipes the ridicule. 看着那一名名强者冲入了那黑色的空间通道之中。那名黄金巨人目光深处闪过一抹嘲笑。 Yue Zhong when seeing that black space channel, in the heart is also an excitement, but he has had the doubts to that golden giant Mannu, therefore like that directly has not broken in that black space channel to other people, but is static float in void. 岳重在看见那黑色的空间通道之际,心中也是一阵激动,可是他一直对那黄金巨人阿曼诺心存疑惑,因此并没有向其他人那般直接冲入那黑色的空间通道之中,而是静静的悬浮在虚空之中。 In that exceedingly high tower third, was not all people greedily is charmed the eye, half true God Expert vision of some giant fierce and ambitious levels ice-cold looks that these were charmed Expert of eye to break in that black space channel greedily directly.[ 在那通天塔第三层之中,也并不是所有人都被贪婪迷住了眼睛,一些巨头枭雄级的半步真神强者都目光冰冷的看着那些被贪婪迷住了眼睛的强者直接冲入那黑色的空间通道之中。[ Mannu looks at these void float motionless various clan Expert, the complexion is slightly invariable, after is only 30 seconds, it gathers the hand at once, has closed that space channel, then continuation of surface expression is issuing the order: Space channel has been closed, to open once more, must offer sacrifices enough life. This time, can only have average person Enter exceedingly high tower fourth similarly, other half become the sacrificial offerings of opening exceedingly high tower fourth channel.” 阿曼诺看着那些虚空悬浮一动也不动的各族强者,脸色丝毫不变,只是30秒之后,它旋即将手一合,关闭了那个空间通道,然后面表情的继续发布着命令:“空间通道已经关闭,要想再次开启,必须献祭足够的生命。这一次,同样只能够有一般人进入通天塔第四层,其余一半则会成为开启通天塔第四层通道的祭品。” Mannu complexion is tranquil, the bonus is the giant fierce and ambitiouses of these half true God levels, cannot see its words is really the vacation. 阿曼诺脸色平静,饶是那些半步真神级的巨头枭雄们,也都根本看不出它的话语到底是真是假。 This time, the giant fierce and ambitiouses of these half true God levels are looking at each other mutually, vision are carrying on the exchange of secret mutually, has not gotten rid to slaughter. 这一次,那些半步真神级的巨头枭雄们相互对视着,一道道目光相互进行着隐秘的交流,并没有出手厮杀。 Suddenly, the secret god read together transmits to Yue Zhong: human race, this fellow who called Mannu was very sly and dangerous. Our beforehand gratitude and grudges, put down for the time being, after all and other true Enter exceedingly high tower fourth, said again.” 忽然之间,一道隐秘的神念传递给了岳重:“人类,这个叫阿曼诺的家伙十分狡猾和危险。我们之前的恩怨,暂且放下,一切等真正进入通天塔第四层之后再说。” Yue Zhong sweeps, at once had discovered what transmits the god to read to him is of Jeffrey eight demon hosts, he not hesitant, transmitted the past god of journeys to read directly: Good, after our gratitude and grudges true Enter exceedingly high tower fourth, solves again.” 岳重一扫,旋即发现了向他传递神念的正是八魔主之一的杰佛里,他没有犹豫,直接传递过去一道神念:“好,我们的恩怨等到真正进入通天塔第四层之后再解决。” This golden giant Mannu not only strength tyrannical ratio, but also to the extreme, had understood slyly uses contradictions between many Expert, sows dissension. Kills the endless Ninth-Rank ruby praying mantis group also to want the formidabe several points compared with the exceedingly high tower first that. Its several words, make massive Expert die, in did not have in the internal friction of significance, seriously sly savage to the extreme. 这个黄金巨人阿曼诺不但实力强横比,而且狡猾到了极点,懂得利用诸多强者之间的矛盾,进行挑拨离间。比通天塔第一层那杀之不尽的九阶红玉螳螂群还要难对付几分。它几句话,就让大量的强者死在了没有意义的内耗之中,当真狡猾凶残到了极点。 Dies after Mannu instigated Ninth-Rank Expert compared with Enter was exceedingly high the tower, Mutant Beast that because various tyrannical Mutant Beast attacks die wanted many several times to continue. 死在阿曼诺挑拨之下的九阶强者进入通天塔之后,因为各种强横变异兽攻击陨落的变异兽要多几倍不止。 A length of body reaches as high as 80 meters, is growing an octopus head, has 100 tentacles the interrogation of half true God level octopus person Expert sinking sound: Great Mannu, turned on the space channel a moment ago time, why hasn't assigned Enter according to the murder number?” 一名体长高达80米,长着一个章鱼头颅,拥有100条触手的半步真神级章鱼人强者沉声的质问道:“伟大的阿曼诺阁下,刚才开启空间通道的时候,为什么没有按照杀人数分配进入?” In Mannu eyes flashes through wipes cold light, toward octopus person Expert one finger of that half true God level, in the sound filled was dignified and great: You actually blasphemed great Spiritual God, the heinous crime!! Has killed it, who has killed it first, great Mannu once more starts the closure the space gate, lets your Enter exceedingly high tower fourth.” 阿曼诺眼中闪过一抹寒光,向着那名半步真神级的章鱼人强者一指,声音之中充满了威严和伟大:“你竟然亵渎伟大的神灵,罪该万死!!杀了它,谁最先杀了它,伟大的阿曼诺就再次开启关闭的空间门,让你们进入通天塔第四层。” This nobody responded Mannu's words, most people at the same time bang was killing these Ninth-Rank gold skeleton that attacked from the rear area, other Expert indifferently are watching Mannu's performance. 只是这一次没有一个人响应阿曼诺的话,大部分人都一边轰杀着那些从后方攻过来的九阶黄金骷髅,其余的强者都在冷漠的看着阿曼诺的表演。 A body covers the Expert vision gloomy sound cloudy and cold [say / way] in jet black cape: This fellow can determine that is fake goods. He can only through provoking us kills one another to defend this. Everybody collaborated to extinguish it. According to the past experience, after eliminating it, certainly can open exceedingly high tower fourth.” 一名身体笼罩在漆黑斗篷之中的强者目光阴沉声音阴冷道:“这个家伙可以确定是个冒牌货。他只能够通过挑动我们自相残杀来守住这一层。大家联手灭了它。根据过去的经验,消灭它之后,一定能够开启通天塔第四层。” The language finishes, that body covers the Expert big hand in jet black cape wields, Eighth-Rank Battle Robot baseless and presently, turn toward Mannu to rumble to go directly. 语毕,那名身体笼罩在漆黑斗篷之中的强者大手一挥,一架架八阶战斗机器人凭空而现,直接向着阿曼诺轰去。 That Expert begins by the jet black cape is covering, other Expert vision ice are in abundance cold, stimulates to movement the principle, evolves the number method to go toward the Mannu direct bang. 那名被漆黑斗篷笼罩着的强者一动手,其余的强者纷纷目光冰寒,催动法则,演化出数手段向着阿曼诺直接轰去。 Base and low outcastes!! Gets rid to great true God Mannu unexpectedly, this blasphemes the grave offense, now you surrender also with enough time. Otherwise will have the dead end.” In Mannu both eyes the none remaining flashed, exudes sound of the earthshaking great roar, both hands has wielded toward the sky, energy burst of one group of terrors, broke the bombardment of that everywhere Ninth-Rank Expert entirely. “卑微的贱民!!竟然对伟大的真神阿曼诺出手,这是亵渎重罪,现在你们投降还来得及。否则将只有死路一条。”阿曼诺双眼之中精光闪动,发出了一声惊天动地的巨吼之声,双手向着天空之中一挥,一团恐怖的能量爆发而出,将那漫天九阶强者的轰击统统震碎。 Broke the bombardments of many Expert, the position of Mannu chest heart projects cold light suddenly, the ray shoots up to the sky together, condensed around his body has formed a golden guard shield. 震碎了诸多强者的轰击,阿曼诺胸口心脏的位置骤然射出一道寒光,光芒冲天而起,在他的身体周围凝聚形成了一个黄金护罩。 The bombardment of that massive half true God level Expert directly was blocked by that golden guard shield, making all half true God levels in the Expert eye flash through wipes color with amazement. 那大量半步真神级强者的轰击都被那黄金护罩直接挡住,让所有半步真神级的强者眼中都闪过一抹骇然之色。 Is Expert of true God level?” “难道是真神级的强者?” Must know that half true God level Expert here has gathered 800 world majority of half true God level Expert, their collaborations can rumble to kill any do not have promote to enter existence of true God level Expert, now their attack is blocked unexpectedly, naturally let in many Expert hearts the vacillation ratio. 要知道,在这里的半步真神级强者乃是集合了800世界大部分的半步真神级强者,他们的联手能够轰杀任何没有晋入真神级强者的存在,现在他们的攻击竟然被人挡住,自然让诸多强者心中动摇比。 Above that body covers a Expert anger of tattered Chinese-style gown to exclaim: No? It possibly is not Expert of true God level, otherwise, will not induce somebody to capitulate us absolutely. Moreover we, since has gotten rid to it, if it is really Expert of true God level, we have affronted its dignity , can only be killed cleanly by it. Now we had been compelled in dead end, can only collaborate the bang to kill it!!” 那名身体之上笼罩着一层破烂袍子的强者怒吼道:“不?它不可能是真神级的强者,否则,绝对不会劝降我们。而且我们既然已经对它出手,如果它真是真神级的强者,我们冒犯了它的威严,也只能够被它杀得干净。现在我们已经被逼到绝路上了,只能够联手轰杀了它!!” Listened to that body to cover in roaring of tattered Chinese-style gown inside Expert, in the Expert hearts of other clans certain, stimulated to movement the strength of various principles crazily went toward the Mannu direct bang. 听了那名身体笼罩在一层破烂袍子里面的强者的怒吼,其余各族的强者心中一定,催动各种法则之力疯狂的向着阿曼诺直接轰去。 That surface expression has sat above throne, the Mannu complexion big change of as if high above true God, one has stood finally, the personal appearance flashes, runs away toward the distant place, 那一直面表情坐在王座之上,仿佛高高之上真神的阿曼诺终于脸色大变,一下站了起来,身形闪动,向着远方逃去, The inadequate true God, resists besieging of one -and-a-half crowds of true God level Expert by how tyrannical fellow also law, especially Expert of these half true God levels have the massive gold level treasure.[ 不成真神,论多么强横的家伙也法抵挡一群半步真神级强者的围攻,特别是那些半步真神级的强者还拥有大量的黄金级宝物。[ Some small and weak true God level Expert also methods stand in same place, whatever one crowd grasps the gold level treasure half true God level to besiege. 就连一些弱小的真神级强者也法站在原地,任凭一群手持黄金级宝物的半步真神级围攻。 Mannu runs away, that golden throne that since it sits splits suddenly, a white ray shoots up to the sky, condensed in the midair presented one leaf with first and second mold yyng the gate of space. 阿曼诺一逃,从它坐着的那张黄金王座骤然裂开,一道白色的光芒冲天而起,在半空之中凝聚出现了一扇与第一层、第二层一模yyng的空间之门。 Came out!! This leads to the gate of exceedingly high tower fourth space!!” “出来了!!这才是通往通天塔第四层的空间之门!!” Saw after the door of that space appears, all Expert excited, changed to stream of light to overrun toward the door of that space in abundance, has flown into the door of that space.( To be continued......) 看到那扇空间之门出现之后,所有的强者都兴奋了起来,纷纷化作一道流光向着那扇空间之门冲了过去,飞入了那扇空间之门之中。(未完待续……)
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